Itonami: Another attempt at a Naruto fic. This time, it will revolve around Neji x Sakura. I won't babble too much. Just enjoy and review!

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Naruto.

Chapter 1

Rainwater drenched the ragged figure of a Konohakagure ANBU nin. He was breathing irregularly and at times the air would get caught in his throat, making him choke. Dark, ominous clouds gathered and passed overhead, letting down sheets of rain upon him. His ANBU uniform was tattered and worn; it was bloody with his own and others' blood. The jounin possessed long, silky brown hair which was loosely tied at the bottom. Off to one side of his dirtied face hung a white and red mask in the general shape of a bird.

From a far, it seemed that it was the storm that made him trudge on tiredly. However, if one took a closer look, it was actually the burden in his arms which weighed him down.

His load was a young, disheveled woman who was being carefully cradled in his embrace. One could detect that something was amiss at first sight of this kunoichi. She wore the identical outfit of the man. Next thing you would see was that her ivory face was as pale as the moon with no color of life. If you became suspicious and felt for a pulse, you would not find one. Her lungs and heart were still, the latter had a gaping hole through it. She was limp and her hair was matted and wet. The kunoichi looked worse than the man carrying her.

Putting evidence together, it was clear she was dead.

Pearl eyes spotted the sign that he was going to live. Konoha's majestic gates were parted for his entrance. Relief flooded through the exhausted ninja and he barest trace of a smile graced his handsome face as he looked at the woman.

"We're home…Tenten."

Hyuuga Neji slowly staggered through the gates. Unfocused eyes surveyed the view of his village then collapsed, not being able to take another step forward. Tenten was tucked safely in his arms as the rain slid of their faces like tears. The sky appeared to cry for Neji's loss in his stead. The woman who had been his truest friend and only lover was dead. Only Kami-sama knew the empty pit which now inhabited the Hyuuga's soul. He should have died with her. No, she died so that he could live.

In the rain, a sonata began…


"Damn it, Neji! Move!" Tenten shouted angrily as she shoved the Hyuuga out of the way of a rain of kunais hurled toward him at incredible velocities. The pair of ninjas hit the mud together, clear to the left of the attack. They were panting heavily as Tenten shifted on top of him.

Neji helped her up quickly, while he wiped away the rain from his face mask. His Byakugan enhanced his eyesight and he rearmed himself with two shuriken. There was no time for a thank you.

Legendary Byakugan user and respected weapon mistress stood back to back, madly deflecting blow after blow, landing theirs and kicking away others. They were the only two ANBU left standing and fighting. The others were killed almost immediately.

"Tenten, above!" He shouted over the roar of a raging battle.

The kunoichi leapt up, a huge fumma shuriken ready at her disposal. The enemy clashed loudly with her, the ring of steel grating on her ears as it hummed a familiar tune. Tenten's ear detected the whistle of five kunais thrown towards them.

Neji took care of them by easily blocking them with his own. He was more of the close range fighter and Tenten made up for his lack of range with her skill. His companion darted into the offense, gracefully flinging her different weapons in all directions in an impossible blur of movement.

The two fought valiantly, protecting each other and killing off their enemies one by one. They saved each other numerous times and Neji grew very protective of his female comrade.

However, humans are humans, no matter stamina. Tenten grew weary with each minute that slipped by. Neji and the enemy shinobi sensed it easily. Sweat poured down her face and dirt caked it. One took advantage of her weakening strength. While many were attacking the Hyuuga, he alone went after the kunoichi.

And Neji noticed too late.

Tenten, despite her skill in weaponry, was no match for the lean shinobi. Her famous Sousouryu was merely dodged and he went in for the kill. Blue chakra gathered at one hand, making a huge noise like a thousand birds, and he was so close to touching her heart that it scared her. Instead, the attack fell as quickly as it had come. The screeching was gone and Tenten found herself pinned smartly against the tree by sharp chakra strings, and the enemy grinned wickedly at her. In his hand contained three kunais. He flung one easily at her. It landed with a thud a precise inch from her left ear.

He was toying with her.

Tenten struggled, anger boiling inside of her, not put out by the rainstorm. "Bastard!" She spat at the dark nin.

The smirk remained on his face as he tossed another easily and accurately beside her right ear. This time, it nicked a small part of her lobe. He held the last kunai out teasingly and for the first time, true terror raced through her.

Meanwhile, Hyuuga Neji was struggling almost maniacally against the incalculable amount of nins who kept him too occupied. Kaiten after Kaiten, he spun rapidly, hoping for a small chance to escape and rescue his only comrade.

"Tenten!" He yelled, trying with all of his might to communicate with her as he landed heart-stopping blows into his enemies.

"You were brave. I'm impressed." The captor said, his red eyes glancing at her figure.

