I wrote this last night. I was tired. Bear with me.

Chapter 23:

Hey, this is actually more like an author's note more than an actual chapter. Just letting all of you loyal Class S fans know that Class S Part 2 is indeed, up. Please read. Also, if you are a loyal YYH fan, you might consider reading one of my other fics, Stalked. Tis about a girl who was stalking Yusuke who needs help. She is a celestial being, yadda, yadda… You should read it, give it a try, you no likey, flame it. I don't care. I'll keep writing it though. Anywho, there. That's my update. Please go to my profile page to click on Class S Part 2. yeah… whatever… I'm tired, don't piss me off. And, little brother… TURN OFF THAT BEEPING LIGHT YOU SON OF A BEEP! I MEAN IT YOU LITTLE BEEPING, BEEPER! GET THE BEEP AWAY FROM ME YOU BEEPING HOMOSEXUAL! Uh… I'm bitchy when I'm tired… BEEP YOU! Not you my loyal fans… my little brother… ENOUGH ABOUT MY HEIGHT! I'M 5'2"! THAT'S NOT SHORT YOU BEEP OFF! Ug… I feel like Hiei… 5'2" isn't THAT short… is it? He's just making fun of me 'cuz he's 5'11" and I'm the shortest person in my family… he's mean… uh… never mind… Just… enjoy your fic… while I start my compulsive tearing…

KJ signing off in invisible tear drops…