Untitled - Chapter One

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, ANOTHER story. I know. I know. "Work on the other ones!" I know, shut up. CSI: fic. Yeehaw. Now, before all my fellow CSI: freaks rear up and attack me, I'm going to admit right now that I know nothing of CSI protocol, the machines that they use and how the body gets to the lab, whether other CSIs take cases after they go home for the night. BUT, it's my fan fic, and I say that the day shift was working on the cases before and now our favorite night shift gets them.

Something else… (Um, what was it…?) I dunno, but I'm sorry if I maul the CSI thing, but oh well.

NOTE: Anyone who can come up with a great title for this gets a cookie AND the first chapter dedicated to them! I run out of titles for my stuff and hate coming up with new ones. TELL ME IF YOU HAVE ONE IN YOUR REVIEW PLEASE!

DISCLAIMER: Now, if I owned CSI, don't you think that I would guest star as Greg's girlfriend? Lol. Nah, I don't own it. It belongs to Jerry Bruckhiemer. (sp?)

SUMMARY: Greg's first case alone! (Yay!) Something's familiar about the case that he gets, and before he knows it, he's in trouble. This takes place after Greg passes his field test. My fic so I say that the team is still together! (YAAY!)

"Somebody told me, you had a boyfriend, who looked like my girlfriend that I had in February of last year!" a young man sang, slightly off key and probably getting the words wrong.

He spun around in his cushy desk chair, jamming to his newest CD (the Killers) blaring while he waited for the printer to strop whirring.

"Yo, Greg-o!"

Greg Sanders smiled to himself when he heard his nickname.

Turning his music down just a bit, he spun to face the slightly older man standing in the doorway of his lab.

"Hey Nick," he answered cheerfully.

"You got my results?" he asked in his slightly Texan drawl.

The printer stopped and in one smooth motion, CSI Sanders had spun again, grabbed the paper and handed it to Nick, adding a few unnecessary flourishes.

"Nice," then he looked down at the paper. His eyes widened slightly, "Wow."


"Everything's normal."

"Isn't that a good thing?" asked Greg, turning back to his desk and making jotting something down in the notebook next to him.

"Dunno. Everything about the body says he was drugged, Greg. They guy OD'd."

"LSD, maybe?" he turned again. "In and out of your system in less than twenty minutes."

"Maybe… Thanks Greg," Nick turned and left the younger man's lab.

"No problem, bro," he called back.

Greg glanced at his watch: 11:45 pm. Fifteen minutes past his punch-out time.

"Time to go!" he sang, shutting off his stereo and putting it away.

He made a quick dash to his locker, grabbed his stuff and headed out to his car. Greg unlocked it, got in, started it and immediately blasted the radio. He waited for a minute while the car warmed up and was off.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Short chapter, I know. Sorry. I'm going through this thing where when I can't think of anything else, I stop the chapter and start a new one. Anyway, REVIEW PLEASE! AND GET ME A TITLE! A COOKIE AND THREE CHAPTERS WILL BE DEDICATED TO YOU!

