Title: Decisions

Author: BertaS

Date Written: March 2005 (polished for repost Jan. 2019)

Pairing: Severus and Hermione

Rating: PG – to be safe

Word Count: 10,500 +-

Warnings: Het – Sexual Situations

Summary: A great man once said, "It is our decisions that shape who we are." Now a new law is forcing Hermione and those around her to redefine who they are. Loosely based on the WIKTT Marriage Law Challenge.

A/N: This was the first story I actually wrote. I have cleaned up the spelling and punctuation as well as expanding a bit here and there but did not have it beta-ed so all mistakes are my own. And since I had several questions about it, Cariamia means my beloved.

Disclaimer: Anything you recognize is not mine and reviews will be the only payment that I receive.

Chapter 1 – Friday

Part 1 – Precious

She had refused the lemon drop. She knew they were trying to help but ultimately the decision was hers and she only had till Sunday to make that decision. Hermione Granger had received twelve petitions for her hand in marriage, none of which she considered 'Husband Material'. Most were Death Eaters that got away or their sons, and two were contemporaries of Dumbledore.

The new law was so stupid that it's passing in the Wizengamot had taken the Order by complete surprise. The so called 'Marriage Law' was utterly ridiculous and really not going to solve anything. Yes, there had been a lot of deaths in the last war but trying to force marriage and procreation was truly unreasonable. Forcing muggleborns to marry purebloods would most likely end in disaster unless there was already some glimmer of an attraction to work from. You could not mandate love.

Now, as she sat in the Headmasters office, several members of the Order of the Phoenix were discussing her prospects over her head. Arguing about the merits of each and which one she should accept. Debating if they should try to find someone else to petition, someone that would be more acceptable. The thing that annoyed her most was that they never even asked nor considered her wishes or opinions on the matter.

Most of the Order members did not even notice the large rather evil-looking bird that flew in and landed on the arm of her chair, those that did only looked close enough to ensure that it was not another petition. Hermione unfastened the note and read:

Dear Miss Granger,

I am writing in hopes of meeting you at your earliest convenience to discuss the possibility of a marriage contract. I would like to get to know you a little and hear of your future plans and wishes before submitting a petition to the ministry.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Lord Setian Snape

PS The bird that delivered this is a Goss Hawk. His name is Precious. He is yours to keep as a wedding gift no matter who you choose

Hermione looked at the bird and thought, 'to name such an evil looking creature 'Precious' the man at least has a sense of humor'. She was unaware that a postal owl was traditionally a gift from a father to his daughter on her wedding day.

She rose and moved to the fireplace where Professor Severus Snape was leaning against the mantel. He wasn't taking part in the discussion, just lurking by the fire, watching, waiting patiently for something.

Holding the letter out she asked quietly, "Professor, is this, who I think it is?"

Snape scowled and scanned the letter. The slight widening of his eyes and a flaring of his nostrils was the only indication of the shock he was feeling. He silently nodded at the girl beside him and she whispered, "Is he a Death Eater?"

His head moved in the negative this time.

"Will you take me to meet him?" She was gnawing on her lip as she did when thinking or worried.

He looked around the room at the squabbling Order members, considering their reactions, but before he could open his mouth she whispered, "I doubt they'll even notice we're gone."

Snape looked around the room again and came to a decision. Grabbing some floo powder from the mantel while hoping she was correct in her assessment. He slipped his arm around the girl's waist, tossed the powder into the fire and stepped in pulling her with him.

As the green flames died several Order members looked to see who had left. It was nearly an hour later that they figured out that, Severus Snape and Hermione Granger were missing. Left in their place was an evil looking Goss Hawk and a pile of petitions.

Part 2 – Lord Snape

As the fire spat them out she was only kept from falling by the strong arms that held her. She stepped back and was startled by a voice that was very like the Professor's. "What the hell are you doing here?" yelled the voice. "Get out! I told you before I don't want Death Eater scum in my home!"

Hermione whirled around to face the older version of Snape, and stated heatedly, "What a perfectly horrid way to great you son. I must say I am quite shocked Mr. Snape! You are not making a very good first impression."

The Lord Snape was slightly taken aback by this tiny woman with bushy brown hair in muggle clothing who was so vehemently defending his son. He glanced at Severus, whose face was carefully neutral except the slightly raised eyebrow, a sure sign that he was amused. He looked back at the woman, no she was just a girl, and sneered, "And just why, should I wish to impress my son's strumpet?"

Hermione felt Severus stiffen behind her she knew that if she didn't defuse the situation they would be at each other's throats, so with a light laugh she replied, "Well, you did request to meet at my 'earliest convenience', Mr. Snape."

Severus who was having trouble believing that his father could be so rude, just because the girl was standing next to him, said in a very tightly controlled voice, "Father, if I may introduce, Miss Hermione Granger. Miss Granger, my father, Lord Setian Snape."

Hermione chirped, "Charmed, I'm sure," while noticing the differences between the Professor and his father. The Lord Snape had grey eyes and his hair was that shade of brown that is almost black but not quite. He also had just the slightest of grey at his temples and his nose, though just as long, was slightly less crooked. At the moment he was looking a bit embarrassed, an expression she had never seen on the Professor's face.

Lord Snape said, "I do hope you will forgive me, my dear. My son and I have not been on what anyone would call good terms for quite a long time and," he shrugged a bit, "his mother always said that given half a chance I would make an ass of myself." He smiled rather ruefully.

Severus muttered, "Indeed".

"Severus, you are excused, you may leave." snapped Lord Snape.

Hermione placed her hand on Severus' arm. "The Professor will stay, or this meeting is over." She wasn't about to be left alone with someone she didn't know and failed to notice that Severus had not moved in the slightest.

Lord Snape replied with a slightly stiff bow, "As you wish." He then offered Hermione a seat and summoned an elf to bring tea.

When the tea service arrived, Hermione ask if she could pour out and prepared three cups one with two sugars, one with honey. She then looked to Lord Snape as to how he liked his.

