Hey! This is my first story and I know that it's not very…grammatically correct? Can anybody tell me how to fix it so that the quotes actually have indents? Well, enjoy! Class S is here!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(Funny! X3)

"Hey, toddler! Why the hell are we here at 3 in the morning!" Yusuke shouted at the flustered lord.

"Yusuke! This is serious and I need you to listen!" Koenma shouted back while Kurama, Hiei and Kuwabara watched the two bicker back and forth.

"Yusuke I think that for once we should listen." Kurama pulled Yusuke back and tugged him into a recliner.

"Okay, team, we have a situation. There's been a murder spree in Kyoto. Surprisingly it's only two demons."

"Only two! Just tell me where they are, I'll take those dastardly demons down!" Kuwabara jumped onto the back of the recliner only to fall when Hiei shoved the chair backwards.

"Hn, baka ningen." Hiei smirked. "How do you know they're male?"

"How else could they go on a murder spree?" Yusuke asked Kurama.

"But, Yusuke, They're girls." Kurama blinked and turned back to the large screen when Yusuke ran over to him.

"Well, how do YOU know they're female!" Yusuke demanded stupidly.

"There is the little thing about their pictures on the screen." Kurama smiled hesitantly, then Kuwabara and Hiei walked over. The former sporting a rather large bruise from the latter.

On Koenma's screen there were two pictures. The picture on the left was of a girl that was about 5'4" with long dark blue hair down to her knees. She had bright, mirth filled lavender eyes and a large ominous shadow looming behind her. Two black and blue fox ears sat perched on the crown of her hair and a swishing foxtail went around her legs. She was wearing a black tunic outlined in blue and gray gauntlets. There was a list of stats beside her picture. Name: Lee-Age:55-Shadow fox demon-Weapon of choice: Dual swords. Lee was smirking fiendishly for the camera. Beside her picture was one of another girl. This girl was about 7 foot and had two long elf-like ears by her long white hair that reached her ankles. A thin black striped tiger tail peeked out from under her loose ponytail. She had light mahogany, almost red eyes, and was wearing a tight black t-shirt with black leather pants and thick leather belt. Over that was a light purple trench coat with red lining. Her stats were listed next to Lee's. Name: Ailias-Age: 1500-White tiger demon-Weapon of choice: Claws. Ailias was holding one claw up, it dripping in souring green blood.

"I'm afraid that's all the data we have, they actually posed for the camera before slicing off its owner's head." Koenma sighed. "The ogre was hired the prior Monday."

"So, we're killing those guys, er, girls?" Kuwabara muttered drooling at Lee's picture.

"No, you're not killing them, you're capturing them and bringing them in for trial." Koenma said matter-of-factly as he turned in his chair.

"We have to bring two baka onnas in for trial?" Hiei raised one eyebrow and watched as Kurama turned to look at him then Koenma.

"Do you at least know where they are?"

"Kyoto, Kurama, they're killing what seems to be random targets." Koenma sighed. "We have no idea who they are until they die, they have no connections."

"A murder spree, with no connections, how can you be sure that they're killing them at all?" Kurama held his chin delicately in one hand.

"They are trade marks, Ailias kills by a swift slice through the throat. Lee, on the other hand, slices an X on her victim's stomach. Can you imagine the horror of seeing that on the same victim?"

"Hm, we'll leave immediately." Kurama nodded and left with the others.

The spirit detectives arrived in a dark forest in Kyoto after finding the two demons trails. They walked in further and had to sidestep when a man's dead body was flung through the trees at them.

"What the hell!" Yusuke shouted, unknowingly alerting their prey to their presence.

"Hm, foolish, little mortals and the makai traitors. How sad." A deep voice chuckled and echoed around them. "Should we?"

"Oh, yes, let's!" A lighter voice followed as a figure emerged from the brush. A thin, lithe figure stepped out and they saw her study her nails. "Wanta handle them?"

"Can't spoil all your fun, go'head." The deeper voice snorted and they watched a much taller figure walk out beside the girl. The girl's reply was cut short when Kuwabara suddenly went forward.

"Hello my lovely lady, please let me protect you from the murderers in this forest!" He grabbed her hands and dropped to his knees. "Will you marry me?"

"Stupid, stupid, stupid human!" The girl yelled and fervently struck his cheek, leaving three long, deep gashes.

"Stop flirting." Came the echoed reply from both sides. Yusuke and the taller demon looked at each other and the girl growled.

"We've come to take you to Spirit World, surrender and we won't hurt you badly!" Yusuke challenged Ailias.

"The half demon wants to take me in? Yeah, right, foolish mortal." Ailias growled and Kurama watched as her hair rose slightly as if hackles.

"Humph. They think that they will take us in? Who the hell are they kidding?" Lee laughed.

"Come along quietly now." Kurama stepped forward.

