=Author's note= I just wanted to say how sorry I am for taking sooooo long to get this next chapter out. I haven't been as obsessed with Hercules lately, and consequently I ran out of inspiration. Well, to make up for it, I've got one long chapter here for ya! :)
Thank you those of you who reviewed. You made me get my rear in gear and work on this story! hehe. Oh, and those of you who mentioned Persephone - I know about her. She's gonna be in my story too, don't worry. She'll be here eventually. Well, with that said, enjoy the chapter!

Hades was casually flipping the channels on his Taurtarus Vision (TV) when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Andromoda burst into the room in a fancy dress.
"Look! Isn't it just fabulous?" she giggled, spinning so the fabric sworled around her ankles.
"Nice. But you aren't supposed to wear your royal threads until we have company."
Andromoda shrugged and looked down at the deep blue dress. It was cut similar to Hades' tunic at the top and had the same pattern decorating the neckline. Around her waist a black sash hung, clipped to her hip with a skull broach.
Hades stood up from his t.v. and stretched. "If you're done playing dress-up, I need a little job done in Thebes."
"I'm ready for duty."
"Perfect!" He walked to the nearby window that overlooked the Styx, letting his gaze travel over the gloomy waters. "Okay, you know Hercules?"
"He's only the most famous person in Greece."
"Yeah, well, it seems to me that if we could get Herc to fall for a girl . . . who just so happened to be on my side . . ."
"But doesn't he all ready have a girlfriend?"
Hades scowled. "Yeah - Nutmeg."
"Megara," Hades corrected himself. He did not feel like explaining the whole story. "Anyway, just keep Jerkules busy and Pain 'n Panic will handle the rest."
"I'm on it," Andromoda replied as she exited with the two imps in tow.
Remembering something, Hades turned and shouted after the girl, "Change your clothes before you go!"


Andromoda wandered around the streets of Thebes, trying to formulate a plan. How on earth was she going to get close enough to talk to Hercules? No one knew she was the goddess of the Underworld - the Olympians had decided to keep that a secret. For what reason, Andromoda couldn't imagine, but it sure would have made things easier if she could let it be known that she was a goddess now. A sudden scream startled Andromoda out of her thoughts.
"Hercules is coming!" screamed one female fan.
"Get out of my way - I want to see him!"
Andromoda was nearly trampled by the crowd of screaming girls that scrambled to find a place near the road. They pushed her further and further away from the street and screamed louder as the hero approached.
Gathering up some courage, Andromoda shoved some people aside. "Well, here goes nothing." She took a deep breath and belted out, "Help! Hercules! Please help!"
Somehow Hercules heard her voice above the shrieks of his fans and turned in her general direction, scanning the crowd for the pleading girl.
"Help!" Andromoda finally broke through the multitude and tumbled into a mud puddle beside the hero.
"Are you all right, miss?" the he asked. He slid off his pegasus and approached her.
"Harpies," she wheezed, "Harpies . . . . attacked my town. Please help us."
Hercules carefully picked her up and cradled the weak woman in his arms. "Where?"
"Just north of Athens." She coughed. "Hurry, they're killing hundreds . . ." her body then went limp in his arms.
"Miss? Miss?" Hercules looked towards his trainer who was still sitting on Pegasus. "Phil, I have to go. Pegasus, her and Philloctetes back to the Villa and then come pick me up. We're going to Athens."
The creature whinnied in agreement and took to the skies.


When everything was quiet, Andromoda opened her eyes. She was in Hercules' Villa. Well, at least Hercules was away from Megara. That was all she had to do, right?
"Hey there, toots." Andromoda jumped and turned to see the owner of the gruff voice - a satyr. He winked at her. "Takes an awful lot of guts to do what you did." At her blank look, he elaborated, "I mean, to come all the way out here to get help for your people . . . "
She relaxed and gave him a worried smile. "I hope Hercules can get to them in time."
"He will, babe. He will," the satyr assured her. He crossed the floor to her and leaned against the couch she had been resting on. "So, what's your name?"
"A pretty name for a pretty girl." He placed a kiss on her hand. "I'm Philoctetes, but you can call me Phil."
She smiled at the satyr. "You're too kind."
"Would you like a drink?"
"If it's not too much trouble . . ."
"Of course not. I'll be back. You just relax."
When the satyr had left the room, Andromoda stood up and walked over to a small window. She caught a glimpse of a brown-haired girl out in the lush gardens surrounding the Villa. Since the woman seemed at home there, Ann reasoned that she must be Megara.
Footsteps approached her and she turned, expecting to see Phil. "Hercules!" Dang! How did he get back so fast?
The young hero wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Your village is safe. There weren't any harpies though. The people there said that there had never been any." He eyed her suspiciously.
"Oh, um, well, I . . ." Andromoda felt herself turning red. A scream from outside saved her from explaining.
"Meg!" Hercules took off towards the source of the scream. After he was gone, Andromoda took that opportunity to slip out the window. Pain suddenly appeared in front of her.
"Make a break for it!"
"What happened?" Andromoda asked the purple imp.
"She saw us before we could grab her! We gotta get out of here!"
"Wait where's your friend?"
Panic shot past the group. "Run!"
Andromoda gasped when she saw Hercules round the corner. Following the imps to the gate, she kicked it when it would not open. "Wait a minute!" She exclaimed, "I'm a goddess! I can do this-" Grabbing the tails of the two imps, she disappeared with them in a puff of blue smoke.

