Summary: Spoilers a-plenty. This begins between Book 6 and into Book 7 with a different interpretation but the same results.

Disclaimer: FAKE belongs to Sanami Matoh.


Looking at the eyes that stared straight at them chilled the spines of the two detectives.

"Like fried eggs on a skillet. 'This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?'"

Victim. Aryan Kardoss. Female, 25. Administrative Assistant at the Judicial Department for four years. Graduate student at NYU in Political Science. Engaged to boyfriend of three years.

The report held glowing testimonies. She knew everyone and everyone knew her. If something needed to be done right away, she was the one you called. Her collegues and friends all described her as reliable, smart, ambitious, and a person with a bright future. Who would have guessed she needed drugs to sustain that energy and drive? Not the profile of a typical user.

They weren't sure how to classify the crime. A CAT scan revealed the truth of the effects of the drug's devastation. It appeared to dissolve the axons that connected one nerve cell to another paralyzing the muscles. So either the damage had been a result of self-sustained abuse on the nervous system or the victim had been deliberately targeted and insidiously murdered. Except for elevated levels of caffeine in the bloodstream, there were no external markings, no reports of abnormal behavior. 'Perk' wasn't even a drug. It was candy for the upwardly mobile, for those cutting back on exorbitant lattés and frappicinos but still needed their hip morning buzz and yet it was the only link between the victims. A packet of 'Perk' was found on each victim.

Ted banged on the door frame of the office that Ryo and Dee shared. "Hey, Chief wants to see you guys in Room B. And bring that file on the 'Perk' victim."

As they walked into the conference room they saw the chief with a petite Asian girl her hair pulled back in a business-like bun. She didn't look to be over 21. With an alert, yet emotionless expression, she gave a nod of her head towards the two men entering the room. Was this a potential witness for their current case?

"This is Agent Karen Shu. This is Detective Randy Maclean and Detective Dee Latener."

"Pleased to meet you," as she firmly shook the hand of each officer.

"Miss Shu is on assignment from the FBI Agency in Washington, DC, comparing forensic evidence with the recent cases in our region involving 'Perk'. There had been similar reports of five cases in the last two months in New York City along with a dozen cases in Washington. This last one having fallen under the jurisdiction of the 27th Precinct."

Ryo looked spectulatively on Karen as though he were envisioning her in a different time and place. As a conjecture began to form upon him, he tried to keep down a growing sense of panic.

'Is it her? Is it her? Oh, God, do I want it to be her?'

Dee was taken back by the expression as Ryo's large, dark eyes seemed to get larger.

"She will be working out of Jim Campbell's department, since his department is this region's central location for forensic evidence."

Ryo barely registered what his boss was saying. 'How long has it been since I last saw her? Don't tell me she doesn't recognize me.'

The chief continued. "She will also be on-call with you to witness the evidence first hand if another victim appears."

Ryo forced his professional demeanor to clamp down on the turbulent emotions that threatened to drown him.

Signifying she was not one to be taken lightly despite her delicate appearance, the cool, crisp voice of the agent called Ryo to attention. "The number of victims compared to the amount of 'Perk' distributed is insignificant but the victims were at various levels of responsibility in some very strategic businesses that affect citywide policies and politics. Bosses are getting paranoid thinking it is a warning that they are being targeted, and are demanding protection, the crimes hitting too close to home. But after analyzing the victims' profiles, I don't think that's the case. We believe the victims were delibrately targeted but how and why?. We have evidence to believe there is a relationship between 'Perk' and Bruno's Group. As far-reaching as the activities are, we think he is central to this case and the means of distribution in New York City." Acknowleding the file held in Ryo's hand. "Since you have the case file on the latest victim, you can see how destructive it really is. We're trying to find out the link between 'Perk' and the course of events that led to the victims' deaths. I'm depending on your cooperation. We've heard rumors that Bruno's on his last legs, so we might have to concentrate on the real head, Leo Grant."

Ryo startled at the mention of Leo Grant. The man who destroyed his family, who drove him to become a cop, and almost to becoming a murderer himself if not for the intervention of his partner, Dee. A partner willing to take a murder rap and do what needed to be done in order to protect Ryo from himself.

The chief concluded. "You two have been assigned because of past dealings with Bruno's Group. A meeting has been set up for 10 AM tomorrow to go over the evidence. If there are no objections and even if there are, I'll leave you to get acquainted since you'll be working together. You'll need to exchange contact information in case another victim shows up. Dismissed."

Chief Warren Smith walked back to his office knowing he had picked the best men for the job. He was well aware of the link between his two detectives and Bruno's Group and how each of the detectives' lives had been affected by those who considered themselves above the law. Dating back when he was walking the beat and Officer Jess Latener had been found murdered in a back alley near the orphanage to the revelation of why such a gentle man as Randy Maclean became a homicide detective, he knew the two men balanced each other and would not only keep each other in check but doggedly pursue this case to its conclusion no matter what the cost.

Left alone in the conference room, Ryo made an attempt at small talk. Trying not to be intrusive he asked Karen about Washington and how long she's lived there but received vague answers with no effort to prolong the conversation. Dee, recalling the look in Ryo's eyes upon entering the room, sharply watched his futile efforts. Ryo finally blurted out. "Have we met before?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe. All Asians look alike."

"I'm part Japanese. Lived there for a couple of years."

Dee had not known that. But then again, he realized, there was actually a lot he didn't know about this man.

"Well I'm half-Japanese, half-Chinese, but it's not like you can tell the difference."

