Chapter 8: Flames, Fighting and Understanding


Hot flames rose as Shimabara was being burned to ash.
Standing next to the burning Shimabara was a teen, he had silver hair and wore a black trench coat.
"Haha, burn to hell! All of you! Burn and live in the lowest parts of hell!" He laughed and yelled then started walking away to the shinsengumi.

Arriving at the Shinsengumi the silver haired teen lit a match then threw it into a bush. The bush immediatly caught on fire then the wall of the court yard started to.

Everyone started to panic as they saw flames.

Landing on one of the Shinsengumi's roofs we saw that half of it was up in flames.

"The hell!" Susumu scarcly said.

"I could only guess..." I mumbled so he couldnt hear me.

"Who would do this?" Susumu looked around at the flames.
"Where's Ayumu?"

"You should go find her, Ill try and find the person who's doing this." I said jumping away. Susumu jumpep down and tried finding Ayumu. It was hard cause almost everything was in flames now.

I knew who was doing this, but I couldnt tell Susumu. I had to become a spy for the Shinsengumi now. When I saw the silver haired teen I smiled and went to his side, kissing his lips lightly.

"Welcome back Idi." He said to me, I smiled then put a hand on his tanned face.

"Thank you, master." I smiled a warm smile. I didnt want to do this, but it was the only way...if Susumu saw me, I would have to explain and make it up to him later, but for now I must do this.

"Please Idi, Suzu...just Suzu." The silver haired teen kissed me on the lips then deepened it. I closed my eyes then put a hand on his chest and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Yes." I mumbled, feeling him hold me close.

"Im going to kill those wolves of Mibu once and for all." Suzu laughed.

"Please ma- I mean Suzu, please stop this." I asked him, gripping his trench coat and looking up at him.

"Why Idi? Why should I?" Suzu asked looking down at me, his eyes filled with firing rage.

"It's wrong..." I said then leaned and kissed him deeply. Putting a hand in his hair and playing with it. Ill have to wash my mouth out later for this. I thought as I felt Suzu's tounge rolling over mine, searching my mouth.

When we broke I felt a presence behind us. Turning back I saw him, my true love shocked, seeing me kiss another man he'd never met.

"I..Idril?" Susumu asked, his eyes wide.

"You know this freak?" Suzu asked me and I nodded.

"Im sorry, Susumu, my love lies with my master Suzu." I smiled evilly then kissed Suzu on the lips. Susumu freaked by this, he ran at us with a kunai, I jumped and ran towards him, a Kunai in my own hand blocking his.

As I looked at my true love Susumu, my eyes told him not to do this, but he was blinded.
He jumped away then threw Shuriken at me, I knocked them away with my kunai then ran at him, trying to strike again.

Suzu couldnt get enough, he was very amused by our fighting. He was laughing evilly at us, hoping one would die.

Susumu please dont do this, I wanted to say to him, when I got distracted, Susumu sliced the arm with the gash already on it.

"Ahh! errr..." I growled, looking over at him then at Suzu who was having fun. When I looked over at Suzu I saw someone behind him, Mr. Hijikata.

He was pulling out his katana and slashed at Suzu, getting him in the shoulder, Suzu yipped in pain.

I smirked then got hit by aother slice to my face, a gash going over my lips.
"Ahh!" I cried. It hurt, but I had to endure it.

Suzu got his katana but Mr. Hijikata sliced his arm clean off then laughed. Suzu couldnt protect himself now. Suzu was in pain and I was also, behind Hijikata appeared a purplish haired man, his katana drew. He swung down and Suzu was dead. It wasnt much of a fight that I knew, but Suzu wasnt much of a fighter as he was to sit back and watch.

"Susumu stop this!" I yelled to get some sence into him.

"Why? You've betrayed me again!" Susumu yelled back, standing a few feet away, ready to kill.

"Yamazaki, she has to." Hijikata said strictly to his subordinate.
"She is a double spy."

" are!" Susumu asked, looking at me.

"That's what I've been trying to say." I looked at the ground, my lips hurting from the slash.

Susumu ran over to me and kissed my cheek.
"I misjudged you again, Idi Im sorry, Im soo sorry." He said softly, whispering into my ear.

"Susumu, it's alright, atleast nothing happened to one of us." I said hugging him tight, not wanting to let go.

"Oki let's leave them alone." Hijikata said disappearing with his little devil.

That Night in Susumu's room-

Remarkably after the Fire, nothing was seriously burned to ash. Half was burned but not bad then half wasnt.

Laying asleep in Susumu's bed, Idril was badly wounded from earlier, Susumu lay next to her, carressing her face with his hand.

"So soft, I promise, no I swear that I will never fight again." Susumu again to me as he carressed my cheek. His touch was so soft, it felt good on my face.

Hearing his soft words, I turned and kissed him on the lips.
"I believe you." I said, moving his hair out of his eyes.
"Susumy, I will always believe you, no matter what."

Susumu smiled then I turned back and close my eyes. Sleep over coming me, Susumu put his hand back on my soft cheek, his gentle touch carressing my cheek.
"Idril, Ill never leave, never, I love you, and always will." He spoke softly.

Words only my body caught aas we both fell asleep, Ayumu coming in and watching us as we slept the next few days away.

Thanks for reading my story! Im thinking this is the end! Im not sure yet! If I do make another one, Ill get back to you guyz and tell you! But for now, this is the End of this story! I hope you guyz liked my story and hope to write more on Idril and Susumu. If you guyz think I should make a sequal to it, tell me in REVIEWING! Please and Thank you!