Spy Game

A/N: Okay so this is my 1st fic. I hope that you'll like my fic coz my friends like it. And please don't flame just because of my wrong grammar or spelling. If you have some suggestions or questions, please feel free to tell me and/or ask me.

Chapter 1

New job…

"Your last completed mission was truly great girls…" said by a man with a very husky voice.

"Thanks…" said three girls in unison. They weren't very cheery at the moment. Even if they knew that they did a wonderful job.

"And very clean…" complemented again by the person who sounds a bit scary and mysterious.

"Just hand over the money! We did our part! You can do yours by paying us!" One of the girls finally came bursting out at their boss. She was obviously irritated that her boss was making them wait for more talk and talk and talk.

"Very well…" he answered back. He stood up and opened a desk drawer and got a briefcase obviously full of money.

"You are very impatient today Miss Marie Natsume…" said by the man while he opened the briefcase and showed them their price for doing what he ordered them.

"Just as promised girls…a hundred thousand dollars for a job well done." He said in a some what cheery voice.

"Great." said another girl and quickly closed the briefcase. "Now, I know you have something to tell us since you're giving us a little suspense a while ago with our money." said the woman who closed the briefcase.

"Very good Miss Haruno. Exactly what I had in mind. I need to talk to you about something."

"Spill it Orochimaru. Don't give us that mysterious look you always give us when we have a new mission." Said the last girl from the crowd of three.

"I would like it if you call me Mister Orochimaru, Miss Maya Natsume."

"Urgh. Just say it! What's the new mission!" Marie shouted.

"You now know what's always goin' on with my mind." Orochimaru said

All the three girls rolled their eyes.

"I'm sick of this. I'm outie. Just tell me what the new mission is okay?" Marie finally said. She can't take any of Orochimaru's disgusting mysteriousness. She stomped her way out and quickly slammed the door.

Orochimaru smirked. "Well, I'm just gonna give you a call when everything's cleared. You're gonna be handed to another person. He's a good friend of mine. Clear? Proceed…" and after that brief explanation Sakura burst out shouting at her boss.

"That's it! You've been holding us for like…forever! And you're just gonna tell us that 'I'll call you?' Man, this sucks!" Sakura grabbed that briefcase and stormed out of the room.

Maya walked after her. She didn't lose her patience yet but she was in a boiling point but still, she has manners.

Maya jogged to keep up with Sakura because Sakura was really boiling with anger just like Marie. And Maya had a bad feeling that Marie's not feeling very well at the moment.

Sakura was mumbling non stop and cursing Orochimaru every time she wants to. She just hates the guts of that man. Orochimaru always tricks Sakura, Maya and Marie, that's why both Marie and Sakura have some problems when dealing with Orochimaru's stubbornness.

Haruno Sakura is a professional top assassin of Orochimaru. Not only an assassin but also a spy. Sakura only becomes an assassin if her boss says that it's time to kill. And she's a spy if her boss wants her to gather information from a certain company or business or whatever. She is truly smart but not as smart as Maya Natsume.

Maya Natsume is the sister of Marie Natsume. She is not an assassin but only a spy. She never wanted to be an assassin because she's afraid that maybe instead she kills the person she needs to kill, she'll end up the one who's been killed. When she spies on a certain company, she never failed to get hired as a janitor or a cook. Since she always handles the navigating things she needs to know more passage ways to get to the target. She's not as good at killing as Sakura, but she is the best on whatever things that involve brain power.

Marie Natsume is Maya's older sister. She an assassin also but she never gets to kill anybody. She only ends up on gathering data and information for Maya. But she does make sure that Sakura's path to the target is completely clean. That's her goal…to make the corridors person-free as possible so that Sakura could pass by it swiftly.

Maya and Marie aren't twins but somehow they understand each others feelings very well. They're kind of mentally connected. But the only times that Marie gets to understand Maya is when she listens to her unique voice. Maya always understands her sister, even if they're a hundred miles away from each other.

Sakura and Maya got home after they had lunch and gone to the mall for a little shopping. All three girls love to shop. They almost always shop until they drop!

"C'mon let's try these things on." Sakura said. She completely forgot about the happenings that morning.

"Okay!" Maya practically jumped for joy because she was so, so excited. It's been awhile since she's gone shopping because she's been putting the puzzle together on how to make a clean assassination.

