Hello! I know I said that this story wouldn't be put out until like three or four Fridays, but it's just been changed to the update for chapter two, cause I really want to put this story out. But on Friday, the Humor Stories (The Elevator Game, Fiction, and Sunshine Circle) are still going to be updated. And for the drama updates, I've also added a new one called Seventeen Days. So, coming soon!

I will give my warning now. I am not very familiar with Teen Titans. In fact, I just started watching it a month ago. For all the fans of Teen Titans, if you see something out of place, whether a certain character doesn't seem right, or if one of them does something you wouldn't expect them to do, please tell me! I do not take it as criticism. I'm pretty much used to Danny Phantom, but if you see something wrong with that too, the same for it.

So, with that said, I hope you enjoy this story. A sneak peek is at the bottom!


I don't own Danny Phantom, Butch Hartman does.

I don't own Teen Titans, Johnson Griffin does.

Fired Up

Chapter One


"I love it up here," said a girl, staring down below.

Hundreds of tiny people walked through the crowded fairgrounds of Amity Park's Annual Summer Fair. She brushed a hand through her black hair as a strand of it fell across her face. Concessions buzzed with eagerly waiting fairers to get hold of popcorn and cotton candy. Children squealed on rides, and she could hear bits and pieces of excited conversation.

She leaned over to get a better look, but felt a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back as the cart tipped ever so slightly.

"Not a big fan of Ferris Wheels, huh?" she asked, amused. The cart rocked gently as they stopped to load passengers. Her amethyst eyes were alive as she stared into a pair of wide, blue ones.

"No, not really," he admitted, cringing.

Sam Manson laughed, playing with Danny Fenton's locks of spikey black hair, usually resident over his eyes. "Shouldn't you be used to heights?"

"It's a totally different story. When you're flying, all you really have to worry about are birds or planes. On a Ferris Wheel –" The cart jerked, moving forward again- --"it keeps doing that. And you have no control. And it's not the heights I'm worried about."

She giggled and kissed him on the cheek. "You're so cute when you're scared."

He gave her a look, but also a crooked smile. "I am not scared."

She laughed, grasping his hand. "Daniel Fenton, if I had a mirror right now, I'd show you. You're as pale as a—" She stopped.

"A ghost?" he finished for her. "That's odd; I wonder why."

"That was a bad metaphor. But you know what I meant," she said. She snuggled up against him. "Just enjoy the ride all you can. We'll only be up here a few minutes longer. Besides, don't you think it's romantic up here?"

He laughed. "Yeah, I guess."
"Oh, you're no fun," she teased. How long had they been going out? Since the end of freshman year, which was about a month ago. She'd been dating him a month and already she couldn't dream of living without him.

"It's nice up here."

He didn't reply and she felt him tense around him. Looking up, she pulled away, confused. "Danny?" His eyes were closed and he didn't appear to be breathing.

"Danny?" she whispered. He reopened his eyes; what normally was blue, turned to a vivid, glowing green. They were unfocused, staring blankly and he wasn't blinking.

Suddenly, he snapped out of it and gasped, trying to take in breaths. His eyes returned to their normal color, but were now replaced with a wide look of fear.

"Danny, what happened?" she asked, reaching for him.

He swallowed. "I don't know, I just saw something…" he stammered.

"What?" she asked.

"I don't know, just a mass of colors, and screaming. And it was storming in the background," he said.

"That's weird," she said.

"I know," he replied.

"No, I meant – look." She pointed to the sky. Across the horizon, the darkness of an arriving storm sent a cold breeze around them. "The radio this morning said it was supposed to be a beautiful day."

"That's moving fast," he said, watching it stretch towards them. Several people had already noticed it and were pointing, too, in confusion. The ride slowed down as rain started to fall.

"I have a feeling, that's bad," Sam said, one eyebrow raised. "Danny, do you think you had a premonition or something? You said you heard a storm." He didn't answer, so she dropped it.

Lightning flashed overhead, and was soon followed by a great boom of thunder. Something caught Danny's eyes and he glanced upwards to his left and saw two shapes floating in the clouds, like they were just sitting atop them. One was very large, the other was skinny. The image shattered as the lightning dispersed.

Sam wiped rain from her forehead and turned towards Danny. "What do we do?" She saw him watching the sky for some odd reason. "What are you looking at?"

"There was two people up there," he said.

Someone screamed and the Ferris Wheel cart gave a heart stopping jolt. Sam gasped and looked down. "He fell off!"

A boy had fallen out of the cart trying to get out of the rain, and was just barely managing to hold onto the edge of the bottom of the cart. The managers of the ride weren't sure what to do; they didn't want to move it for fear he'd fall.

Danny scrunched down into the seat.

"Danny, what are you doing? Someone might see!" she exclaimed, trying to be quiet, but firm. They were one of the few passengers still on, the others were all screaming to get down. He looked up at her, his eyes already green.

"If no one sees me, then no one will see me," he said. There was a flash of light comparable to the lightning overhead, and Danny Fenton became Danny Phantom. Sam watched as the fifteen year old disappeared with a blink of the eye.

