Chapter 7:

Chapter 7:

Hinting of the Truth


Jansen Maroen groans as he opens his eyes, feeling a faint coolness over his forehead.

"Sh. Don't move," Katalina Kirrick says, "You're bruised enough as it is."

He nods, closing his eyes at the familiar voice of his greatest friend's wife…and opens his eyes as he feels the tightness over his wrists.

He looks up, seeing his hands bound by rope to the bedframe, his ankles tied similar as he struggles. She sighs, placing her finger on his lips, Jansen wincing from the pain on his cuts and bruises.

"Where am I?", he demands, weakly, "In Ladon's name, what is this? Where is Jacobi?!"

"Six feet under," Erik says, standing in the doorway, "Where you put him."

Katalina shoots him a look, caring for Jansen's wounds as the grass-runner snorts, leaning against the doorframe.

"W…what are you talking about?", Jansen demands, "Katalina, what has happened? Where is-"

"Jacobi is dead, Jansen," she responds, wearily, bags visible under her eyes, "And you killed him."

Nina opens her eyes, groaning, gripping the pillow tightly as she looks across the room to the second bed. Ryu is rolling around in his sleep, in the midst of what is obviously a bad dream.

She climbs off of the bed, adjusting the collar of her nightgown as she walks to his bed, placing her fingers on his forehead…when his hand darts out, gripping hers.

His arms quickly wrap around her, Nina yelping in surprise as he crushes her against him, pulling her down onto the bed as she finds herself immobile against him.

"Ryu?", she asks.

He quickly opens his eyes, looking down to her, his face turning bright red as he releases her. He sits up, Nina sitting up in front of him as she wraps her wings around her shoulders.

"Nina…I'm sorry," he says, "I didn't mean to-"

"You were dreaming," she says, "About what?"

"It…it's nothing important," he says, his hand on hers, "Just a nightmare. Sorry. I'm really sorry-"

She places her finger on his lips, giggling.

"No need," she says, "I was just startled, that's all."

He lies back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She lies down next to him, tracing her gaze over his slightly glowing, exhausted face, tracing her finger over his jaw.

"Nina," he says, "What are you doing?"

"Seeing that you've been overexerting yourself," she responds, "You're exhausted, and worrying isn't helping you get any more sleep."

"I know that. I know…"

He sighs, closing his eyes.

She climbs off of the bed, sitting back on her own, watching him roll onto his side, and go back to sleep.

She sighs, shaking her head, and climbs back into her back to sleep, herself.

A nice, comfy bed, a roof over his head, a window to the world and a working bathroom. All the amenities he wants and needs.

Jack smiles to himself, taking off his jacket and placing it on the chair by the bed and night table, pulling off his boots, gravity belt, scabbard and shirt, massaging his tired shoulders as he walks to the window.

Back on the homeworld, the pollution would make for beautiful sunsets and crappy nights. You could never really see the stars. That always seemed kind of silly to him. A star-spanning, advanced civilization that could never see the stars from home.

Jack sighs, wistfully, looking up, wondering faintly which one of those gems in the sky is Yll, his home which he hates so much. He's left that all behind. It's better to scrape a living for yourself than to have everything served to you on a platter.

A knock on the door grabs his attention, Jack walking to the door and opening it…and quickly grabs his shirt, pulling it on when he sees his guest is his host.

"Your Majesty," he says, "Hello."

Kayla smiles, holding closed with one hand her lace nightrobe, smiling as her wings ruffle.

"Please, just Kayla," she says, "Jack, could I talk with you?"

"Oh, sure," he says, standing aside from the doorway, "About what?"

She walks in, tightly wrapping her wings around her before walking to the stone windowsill, taking the blinds and pulling them down. She walks over to the bed, sitting on it, patting the space next to her.

With a confused expression, he sits next to her, his hands fidgeting as he debates what to do.

"Jack, it's about those men you saved me from," she says, "I need to tell you everything. You've earned that much, at least."