The Underworld

Hades had returned to his place in front of the t.v. to watch Andromoda's performance. He grumbled to himself as he watched her board the boat to the Underworld. No one could do anything right around here! How hard could it be to distract one lousy hero long enough to grab his girlfriend? Hades pounded his fists on the armrests of his chair, inadvertently hitting his remote control.
The "station" flashed to a different channel, revealing a young woman sitting in a field. Hades' jaw dropped. She was gorgeous! Her thick orange hair hung down to her waist, with a few strands falling in her light blue eyes. She wore a dark green dress with a daisy broach pinned to one of the small straps on her shoulder. The light green tone of her skin indicated that she had to be a nymph.
"Oooh, watcha got there, flameboy?"
Hades jerked to attention to find Hermes fluttering nearby. The lord of the dead fumbled for the remote controll and turned the TV off. "Nothing. What do you want?" he growled.
"Woah, cool it, man. I just came to give you a message from Zeus."
"Hasn't he caused me enough problems all ready? Oh, wait, let me guess. This time he wants me to have a kid in two days; am I right?"
"Nope. We're having a Bacchanal tonight. Everyone's invited, even you."
Hades sneered. "No thanks. I have more important things to do than to drink nectar and dance all night." He noticed Andromoda enter the room, her clothes spattered with mud. "Welcome back," he muttered to her. "Congratulations on bauching your first assignment." He glided over to his chess board to move around a few pieces.
Hermes noticed Andromoda and flew over to her. "Why if it isn't the new Queen of the Underworld herself!" He took her hand and kissed it politely. "I'm sure you would be interested in attending the Bacchanal tonight."
Andromoda smiled at the small god. "A Bacchanal? I would love to go."
"Too bad. We've got more important things to do," Hades stated, moving a chess piece to a new location on the board.
She crossed her arms over her chest. "Like what?"
"We have lots of soul reports to file. We're backed up with at least a month's worth of paperwork. That is why I married you, you know - to have help around here."
"It can wait a few more hours. Please, Hades?" She pouted.
Hermes chuckled. "Aw, how can you resist a face like that?"
Hades looked up at the pleading Andromoda and shook his head. "No. We're not going."
The messenger god shook his head in amusement. "Man, you guys have only been married for a few weeks and you are all ready fighting like Ares and Athena. Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds to make this decision on your own. I've got more messages to deliver." He winked at Andromoda. "Hope to see you at the party, babe."
"Thank you for the invitation." In a flash, Hermes was gone. Andromoda smiled. "I like him."
Hades snorted. "I could get him in trouble for flirting with my wife."
"He wasn't flirting!" she paused. "Was he?"
"That's what I would call it, babe," Hades said, moving another chess piece around the board.
"Why on earth would a god flirt with me? I'm mortal; well, I was mortal."
"It's a mystery."
Dismissing the topic with a shrug and a shake of her head, Andromoda sighed."Are you sure we can't go? Wouldn't it be an insult to Zeus if we don't show up?"
"What's your point?"
Andromoda smiled at his reply. "Okay, that was a weak protest on my part, but still, can't we go?"
"I all ready answered you."
"Well, what if I promise to give you Hercules' soul?"
The god immediately looked up from the chess board. "Pardon me?"
"I will deliver directly into your hands the soul of your worst enemy if you take me to this party."
"How to you expect to do that when you couldn't even keep him occupied for thirty minutes?"
"I have my ways." She smiled coyly.
Hades grinned. "Well don't just stand there, babe. Go get dressed. We've got a party to go to!"