Severus was amazed that she knew how he took his tea; of course, he was surprised that there was honey on the tray, but then the elves would know it was his preferred sweetener, it had been since he was quite small. He moved to the window with his cup, looking out at the snow-covered gardens while listening to the conversation between Hermione and his father and thinking that his father was up to something that he was sure he would not like. However, looking at the garden brought back a lot of memories.

The conversation was strained to begin with although Hermione was aware that Lord Snape was really trying to be charming and truly was sorry for his earlier behavior. He asked her about her preferred career choices and her thoughts on children. She realized early on that Lord Snape intended to offer himself as a suitor but pretended that she thought he was offering the Professor.

Part 3 – On Bended Knee

Severus realized that his thoughts must have wandered, the garden had been where he and his mother had spent a lot of their time together and he was remembering a time long ago when he was happy. He was shocked back to the present by his father's raised voice, "You want that?" He was gesturing toward the dark man at the window. "You actually thought I was going to offer you that miserable excuse for a human being? Do you have any idea what he is? What he is capable of?"

Severus let his head drop, his hair falling across his face, hearing his father speak that way about him hurt more than he thought possible and he was dreading what Hermione might say. He had worked quite closely with all of the younger Order Members but none with as little friction as the brilliant young woman seated beside his father. He was shocked to discover that her opinion actually mattered to him.

Her soft slightly chiding words made him look up through his hair. "Lord Snape, I evidently know more of your son than you do." She turned and smiled at her Professor before turning back to his father. "The Professor may have had the Dark Mark on his arm," she shook her head, "but it was never on his heart." She set her cup down. "He is not now and has not been a Death Eater for a very long time."

Severus stared at her with wonder, barely daring to breathe, almost feeling hope, for what he wasn't sure.

Lord Snape scoffed, "I think you have been reading that rot they print in the Prophet, my dear." He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest much the same as the Professor did when he thought he had all the answers.

Hermione snorted, "I've read it. And if you had read it you would know that the Professor and I along with several others were with Harry when Voldemort was destroyed." She drew herself up, flipping her hair back exposing the white column of her throat. "If your son were to ask," she smiled, "I would marry him tomorrow."

Lord Snape stared at the young woman who was smiling so serenely at him. "Then I suppose I should write out that petition, if you are sure that is what you want." He didn't understand it, but he wanted this woman and her children in his family and he would give her anything in his power and that included Severus if that was what she wanted.

Hermione raised her eyebrow and asked quietly, "Don't you think you should ask your son, if that is what he wants?" She would not have him trapped or forced. She respected and actually liked him too much for that.

They both looked at Severus where he had moved to a shelf and was digging through a small chest type box. He had not asked before for fear of rejection and a desire not to add to her stress, but her words were all that were needed to send him to where he knew he would find his mothers jewelry.

Lord Snape snapped, "What the hell are you doing, boy?!"

"Looking for something Father," Severus answered absently before he made his way to where Hermione was sitting. When he reached her, he knelt searching her face with his eyes and asked, "Are you certain, Miss Granger?"

When she nodded he took her left hand and slipped a ring onto her finger. "Then tomorrow I will make you my Lady." He smiled slightly, and she leaned forward to brush her lips lightly across his.

There was a surge of magic through the room that had Lord Snape swearing as he headed for his desk and the petition form that was on it. As far as the magic was concerned, they were already bound. Only those of true power did not need anything but each other and their vows. The paperwork was just a formality.

Part 4 – The Petition

Lord Snape was muttering and asking the new couple questions as he wrote the petition. It was actually the shortest, most straight forward and to the point petition she received, leaving out all the flowery legal mumbo-jumbo.

I Lord Setian Altarian Snape on behalf of my son Severus Salazar Snape do hereby request the hand of Hermione Jane Granger in matrimony

Wedding will take place before the end of this year at the location of the brides choosing.

Wedding will be the full double bonding ceremony

Couple will reside in an ancestral home at least 21 days per year, starting 1, January.

Heir is to be conceived within 3 years of bonding.

Lord Setian Snape

By affixing my signature, I Hermione Jane Granger do accept this petition and agree to all it contains


Setian affixed his seal and tapped it with his wand for it to copy itself. As he handed the original to Hermione he said, "You will need at least two pureblood witnesses when you sign this."

She smiled. "Thank you, Lord Snape,".

"Setian, my dear," he smiled, "you are family now." He was hopeful she would not hold his temper and propensity for rudeness against him. He didn't realize how well she actually knew his son. She had actually been expecting some kind of outburst of temper on his part. After all, he was the Professor's father.

Hermione stifled a giggle and responded primly, "Yes father." She then burst out in a full laugh at the almost identical looks of shock on his and Severus' faces. Setian soon chuckled as well.

Severus, his lips twitching slightly in his effort to not laugh, interrupted, "We should get back to the school, I am certain that our absence has been noticed by now."

Part 4 – Witnesses

When they flooed back to Hogwarts, Hermione and Severus arrived in his office.

"Who did you have in mind as witnesses, Miss… ah, Hermione?" His lips twisted into a grimace that was close to a smile but not quite, "That is going to be difficult to get used to."

She snorted, "My calling you Severus is going to be just as hard." At his frown she continued, "We are both used to you being 'Professor'." She gave him a half smile and answered his earlier question. "I think Ginny and Neville would be excellent witnesses and they know how to keep their mouths shut at least till we make an announcement."

Severus nodded. "Floo the Gryffindor common room." He said handing her a small amount of floo powder from the desk drawer.

When she pulled her head out of the fire she said, "Gin will find Neville and they will meet us here."

He was sitting at his desk watching her and asked, "Have you thought how you will explain all this to you parents? I cannot see them having a favorable reaction to you marring so young, let alone how they will react to my age and appearance not to mention my past." She thought he seemed saddened by this thought.

Hermione pursed her lips and moved to face him, leaning against the desk almost sitting on it. "They do know about the law. I wrote, explaining to them that I expected to receive petitions. They weren't happy, but I think they understand." He looked up at her, his expression clearly saying, 'About the law maybe.' so she reached out laying her hand on his cheek. "There is nothing wrong with your age or looks, and as for your past… you may have made some bad decisions, but everyone does occasionally. If my parents don't like my decision, then…" she shrugged. "Well, we can deal with that if it happens."

