Disclaimer: I do not own Kill Me Kiss Me.

Genre: Shounen-ai, KunKangxJungWoo. Teen.

Chapter One

Silently I walk along.

Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.

Jun-Woo made his way through the high school hallway, his footsteps echoing in the surrounding area, the sound drowned out by the chatter of passing students. Before classes these hallways were packed. Not necessarily how Jung-Woo liked it. He would much prefer to walk through unfettered, unnoticed and reach his destination in the quickest amount of time as possible.

Today wouldn't be one of those.

"Yoo hoo, Jung-woo!" He heard a voice call shrilly behind him.

Great. Just great. A member of that unsinkable Pretty Boy Fan Club. They had unfortunately been targeting him a lot lately.

He ignored the voice. It was something he was good at.

He turned sharply; the person the voice belonged to seemingly having got caught up in the crowd that had gathered in the hallwaywith perfect timing to shield his escape route. He cast a glance upwards, reading a sign absently. He was in Wing C, the part of the school rarely visited. It was said the thugs of the school spent most of their time in this area, so therefore it was avoided by most of the school population.

But Jung Woo wasn't afraid. If bothered, he could easily beat anyone he came up against.

He stopped suddenly, gaze flickering to the window where a figure stood, leaning delicately over the window sill, long hair looking near-white in the harsh sunlight. Jung-woo recognized him as Kun Kang, the resident heart-throb. They had met a few times, in the company of Tae or Ga-Woon.He regarded him with a blank frown, the most he ever offered anyone.

Kun turned to look at him. Jung-woo stood a few feet away from him, hands in the pockets of his black school uniform pants. Kun frowned. Why didn't the pretty boy ever SAY anything?

"What?" Kun demanded softly.

Jung-woo didn't bother to respond in any way. He knew even a shrug would silence the model's demand, but he didn't feel like it today. Instead, he crossed the hallway and took a similar position as Kun, leaning on the windowsill.

This surprised Kun. He had expected the emotionally void boy to simply ignore him and walk off, like usual. A small smirk grew on his lips, but he brushed it aside.

He turned his head and took the boy's image in. Jung-woo was leaning over silently, taking in the suns warmth, eyes closed, long white eyelashes in their place. His pale skin and light hair seemed nearly translucent in the lighting. Kun felt that if he reached for them, his hand would go right through; as if touching an illusion, or a shadow. Somehow he suspected they weren't really there.

Jung-woo turned his head, an eyebrow raised slightly. "What?" It was his turn to ask.

Kun's deep eyes were focused on the smaller boy. He was so much cuter than Tae had tried to make him look, when she had pretended to be him. He reached out a hand, placing the tips of his long fingers on Jung-woo's cheek. He watched him intensely, and with satisfaction noticed a slight shiver pass through the boy. So he did react, after all.

"What are you doing?" Jung-woo asked softly, eyes flashing.

Kun grinned at him, slipping the fingers behind his neck, hand brushing the light hair of the smaller boy. Kun lowered his head to be eye level with Jung-Woo, smirking in a way that made girl's hearts melt without him even realizing. Silently, in the back of his mind, Kun wondered whether it would work on this boy, too.

"Just making sure you're real."

Kun stood up and slipped his hands backinto his pockets as he strode away, laughing under his breath, leaving Jung Woo's eyes following after him in acurious stare.

Neither of them had heard the Pretty Boy Fan Club's member's camera click from across the hallway.

Okaaay.. this was only my second Fanfic ever, so I'd REALLY appreciate some reviews! There will be chapters to come if people like what I've written so far..

Oh and if you couldn't tell, I am a big fan of Kun Kang x Jung Woo. 3