Hades inwardly sighed as he entered Olympus' golden gates. He hated these parties. The last one he had attended had been the day Hercules had been born. The god glanced down at his new queen. She, in the fancy dress she had tried on this morning, had her arm looped through his, as she excitedly observed the other gods and goddesses.
"Try not to look too fascinated, babe. That's what everyone is expecting."
Andromoda nodded. "Oh. Right." She straightened her back in an attempt to look more regal.
Hades hid a smile as he led her through the crowds and over to an empty table. Hermes met them there.
"Ahh, Queen Andromoda, so glad you could make it," the small god hovered in front of her and planted a kiss on her hand. He then flitted around to her chair and pulled it out for her.
She rewarded him with a smile. "Thank you, Hermes."
After she was seated, Hermes pushed her chair in for her a little. "No problem, babe. I was just on my way to get a drink. Can I get you something while I'm up?"
"I'll have some white wine," Hades spoke up, annoyed at the unhidden flirting going on.
"Could you get me a glass of nectar, please?"
"No wine for the lovely lady?" Hermes asked. "Okay. Be back in a flash."
Hades snorted. "The nerve of that guy!"
"Jealous, Fireboy?" Ann smirked. "I thought I was just a 'henchwench.'"
"Henchwench or not, you still belong to me, and I say hands off my property."
"So I'm your property now, am I?" Andromoda raised an eyebrow.
"You're my wife. I own you."
"You have such a romantic view on marriage," Ann deadpanned. Her face brightened when Hermes returned with their drinks. "Thank you," she said as the short god served her. "Say, Hermes, would you like to dance?" she motioned to the dancefloor where dozens of gods and goddesses were twirling gracefully. "Hades isn't in the mood."
This seemed to catch Hermes off guard, but he quickly recovered. "Of course, babe." He extended an arm which she accepted.
Hades glared at her as she glanced at him over her shoulder. "Bratty little winch," he muttered under his breath. He watched the short god twirl Andromoda across the floor in tune to the lively beat of the music. Hades looked away and casually took a sip of his wine. Why should he care if Hermes took Ann away for a while? It would give him a few moments of peace.
"Hey, baby brother!"
Or not.
Hades inwardly groaned as Zeus made his way towards him. The god of the Underworld was going to have to socialize.
"Where's your new bride, Hades? Certainly you didn't leave her at home."
"Nah, she's out there with Hermes," he replied, motioning to the dance floor.
"With Hermes?" Zeus took a seat across from his brother. "Why isn't she with you?"
Hades tried to hide a smirk. "About that, Zeus . . . Hermes has been openly flirting with my new queen. Would you mind having a talk with him?"
"Not at all. Does Andromoda accept his affections?"
"Ann's a little nieve. She just thinks he's being nice."
"Ah, I see. Well, don't worry, little brother," Zeus patted him on the back. "I'll handle ol' Hermes." The god stood. "Why don't you get yourself out there and see if you can cut in," he motioned to the couple now slow dancing together.
Hades' eyes stayed on Andromoda as the king of the gods walked away. She was much closer to that flying twit than she needed to be. Not that he personally cared, but the other gods and goddesses might get the wrong idea. Standing up, Hades made his way through the crowd to the dancing floor. As Hermes and Andromoda came by, Hades tapped the small god's shoulder. "My turn, fly boy."
Hermes jumped in surprise. "Oh, yeah. Sure. Here ya go."
Hades glared at the other god as he sped off and then turned back to Andromoda.
"You want to dance with me?" she asked with a small smile.
"Not really, but Zeus was getting suspicious."
Her smile fell. "Oh."
Taking her small hand in his and putting his other hand on her waist, Hades started the dancing again. "So what did you and Hermes talk about?"
"Nothing really. He just asked about how things were going in the Underworld."
"What did you tell him?"
"I told him that everything was going fine."
Hades pulled Andromoda a little closer to keep her from being bumped by one of the gods who had had a little too much to drink. "In about an hour ninety-nine percent of the god squad will be drunk."
"That's too bad. What a shame to get drunk and then not remember this beautiful night tomorrow."
Hades nodded as he side-stepped a drunk couple who had tumbled to the floor. Smiling a little, he decided to get fancy. He twirled Andromoda around and then pulled her back over to him.
She giggled. "What was that?"
"A little artistic flourish, babe. If I'm up here on Olympus I might as well show off, right?" He dipped her dramatically and then pulled her right side up. "I mean, you dragged me to this dumb party, so now I'm trying to make the best of it." The god looked down at her. "Just remember to deliver what you promised."
"Of course. You'll have Hercules' soul waiting for you when you get up tomorrow morning."
He grinned in excitement. "That quick?"
"Mmm-hmm." Ann layed her head on his chest as they continued to slow dance. After a pause she smiled and glanced up at him. "I can hear your heart beat."
"You sound surprised. You weren't expecting me to have a heart, babe?"
"I've wondered."
Hades snorted. "It isn't much of one, but it's there."
"I think it's bigger than you think it is ," she said softly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Andromoda smiled a little. "Oh, I don't think you're as bad as you would have people think."
"What are you talking about? Of course I am. See, watch this." A wisp of smoke from the bottom of his tunic curled up around the leg of a goddess dancing beside him, causing the girl to trip.
"You're awful," Ann giggled.
"My point exactly."
Giving up, she rolled her eyes and smiled. "Okay, you win. You're pure evil."

Later that night, laughter echoed off of the dark caves of the Underworld as Hades escorted his wife to her room.
"Did you see when Aries lost his helmet and it fell right on Hera's foot?"
Andromoda snickered. "And then when Apollo tripped over the helmet and went flying into the tray of nectar? I've never seen anything so hilarious in my life!"
"These Olympus shindig's aren't so bad when you have somebody to make fun of everybody else with," Hades admitted, patting Andromoda's arm that was looped through his.
"I'm glad you think so. Can we go to the next one?"
"We'll see, babe. We'll see." They stopped outside of Andromoda's room. "So, I'll have Hercules' soul tomorrow right?"
"First thing in the morning." Unhooking her arm from his, she stood on tiptoe, and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks for a great night," she turned to enter her room, and smiled over her shoulder. "Goodnight."
Hades nodded. "'Night, Ann." He turned to go as her door shut behind her, and he made his way to his own room, eager to get his prize the next morning.