A knock and the door opening to emit Ginny, Harry, Neville and Draco Malfoy interrupted them.

Hermione looked at Ginny slightly annoyed and asked, "What part of, 'don't tell anyone else.' did you miss?"

Ginny made a face, "Harry overheard me tell Neville and insisted on coming and Malfoy caught us just outside the door, we haven't told him anything."

"Hermione, where did you disappear to? No one even saw you leave the Headmasters office." asked Harry with some concern.

Hermione replied nonchalantly, "Oh well… I got a note asking for a meeting from a prospective Father-in-law. I ask Professor Snape to escort me."

Draco's eyes about popped out of his head. "Shit, Granger you didn't sign anything did you?" At her stunned look he elaborated, "Whatever my Father might have told you, he's up to something. He won't let me keep you." He must have realized how that sounded and quickly added, "I mean, not that I want to or anything."

Hermione cleared her throat and picked up a quill, "Thank you, Draco. It was not your father." That thought was almost too horrible to contemplate, and she thought that Draco agreed as he looked like he wanted to faint with relief. "Actually, I was going to ask Ginny and Neville to be my witnesses, but I think I would like you to sign as well." She glanced at the Professor and to everyone's shock sat lightly on his knee to sign the petition that was lying on the desk with a flourish. She then offered the quill to Draco. "If you don't mind, that is?"

They all inhaled sharply then crowded forward to read the name of Hermione's betrothed. Draco chuckled wickedly and with a smirk said, "Father is going to be livid. And with me witnessing he can't even contest it." He pulled out his wand and tapped the word witness and the words:

By affixing my signature, I do hereby witness that the above-signed Hermione Jane Granger was under no compulsions or duress at the time of her signature.

Appeared and he signed underneath them. As he handed the quill to Longbottom he smiled at Professor Snape. "Congratulations Godfather." Severus gave him a tight smile and a nod in acknowledgement.

Neville squeaked, "Congratulations," as he finished his signature and handed the quill to Ginny who signed with a silly grin on her face and handed the quill to Harry who also had a bit of a goofy grin as he signed, but that was because he was thinking how spar Ron would go if he saw Hermione sitting on Snape's lap. Of course, this was probably the only thing keeping him from losing it himself.

"I take it we need to keep this under our hats until you make some kind of announcement?" Harry asked.

"Yes Harry, we would appreciate that. Do you know if Precious is still in the Headmasters office?" asked Hermione standing up.

Harry raised his eyebrow. "Precious?" he asked.

There was a loud screech and a scrabbling sound that Professor Snape reacted to by standing and pulling on one of the sets of shelves, which swung open to reveal a short corridor and an open window as well as the door to his private quarters. The evil looking Goss Hawk flew through to land on the back of Severus' chair.

"What a clever bird you are, my Precious." Hermione cooed. Then tapped the petition causing it to duplicate its self twice. Handing the original to Severus and attaching the duplicates to Precious, she instructed him to take one to Lord Snape and the other to the Ministry.

Harry was nearly going cross eyed as he tried to keep a straight face, if he had been a little more observant he would have noticed that Severus was smirking as well at the words, "My Precious."

Once they were alone again she looked at Severus and said, "You want to get the meeting with my parents out of the way?"

The sad look came back to his face and he said, "I suppose we must." He reached into the desk drawer for more floo powder and she stepped into his arms. Once again, they entered the fire together.

Part 6 – The Grangers

When they stepped out of the fire Hermione called for her mum and dad but there was no answer. Leaving the den, with its dark Christmas tree and excess amounts of holly, to head for the kitchen she glanced at the grandfather clock in the hall. Stopped and looked again. "They work late on Fridays. They should be here in a bit. Would you like some tea?"

He assented as he examined the row of still portraits, all of Hermione, which lined the hall. Though she was only seventeen there were nineteen of them ranging from infancy to what must have been this past summer.

A few minutes later with the water set to boil, Hermione opened the cabinet for the tea to find the canister empty. Looking further she found the spare canister on the top shelf, thinking to herself, 'Why on earth does Mum keep it there?' She asked, "Severus, would you reach the tea down for me? It's the blue canister on the top shelf."

Severus stepped over, preventing her from moving with one hand on her hip, his chest brushing lightly against her back. As he placed the canister in front of her his arms briefly trapping her between him and the counter.

She let out a small, "Oh!" sound.

"Is something wrong?" He almost purred while inhaling the scent of her hair.

Looking over her shoulder and up at him she smiled shyly. "I think I may have just figured out why Mum keeps this up there." Severus chuckled softly and moved away as the door rattled and Dr. and Dr. Granger entered.

"Hermione?" her mother exclaimed moving to hug her daughter.

"Hello Mum, Dad."

"We weren't expecting you till next week." her father commented coldly, frowning at Severus as he took off his jacket and hung it on the back of a chair.

Biting her lip Hermione said, "Well, something's come up."

"Who's this you have brought with you?" her father asked his tone quite belligerent.

"It must be something serious for you to be home early." her mother said concerned at the same time as her husband's almost rude comment.

Hermione looked at Severus and back at her parents. "This is Severus Snape. It's a little earlier than expected, but," she wrapped her hand around his arm just above the elbow, "we're getting married."

Her mother gasped, "Oh, my." and covered her mouth with her hand.

"It's that damn law? But your home now, you don't have to do what those people say." He was giving Severus a look of pure hate. "I just won't allow you to go back." He practically yelled. He was regretting his decision to indulge his daughter by allowing her so much freedom and allowing her to attend that stupid school for magic of all things.

"Dad, we already discussed this, I belong in the magic world." Hermione stated calmly.

"You will do as I say, young lady!" He shouted unable to believe she was defying him. She had never back talked like this before.

"I'm sorry, I can't stay." Hermione let her hand slide down to clasp Severus' hand and started for the door.

Hermione's father with a cry of, "DISOBEDIENT BRAT!" slapped her hard across the face knocking her to the floor. Instantly Dr. Granger was pinned against the wall by a hand that felt like a band if iron around his throat and the blackest eyes he had ever seen boring into his soul.