For some reason, Ryo was reluctant to let the conversation end even though it was obvious to all in the room that they were merely following courtesies. Ryo made another attempt. "Hey, since you're new in town, do you have any dinner plans?"

"No, and I'm not much of a cook." Karen replied discouragingly.

Ryo smiled with fondness, 'The girl I knew couldn't boil water.'

"Why don't you come over and have dinner with Dee and my foster son, Bikky. It's got to be cheaper than eating out."

Dee was incredulous 'I can't believe it. He's hitting on a girl and he's moving pretty fast. I should be relieved that I'm invited, too.'

"Thank you for your hospitality but I'll have to take a raincheck. I'm on expense while I'm here anyway. Besides, I still have to unpack and I want to explore the neighborhood and get my bearings."

Dee let out a detectable sigh of relief.

"I printed some business cards because who knows how long I'll be here." as she passed a card to both Dee and Ryo. "Now if you will excuse me I still need to set up my office space. I'll see you tomorrow at 10 unless there's another incident."

As she left the room, the two officers looked blankly at each other.

Dee's comment was blunt enough with more than a touch of sarcasm. "Well, she's brisk."

"She looks so young. Maybe that's her way to be taken seriously."

"She looks stiff. Kind of a Lucy Liu personality. I wonder if she can kick ass."

Later that night after Bikky had been sent to bed, Dee and Ryo were stretched out on the couch watching the news.

When a case was especially grisly, they wanted to forget that people could be capable of such monstrosities. They loved their jobs, they loved fighting the good fight, and they knew they were making a difference. It was at times like these that Ryo would be unconsciously drawn to the warmth and assurance of the brazen, dark-haired man, the person he trusted the most in all the world and Dee gazed at the man who had captured his heart without any effort. The biggest differences the men had made were in each other's lives and yet the day's events were still present in Ryo's thoughts, preventing him from relaxing. He was leaning back against the head rest, staring at the ceiling. This concerned Dee because normally by this time Ryo would be half-asleep with his head on Dee's shoulder.

Dee reached his arm over and rubbed Ryo's shoulder. He admitted he felt uneasy about the situation. "Why are you so tense tonight."

"Oh, you know, the usual. A new case...". Ryo's voice faded off.

"It's more than that, isn't it?" Dee cautiously broached the subject. "Do you think we'll be able to work with that FBI agent?"

It's not that he didn't trust this girl just because she didn't want to talk about herself, those FBI agents are a close-lipped bunch on principle, but because Ryo had never tried so hard to draw out a person he wasn't interrogating. He knew his partner was very respectful towards maintaining personal privacy with his collegues and he respected that sentiment in others. Too much so. Sometimes Dee just wanted to know what was on Ryo's mind - and in his heart.

Ryo, with a reluctance that triggered uneasiness in Dee, revealed, "Karen Shu reminds me of someone I used to know but it had been a while and I could be mistaken. I don't think their personalities could be more different."

"Well, she didn't seem to remember you and you're hard to forget."

Dee reached under Ryo's collar and caressed the knotted muscles on his neck, sliding back over his shoulder and inching his way down Ryo's fair chest. As his fingers flicked open the buttons revealing more of his skin. Ryo's head jerked down from the ceiling as he swatted Dee's wandering hand.

"Stop it, Dee. Do I need to remind you that Bikky is here and I want to go over the evidence again for our meeting tomorrow. Especially since Leo's involved."

Dee sighed for the second time that day. "You don't have to be on the clock all the time. It's already getting late. I know how you feel about Leo Grant, just don't keep me in the dark, okay. Remember, we're partners."

"I know. Thanks Dee." Ryo gave him the soft smile that went straight to Dee's heart (as well as other parts of him) as Ryo showed Dee to the door.

Ten minutes after seeing Dee out, Ryo softly knocked on Bikky's door. It wasn't too late so Bikky was just nodding off. Ryo smiled to assure the young teenager that there was nothing to worry about and made his voice as nonchalant as possible. "Bikky? I've been called into work. I have my cell so call if you need anything since I might not get back before morning. I'll be checking up on you to make sure you go to school."

Seeing Bikky toss over to avoid the glare of the hallway light and satisfied that the boy had been awake enough to register Ryo's words, Ryo pulled out the self-printed business card with slightly shaking hands. 'Good, she doesn't live too far away. It's within our jurisdiction. I suppose that will make it easier to get to the scene of the crime if our perps strikes again. I could walk there but it's getting late and I need to know...'. He walked west, where he knew he would have a better chance of catching a cab.

The brick apartment building was typical for that area. A non-descriptive but respectable residence with an electronic security system and a doorman.

Spoken in a stronger voice than he intended, "I would like to see Karen Shu in Apartment 24B?"

The elderly man attending the desk gave Ryo an appraising look. "Sir, it is very late and I don't wish to disturb our tenants. Is she expecting you?"

As he moderated his tone and apologized for the lateness of the hour he said, "Please, just tell her Detective Randy Maclean is here to see her regarding a case."

"Very well." After seeing Ryo's identification and badge, the doorman called Karen up apologizing for disturbing her. Satisfied with the response on the other end of the line, he turned a ledger towards Ryo. "Please sign-in and you may go up."

As the elevator approached its final destination. Ryo's pulse began to beat harder and his hands felt clammy. 'Why am I feeling this way? What's wrong with me?'

She wore a linen nightgown covered with a light kimono robe scattered with peonys. With her hair down she looked even younger than she did in the office. The mask of detached professionalism was gone and what Ryo saw and felt was a sense of youth and vitality that only occurred in rare moments and he had almost forgotten existed.



As she stepped inside to let him by he pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionately, closing the door behind him with his foot.