Maya has blonde hair and light blue eyes. She loves pink. She was now wearing a see through flower decorated shirt. She wore a white tube top so that she wouldn't be that exposed. And white pants and white high heeled sandals.

"I look pretty!" Maya giggled. It was obvious what she was thinking. She wanted to go clubbing for the night. It's how she expresses her feelings… by going to a club and dance all night.

Sakura braided her hair at the back and wore a sleeve less, V neck, beige shirt that was slightly showing her belly button. She was wearing a mini skirt and, her favorite type of shoes, beige high heeled boots.

Maya changed back to her old clothes and announced that she'll be making dinner and after that they'll go to a club and practically dance all night.

Maya was still wondering why her sister isn't back yet and started to get worried but then a thought came to mind 'she can handle herself, she's a great fighter.' But still she can't get rid of the feeling that her sisters' been hurt.

All those thoughts flew away when she heard the door open and being slammed back again.

'That's definitely Marie.' She knew that fact because Marie is the only person who would slam the door so loudly in their apartment.

Marie came to the kitchen and slumped into a table and buried her face in her hands while pressing her elbows on the table.

"Let's go to a club tonight…" Marie said still her face buried in her hands and she sounds exhausted.

"Sure!" Maya and Sakura said in unison. Sakura was just by the stairs fixing her boots and making sure that they're perfect.

The music was pounding and Sakura and Maya were having a good time dancing together. They jumped and danced and danced a lot more and jumped a lot more and dance a little more and jumped a little more and finally they decided to sit down.

They saw Marie sipping on a glass of beer. She wanted to be drunk that night and she wasted a lot of cigarettes already. Maya and Sakura sat beside her. "What's wrong?" asked a completely concerned Maya. "Nothing." She mumbled.

Sakura sighed and ordered two beers for herself and Maya. Maya didn't drink much beer because she was interested in some guy by the other side of the bar.

"I'm gonna get myself a guy." She finally said and stood up and walked towards the interesting guy she found.

"Me too." Marie said and left Sakura alone in the bar drinking her beer. She didn't really have an interest on finding men just to have sex with them and then after awhile break up with them coz you're already sick of them. No, she's definitely not that kinda girl.

She looked around for people she might possibly know. She knew it was impossible to find someone she knew in the crowd in front of her. But while she was scanning the crazy dancing crowd her eyes landed on a man that was obviously staring at her.

Sakura thought that he was very attractive and before she knew it the mysterious guy stood up and walked towards her. Her heart pounded a bit faster as he came closer. She decided to turn her back towards him to stop the hard pounding of the heart.

But no luck.

The man sat beside her and ordered a drink to the bartender. After he got his drink which was obviously…beer, he turned to Sakura which was completely trying to avoid contact with his eyes.

"Excuse me miss but I just can't avoid the feeling of being attracted to you." Said the man. Sakura was really shocked about this and couldn't stop herself from looking back at the cute guy.

"Thanks…I guess" she said very embarrassed of herself.

"My name's Uchiha Sasuke. May I know your beautiful name?" the man named Sasuke said very politely holds up his hand ready to shake Sakura's hand. 'He's a very polite gentleman' Sakura thought.

Sakura held up her hand and said "Haruno, Sakura." He automatically shakes it and he even kissed the back of her hand. Sakura can't help but blush.

"I'm sorry my kind lady but I have to go. Duty calls." He said and planted another kiss on the back of her hand.

He left a shocked Sakura but she never lets anybody notices that she got shocked at the fine gentleman. She has a reputation of never letting anybody notice her embarrassment or whatever.

It was already so late in the night and she still needs to find Maya and Marie.

She found Marie kissing another man in the far end of the club. She was about to get her when she spotted Maya slumped in a nearby couch with another man and they were sleeping.

Sakura went for Maya first but when she got there she found that the man she was sleeping with was gripping her tightly and it was impossible for her to get her out of her position.

"Need help with that?" a blonde hair came walking by. She was obviously a waitress judging by the outfit and apron.

"Yeah, but I think I better go get my other friend…she's kissing some kind of guy…I figured maybe she can help me with my little problem…" Sakura said pointing at Marie and back at Maya.