Severus purred, "Granger, do you realize that I could kill you with a single word, that there are potions that require bits and pieces of human anatomy? Of course, I could simply transfigure you into a fur bearing animal and give your hide to my bride to wear at the wedding." At this point a small hand was placed on Severus' forearm. Severus inhaled sharply; she couldn't know she had covered the remains of the Dark Mark that though pale and indistinct, still marred the skin there.

When she spoke the rage he was feeling abated, "Severus, can we go now, please?"

Severus nodded, but before he could release him, the Granger man spoke, "You whore! If you leave this house with this man you will not be welcomed back, you will no longer be my daughter."

With a snarl Severus drew back and slammed his fist into the offensive mouth as hard as he could. Dr. Granger slid to the floor as Severus released him. He was quite satisfied with the crunch the man's jaw made and the dazed expression on his face.

Hermione looked sadly at her father blinking up at her from the floor and said, "Goodbye, Dr. Granger." Turning with tears in her eyes she choked out, "I'm sorry Mummy. I have to go."

Mrs. Grainger close to tears herself looked from her stunned husband to her tearful child clinging to the terrifying wizard. She closed her eyes and nodded before whispering to Severus, "Please, take care of my baby."

Severus bowed deeply and led Hermione from the house.

Part 7 – Caramia

They had walked for several minutes before Severus broke the silence. "Hermione, where are we going?" He spoke softer than he usually did.

When she turned to him the tears that had been threatening, spilled down her face, she shrugged and shook her head shivering. He reached out and pulled her to him wrapping her in his arms and robes. Bending his head, he spoke into her ear, "Where do you want to go, Caramia?" He wasn't sure why he used the endearment but thought it suited her well.

She clung to him and when her answer came her voice was broken by sobs, "Somewhere warm and far away."

He thought for a moment then said, "Alright, but you will have to help apperate us." She nodded against his chest and tightened her hold.

"On the count of three then, are you ready?" She nodded again, he counted and with a whip-crack noise they were gone.

Her first thought when she realized that she was crying on Severus' chest was that he was going to be annoyed with her emotional outburst. Then she realized he was stroking her hair soothingly and that she was actually cuddled in his lap.

She pulled back to look at him and he smoothed the hair away from her face, smiled softly and said, "I hope I'm doing this right, I'm not the type people come to for comfort."

Hermione smiled through the last of her tears. "You're doing great," And she buried her face in his neck hugging him tightly. When she looked up again he closed the gap between them to kiss her lightly. Her response took him a bit by surprise. She pulled him closer making the kiss firmer and let her mouth open in invitation.

Severus finally pulled away and Hermione smiled up at him. He smiled back only then realizing he had somehow gotten her laid down and was half atop her. He skimmed his hand down her side from just below her breast to her hip and back up as he shifted slightly against her. Hermione's eyes widened, and she stiffened slightly. He shifted again pressing his erection firmly into her thigh as he leaned to whisper in her ear, "I refuse to take what is not freely given. Caramia, do not fear me." And he kissed the soft spot under her ear.

Severus was pleased that she relaxed so quickly. When he pulled back she brought her hand up to caress his cheek. "I'm not afraid of you."

Severus raised his eyebrow but did not pursue the issue, instead he rearranged them so they could sleep comfortably, and said, "Rest now, we will talk in the morning."

Chapter 2 - Saturday

Part 1 – Morning

When Severus Snape woke he could smell the sea, hear birds singing, and feel the warm breeze on his face and a weight on his chest. It was, however, the feeling of being watched that caused him to open his eyes. Hermione was lying mostly on top of him with her arms crossed across his chest and her chin resting on the back of her hands.

Smiling brightly, she said, "Morning."

He groaned, "Please, tell me you are not a morning person." and closed his eyes against the sun that seemed horribly bright for as early as he knew it to be at Hogwarts.

"No, not usually, but according to the sun it must be about ten, maybe later." She laughed. "And it was pretty early when we went to sleep."

He opened his eyes, reached up and stroked her cheek with his finger. "We are not in England." He smirked. "Do you even know where you are, Caramia?"

Hermione blinked and looked around a slight frown creasing her brow. They were lying on his teaching robes next to a large driftwood log. Trees, sand, sea, birds all pointed to somewhere on the Mediterranean. But she wasn't sure that was what he meant. Looking back at Severus she grinned. "I'm on the beach, in your arms. What else do I need to know?"

Severus Snape outright laughed, which had Hermione rearing back to see him better. His smile was actually very attractive. She had never seen him so unguarded and animated.

He pulled her close and rolled them over. "Indeed, there is, however, a bit of a time difference between England and Greece." He then leaned in for a kiss, which heated up quickly. He pulled back slowly, panting as he tried to maintain control, the urge to simply take her was strong but he had already frightened her once. He had no wish to do so again.

She was looking at him curiously when he opened his eyes. Severus smiled slightly and kissed he on the tip of her nose before he growled, "You tempt me," a kiss on the cheek, "to take," kiss on the forehead, "things," the other cheek, "you are not yet offering." He proceeded to kiss a trail from her chin to her ear and was starting down her throat.

Her voice was breathy sending waves of desire through him, "Severus, I freely give myself to you." His head popped up to stare at her. "With no hesitation or reservations, I give myself to you." Her hands caressed his back and shoulders. "I make you mine, as I give myself to you."

They both felt but ignored the magic that crawled over them from the repeated phrase and his reply.

"I am yours as you are mine." He caressed her hair as he marveled at how easily she offered herself and at how easy it was to repeat and truly mean the traditional bonding pledge. "Hermione, I give myself to you. With no hesitation or reservations, I give myself to you. I make you mine, as I give myself to you."

The magic once again crawled over and through them with her answer, "I am yours as you are mine." Again, neither of then took notice of the intense magical reaction, except to note that their clothing had disappeared, they did not know nor care how this happened.

