Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J K Rowling and not myself.

Trying To Live by Willowcharm

Chapter 1 - The Worst Birthday Ever

Eleven year old Harry Potter swept effortlessly through the sky on his brand new Nimbus 2000. Suddenly he dived towards the ground as if he had spotted something down there. At the last moment he tried to pull his broom upwards but unfortunately he had mistimed it and crashed into the earth below. He lay there winded for a few minutes then rolled over and looked up only to meet the furious gaze of his father.

'Get up.' Harry struggled to his feet still clutching the broomstick. As soon as he was standing it was snatched out of his hand, his father grabbed him by the collar and propelled him wordlessly in the direction of the house. Only when they had arrived in James Potter's study did the angry wizard speak again.

' I obviously made an error in choosing your birthday present this year.' The words were spoken quietly but Harry knew by his father's tone that he was in deep trouble. This was confirmed as James continued. 'You mother gave her life for you and you go and risk your neck trying out tricks that most professional quidditch players couldn't manage! Well you won't be seeing this again until next summer at the earliest.' With a flick of his wrist he had his wand out and vanished Harry's pride and joy which he had only possessed for a couple of hours. Then almost before Harry had a chance to take in his loss his father summoned a slipper , flung Harry face down over the arm of an easy chair and treated his backside to a dozen extremely hard swats. When he was done he pulled his son upright and said 'Get out of my sight.' Trying to stifle his sobs Harry left the study and made his way up to his bedroom, where he spent the next hour or two holding on to a picture of his barely remembered mother and whispering 'Sorry Mum.'

Back in his study James Potter sat in his chair and stared into space . Ever since Lord Voldemort had murdered his wife and tried but failed to dispose of Harry he had raised the boy with enough love for two. The only times James really got angry were when Harry did something which put himself at risk of being hurt. Then he always saw red. But he hated it when things weren't right between them.

James barely noticed when the embers smouldering in the fireplace flared up, but he couldn't help but see when two figures emerged from the green flames and stepped into the room. 'What's wrong, James?' asked Remus Lupin when he saw the sober face of his friend. 'Yes and where's the birthday boy?' added Sirius Black.

James groaned and told them briefly of the mornings' events. Typically, Sirius rose at once to the defence of his godson. 'What! You can't take his broom away for a year. I want to race him. Please Prongs, you have to let him have it back!' Remus was more disapproving of Harry. 'Really, Sirius, you can't blame James. I mean, a Wronski Feint at his age! I'd probably have spanked him myself!' James smiled at the thought of the gentle Remus laying so much as a finger on Harry. Rather than get involved in a dispute he turned to other matters. 'I think lunch should be ready by now. Let's go to the dining room and Nibby can get Harry down.' With that the three friends left the study.

Harry had started to doze off when he was brought back to awareness by a house elf softly shaking him. 'Master Harry! Master James says Master Harry is to come down for lunch now please. Master Harry is to hurry up!' Not wanting to annoy his father anymore today, Harry got up and made his way downstairs. Outside the dining room he was met by James who put an arm on his shoulder. 'We'll say no more about this morning , he said quietly. If you behave for the next three weeks you can have your broom back for a week before you start Hogwarts.' 'Thanks Dad,' said Harry quietly. Then James opened the door and they entered the dining room.

'Happy Birthday!' Harry was swept off his feet by his god father and twirled around. 'Sirus!' Harry complained . I'm not a baby anymore!' Sirius just grinned. 'Happy birthday Harry!' said Remus. We'd thought we'd find your presents when we go shopping this afternoon. 'Shopping?' asked Harry. 'On my birthday?' 'Yes, shopping.' replied James. 'I think if you read this you'll find you need quite a few things.' And he handed Harry an envelope addresssed in green ink. 'My Hogwarts letter!' exclaimed Harry and he ripped it open and read it with glowing eyes. Even though he had known it was coming soon his excitement at finally receiving it was undiminished. The three adults looked on indulgently for a couple of minutes and then James brought his son back to the present. 'Time to eat now.' he said. 'Or we won't have time to get everything. Harry grinned and they all sat down for the birthday lunch.

Once they were all satisfied Harry burst out 'Can we go now?' The men laughed. They could understand Harry's impatience as it was a rare treat for him to be allowed away from home. Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry had informed James that he believed Lord Voldemort to be still out there somewhere, albeit incapacitated. He also thought it best that Harry be kept apart from the wizarding world in general as many people looked upon him as a hero since Voldemorts' killing curse had rebounded off the infant boy and apparently detroyed the evil wizard. It was however understood that Harry could go shopping for his school things.

'Let's get organised then' said James. Before they had even stood up however a phoenix appeared in a flash of flame , dropped a letter in front of James and disappeared as it had arrived. James tore open the letterand read it , a frown forming on his face as he did so. What is it ?' asked Remus. James sighed and looked at Harry sadly as he replied. 'Dumbledore doesn't want Harry to go out into Diagon Alley ' he said. 'He's sent a portkey so that he can go to Ollivanders for his wand but wants one of us to get the rest of his stuff.'

'It's not fair!' yelled Harry, his lips quivering slightly. 'I never get to go anywhere or do anything! This is the worst birthday ever!' And he turned away from the others and ran towards the door.

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