"Anakin Skywalker!"

Anakin paused from his packing. When his master used his full name like that it was never a good sign. He poked his head out of his bedroom door. "Yes, Master," he squeaked. The twelve-year-old cleared his throat. He didn't want to sound as nervous as he felt. "Yes, Master?"

Obi-Wan was standing in the living area, hands planted on his hips and irritation evident in his eyes. He took a deep, calming breath. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. "I just spoke with Master Ky'Tah at the landing platform to ask when our transport would be here to pick us up, and guess what he said?"

Anakin's heart sunk suddenly. Oops. Obi-Wan had left the transportation arrangements for their latest mission to him. And he had…forgotten.

Obi-Wan put on a great imitation of Master Ky'Tah. "'What transport, Knight Kenobi?'"

"Master, I'm sorry! I just plain forgot! I've had so much homework and with the extra lessons I'm taking to catch up with the other padawans…" Anakin stopped when he noticed the complete lack of sympathy on Obi-Wan's face.

Obi-Wan gazed at Anakin pointedly. "If there is too much on your plate, then perhaps I should start paring down your schedule."

Anakin bit down on his own irritation. "No, Master! It won't happen again."

"You said that last time when you forgot to inform me that I had been called by the Council."

"Are you EVER going to let me live that down?"

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrow at that. "Just as soon as certain Council members decide to let ME live it down." He heaved a sigh. "We're supposed to be leaving for El Abrell in just a few hours. We probably won't even be able to hitch a ride on a garbage scow at this short notice!"

"I'll find us something, Master, I promise!" Anakin was determined to show his master that he could be relied upon in a pinch – especially when he was the one responsible for the pinch in the first place.

"I certainly hope so, Padawan." Obi-Wan walked over to the desk and picked up what looked to be a small datapad. "I want you to use this personal organizer. It will ALERT you when something needs to be done."

Anakin's chin went up defiantly. "I don't need it."

Obi-Wan snorted. "Yeah, you've made that painfully obvious." He moved closer to his apprentice. "'No' is not an option."

"Master…" Anakin knew he sounded whiney, but he didn't care.

Obi-Wan was already heading for his room to pack. "Let me know when you've secured our transport."

Anakin sat down glumly at the desk. He flipped on the communications console and set about his task. He had to find SOMETHING! He would not, could not tell his master that he had failed.


Obi-Wan stood stock-still, gaping at their transport. He had frozen in place as soon as he had seen where his padawan was leading. He finally turned his disbelieving eyes back to his now-fidgeting padawan. "I didn't think you'd take me literally when I mentioned a garbage scow!"

Anakin tried hard to hold his master's withering gaze. "It was the only transport I could find that was going anywhere near the El Abrell system within the next few days." Anakin tried to lighten the moment with a smile. "It won't be so bad, Master. It's empty. They won't be picking up their load until after they've dropped us off."

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. "A garbage scow will always smell like garbage – with or without a load!" Obi-Wan then noticed one of the pilots walking down the ramp towards them. He shot Anakin one last 'this isn't over' glance before putting on his Jedi face. He walked up to the rather unkempt man and bowed. "I am Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker. We are grateful for your assistance in getting us to El Abrell."

The big man shrugged. "Ah, it ain't a big deal. Not too many people clamoring to ride on a garbage scow!" The man laughed and smacked Obi-Wan on the shoulder.

Obi-Wan smiled politely. Except my forgetful, oh-so-in-trouble padawan!

"My name is Jorgan. I'm the captain of this flea trap."

Obi-Wan stifled a wince. He fervently hoped that Jorgan was attempting to be humorous and not literal. He fell in step with Jorgan as the man headed back towards the dirty ship.

"We'll be taking off shortly. My co-pilot and I need to check on a minor problem before we leave."

Obi-Wan perked up. "My padawan is a very gifted mechanic. He'd be happy to assist you in any way possible on this journey." He shot Anakin a beatific smile. "Feel free to call upon him at ANY time."

Jorgan looked pleasantly surprised. "Wow. Thank you, Master Kenobi. I may just do that. My co-pilot, Sam, can show you to your room." He looked back at Anakin. "Follow me, kid."

Anakin shot an unhappy look at his evil, grinning master. He obediently followed Jorgan towards the aft underbelly of the ship. He had the distinct impression that he was going to regret his choice of transports.