"I don't need compliments from traitors." She hissed.

"No need to prolong the inevitable, right?" He smiled again. A horrible smile.

Without warning, the last kunai shot out and pierced her breast. The weapon master's eyes widened with shock at the sudden wash of pain. Gasping, blood spewed from her mouth and she hung her head. Tears gathered in her eyes but they did not fall. Distantly, she heard someone calling for her and she fought to stay awake. Strings that bound her to the tree were slashed and she fell forward, only to be caught in the arms of another being.

Neji looked down at her as he carefully laid her down on the muddy ground, his face completely solemn yet filled with anger and sadness. Sight slightly returned to her and Tenten could barely make out the man who now held her. "Is it over?" She rasped out.

He nodded. "It's over."

"Neji, am I going to die?" The kunoichi asked, her voice breaking.

This time, she received a no. "You're not going to die. I'm taking you home."

Feebly, Tenten grasped his arm and shook it weakly. "I don't want to die yet, Neji."

"I told you, you're not going to die, Tenten. Stop saying such nonsense."

Tenten coughed out blood but smiled up at him. "Did you know, Neji?"

"Know what?" He grunted, as he tried to figure out a way to clean her critical wound.

"That I love you?"

The Hyuuga stopped and stared at the young woman. She giggled, "I always wished you would look at me." Suddenly, Tenten winced and shifted in his arms. "I did everything so that you could live. Everything…"

"Don't be stupid." Neji growled, not knowing what to do.

She continued, tears finally spilling down the sides of her face. A small sob escaped from her, unknowingly splitting the calm Neji's heart in half. "I can't die yet, Neji. Kami-sama, I won't die." More crimson blood oozed from her rosy lips.

"You aren't dying." He snapped, as he fingered the kunai deeply embedded in her chest. She grimaced and he retracted his hands quickly.

"Please…tell me that this isn't the end. There are so many things I've wanted to tell you." She whispered, her voice softening gradually. Her breathing slowed until it was so faint that the sound of rain drowned it out.

"Tenten, I'm taking you home. You'll be fine." Neji said, the harshness of tone gone from his voice. Gently, he lifted her bridal style but she didn't respond. Time seemed to halt and he swore that his heart had done so. The Hyuuga peered down at her ivory face and dared to shake her a little. "Tenten?"

The great weapon mistress did not stir. Her lifeless mahogany eyes stared at him eerily. It was then that he realized that her constant restless chakra was now still. Blood dripped from them like the rain, splattering the mud as it hit the ground. Neji went into shock and witlessly shook her a little more violently. "Tenten?"

His only answer was the rain's sonata, its reoccurring melody echoing in his ears. Filled with emptiness, the Hyuuga stepped forward with difficulty. The wounds he received from the ambush were searing like hot fire and they stung even more due to the water from the sky.

-End of Flashback-

The first of his senses to come back was the ability to smell. A heavy, sterilized scent was filling the air. He recognized it instantly. One by one, his five senses returned to him, yet he felt that he was missing something. He could hear the steady beeping from a machine to his right. That was his heart. So, he was alive.

"Neji-san, are you awake?" A calm voice asked. Neji felt his face constrict in a frown at the voice. It sounded vaguely familiar. His brilliant white eyes opened only to be shut again due to the bright lighting of the room. A hospital room, apparently.

The Hyuuga tried again and this time succeeded. Painfully stiff, he turned his head to look for the source of the voice. He saw pink. "H-Haruno?" His throat was parched and cracked when he tried to speak.

"He's awake?" Another voice entered the room. This one was definitely Uzumaki Naruto's. The deep, yet, still boyish quality of the voice set a ring off in the Hyuuga's head.

Neji tried to move. He could raise his head from his pillow. "Naruto?"

Someone sighed with relief. "He hasn't lost his memory, at least. I could feel some head trauma in the examination."

The golden-haired Rokudaime came into his view. He was trying to smile at him, but he only half accomplished it. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." Was Neji's sardonic retort. Just by speaking, it drained so much energy from him.

A small chuckle escaped from the somber Hokage. "You feel up to telling me what happened?"

Silver eyes grew with realization as he abruptly reached to grab Naruto by his Hokage cloak. Memories flooded back to him in a painful rush. "Tenten, what happened to her?"

Beautiful azure orbs looked away. "We held the memorial service for her three weeks ago."

Silence prevailed in the room. Neji closed his eyes and lied back down. He let out a steady stream of air. "I see."

"What happened?" Naruto asked gently. A woman with candy-pink hair took her place beside her friend. She nudged him, and then smiled at the patient on the bed.

"Neji-san, if you don't feel up to it, you can wait."

The Hyuuga shook his head. "No, it's urgent, Haruno." He struggled to sit up and Naruto quickly helped him. Pillows supported his weak frame as they steadied him.

