Okay I am really sorry to all my devoted readers, but this is just another note but I would really like for you to read it. Now you all know that I have recieved my share of flames for this story but this one definitely takes the cake. Here it is:

Why the hell would I be interested in your new fic when you can't even finish

this one?! You've left your fans to either give up, get angry at you or delete

your story from their laptops because THEY ARE SICK OF WAITING FOR YOU TO

UPDATE!! And when you do finally update it's some stupid note saying that you

have another story. Why should I care about your new story?!! Give me one good

reason why??

You should be ashamed to just your work drop off the face of the earth like

without some bloody note telling us your intentions. Why bother putting it back

on fanfic if you're not going to use it?? No wonder it got deleted! It's just

taking up space.

Firstly I would like to start off by saying to this 'Annom.' (that's what the bastard wants to call themselves) GO TO HELL!! You'd hate it if I was freaking emotionally unstable or suicidal cause I know if I were that would have thrown me over the freaking edge! I am damn sure that I am not the only freaking author on this sight that updates their stories slow. I am sorry If I have a life or type slow!! NOT!!! I am not freaking sorry for anything you accused me of in your 'flame'. Oh and while writing this story I also found out that my dad had cancer, I had a disease and that my mum had to get an operation! So I freaking hope that that flame made you happy because I think you won't sleep well for a while. You really need to think before you open your fat ass mouth!! Okay now in the first paragraph you say that I shouldn't post notes on MY story and then you say that I should post a note telling you what I am doing! Get screwed and get a life! So I couldn't decide on what to do with the end of my story, it seems that you are a little indecisive yourself! THIS IS MY STORY AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT WITH IT!! I write in my SPARE time so excuse me if I don't have much of it!! These last few months have been hell and I have tried my best to get through it and keep writing because it was fun and it made me happy but it is people like you that writers want to… hurt really bad and your flame just made it so much freaking better your wanker! I really hope you read this and feel as bad as I did when I read your flame! You have taken the fun out of writing and have also taken this too seriously so yes you should get a life and invest in a punching bag to vent your anger.

Go to hell


PS- Again to all my other reviewers I love you guys and I am sorry you had to read that but like I said before you don't have to read my new fic!