Don't drink and Think!

Summary- Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke went to a party in honor of Kakashi's new promotion but ended up getting drunk! Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke are gonna show everyone up before they get hangovers! Please read and review!

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were walking to the red bridge where they met Kakashi-sensei everyday! This day however was different, Kakashi was already there.

" AH! Kakashi-sensei!You're here!" Naruto almost lost his head while screaming.

" Hold-up! Why the hell are you here early! Did you fall in love with me or something!" Sakura said while flipping her hair and closing one eye. Sasuke gave her a blank stare then looked back.

Kakashi's eye blanked out as well.

"" Kakashi said while closing his eye then getting near Sakura.

Sakura gave an odd look to Kakashi while Kakashi then began talking.

" Actually I got a promotion! I get to lead a squad of jounins! Are you guys glad!" Kakashi said while looking at Sakura's boobs so close that his head was almost in the middle of her chest.

" GET OFF KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Sakura said while punching her sensei off.

" Aww come on! How about just one grope..." Kakashi said while grabbing her butt. Sakura shrieked and ran behind Naruto.

" So why did you come and tell us!" Naruto said.

" Well there is going to be a party that I want all of you to go to...all I want you to do is bring some booze!" kakashi said while giving them a smile. Sakura came out of her hiding spot. With an awkward look.

" Why do we have to bring beer! Besides we don't drink you mega pervert!" Sakura said going near Kakashi.

" I didn't say you had to drink! I just want some booze! Besides maybe that will make you a little more YOU KNOW WHAT" said Kakashi winking seductively at Sakura. This crept her out and made her blush.

Sasuke couldn't help but get a little jealous along with Naruto.

"A little what?" Sakura asked precariously but walking away.

" mmm...mhhhh...ha hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ( you get the idea)" Kakashi began to laugh.

" A little horny! Girl I thought you watched tv! Haven't you heard rap videos and watched Dalson's Creek! You are some weird teens I mean You're already nineteen years old!" Kakashi went off on teenage hormones! Normally It's Gai that goes off about teens.

" Fine, fine, we'll go just shut up! You sound like a porn video about sex education!" Sasuke said with a dull face.

Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi gave him an odd look.

" Uhh...Sasuke-kun...why would..." Sakura began but decided not to say anything just so she wouldn't sound weird.

" No I don't watch porn videos!" Sasuke began to shout at all of them.

" Sasuke...we haven't said anything..." Naruto said while trying not to look at Sasuke.

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto walked over to the liquor store and got six cases of Corona beer.

" Hey! How about we have a little drinking contest when we go to Kakashi's party!" said Naruto giving a little idea of what to do.

" Hell no!" Sakura said turning her head. Sasuke just glared at Naruto.

" Listen, I guess Sasuke is a chicken" Naruto said with a smirk.

" Fine.I'l do it." Sasuke said. Sakura didn't feel like being left out so she agreed.

" Fine me too!" said Sakura said crossing her arms.

All of them walked over to where Kakashi's party was supposed to be...

" Wait where is Kakashi's party supposed to be!" Sakura asked!

Hey there! Hope you liked this fiction! When my new name came create a new story I will erase it then move it or I'll just think of another!Anyway I reallu hope you liked this stupid idea of mine! I thought it was a bit funny but the next chapt will be funny! Check out my other fics! And my friend Sanesammi and Kiyochi's fic!

Later! new name ( isn't this familiar?)roukenchan/Bevy-chan