Obi-Wan walked up the ramp, still smiling from the emotions he was sensing from his padawan. His smile faded as the expected unpleasant odor assaulted his nose. When he was fully onboard, the stench was almost enough to make him gag. He resisted the urge to plug his nose as a stocky, gray-haired man stepped out of the cockpit to greet him.

"Ah, Master Jedi. I must say, it's an honor to be of some service to the Jedi Order." He offered a pleasant smile.

Obi-Wan bowed. "Thank you, Sir. We appreciate your assistance." He found himself wishing there was a Force-trick for turning off one's sense of smell.

"My name is Sam. I guess you can say I'm Jorgan's right hand man."

Obi-Wan smiled. "I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi. My padawan, Anakin Skywalker, is currently assisting Jorgan on a mechanical matter."

"Ah, yes. I was just about to lend him a hand myself. Let me show you to your room." He gestured down the short hall. "I'm afraid it isn't much. You and your padawan will have to share." He motioned for Obi-Wan to enter through one of the doors.

When Obi-Wan did, he had to work to keep his face neutral. 'Not much' was putting it nicely. It actually looked to be a storage closet. It was tiny. And shelving had been transformed into makeshift beds. "This will do nicely, thank you."

"The fresher is the next door to your left. Now, I better go see if I can lend your padawan and Jorgan a hand." He turned and left Obi-Wan in the confined space.

Obi-Wan threw his pack on the top shelf. He wanted to be as far away from the floor and any creeping, crawling things as he could.


Anakin walked into their room and stopped short. He looked up to see Obi-Wan sitting on the top…shelf in his meditative position. "THIS is our room?"

"For the next two days, yes." Obi-Wan opened his eyes and couldn't help but smile at the sight that greeted him. His padawan was covered in grease and grime from head to foot. The smell that emanated from him, however, wasn't exactly pleasant. "Were you able to fix their little problem?"

Anakin grimaced. "Yes, after having to climb into the dirtiest innards of any ship I've ever seen. I'm really surprised this thing can still fly!"

Obi-Wan's smile quickly faded. "Are you telling me this thing isn't safe?" He didn't exactly enjoy flying when a ship was in pristine condition – much less this filthy, stinky, rusting bucket of bolts!

Now it was Anakin's turn to smile - inwardly. He decided to have some fun at his master's expense. Anakin put on a concerned look. "Well, I don't know, Master. With the way this thing looks, I'd say it's a miracle it hasn't blown Jorgan and Sam to bits a long time ago!"

Obi-Wan gazed down at his apprentice – a picture of emotional neutrality. "There is a rather unpleasant punishment in store for any padawan who deliberately tries to frighten his master."

Oh, boy. I should have known better than to try that with him. Anakin endeavored to appear unconcerned. "And that is?"

"When I think of something heinous enough, you'll be the first to know." Obi-Wan paused as the ship's engines roared to life. The ship began to vibrate violently as it took off. Obi-Wan grabbed onto a shelf-support to keep from falling onto the floor. He worked to keep himself calm as the ship creaked and groaned in protest.

The ship finally settled down a bit several minutes later. Obi-Wan looked around warily. "That was not very…comforting." On top of everything else, he was now feeling quite queasy.

Anakin peeled himself off the floor. "That's the understatement of the century!" He had the feeling that this was going to be an extremely LONG two days. "I'm going to go take a much-needed shower, Master."

"Alright." Obi-Wan was grateful that he'd have some more time to meditate. He really needed to release his apprehension and hopefully his nausea into the Force.

When Anakin came back in, hair wet from his shower, Obi-Wan climbed down off his shelf. "I'll think I'll take a shower as well." He stopped when he noticed his padawan's wicked grin. "What?"

"Oh, nothing, Master. I just have a feeling that you may not really want a shower." Anakin worked to keep from laughing.

Obi-Wan gave Anakin a mildly confused look and walked out of the room. He stopped in his tracks as he entered what was undoubtedly the dirtiest fresher he'd ever seen. Obi-Wan's disgust turned to horror as he looked into the shower. The self-admitted neat-freak shuddered in revulsion. A herd of wild banthas could not get me in there!

Obi-Wan picked up what he prayed was a clean wash cloth and went over to the sink. He would take a very quick spit bath while trying not to touch any surface within the squalid little room.