She places her slender hand on his, the collar of her nightrobe falling slightly open and revealing some of the lace nightgown underneath. He tries to keep from staring at her perfect cleavage, her slightly tanned, perfect skin, keeping his eyes focused on her beautiful eyes.

"The Agniyans," she says, "Are an empire up north. They are cruel, and petty…bullies, all of them."

"I see…"

"Their Prince, Joshua, has been attempting to court me for…years, now."

"Can't you say no?"

"He's given me an ultimatum," she responds, "Share his bed or all of Windia shares his blade."

He grimaces, nodding.


"I…don't want to. But I won't let my people die. I cannot."

"There has to be some way to stand against him," he says, placing his hand on her arm, turning her to him, "Right?"

"His army could wipe out my entire country if he gave the order," she responds, tears running down her cheeks, "He's not the greatest power but he's a close second."

"Who is the power around here?"

"The Council of Clans," she says, "The leaders of the Clans who meet and decide how treaties should be executed, prevent wars and keep the peace between the different nations. To make sure that Highfort will not attack Auria, or that Tantar will not be attacked by the Plains Clan."

Her lips trembles, as she tucks her legs underneath her, the soles of her bare feet peaking out from under her gown.

"But they wouldn't dare move against the Agniyans," she says, a hint of disgust in her voice, "No, no they wouldn't. I was practically given as a peace offering to him. As soon as I was crowned Queen they came to convince me to marry him."

Her shoulders shake, as she takes her hand back, folding them tightly on her lap.

"He is a sick, cruel man," she says, "Raised to look down at others, to lead them by fear. He gets anything he wants…even me."

She looks down, hanging her head, trying to hide her sobs…

And he wraps an arm around her waist, turning her to him.

"Where I came from, we had stories like this," he says, gently sliding his finger under her chin, bringing her face up, meeting her eyes, "Where the beautiful lady would be forced into a marriage with a monster."

"And…what happened?", she asks.

"A handsome, dashing prince would come to save her from the monster."

He smiles, putting his arms around her.

"Now, I'm no Prince," he says, "But I can give it a try."

She smiles, a laugh finding its way through her sobs.

"You shouldn't," she says, "He'll cut you down in an instance."

"He can try."

She bites her lip, lying her head on his shoulder as she wraps her arms around him. Her wings wrap around them, Kayla moaning as his fingers touch her feathers.

She looks up, leaning in towards him, and brushes her lips against his. His arms become tighter around her, her fingers playing through his hair as her tongue takes in the life in his mouth.

His eyes go wide, a smile appearing on his lips as he returns the kiss, laying her down on the bed, his hands intertwining with his as they close their eyes, losing themselves in the other.

They end the kiss, their lips brushing against each other as they stare into each other's eyes for long moments.

"How improper is this?", he asks.

"Very. The Queen of Windia is only allowed to become involved with nobility."


"I'm the Queen. I can rewrite laws."

She pulls his head down, kissing him on his lips and chin, rolling him onto his back, sitting straight up and looking down to him.

She lies down next to him, lying her head on his chest.

"Kayla…what are you doing?"

"I can't sleep. I'm terrified that I'll wake up to find him there, over me…," she whispers, "Please, just let me stay here, tonight. I just want to feel safe."

He smiles, wrapping his arms tightly around her slender frame, lying on the covers with her, and is soon lulled to sleep by the sounds of her contented cooing.

Deis awakens in the dead of night to find a shadow in her doorway.

Not one of her eunichs, oh no. This one she's been expecting for a while. Partially afraid, partially elated, she gestures the figure forward, sitting up on her simple bed.

"Hello, there," she says, "Come over here."

The shadow moves, a long, blue-black cloak shifting about him as the visitor walks in front of her.

The visitor sits down next to her, pulling back the hood of the cloak…and revealing an aged face, with long, silver blue hair.

"Our thanks for receiving us, Deis," he says, "We art in thy debt."

"Please, speak normally. I know you can."