"Go get that girl that's kissing somebody. I'll get her out of this death grip." Said the blonde girl and started to try and take the hands of the man out of Maya's little but fragile body.

"Dude! Kiba! Let go of her! She needs to go!" the blonde shouted at the man that was holding Maya. The man was awoken but he didn't let go of Maya. He gave the blonde hair a death glare.

Sakura turned around and tried to find Marie again. She got lost at the sea of dancing people. Apparently that club they were in is open all night and is only closed at the morning.

She found her flirting with the same guy and it is obvious to see that Marie is drunk because she's doing some kind of crazy things to the man.

"C'mon girl, time to go home." Sakura told Marie when she finally reached her. She quickly lifted her up but Marie didn't protest of being dragged away from a man that she liked.

"Nice friend you've got there." The man commented on Sakura. "Her name's Marie, just try to find her at the streets…she often walks by herself…maybe sometime you can score on her again." Sakura said while trying desperately to hold Marie up.

"Tell her I'm Kabuto." The man named Kabuto said. Sakura nodded and tried to get Marie to walk with her towards Maya.

"Over here!" the girl with the blonde hair called after her and she was holding Maya she was standing by the door.

"I'm Yamanaka Ino." Said the waitress while she waited the taxi to stop in front of them.

"Haruno Sakura. Nice to meet you. Thanks by the way." Sakura said to the Ino girl.

"Yep. My pleasure." Ino said while getting Maya inside the taxi and also helping a drunk Marie to get in. Sakura and Ino waved goodbye to each other and the taxi went on its way.

Sakura had a hard time getting the two inside the house but the taxi driver to helped so Sakura gave him an extra tip.

She dressed them in their pajamas. Both of them. Sakura cares for them so much that she's willing to risk her life just for them.

She slept soundlessly tonight but she was dreaming of the guy that she met at the bar. She had the feeling that they're gonna see each other again.

She woke up early the next day. She had a little hangover from the beer she drank last night and there was too much partying.

She took a shower and quickly made breakfast for the two that's still sleeping right now. She knows that when they wake up they'll come storming downstairs looking for something to eat.

Sakura received a letter that morning she opened it and it said.


Come to my office this morning. 9:00 sharp. If you're late, you're gonna be fired. My friend is going to be with me and we'll talk things over.


'Great…' Sakura thought as she rolled her eyes.

"Why is she alone? I thought there were three of them?" the man at Orochimaru's side said.

"They're not available at the moment…" Sakura said irritably. It's as if he didn't want her there just because she's alone.

"Alright Miss Haruno, this is Uchiha Itachi. He'll be your new boss for your new mission." Briefly explained as always by Orochimaru.

"I'll explain." Said Itachi. "You and your friends are gonna work for me. You have to get hired as waitresses in a certain club of my brother. Gather info for me. You'll report to me every week at least once. And after I get all the information you can get, I'll give you the signal on when you should kill him. Understand?"


"Tell your partners about that…"


"Go now…"


After Sakura left, Itachi told Orochimaru something. "She's a girl with so many thoughts but with so little words."

"Where've you been?" asked Maya when she got home.

"Orochimaru…I got the new task…"

"You? Again!" Marie came storming out of the bathroom and quickly faced Sakura.

"Why is it always has to be you?"

"Hey wait…"

"Why is it that we have to always do what you want!"


"Why is it that we always get to be your assistant!"


"Why can't I kill one person for at least once!"


"Why do you have to be the one who Orochimaru talks to privately!"


"I'm sick of you!"


"I quit!"


"I don't want to be working for all of you anymore!"

"Wait Marie!"

After that little argument, Marie went out and she didn't even look back. She was so mad at Sakura.

"She's jealous…" Maya suddenly said out of nowhere.


"Because you always get to do the cool stuff for her. You don't allow us to kill anybody. It's okay for me because I'm afraid to kill people but Marie has a wild spirit. You get?" Maya explained.

Sakura just stared at the table. She didn't realize that she could break up such a great and tight friendship. She thinks of what's gonna happen next after that argument.

A/N: Hey wassup? This chapter's a long one. Well it's a start. Please read and review and just wait for my next update. It's gonna take me awhile to update because our internet is jammed so I still gotta go out into an internet cafe just to get this posted. Oh well…