Hermione's cry of pain with his first thrust shocked him, as the magic coursing through him could not. It took a great deal of effort, but he was able to still himself long enough for her to become use to him and soon she was meeting his thrusts and crying out in pleasure. As they came to simultaneous completion the magic once again flared, exploding through, around and out from them like one of the Weasley twin's fireworks.

They collapsed, exhausted, both physically and magically.

Part 2 – Breakfast

They didn't really sleep long. Severus woke first this time and was leaning on one elbow with his head resting on his fist, watching her. When Hermione opened her eyes, he leaned in for a kiss and his stomach loudly protested the lack of breakfast. They both laughed when hers answered, with its' own complaint.

They both got up Hermione biting her lip to suppress the hiss at the soreness she was feeling. Severus noticed her expression and asked concerned, "Are you injured?"

Hermione shook her head. "I'm just being made aware of muscles I didn't know I had." She gave a little shrug. "I'll be all right."

He reached out and hugged her close. "That is to be expected." He tipped her chin up to look into her eyes. "I did not realize. I…" She brought her hand up and placed a finger on his lips stopping what might have been his first apology in a long time.

"I will be fine." she said firmly. Then to lighten the mood she rose up on tiptoe to kiss him on the chin. Her movement caused her to notice he was again erect. "Of course," she grinned as her hand found and stroked his length lightly, "if I had seen this before, I think I would have been terrified." Her expression was pure innocence even though her actions were not.

Severus chuckled and purred, "If you do not stop that you will not be able to walk." His voice sounded very dangerous in contrast to the gentleness of his hands roaming over her smooth skin.

She laughed merrily as they broke apart and she started to gather their clothing, which was scattered all around the robes they had been sleeping on, as though they had exploded away from their bodies.

Severus picked fruit from several nearby trees and brought it back to their makeshift bed where Hermione was sorting the clothes into two piles. He was pleased that the only thing she had put on was her knickers, almost inviting him to ogle her breasts as they ate.

As they were completing their breakfast a small brown owl dropped a letter on Hermione's lap. She opened and held it so they could both read:

Mr. & Mrs. Snape,


We were surprised to discover you were in residence and that you would perform a bonding ceremony without submitting the proper forms. However, this is easily corrected. If you will stop by my office this afternoon I will have the paperwork ready for your signatures.

Again Congratulations,

Aliana Starshine

First Counsel of

The Greek Counsel

Part 3 – The Greek Counsel

Severus and Hermione arrived at the Counsel building in Athens to be greeted by a young woman and shown to a small sitting room. Shortly thereafter a lady who seemed to be almost as old as Dumbledore entered, she handed a folder to Severus and sent the younger woman out.

She gave them both a long look. "You have been away much too long, Severus." she finally said sternly.

Severus hugged the old woman and said, "Yes, Grandmother. I have indeed." He turned to Hermione who was shocked, 'His grandmother was the Greek equivalent of the Minster of Magic?' "Hermione, this is my maternal Great Grandmother, Lady Aliana, Grandmother, my bride, Hermione." he introduced her proudly.

The old woman smiled as she hugged Hermione and kissed her on each cheek. "Welcome to the Family, my dear."

"Thank you, Lady Aliana." Hermione said in something of a daze.

Severus was looking through the folder and looked up with an evil grin. "Caramia, Grandmother has just saved us from the extra spells that the Ministry is placing on those married under the Marriage Law."

Lady Aliana snorted, "Nonsense, the Ladies Isle is not under the control of the British Ministry. And Cornelius Fudge will have another think coming if he tries to dictate to me."

Hermione smiled she liked this old woman and asked, "The Ladies Isle?"

The old woman chuckled, "He didn't take you further than the beach, did he?"

"Grandmother," the annoyance in his voice was plain, "Hermione has had a difficult couple of days, and frankly the stairs would most likely have killed both of us this morning."

Hermione was looking at the two of them with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. She was thoroughly irritated with people speaking over her as thought she was incapable of thinking for herself. But they were also hinting that there was something new to learn.

"There is more to our Isle than the beach, we will explore later." he stated. "And I will do my best to explain."

"Severus, you will show her everything before returning to England." commanded Lady Aliana. "Besides you can floo straight into the Great Hall of that school of yours from there."

Severus locked eyes with the old woman for a moment before bowing his head. "Yes Ma'am." He cleared his throat and with a glare said, "If you have quite finished making me feel like a naughty twelve-year-old. May we have a quill so that we may get these signed?"

Lady Aliana and Hermione both laughed. Hermione hoped he would continue to be this open after they returned to Hogwarts, at least when they were alone. After signing the papers, they joined several other council members for an early supper then Severus took Hermione on a quick shopping trip before going back to their beach on the Ladies Isle.

Part 4 – The Ladies Isle

Severus led Hermione from the beach through the dense forest. She noticed that they were climbing steadily. When they reached the stairs that Severus had mentioned Hermione understood his earlier comment, they where narrow and lead up the steep cliff-side.

As they rested on a small landing she looked out at the setting sun while leaning against Severus, the view was incredible. "Severus, are we going to make it to the top before it gets dark?"

He smirked. "If we do not dawdle to much we should be able to climb the remaining one hundred eighty-two steps before the sun is completely swallowed by the sea."

"One hundred eighty-two more, how many have we climbed?" She wondered if he was actually counting as they went as she automatically multiplied the number of steps by the average height of the risers to get that they had to climb about one hundred feet more.

He pulled her closer and nuzzled her neck. "This landing is exactly half way." He released her reluctantly and motioned for her to continue climbing. As she climbed she thought about what she had learned about this island at lunch.

The island was an extinct volcano. The goddesses, Athena, Hara, and Aphrodite, had all bestowed gifts on the progenitors of the Snape line here. The family had erected a temple to the Ladies on the rim of the volcano, which they were currently climbing. Since that time the caldera had filled to create a plateau and a house had been built.

She also discovered how the Counsel knew she and Severus were on the Isle; evidently everyone within several kilometers around had felt the magic of their bonding being completed. Hermione found this a little embarrassing, as she knew how they had completed the bond.

Her thoughts were interrupted by reaching the summit and Severus directing her along the gravel path. When they reached the porch in front of the house, he suddenly swept her up into his arms with a grin at her squeal of surprise he asked, "It is a muggle custom to carry the bride into the house, is it not?"

