Tantei Gakuen Q © to… Amagi Seimaru and Satou Humiya… I think?

This story is a bit pointless, but good for those who just want a little laugh or shake their head as stupidity.


"Done!" Meg exclaimed as she ripped off her apron and placed herself in the empty seat beside Kazuma and Ryu. "That didn't take as long as I thought!"

"Wow, Meg," Kinta began, poking his chopsticks at what seemed to be badly burned eggplant," I didn't know that you could cook so… I didn't know you could cook!"

"Yeah!" Kyu added, suspiciously eyeing a plate of green tomatoes, "It looks…"

"Nauseating," Kazuma supplied. Meg huffed.

"Oh, you only say that because all you eat are those fancy foods they serve at your house! A nice homemade meal can be just as good!" Meg argued as she crossed her arms and waited for someone to test it out. No one really did anything.

"Hey, Kyu, you think any of this edible?" Kinta whispered to Kyu, whose eyes looked around for something that wasn't burned, which unfortunately, was the fruitcake.


"Ryu!" Meg slashed through suddenly, cutting and shoving a piece of cake towards him. "Go on, try some!"

Ryu blinked and hesitated for a minute, but didn't have much of a choice as Meg shoved half the piece in his mouth.

"Hey, Kazuma, will he get poisoned or something?" Kinta asked, rather concerned. Kazuma sighed.

"With Meg's cooking, who knows?"

Five Minutes Later…

"My stomach doesn't feel very good," Ryu declared as he clasped a hand to his mouth, and the other to his stomach. Meg gasped and immediately began fretting.

"Oh, Ryu! Are you alright?" she asked in a panicked voice. Kazuma, Kinta, and Kyu looked at them with interest.

"I… What did you put in that cake?" Ryu inquired weakly. Meg bit her lip.

"F-Fruits…" she answered softly. Kyu, Kinta and Kazuma eyed her queerly.

"We'll be uh, right back!" Kyu said as he, Kazuma, and Kinta shot off to the kitchen.

Five MORE Minutes Later…

"Okay," Kyu began as everyone once again sat around the table. Ryu was still clutching his mouth and stomach, and looked dreadfully pale. "There are three hints!"

Everyone groaned. Kyu ALWAYS just HAD to put it that way.

"They are one: the fruitcake, two: Ryu's sudden upset stomach, and three: an excess amount of tomato and corn unwanted parts in the trashcan! There is only one answer!"

Kyu went towards the fruitcake, and cut out another slice, putting it in front of everyone so they could see. "As you can see, Meg put fruits into this cake."

"Duh," Kinta sighed.

"Yeah, corn, tomatoes, pineapple, oranges, it's all here," Kazuma noted.

"Hey! I thought tomatoes and corn were vegetables!" Kinta exclaimed. He went to the bathroom instead of 'investigating' with Kyu and Kazuma.

"And that culprit is… you! Meg!" Kyu went on dramatically. Meg was clearly ticked off.

"Well excuse me for using fruits!" Meg huffed as he whacked away Kyu's hand, which was rudely pointing straight at her.

"Well, now at least I can rest knowing I wasn't really poisoned…" Ryu mumbled. Why he swallowed, who knows? Maybe just out of politeness, or even curiosity. The taste must have been horrid though.

"Poisoned? POISONED? You guys thought this stuff was poison!" Meg demanded as everyone suddenly shrank.

"Well, it clearly looked that way," Kazuma defended.

"Uh, hey, Meg, don't be angry!" Kinta told her. Meg just 'hmphed' and turned away.

"Wow, must be her period…" Kyu deducted.

And that was that, the three boy's last statement before the door slammed in their faces. Ryu? Well, someone was nice enough to call 1-1-9. (Japan's emergency number for the ambulance and fire.)

And that was that. The case of the inedible fruitcake was solved!

Yes, I know it isn't likely you'd get sick enough to have to go to the hospital from a fruitcake made with tomatoes, corn, pineapples and oranges, but just pretend, okay? Well, so concludes another idiotic piece. I hope you guys enjoyed!