"…Yes, I can," he says, "Ryu's influence over me has had its impact. I talk like a common man on occasion. Much like he did."

"Yes. It has been a while since we have seen each other, my friend. You should not hold this over yourself. You need to let go of the guilt."

"Ryu's influence came too late, Deis," he says with a sigh, "I struck out too quickly. I should have waited."

"Yes…yes, you should have."

"I slew Cray," he says, "He attack me and I ran him through, and saw him die in the Princess's arms. She was begging me to give her back her Ryu. I turned and I walked away, in shame and in indifference. I made a mistake and I have been paying for it."

"One mistake, 900 years ago. The world changes, Fou Lou. Your crime, while horrible, can be forgiven with the good you have done."

"I have ended the Empire only to see it rise under a new banner. I restored the powers of this world's Brood, but now they hold the world in their grip. The Gods are not here to protect us, and Myria cannot be involved as the mother goddess. Things are not good."

"Things change."

"From the perspective of one who has locked herself away from the world," he says, "Do you miss being involved, Lady Deis? Do you miss making a difference?"

"Sometimes. Then I remember I don't sleep for 400 years at a time," she says with a smile, "Consider settling down."

"I tried, and the woman was tortured, murdered, and her body was thrown at me as an energy weapon," he says, clenching his eyes shut, "Please, Deis, you know better."

She nods, biting her lip.

"I know, Fou Lou," she says, "I'm sorry. But you made reparations."

"You have seen?"

"I have met the new Ryu, yes. He looks much like the older one. Your attempts at rectifying the past are charming."

He nods with a heavy sigh, placing his hand on hers.

"I must be going," he says, "Matters have been called to my attention."

She nods, patting his hand. And leans over, pecking him on the cheek.

"Don't be a stranger," she says, "I will be in these parts."

He blushes, faintly, standing, and runs a hand through her hair.

And fades away without another word.

To his surprise, Jack finds Kayla still in his arms as he wakes up, the rising sun streaming through the window.

He smiles, running his fingers over her wings…

And she gasps, opening her eyes, looking up at him. And she lies her head on his chest, closing her eyes.

"Good morning," he says, "Sleep well?"

She nods, moaning, rolling over and onto her back, stretching out her arms…

And finds him leaning over her, leaning down and kissing her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She moans, closing her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck.

They say nothing as they end the kiss, Kayla moving her lips down his jawline, before placing her hands on his chest and holding him arm's length.

"Not now," she says, "Thank you, though. I needed last night."

"We barely did anything, last night," he says, laying on his side next to her, "Now what? Do you call off the engagement?"

"No…no, I can't. I just didn't want to think about it, for a while," she responds, "I should go. If I stay away too long, my attendants become worried. I tend to be predictable."

She climbs off of the bed, fixing her nightrobe. She begins walking to the door…

And an invisible tendril of energy wraps around her waist, pulling her back to the bed as she stands.

He tightly wraps his arms around her, cupping her head in his hands. She makes no protests, makes no motions to resist as he kisses her, deeply, passionately, again and again.

If the situation were different, if it were Joshua instead of this strange, odd man, she would have protested while his hands roamed over her, caressing her, ruffling her robe, stroking her wings.

She would have never responded to the taste of his tongue, to the feeling of his lips on her neck and chin. She would never have directed his hands towards the belt of her robe, only to be met by his head shaking, saying that it's too soon.

She would never have had a lingering smile on her face as she leaves the room, sighing as she leans against the closed door, before walking back to her chambers, and her duties as Queen.

Ryu moans as he awakens, sitting up to see Nina sitting by the window of the room, looking out wistfully.

He climbs out of bed, walking over, standing next to her, looking out over the town.

"See anything in particular?", he asks.

"Nothing much," she responds with a sigh, "We should see if Galen and Anna are up. We should get going to Windia."

She turns to him…

And hugs him, tightly, before walking out of the room.

He scratches his head, sighing, and turns back to the window, to see if he can spot what she found so fascinating…