Hermione laughed, "Well, yes. But you could have warned me." She playfully swatted at his chest.

Severus indicated for her to open the door and as she touched the knob they both cried out. He dropped to one knee refusing to release the now limp Hermione as the door swung open. He struggled to his feet and staggered into the house before he slumped on the couch cuddling his new bride close. He knew it was just the wards re-adjusting but this was not usually done while touching nor was the door usually the trigger. Severus was just able to get them into a semi comfortable position before he too passed out.

Little did he know that it was indeed how it had always been done on the Lady's Isle, and if his father had had the slightest inkling that they would go to the Isle to perform their bonding, he would have warned them.

Chapter 3 – Sunday

Part 1 – Awareness

Hermione woke to with a strange awareness. The whole island was like Hogwarts in that it was almost sentient. There seemed to be a feeling of satisfaction to the island it had been quite some time since the Isle's last Lady had passed away.

She started to roll and stretch but realized too late that there was nothing to roll onto, she clutched at Severus and wound up pulling him off the narrow couch with her.

They landed on the floor in a tangle. Hermione had to laugh at the expression of utter confusion on Severus' face as he looked around and down at her through the tangle of his hair. When he frowned at her she reached up and smoothed his hair away from his face pulling him down to kiss him thoroughly. "Good morning, Luv. I didn't realize we hadn't made it to the bed." she said smiling.

He was still trying to figure out just what had happened and why they had been on the couch when she went ahead with her stretch yawning and wiggling underneath him, causing him to groan and press into her as he claimed her lips again. She could feel his desire, not only against her thigh but also through the link with the Isle. He had left her mouth and kissed his way to her ear where he whispered haltingly, "Caramia? Are you… Okay...? Do...? Do you think...? Could you… bear my attentions?" He pulled back looking at her with a strange combination of concern and lust.

She smiled. "Here on the floor or will you take me to bed?" she asked sensuously.

He stood pulling her to her feet. "The bed I think." he growled and sweeping her up into his arms he carried her to the bedroom.

Sometime later as they lay holding each other, his head resting on her breast, Severus sighed, "I keep expecting to wake and find I am dreaming, a perverted old man, lusting after his student." His voice was rich with self-disgust.

"Severus," she spoke softly while stroking his hair. "It is not perverse for a man in his prime to want a nubile young woman in his bed." She had to fight to sound stern, "However, if I catch you letting some floozy make eyes at you, someone is going to get hexed."

He chuckled, "I would have to give you detention." He raised his head to look sternly at her, but she could see in his eyes he was delighted with the teasing.

In a sad voice she said, "No more lusting after students for you." She shook her head fighting not to laugh.

"Not even you, Caramia?" he asked with a mock pout.

She pretended to consider this then said, "Well," she grinned, "okay, I think we can make that one exception." And she kissed the tip of his long-crooked nose. Then she giggled, "Would you really give me detention?"

He smirked. "Of course, you would have to be 'properly punished' for hexing another student."

She bit her lip then with a wicked grin and a gleam in her eye purred, "Oooh! What kind of punishment?" She wiggled against him. She neglected to tell him that if she caught him allowing such a thing, she would not be hexing any of his students.

A grin spread across his face as he moved pinning her with his body and holding her wrists lightly above her head. Her eyes grew huge and a smile was growing as he whispered in her ear.

Part 2 – Plans

They eventually decided that they needed to prepare to return to Hogwarts. They rose and ate breakfast served by a tiny elf. Severus explained that they would visit the temple before leaving. They headed out into the gardens holding hands.

Hermione spoke, "How do you think they will react back at school? Will our dream turn into a nightmare?"

Severus squeezed her hand. "I think it would be prudent to work out some things, so as to present a united front, as it were."

They came to a stone bench and sat. "I should probably drop potions class." At his shocked look she continued, "That way no one could accuse you of playing favorites."

He smirked. "I believe you made that accusation yourself, not so long ago."

She smiled. "Well, you were allowing Draco to be a bit more of a prat than usual, and it isn't like you still have to do so to please Voldemort."

He shuddered and clapped his hand over this forearm. Hermione frowned. "I thought you said it didn't hurt anymore?"

Severus shrugged and snapped, "It does not." Calming slightly, he continued, "However, for a very long time that name actually did cause pain." He looked away and shrugged as he added, "Pavlovian reaction."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Severus." She got a very thoughtful look. "No wonder you were always so snarky at Order meeting. It must have been torture having it bandied about like we always did."

At his scowl, she brought her hand up to caress his cheek. "I don't think any of us ever really thanked you properly for all you had to endure, and don't think I don't know what some of that entailed." She gave him a look and he realized that perhaps she did indeed know at least some of the horrors he had had to witness and actively participate in to maintain his place with the Dark Lord.

Severus swallowed hard and she pulled him into a hug. "I won't ask you anything about that, it's the past, and we only need worry with the future." She stroked his hair. "Should you wish to talk, I will of course listen." She could feel him shaking his head. "Or you could talk to Harry, he knows most of it anyway, the visions you know?"

He nodded against her mumbling, "I'll think about it."

He held on tight for a moment his face buried in her hair, when he sat back she said briskly, "Now, I would still like to take the NEWT's for potions, but I think I can manage an independent study."

Severus snorted, "You could have passed your NEWT's last year. I will set you a course of study that might actually challenge you for a change. I would be willing to bet that by this time next year I could have you ready to set your Mastery." Her shocked look at the complement made him laugh. He nuzzled her ear whispering, "That is, of course, if that is something you would be interested in."

She looked up at him. "I don't know." She smiled. "I think I would like that." She sobered, biting her lip. "I might have other concerns a year from now." She looked across the lawn toward the temple.

He stroked her cheek with one long finger. "What is wrong Caramia? What is it that has you so worried?"

She shrugged. "Well, we have been rather," she blushed prettily, "active, the past couple of days, and I hope that won't change. But… we haven't taken any preventative measures." She looked up at him shyly.