The Hokage drew up a chair and sat patiently while he watched the woman fuss over her patient. "Sakura, sit down and we can listen."

Haruno Sakura was the most accomplished medic jounin in Fire country and the Rokudaime's very close friend. Her peculiar pink hair matched the shade of her namesake: the Sakura blossom. "Naruto, I'll get him a cup of water. He can start talking." She hurried out of the room to obtain the water. In truth, she just felt a overflowing sense of foreboding in what was about to be said.

Neji stared at the wall across from him. "The ANBU team ended up being ambushed near the waterfall. A trap was laid out for us to trip. I noticed too late. Tenten and I were the only ones able to get out of the way. The rest of the team was killed."

"Who was it?"

Again, there was a pause and Neji looked as if he was trying to remember. Suddenly, his face contorted into one of fury beyond any emotion. "Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke." He hissed out dangerously. "He killed her."

Naruto sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair. Uchiha Sasuke was now the official top killer for the sannin Orochimaru. With the ability of the Sharingan at his fingertips, Orochimaru went on a killing spree with his new helper. It was sickening to think about. "Tenten was killed by Sasuke…damn; I was hoping it wouldn't be this way."

The angry Hyuuga activated his Byakugan and Naruto feared that he was going to kill something. "She didn't deserve to die. She didn't want to die." Neji said, his deep voice tinted with regret.

"You…carried her for two days. Her father was glad that her body was returned." Naruto said as he tried to provide a little comfort.

"I promised her that much." He replied dully as his Byakugan retracted.

The young Hokage gazed at the bandaged body of Hyuuga Neji. "If you died, there would have been no successor to the Hyuuga clan. Hinata-chan just informed me that Hanabi has been killed during a mission." Naruto's tone turned bitter. "Hinata was so upset; she couldn't eat for a week."

Neji turned to meet the Rokudaime's gaze. "Is she healthy with the child?" He asked.

Naruto's serious face was completely disregarded. His face brightened like the sun as a big grin spread across his face. "Sakura-chan says that Hinata and the baby are both perfectly healthy."

A small smile returned to Neji's face as he heard that piece of good news. His Hyuuga cousin of the former Main Branch had married the robust Uzumaki Naruto after he was selected to be the next Hokage by the dying Godaime. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Neji, I'm sorry."

He looked up. "For what, Naruto?"

"You didn't want this mission. I just forced it on you." He sighed. "Kami, this is all my fault."

"You know that's not true, and you know it, Uzumaki Naruto." A voice snapped from the doorway. Sakura was back with the glass of water. It was obvious that she had been listening. "Neji, you'll have to stay until I examine you. I'm sure all you need is to take it easy for a little while."

"Thank you, Haruno." He nodded.

She frowned. "Sa-ku-ra." The medical nin said her name syllable by syllable. "It's strange that you still call me Haruno from the first mission we went together, Neji-san. Please, just Sakura."

There was a soft, timid knock on the door. Naruto raised an eyebrow and glanced at Sakura, who merely shrugged. "Come in."

A young woman with dark blue hair and white eyes came in slowly, due to a bulge in her stomach. She smiled at the sight of her cousin on the bed. "Neji-niisan, I'm glad you're fine. Everyone has been worried about you."

"Hinata, it's nice to see you're healthy." He said, a little warmth in his voice. Neji looked away and submersed himself in thought.

The strict tradition that once had Neji bound to be Hinata's servant was completely abolished. It then that Hinata worked to rebuild the relationship between her elder cousin and the former Main House. She was successful. Believe it or not, Hyuuga Neji became quite fond of Hinata and found the desire to protect her at all costs. Even when the highly respectable Rokudaime asked for the beautiful Hinata's hand in marriage, the Hyuuga male had hesitated in granting it. Since Hiashi had passed away a year before along with the Main and Branch House tradition, Neji was now the successor and he chose to be Hinata's guardian.

"Neji-niisan, I'm sorry…f-for what happened to Tenten-san." Hinata whispered, sincerity coating every word.

"Being sorry…won't bring her back. If that was possible, she would be back with me…" He trailed off, still not looking at them.

Sakura patted Hinata's shoulder. Naruto got up from his chair to stretch. "May I ask, my beautiful lady, how you are doing?" He teased his petite wife. She blushed still, even though she had known him for quite some time.

"I'm fine, Naruto-kun. I felt a little energetic today." The refined woman tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She rubbed a delicate hand on her stomach.

The Hokage bid Neji good bye and escorted his wife and his pink haired friend out of the room.

Hyuuga Neji was discharged from the hospital with some painkillers and a warning not to train for a few days. At the door of the hospital, he stopped and tilted his head up to the sky. It was raining again. Slipping his calloused hands in his pockets, he stepped out into the rain, feeling each drop upon his skin.

