Disclaimer: sits on ground I don't own anything of Romiko Takhashi's ok!

A/N : this here was a story I just thought of out of the blue and I hope you love it so sit back relax and enjoy the story .

Chapter One: The vary beginning of my troubles

Kagome POV:

" We are in the middle of a battle with Naraku and so far it's not looking too well, Songo is really hurt, Miroku can't use his wind tunnal because he is poisoned from the Samyosho and is close to death and Inuyasha is losing a lot of blood."

End of POV

" Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled across the field. "The Jewel is in his stomach!"

" As if I can get their Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled as he fell on one knee trying to catch his breath.

Kagome hurried and rushed to his side almost in medially after he fell unconscious. "Inuyasha! Please don't leave me here alone! I can't do this on my own!" She yelled at the hanyou while sobbing really hard.

Kagome seemed to be the only one who was not hurt, and now she has to fight this battle on her own but how? She was all out of arrows. As Kagome Kept dodging all the demons attacks until Naraku punched Kagome sending her into a nearby tree with a deep cut in her side.

Kagome then found one of her arrows and picked it up while she tried to stand up on her weak legs and run to her bow.

" Looks like the Miko is too weak to stand up my lord, what action would you like me to take?"

" Let me kill her kagura I still have my score to settle with her since she just took half of my shikon jewel." Naraku said in a deep growl as he walked over to Kagome and picked her up by her throat. Kagome struggled against his grasp as his claws stated to enter her flesh. Kagome took the arrow she had in her hand and pierced it into his eye.

" Take this you basterd!" Kagome yelled as she pushed it further into his eye while it started to glow. Kagome then kicked him off her as she ran for Sango's sword and stabbed him in the stomach as he went to reach for her once more. Kagura then picked Naraku up and flew off on her feather with him in her arms as he laid close to death.

Damn she almost had him killed, I could have finished him off but what if he survived? I would have been killed. Next time he won't be so lucky to live. But how was she able to take half of the shikon jewel from him? Oh well her having half has weakened him. Good cuz next time if they don't kill him I will. Kagura said to her self as Naraku lay in her arms sleeping.

(Back to Kagome)

Kagome ran over to Inuyasha side and grabbed his hand as she tried to shake him gently awake while tears streamed down her pale skin. "Inuyasha please wake up! Please wake up! Wake up! She screamed between violent sobs before a hand reached up and touched her cheek and wiped away her tears.

"Kagome. Your hurt badly, Are you ok?" Inuyasha asked as he sat up and pulled her into his arms.

" This is nothing but a scratch," Kagome said sarcastically as she buried her face into his Kimono.

" Oh trying to act tuff huh?" He said as he looked at the tear stricken women in his arms.

" No, I can never be stronger with out you by my side Inuyasha." " I was so scared that you were gonna die" Kagome said as she tightened her grip on him as he slowly picked her up bridle style and slowly put her on his back. Inuyasha then walked over to Miroku and Sango and put them on Kirara "Kirara be careful and fly slow ok?" He asked the twin tail as he softly petted her on her head. Inuyasha then picked up Shippo and carried him in his arms tightly in his arms so he would not drop him as he was running through the forest.

A/n: Sorry for such a short first chapter but the next one will get to the point of the whole story ok plz review and hope you all liked it Jane!

Kiddie Kida Kitsune