Hello! I am writing a HP/YGO fic! I love these things and finally can write one of my very own…..well not COMPLETELY my own……Hope you enjoy the first chapter!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter OR Yugioh.

A blond teenager treaded home through the muddy streets. It was mid summer and he was walking home from a job at a new restaurant in town. Strange for it to rain so hard and for so long, but it finally looked as though the weather would soon be beautiful, as it should. The blond in question had no umbrella, thus he was drenched from the top of his head to his toes and not in a good mood. It had finally happened and he hoped it never would have…

Flash back

"Hey Yug', how's about we go to get a burger after school," replied the blond to his short friend.

"Oh, sorry Joey, but I can't! I….uhh…have something I need to do for grandfather in the shop after school," Yugi replied hesitantly.

" Do ya need some help? I haven't been to the shop lately!" exclaimed Joey, "It might be fun!"

"No, NO! He's really sick, highly contagious; you won't want to go near him!"

"Well if he's sick maybe I could-----," Joey was cut off by the smaller boy.

"Just leave it Joey……….he'll be fine," and with those words said he stalked off.

Later that day at school Joey found Yugi talking with Tea and upon eavesdropping found that they had plans for that afternoon. He felt hurt and pushed aside, the two once best friends never spoke again.
End of Flash back

He walked through the park, not wanting to go home right away so he wouldn't have to bother with his fathers wrath.((A/N: I don't know much about Joey's family, but his father is going to be an alcoholic and stuff, just because I have nothing better to do so NYAH!)) In the park he spotted a white haired teenager sitting by the fountain. Ryou Bakura had been a friend before, but not very close and always quiet. After the break-up((No they were NOT a couple)) with Yugi Joey had begun to talk to him a lot more. It turns out Ryou wasn't all that quiet…when you got him hyper, which on one occasion happened after Joey gave him some pixie sticks his sister had given him. After that, Joey swore never to let the white haired boy near them again, for the sake of the hearing of the neighborhood in Ryou's apartment.

Ryou stood from the fountain and looked up, seeing Joey he went over to him and smiled. "Been a while hasn't it?" he stated when he stopped in front of the blond.

"Not too long, but long enough," Joey grinned and they began the walk to Joey's apartment became a lot more animated.

Miles away, in a different country sat a dark haired boy with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Harry Potter sat in the park absently playing with a leaf in his hand. It was almost a miracle that he had gotten away from the Dursleys for the time being, he had just received mail from one of his friends which made them very angry because of all the 'hooting' they had heard upstairs. It wasn't Harry's fault that they had had company over and the owl came, but of course it was blamed on him. It would be a sign of the apocalypse if nothing was every blamed on the boy.
He pulled the small letter from his pocket and looked at who had sent it. He smiled, Remus Lupin, one of his father's friends, had been keeping in touch with him all summer. After the death of Sirius, Harry's godfather, he hadn't been the same. Remus was a great person to talk to while in times of grief and they kept in touch all summer long.

Harry opened the letter and read it to himself with a small smile on his face:

Dear Harry-
I hope you are doing well. I myself have been busy with business for the Order, and it's kept me from writing to you. I pray that your Aunt and Uncle are treating you well, and at least feeding you. Maybe we will meet later, if Dumbledore can arrange a time for you to come to headquarters. Don't forget to tell me of anything unusual.
See you later,

Heput the letter back in his pocket and sighed. It wasn't like he didn't want to go to the Order's headquarters ((A/N: KINDA RHYMES! -oh! Sorry)), but her didn't want to go back to Sirius' old house. He missed his godfather and going to the house he lived in for awhile was going to be hard to do. He knew Hermione and Ron were already there and waiting for him since they had previously sent letters about this, but it would still depress him and he didn't need to worry people. Maybe it would be alright though, he'd see Buckbeak and it would be nice to have contact to the magical world again.

Ryou woke when he felt a weight fall onto his chest and a rustle of feathers. He slowly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the letter that had been placed on top of him. It looked like a strange sort of paper to be used as an envelope and when he grabbed it, he knew it was parchment.

He looked at the letter and found it addressed quite specifically to him:

Ryou Bakura
4502-57th place Apartment number 1022
10th floor, back room((A/N: I don't know his address or anything and can't remember how they write these things out!))

He sat up and turned over the envelope to find a rich looking seal with a strange crest. He opened the letter carefully and began to read it. (A/N: you all know what it says, so I'm too lazy to type it out))

"Wizarding school? What kind of………" Ryou stared blankly at the letter and sighed. He didn't know of anyone who would try to trick him, so he might as well ask him father who was oddly back home for the summer.

Getting up slowly, Ryou walked to the kitchen to find his father reading the paper and drinking coffee. Ryou sat across from him and politely waited until his father noticed his presence, which didn't take that long.

"Ryou? You're up rather early this morning…." Ryou's father then noticed his son's confused face, "is something bothering you?"

"I received a letter"

"From who? It can't be that bad, can it?"
Ryou handed his father the letter, he read it over and a strange feature crossed over his face.

"That's odd. Well…do you want to go or not?" Ryou's father asked.

Ryou sat stunned, his father WANTED him to choose to go. He didn't think it strange that someone…oh well. "Sure! It'd be fun!" replied an excited Ryou. 'I'll ask Bakura about it when he is more awake and in a good mood,' he thought with a sweatdrop.

"Then we should send them…and owl? Alright then!"

Joey awoke many hours later than Ryou had to a bird pecking his nose. He screamed and fell out of bed making a 'thud' sound.

"Hey! You wanna fight ya stupid bird!" he held up his fists in a fighting position only to get pecked on the head, a letter dropped on his floor, and a rush of flapping as the owl flew out of his window. "Didn't I shut that last night?" Joey contemplated.

He read the letter and immediately thought it to be the most awesome thing in the whole entire world! Of course he'd go, who wouldn't? He just needed to get to the bank where he had conveniently opened a bank account to save his money, even if he hadn't meant to for many years.

There you go! First chapter finished! Please review, or else I'll be sad and not continue it! If I at least get three for this first chapter I'll probably continue it, but it's always nice to get more than that! Hope you enjoyed it! "Sayonara, Bye Bye"
