My first YYH fic! I'm particularly proud of how this one turned out. I made Ch. 1 short so that it builds suspense for the upcoming chapters.

Chapter One- The Dream

It was a cloudless night with stars twinkling and a bright full moon hanging in the sky. Flashs of the moon were interspaced with either yellow slitted eyes or wolf growls. The three scenes flashed rapidly and repeatly until the dreamer awoke, sweat drenching his face.

Hiei rubbed his face, confused by the images imprinted in his mind. 'Why am I having these dreams? What do they mean? This is the third time this week that I've had the same exact dream.' These three thoughts ran through his mind alongside the images. He thought about the moon and the growls.

'Is someone I know in danger of being attacked by a wolf on the full moon?' he wondered. Shrugging, the demon laid back against the tree trunk and fell into a dreamless state, the dream failing to return for the rest of the night.

What do you think? Hiei's my favorite character of the series so expect to see him a lot in my fics. I hope to have chapter two up sometime soon.