Chapter 1: Running but from what?

Running along the roof tops of the choshu overrun buildings, I could feel someone was behind me.
"Shit!" I yelled as I came to a stop. I saw someone infront of me, he was surely a shinobi, about 15 atleast.
He smirked at me then ran towards me with a kunai. I took out my own kunai and locked with his. He jumped back and went at me again, I jumped up, the kunai nicking my leg. I landed about 3 feet away from him.

"Your speed cant help now." The shinobi said in a strong voice. I looked up at him, my eyes shaking in fear, but not from him...from something else. He looked at me and knew something was wrong. Taking his Katana out, I closed my eyes. The Katana swung through the air then hit me.

The shinobi picked up the knocked out girl and headed towards the Shinsengumi, where Ayumu could patch up the wounds she had gotten earlier that day.

Carring her to Ayumu's room, the shinobi looked down at the girl. He started to wonder how she got all the wounds and scars on her arms.

"Bring her in Susumu." Ayumu said as she stood infront of her room. They both walked into the room, Susumu set the girl down onto Ayumu's bed, her golden blonde hair coming down from her scarf and headband going loose.

"She has lots of wounds...they look pretty fresh." Susumu said, he was standing on the other side of the room, his back against the wall, his arms crossed infront of him. His eyes were closed so he couldnt see the girl as Ayumu tended to her wounds.

"Yeah...Ill patch them up...she may have gotten into a fight with the choshu or something. We will ask her questions later, when she is healed." Ayumu said, putting some alchohal onto the wounds then wrapping them up.

"Okay, but do you think the Vice-Commander will let her stay?" Susumu asked, his sister looked over at him.

"Maybe, but why?" She asked him.

"Her eyes, they looked scared, as if she was running away from something." He said, opening his eyes, turning his head to his sister.

" you think she is with the choshu? Or maybe some other clan?" Ayumu asked, wrapping the last wound up.

"I cant tell..." Susumu spoke again, only to close his eyes once more.

"Well we best let her rest now." Ayumu said, going over and grabbing a blanket for the girl and covered her with it.
"You best go sleep too."

"Alright, but be careful, she may pull something." Susumu said then walked out of the room, heading to his own.

"Yeah but I doubt it." Ayumu said, looking over at the girl, she then went over to another corner of the room and layed down, her eyes and body falling asleep.

Thanks for reading! Please Review! Ill have chapter two up by tomarrow, maybe chapter three also!