Rosette's Birthday

Hi! Welcome to my new story. I hope you like this one as much as my previous fics. This is a Chrno Crusade fanfiction and must admit that my last Inuyasha Fanfictions are going to be "Genie in the Cell Phone" and "Sibling Rivalry". I just hope you have liked my previous stories and if you haven't read them, please check them out.


" She looks cheerful... no wonder why... tomorrow's her birthday and she will grow older. My dear contractor has matured, she's not the little girl that once freed me from Magdalene's tomb and its great darkness. Her body's not the only thing that changed but her soul... the soul I'm taking away from her slowly... my Rosette... I wish I could make you happy on this special day..."

Rosette's 16th birthday is about to come and she is really anxious about it. Especially by wondering what she could receive as a present from her friends. But Chrno is not sure of what to give her as a gift. He asks for Azmaria and Satella's help to get it prepared. Will this year, Chrno confess his love or will Rosette end up messing things up?

Genre: Humor/Romance

Rated: PG-13

Pairings: C/R

Well I hope you enjoy this so on with the story!

Ja ne!

Mase-chan -