Hermione bit her lip watching him as her words penetrated. His hand slowly moved to her stomach. "You don't think?" He was breathing hard, clearly having mixed emotions. Elation seemed to be warring with terror at the thought of fatherhood.

She gave him a half smile. "It's much too soon to even guess." She covered his hand on her stomach. "When it happens, it happens. You are okay with that, aren't you?"

Severus pulled her on to his lap. "I have to admit it is a frightening thought." He hugged her close, hiding his face in her hair again. "I never allowed myself hope. Who would, could possibly want my child?" He moved to look her in the face. "Caramia, if this is a dream…" He shook his head as he begged, "Please, do not wake me."

She held him close. "I won't. Severus, I want your children."

Severus choked and held her by the shoulders at nearly arms length stammering, "C-C-CHILD-REN!?" Hermione had never seen him like this. He then nearly shouted, "MORE THAN ONE!?" She was growing concerned that he was going to have some kind of break down.

She clasped his arms at the elbow while rising to stand before him when she spoke it was rather sharply. "Severus, I do not mean to emulate the Weasleys." Her tone softened. "But, yes more than one. I am your wife, your lover, and I will be the mother of your children." She watched as he got himself under control before resuming her seat next to him. They sat a while each thinking their own thoughts.

He finally broke the silence asking softly, "Did you wish to move in with me right away or would you prefer to stay in Gryffindor tower?"

She snorted. "Do you honestly expect any other pureblood to allow their wife to live separately? We do have your reputation to consider." Then she grinned and leaned toward him. "Besides it would be difficult to shag like bunnies with me in the tower and you in the dungeon." She tilted her head to the side, and ask innocently, "Don't you think?"

He laughed playing with her hair, "Well, if you want me to go all Pureblood on you. I suppose I could take you back to Fathers, lock you in the tower there and just visit you when I feel the need." He smirked at her astonished look and continued, "But I feel that would be a bit inconvenient. As for 'shagging like bunnies', I would much rather take my time." He raised his eyebrow at her.

Hermione coughed and in a business-like manner said, "I move in straight away, so we may make love as the mood strikes us. I study in Gryffindor common room with my friends. I do independent potions study under your watchful eye." She bit her lip thinking. "I think I'll also concentrate on charms, transfiguration and history, god knows Binns needs replaced. I just have to figure out a way to get that through Professor Dumbledore's head without resorting to the use of a sledge hammer."

Severus' eyebrow quirked up again. "A sledge hammer?" he inquired.

Hermione closed her eyes and let her shoulders slump. "It's a large hammer used to pound heavy stakes or to break down walls, not unlike a Goblin War Hammer." She opened her eyes. "Why isn't Muggle-studies a required course? It could also include things like etiquette and law for both the Wizarding and muggle worlds."

"I quite agree." He looked a little embarrassed. "However, such a class would not have been, and still might not be well received."

She smiled. "I'll require some light reading on the subject."

Severus smirked having seen her with 'light' reading, he knew she would conduct exhaustive research on the topic. "We should be able to find you something. We might even be able to find you a Goblin War Hammer. I have often thought one might come in handy when dealing with the Headmaster."

They laughed as they rose and continued to the small temple on the edge of the cliff.

It was a round temple with a domed roof supported by lots of columns. Inside were statues of the three goddesses. Outside it were the formal gardens with fountains, benches and small alters to the other gods of the Greek pantheon. Severus stopped by a bench looking out over the sea. "Go on in, I have a feeling I should wait." Hermione nodded as she too felt something urging her to be alone.

She was only gone a short time when a voice called him to enter. Hermione was standing facing him surrounded by the statues. He thought he had never before seen such a lovely creature. The jeans and tee shirt she had been wearing were gone. Her hair was bound in a silver circlet and she was wearing a flowing light blue sleeveless gown and was practically glowing. Somehow, he knew that the goddesses had bestowed more gifts on the Snape family and though he didn't know what they were, he hoped he was worthy.

Part 3 – Inquiry at Hogwarts

They stopped short at the large crowd in the entry hall at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Nearly all of the students and faculty where there as well as a lot of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, quite a few ministry Aurors and flunkies along with the Minister of Magic (Cornelius Fudge) himself. Also present were Lucius Malfoy, the elder Crabbe and a little old man leaning on a staff, nearly everyone in the hall was yelling or speaking loudly.

The couple in the doorway to the Great Hall was eventually noticed and there was a pause before total chaos erupted, there were several cries of relief, accusations and questions as to their recent whereabouts and activities. Eventually the Headmaster shot sparks from his wand and called for quiet, where upon Fudge called out, "Arrest him!" He was pointing at Snape. "Arrest him now."

Hermione was quick to step in front of Severus and assume a defensive posture. "Just what are you saying the Professor has done?"

"Miss Granger, get out of the way and let my people do their jobs." Fudge yelled.

"I am waiting to hear the charges." Her eyes flashed as they moved from Fudge to Tonks, who rolled her eyes, and Shacklebolt, who shrugged slightly.

"Miss Granger?" started one of the Aurors.

She didn't know him and quickly cut him off, "Don't call me that." Everyone looked startled as she pointed her wand at Percy. "Charges! Now!" she growled.

Percy stammered out, "Assault on a muggle and abducting a… muggle… born… witch…" He kind of trailed off as though he just noticed the absurdity of the charges. And considering the clothing she was wearing, Hermione looked nothing like a muggle born witch.

Hermione glanced over her shoulder and up at Severus, as she sniggered, "Goodness Luv, when'd you have time for all that?"

There was a gasp from the students and an even louder one as instead of the expected reaction he chuckled wickedly as he said, "I do believe they mean you." As his arm snaked around her waist to rest his hand on her stomach, he bent his head and whispered something in her ear making her laugh and snuggle closer into him.

Molly Weasley screeched, "Severus Snape, unhand that child at once!"

Severus speared her with a glare. "Mrs. Weasley, I assure you, that if Hermione wished my hand removed," he was practically purring, "I have no doubt that she could and would remove it herself," he snorted, "most likely at the elbow."

