A/N: Ok, so this is my first big story. um, im gonna give a little background info or whatever at the bottom, you know, just incase its not really understandable. But, yea. oh, and i would really, really, really, really appreciate any reviews, hell, even flames would make me happy... just something to go on.

Welcome To Sunnydale

Hermione looked around for inspiration. She had absolutely nothing to do and was bored out of her skull. She could watch the flight's movie? And pay money for headphones that I would have to return? I think not. … Read a book? I already finished one that I brought on with me, and the other one I just read a couple of days ago. … Start writing a story idea or something? No inspiration what so ever. …Draw? I didn't bring paper or anything to draw with. I can't draw anyways, so it doesn't really matter. … Talk to someone and possibly make a new friend? Has potential, but is there anyone to talk to? On my left, at the window seat, is some old guy, who looks unconscious. On my right, well, he looks ok, kinda has the same look as Remus actually, like he matured too fast when he was younger. I guess I could try him.

"Hello. You look like you are just about as bored as I am."

"Erm… well, yes, I suppose so, it's just that this is a very long flight." He stated with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, I know, I feel the same. Sorry, I'm really usually not this outgoing, I just needed something to do, thinking to much tends to lead to bad thoughts about doom." Whenever my thoughts start to stray, I tend to think about all my friends dying. How am I even going to know if they're okay? I'm to have no contact with the Wizarding world Dumbledore said. When will I know who won? Hermione! Pay attention!


"Hermione Granger."

"Rupert Giles."

"So, Mr. Giles—

"Rupert, please"

"Okay, Rupert, are you getting off at Sunnydale, or continuing through to Los Angeles?"

"Sunnydale, I'm actually moving there, all my stuff has been sent, I received a job as the librarian at the local high school."

"Really? That's so bizarre. I'm also moving there, and I'll be attending Sunnydale High School. I'm a library person too, so I'll probably visit you many times."

"I shall look forward to it." He said with a smile.

You know, he really doesn't look that old. Kinda handsome even. Bad Thoughts! Bad, Bad, Bad! Get them out!

"So why Sunnydale? Is it just because of the job?"

"Erm… the job covers most of it. But, the fact that there's someone else

out there that I-er, have heard a lot about, whom I wanted to meet is also thrown in there. What about you?"

"Well, uh, about maybe three weeks ago, there was a major fire, that burned my house and… killed my parents. So since my only relatives are in Sunnydale, that's where I'm going." Sodding bastard Voldemort murdered my parents, and he doesn't even get blamed for it, cuz when he set the house on fire it destroyed the evidence. And he didn't 'dark mark' it. The man's not strong enough yet to prove to the Wizarding world that he's back. Fudge just ignores the 'mysterious' deaths of random muggleborn students. Damn it Hermione, this is not the time to cry.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Its okay, I think I'm getting better. Slowly, but it doesn't hurt as much. It helped that I cried for two days straight after hearing the news, it took around 5 days for my friends to coax me outta my funk, and I cannot believe that I just told you all that."

"Don't worry, I promise that I won't spread rumors at the school." My god, I like his smile.

"Thank you. Anyways, a librarian huh?"

"Yes, and I assure you just because I'm a librarian doesn't mean that I'm all stuffy and books and knowledge."

"Oh, don't worry, I got to know the librarian at my old school, and she was a really interesting person."

"Oh, well, I guess I'm just used to people saying, 'oh, look, librarian, he's all stuffy and tea, and Mr. Goody-Good.'"

"Well, Rupert, what type of books do you enjoy the most?"

"I enjoy… I suppose it would be history and myths. What about you?"

"Well, for some reason, I'm drawn to the supernatural" and not just in literature, "I love the thought that something bigger is just around the corner, and the thing is, I can see it." You look like you have no idea what I'm talking about. "I mean, there are certain times, that I feel I can picture whats happening in some story in my life, like whenever there is a store robbed or something where the people in it died of fatal neck wounds, I always feel like I could go to the coroner and if I asked to see the body, it'd have to puncture holes, and it would be drained of blood. Or like the whole Holocaust, the gas chambers, I could see the people being somehow magically killed, not just gas, cuz that'd be really expensive. And I love the thought that there could be some ordinary person, who somehow, in some way, has the power to defeat something that should make them wet their pants. I love the thought that some hero can rise from somewhere low. I love stories where the good guy, the hero, was, at first anyways, and underdog. Whether it was some orphan, or some person who had abusive conditions, and that they are still good. That they can rise from those horrid beginnings to become the hero at the end. It just gets me for some reason." Oh god, Harry, wherever you are right now, I love you. I know that you can beat Voldemort. I know it. I love you so much, and I have faith in you; I'll always be here for you, even if I'm halfway across the world.


"Sorry, sometimes, I just rant and rant. I tend to get kind of passionate. I've been told it gets very annoying, so if I ever happen to do that again around you, you can just interrupt and I'll stop."

"No, that's not what I meant, I meant that that was a very passionately given speech. But in a good way. I've never heard someone speak so openly, and powerfully about the type of books that they liked."

"Well Rupert, I am everything but ordinary." Observing him laughing, Hermione thought to herself: If only you knew.

Rupert's P.O.V.

The Airport:

"Well, it was nice meeting you Hermione." She is quite the interesting young lady. I never knew that I could actually have an intelligent conversation with someone so young.

"You too, Rupert. And I'll look for you sometime on Monday. I'll probably need textbooks and all that other rubbish." Hermione replied smiling.

"Yes, I'll hold you to that."

"So you are starting tomorrow right?"

"Yes, I am, they said that they needed a librarian as soon as possible when the old one disappeared." Disappeared, Right.

"Well, I have to go, I found my name." She said pointing to the sign that read "Hermione Granger"

"See you then."

"Right" She replied somewhat awkwardly before she turned around and headed toward the mother and daughter who were, most likely, her aunt and cousin.

I just stood there looking at her with a little smile on my lips, thinking of the long talk we had on the plane. I hope she's careful around this town. Vampires, Demons, I don't want her to die like that. I want her to be safe.

A/N 2: Ok, so basically, Hermione's parents were murdered by Voldemort, and the Death Eaters burned the house after killing them, and there was no DarkMark flying above, cuz voldemort's smart, and he knows that his forces arent strong enough to be open yet. Since her parents were killed, she was in total danger,and had to go to America to live with her only living relatives. Dumbledore knew that there were D.E.s-in-training in Hogwarts, so he sent her there. Harry was in no danger because they all knew that he could take care of himself, hence the not attempting to murder him. Ron's family would not let him not finish school, so he was at Hogwarts too. Anyways, if you're still confused or whatever...

A/N 3: Review!