"He smells like Youko Kurama and has his essence." Ailias muttered, then turned to Lee. "Youko Kurama, the thief lord, wants to take us in? Where is my camera?" Her dark laughter greatly conflicted, but complimented Lee's lighter, harder laughter.

"You'd be stupid not to listen, or have all demons lost their common sense?" Hiei snarled back.

"Nah, only you!" Lee chuckled. Hiei glared at 50 of his glare rate. He drew his sword.

"Then it is the hard way with you!" He charges forward. Lee drew her sword, but Ailias steps forward, knocking him to the ground.

"Not while I'm around! You will be fighting me," Ailias snarled. She flashed to wards him, but he flipped backwards, making her miss. "Aw, c'mon on shortly, or do you not fight class S demons?"

"CLASS S!" Yusuke and Kuwabara yelled in unison. Hiei's eyes widened.

"Class S," He smirked. "The outta be fun."

"Aw! C'mon Ailias, I wanna fight too!" Lee whined.

"You'll play with them, then you'll let your guard down, allowing them to strike!"

"But what fun is it when you just kill them? I won't let them win!" Lee argued.

"Fine. You get the one with the crush on you!"

"Meanie." She charged at Kuwabara, knocking him to the ground. Lee sat on top of him with her swords crossing at his neck. "Hello again."

"Get offa me, ya little whelp!" Kuwabara yelled.

"Ailias! He used a big word!" Lee yelled over at Ailias. She paused in her fight, stopping Hiei by holding his sword between her claws.

"No way! That baka couldn't use an intelligent word if his life depended on it!"

"Well, I don't know how intelligent it was, but it sure was big! Whelp I think he said… You little whelp. Hmm… MUST BE AN INSULT!"

"No duh, stupid kit! He's calling you a short, little idiot!"


"Kit learned something from me after all. Well, how's about we finish this sparky?" She gets an idea. DING! "How about we knock em all out and take em back to toddler."

"Koenmy? You're hungry aren't you?"


"Sure." And with that, the entire gang is knocked out. Alias slung Kuwabara, Yusuke and Kurama over her shoulders, while Lee tied a vine around Hiei's ankle and dragged him behind her. "So, to Koenmy's?"

"Hm, sure. He should know how his little toys are doing." Alias shrugged and opened a portal and they walked/dragged in.

"We're still eating right?"


Koenma was sitting in his chair, waiting impatiently for his team to return with their prisoners. Suddenly, the door was slammed open with Ailias slowly swinging her foot back down beside her. She icily strode in and waited in front of Koenma's desk for Lee to come in. A moment later, Lee walked in, Hiei in tow, and stood by Ailias. Everything was silent for a moment before Lee burped and Ailias hung Yusuke up with a hold on his ankle.

"These yours, toddler?" Ailias questioned and when Koenma gave a strangled yes, she swung Yusuke over the top of Koenma's screen and tossed Kuwabara over the back of the recliner. She looked at Kurama, then dropped him on the desk. Lee, on the other hand, took a more creative approach and jumped up to the ceiling fan and tied Hiei to one of the blades. Then she hopped back down and landed on Koenma's desk beside Ailias. "Just call next time, ne?"

Then the two left Koenma's office as the spirit detectives started to awake. Hiei blinked for a second before yelling loudly.

"Get me down from here, NOW!"

5 minutes later..

"How could they defeat you? You are the spirit detectives, you are the Human World's Protectors!" Koenma rambled on.

"They were S class." Yusuke mumbled.

"I want you to go back out there and find them!" Koenma shouted.

"We can't. Mother will be worried by now." Kurama explained as he left.

"Shizuru doesn't even know." Kuwabara added for himself while Hiei just walked out.

"Keiko's gonna kill me." Yusuke sighed and left as well.

"Those menaces must be stopped! Who knows what they are doing now! What destruction!" Koenma muttered to himself.

Back with the demons…

Lee burped loudly as she finished her meal after they had returned to their den.

"Kit, what did I tell you?" Ailias growled lightly.

"Only burp if it is not a good time to let it escape another way." Lee mock lectured.

"One, don't mock me, two, I didn't say that."

"I know, onee-san. I'll be better." Lee mumbled into Ailias's trench coat as she hugged her mentor.

"Honestly, I still don't know why I took you in."

"'Cause, I'm cute!"

"Sure you are. Go to bed now."

"Well, nyah to you too!"




Ailias watched as she stalked off before flicking on the compact she stole from the red headed detective. She figured that with some rewiring the device could be used as a one way walkie talkie, or a way to taunt the foolish detectives. Either way, it was fun. She muttered to herself while she rewired it and glanced every once and a while at Lee's door, where music was being played at what one would assume to be an inaudible level.

"Foolish little kit."

Niki and KJ signing off!