"Be careful Danny," she whispered. She looked down, watching the scene above her.

The boy was still hanging on…when suddenly the wheel gave another jolt with the blast of wind, and he dropped. Everyone screamed and gasped, watching him fall helplessly.

But then he suspended in midair.

The boy's eyes were wide, confused, until out of nowhere, a figure became visible around him, holding onto him tightly. Someone with a black and silver jumpsuit and silver white hair.

Sam sighed in relief as she saw Danny drop to the ground, setting the boy gently down on the ground, and carefully she stood up, shaking rain from her.

"It's the ghost kid!" someone shouted.

Danny twisted around, letting go of the boy, who took one terrified look at him, then ran off screaming like mad.

"Oh, no," Sam whispered. The fairers would think that he was the one making all of this; he was Public Ghost Enemy Number One. Would they believe that he was here to help?

Danny looked up, déjà vu hitting him. He ignored all of the people staring at him, his eyes focused on the unmoving Ferris wheel. Like he was looking through binoculars, his eyesight suddenly improved and he could see things up close. Amethyst eyes were large in his vision, and then they moved to something else. A fork of white lightning that came ever close to—

He heard a scream and his sight returned to normal. He recognized that scream, and he felt every part of his body literally jolt against themselves. Leaping up, he raced over to Sam.

Sam tried holding on, but failed and she felt herself falling. "Dann—" Before she even finished, someone had taken her and was carrying her bride-style.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder. "You're always there to save me," she said, shivering with the cold. She didn't think it had all to do with the cold either; most likely her near death experience was helping.

"And I'll always be there," he said. He dropped to the ground, setting her down carefully.

He stared up into the clouds again, running a hand through his wet-slicked hair. Sam followed his gaze just as a streak of lightning forked across the sky and for the first time, saw two shapes.

"How come your ghost sense didn't go off?" she asked. He suddenly changed back, dripping wet, and she looked into determined blue eyes.

"I don't think they are ghosts," he said, looking up again. He took off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders and she could feel the remaining heat sink into her chilled body. Then he went ghost again.

"Thanks. That's a first," she said. "What are they then?"

"I'm going to go find out," he said. "Will you be alright?"

"Yeah, go! I'll find something to do. Keep the mob off of your trail maybe," she teased. She had meant it as a joke, but it had come out more concerned.

He leaped into the air, rain pellets showering onto him, and straight into the clouds. Lightning struck near him, quickly followed by loud thunder.

A dim figure took shape and for a moment he saw a flash of green. He raced off towards it, narrowly dodging a streak of lightning.

He didn't see the green glow again, but overhead, he could suddenly sense a large source of power.

"Oh!" said a voice.

Danny jumped in surprise. Glancing around, he stared into a pair of bright green eyes.

"You are not the one causing the terrible storm," the girl's voice said. She had long, straight, red hair and two odd shaped symbols above her eyes.

"Who are you?" both asked at the same time.

Neither had time to answer. A bright streak of lightning crackled and hurtled into them both.


I know, I'm horrible at cliffhangers! Well, how did you like chapter one? Flame me, review me, help me, I accept all criticism!

Please R&R!

Lateraina Wolf

Here's your sneak peek!

Chapter Two: Heroes (All of these chapters will be one word schemes)

"He is not the one! I saw him myself!" Starfire cried, to no affect.

Danny threw up a shield as a large blast of blue energy flew his way from Cyborg. It bounced off the opposite direction and back at the robot, sending him reeling backwards.

"Hey, nobody messes with my friends!" shouted a voice overhead. A large wild cat jumped for him and he ducked and the cat sailed over his head, screaming ferociously.

"No!" Starfire cried.

"Where did he go?" Cyborg asked, staring around. The fiend had suddenly disappeared into thin air. "Is he invisible?"

"Not for long," said a deep voice. A girl rose into the air, a long black cape billowing out behind her. "Asarath metrione xinthos!" she chanted, her eyes glowing. She looked up and saw the enemy preparing to attack behind Starfire, his arms outstretched—

"He's over there!" she said, pointing.

She threw out her hands and a black mass of dark energy swarmed him and surrounded him in a fist like trap.

Surprised, Danny tried going intangible, but it wasn't working. The energy was too strong. He was confused at how the girl had managed to see him anyway.

"No! I shall not let you hurt him!" Starfire shouted. Her eyes glowed an odd green and from her hands shot three bright flashes of green energy. Each landed a foot from Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven, striking the muddy ground and splashing dirt into their eyes. Raven's hold on Danny broke and he dropped to his knees.

"What in the heck are you doing Star?" Beast Boy asked incredulously, sputtering.

"He is not the enemy!"

Sort of a cliffhanger. But so far, most of the Teen Titans think that Danny's the enemy, except for Starfire, which is obviously explained more in next chapter. So…the question that I think most of you are probably thinking is…where is Robyn and Sam?

Hee hee. You'll see. I hope you paid attention to Lucky in Love for DP. Think of that, only the opposite. Confused? Me too. Kidding!