"Neji-san, you'll catch a cold." A voice said from behind him.

"There's no need to worry, Ha—Sakura." He corrected himself smoothly.

Haruno Sakura held a white umbrella out to him. It was decorated with pink sakura blossoms. "At least use an umbrella."

The tall, sinewy jounin shook his head. "I'll be fine." He kept walking into the rain. Sakura watched in disdain as Neji's coffee-brown hair dripped with water and his training outfit got damp.

He heard the sound of an umbrella opening and suddenly he was shielded from the rain. Looking down, Neji saw Sakura holding the umbrella and calmly walking beside him. Noticing his stare, she returned it with a pretty smile. "Tenten-san wouldn't have wanted you to walk in the rain alone."

Neji went back to watching the muddy road which later led to the Hyuuga complex. The road was long and neither of them spoke. The journey was spent in silence. They walked for an hour until the pair stopped at the foot of the oriental porch. He courteously bowed to the younger kunoichi. He did not speak.

Sakura bowed and nodded at him. "Go on in, I'm sure everyone has missed you."

With another bow, Neji entered his house and carefully shut the shoji door. The rosy haired medic sat on the porch after folding her umbrella. She swung her slender legs back and forth as she lazily watched the rain. Her thoughts slowly drifted to the village's taboo: missing-nin Uchiha Sasuke.

News of his betrayal had struck her heart. She remembered not eating for several days and wasting away in her room just staring at the wall. Orochimaru half completed his mission. Sasuke was now his puppet. The Sharingan was now in his control. This installed new terror in all of the villages.

"Uchiha…Sasuke." Sakura whispered to no one.

The missing-nin had missed Naruto become a jounin and also a member of the elite ANBU force, and Sakura's days of honor when she also passed her ANBU exam. Frankly speaking, he also missed her pass the jounin exam with top scores. He missed Naruto's inauguration as Hokage. He missed Naruto's wedding. There was no best man that day. Sasuke had missed the news of Hinata's pregnancy, one of Naruto's happiest days. Sasuke missed everything that he could have not, only if he hadn't been so selfish.

Sakura officially hated him.

Repeatedly, Haruno Sakura's heart was broken, and then repaired, only to have it broken again. Sasuke deserved not having his life now.

Sakura loved him enough to hate him.

She could have saved him from the path he was about to take. She hadn't tried hard enough.

All in all, she still loved him.

Everyday, the longing for Uchiha Sasuke did not leave; it grew. She hated herself for loving such a cold-hearted ninja, but the obsession of twelve years ago did not fade.

Sakura jumped when she heard the door being slid open again. In a hurry, she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Neji gazed at the spot the woman had been sitting with his white eyes. She left no evidence of her former presence besides a white umbrella with pink flowers swirling on the surface. He tucked his hands in his gray short kimono and walked to it. It lay there innocently and harmlessly. The Hyuuga almost sighed with annoyance.

He had no choice but to give it back to her. Picking it up, Neji was about to go back in, but he suddenly got the impulse to visit Tenten.

Strapping on his sandals again, he went out into the rain with Sakura's umbrella protecting him from the onslaught of the storm. He kept walking until he reached the familiar site of the memorial for the heroic shinobi who gave their lives in order to protect. Upon the cold stone, he found the kanji of Tenten's name engraved in it. Reaching out, he traced each part of her name over and over.

"I never thought I'd see your name here." He said.

For the next hour or so, Neji stayed at the memorial and gazed at her name. He bowed to it. "Thank you for saving me."

Neji could almost hear her cheerful laughter in the distance.

"Neji?" A shaky voice asked.

The Hyuuga turned to see his longtime comrade, Rock Lee. He smirked. "Lee, it's been awhile."

Surprisingly, Lee did not rush to hug him or bawl on his shoulder. The taijutsu master's comical face remained grave. "Tenten…hated the rain, didn't she?" Black eyes fixed themselves on white ones.

Neji steadily looked on also. "She did."

"It's nice to see you, Neji…my eternal rival." Lee offered him a quiet smile.

"Same here…Lee."

Author's Notes: Well! The first chapter of this Neji x Sakura is complete! I'm sorry I killed off the wonderful Tenten in this story. I just didn't think it'd work with her still alive.

As you might have guess already, rain is a major theme here. I think it makes this story way too angst, but I personally love the rain. It won't be so depressing further on. Mixing rain with death is a depressing thing. Eventually, I believe that rain will turn into a happy (or not) theme.

Sakura is still kind of (kind of!) hooked on Sasuke. I'm making a semi-triangle! XD Whatever that is.

Naruto is Hokage now! Yay! Hinata and Naruto are having a child already!

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! If you'd like me to continue, please support me with a review! I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you