Hermione made a quick motion with her wand and muttered something that only Severus heard. One of the Aurors who was trying to get around behind the couple stood frozen in place. Severus glanced at the man before smirking at Molly as if to say, 'told you so.'

Mean while, Hermione had returned her attention to the crowd. "I think that if you are going to arrest Professor Snape on charges that are not true, then you are going to need more Aurors." Hermione drawled then stated firmly, "The DA protects its own."

Nearly every student in the hall went into action either surrounding protectively the couple and several staff members including Poppy Pomfrey, Argus Filch, and Remus Lupin, although he wasn't technically a member of the staff this year. Others surrounded the elder Malfoy, and Crabbe, as well as Fudge, his flunkies and the Aurors in defensive postures.

The little old man with the staff on being threatened, cried out fearfully, "I just came to see if Miss Granger had made a decision yet, but on further consideration I might like to withdraw my offer." Beautiful as this Greek Goddess before him was he didn't think his heart could take much more of this kind of excitement. He failed to notice that he only had two second years and a firsty guarding him.

Hermione looked at the little man in surprise as the man's name and house affiliations was inserted in to her memory along with several memories that could only have come from Hogwarts, she then smiled. "Mr. Abrams?" at his nod she continued, "Yes, I have made my decision, I signed a contract Friday night."

Old man Abrams swallowed and with a somewhat frightened look around the room. "May one ask, who?" Everyone seemed to be holding their collective breaths.

Hermione's smile grew as she looked up at Severus, who swept the room with a glare and said smugly, "Hermione and I…"

He was interrupted as one of the Aurors yelled out, "I don't believe this, Miss Granger, he," and the man gestured at Snape, "assaulted your father."

Hermione started shaking and, in a voice that many in the room recognized as the 'I'm going to hurt someone' voice, said, "I said, 'do not call me that,' he is not my father anymore." Snape's arm tightened around her as she turned in his embrace to hide her face against his chest. He could feel her shaking as she took deep breaths in an attempt to not cry in front of all these people.

Mrs. Weasley said, "What? I don't understand, what does she mean, 'not her Father any more'?"

At the same time Shacklebolt asked, "How badly was Dr. Granger injured and what proof is there that Snape had anything to do with it?"

One of the Aurors consulted a notebook and said, "The man had a broken jaw and some loose teeth, but once we had it fixed he identified Snape by name and gave a good description."

Shacklebolt looked at Severus. "Do you have an alibi, Snape?"

Severus smirked as Hermione choked out, "He's been with me since just after noon on Friday."

"But, Hermione you didn't disappear till late Friday evening." said McGonagall then clapped her hand over her mouth.

Hermione turned enough to look as her. "We were both at lunch in the great hall, then double potions from one to three o'clock. After that was the meeting in the Headmasters office, during which I received a letter from a prospective Father-in-Law requesting a meeting. I ask Severus to escort me."

Lupin broke in, "But why didn't you let anyone know where you were going?"

The Auror with the notebook said, "What is this man's name, and have you been there all this time?"

Severus smirking said, "No, we haven't, and my father's name is Lord Setian Snape." He turned to Lucius and sneered, "You lose, Lucius."

Lucius drawled, "Draco will be heartbroken."

Hermione looked around and caught Draco's eye. "Hey, Drake, did it break your poor little ferret heart to witness my petition?"

Draco took in the shocked look on his father's face and grinned. "Only a slight twinge there, Madam Snape." He could afford to be magnanimous now that he was sure that she wouldn't be his problem.

Hermione smirked, and Severus looked smug.

Ron suddenly perked up, "Wait a minute, HE was a witness? Why didn't I get to witness? Who else knows about this?"

He and a lot of other people looked around at each other. Neville stepped forward. "I knew."

Ginny said, "So did I."

Harry nodded. "Sorry Mate, we promised not to say anything till it was announced." They all nodded.

The Auror with the notebook said, "So, which of you signed and what are your names?"

Harry smirked and ran his hand through his hair causing his scar to show and said, "We all did." and pointing at each in turn. "Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom," the Auror's eyes threatened to pop out and Harry continued motioning to Ginny, "Ginevra Weasley and," laying his hand on his own chest and leaning forward slightly he finished, "in case you hadn't figured it out, I'm Harry Potter."

Many of the students around the hall sniggered at this. The man's hand shook as he wrote thinking, 'this should have been a simple questioning and fine, but no, Fudge had to go and stick his nib in. Five of the most famous or powerful names in the Wizarding world, no six, Granger was pretty famous and powerful in her own right.'

"Alright," it came out a little squeaky. The man cleared his throat and continued in a more normal tone, "Where did you meet Lord Snape and how long where you there?"

Snape sighed, and Tonks spoke up, "Smith, are you really going to conduct an investigation in front of all these people?" She gestured around the full hall.

Smith glared at Tonks and hissed, "Yes, I'm going to get a time line and the reason Snape hit that stupid man. Then, I'm going to fine them both for wasting my time."

Severus and Hermione both smirked and Severus said, "Very well. We were at Snape Castle till around eight when we flooed here to my office. Hermione contacted her friends and ask them to meet us there. We were at the Granger house just before nine and left just after. The reason I hit the bastard was that he struck Hermione, called her a foul name, and disowned her."

Draco was shocked and yelped, "He disowned her?"

At the same time and in the same tone Ron said, "He hit her?"

Neville cried, "And you let him live?"

Many of the students where glaring at Snape and there was a great deal of angry muttering, Harry said with a scowl, "He couldn't very well kill him right in front of Hermione. Even Snape isn't that rude or stupid."

Auror Smith coughed and said, "I believe there were some rather inventive threats as well."

Snape chuckled again. "I have no intentions of carrying those out, as I have no wish to sleep on the sofa." And his eyebrow rose suggestively as he leered at his new wife, who giggled.

She replied quietly, "I have no intention of letting you sleep on the sofa, ever." And standing on tiptoe she pulled him down for a kiss.

Professor McGonagall scolded, "Hermione Granger! That is entirely inappropriate."

Releasing Severus and smiling, Hermione turned to her Head of House, "Snape. Professor McGonagall. My name is Hermione Snape."

The End