Must I say that I don't own anyone apart from the parents, Mrs Fox, and Tiger? Oh, I also own Miss Giddy.

Tails was in his room, (which looked as if a bomb had hit it) playing with a yoyo and reading a book on how to make a volcano.

He made exploding noises as he looked at the picture of the volcano.

He threw the yoyo on the floor, and rushed out of his room, book in hand.

He opened the fridge.

"I need baking soda…" he looked around, and grabbed it, knocking over the ketchup.

Then he grabbed some lemons.

"That's it?" he looked back in the fridge, and he beamed. "Ooh! Hot sauce!" he grabbed it, and ran back into his room, or 'lab' as he liked to call it, leaving the fridge open.

He soon finished making the volcano, and he shoved a few jelly babies in there too.

He covered his ears.

And was disappointed when nothing happened.

He sighed angrily.

Then his mother walked into the room.

She was a golden colour with white bangs which were plastered back like a ponytail, and she had a white fluffy muzzle, as well as paws, and at the tip of her large bushy tail. She had soft blue eyes, and she wore an orange dress and a white apron. She had a childlike look about her, and she walked in with her black shoes with white laces.

"It's almost time for school, Miles…"


"Tails. And clean up this mess!"

"Ok…" he sighed as she left.

He opened his wardrobe, and a bunch of toys fell out.

"Uh-oh… it's full…" he smiled. "I know what to do."

He shoved all of his toys under his bed.

"All tidied up!" he called.

"Come down for breakfast!"

Tails run out of the room, oblivious to the fact that his volcano erupted, and the contents went everywhere.

"Tails, what have I said about cleaning up after that silly Mess Fairy?" his mother said, giving him some sandwiches and a glass of milk.

"I know mom…" he smiled, scoffing his sandwiches.

The jar of pickles got his attention.

He grabbed one and dripped it in his milk, watching it turn green.


The bus horn honked outside, and Tails ran off.

"Tails, you didn't finish your…" his mother picked up the green substance in the glass. "Milk?" she shook her head at the glass and the big mess where it had been.

Tails walked towards the bus, a shiny object catching his eye.

He picked it up, accidentally knocking the bins over with his tails.

"Wow! A meteorite from outer space!" he said, looking up.

He scurried onto the bus.

He sat next to Sonic, who had a blue box with an island on it on his lap.

"Hey, Sonic, look what I've found!" he showed his friend the red rock.

"Wow! What is it?"

"I think it's a meteorite from outer space!"

"Cool! Mrs Fox will be able to tell if it's real or not."

"What's in the box Sonic?" he asked, just as the bus began to drive off.

Sonic looked around. "Ok, I'll show you, but promise not to tell anyone. It's a surprise for my turn in 'In the Spotlight'."

He opened the box, revealing a collection of pretty shells, on a patch of sand.

"Wow!" Tails gasped.

"I collected them from the beach."

"It's better than a beach!"

Sonic chuckled. "Thanks," and he closed the lid.

Tails' mother picked up the bins Tails had knocked over.

Then she realised her shoelaces were untied.

"That's how accidents happen…"

She bent down to tie them up, and she walked back into the house, oblivious to the fact that she had knocked them down again.

Like mother, like son, eh?

At school, all of the kids were on the carpet, and Mrs Fox greeted them.

"Good morning children."

"Hi Mrs Fox!"

"Tell me all of the exciting things that happened since yesterday."

Everyone waved their hands in the air.

"Amy?" Mrs Fox looked at the hedgehog, who was straining to get attention.

Amy took a deep breath. "My brother had a nose bleed!" she said.

Shadow and Light began to giggle immaturely.

Everyone else made noises of disgust.

"Tails?" Mrs Fox asked.

"I found a meteorite from outer space!" he said, holding it up.

Everyone showed their interest at this.

Tails smiled proudly.

Later on, Tails was reading a book, many other books messily scattered around him.

"Oh dear…" Mrs Fox said, walking over. "It looks like the Mess Fairy followed someone to school today."

"You know about the Mess Fairy?"

"Your mother told me that mess follows you wherever you go."

"That silly Mess Fairy…"

Sonic, who was doing a puzzle with Kira, overheard this.

"Do you know about the Mess Fairy, Kira?"

Kira fitted another piece of the puzzle in. "I've heard of the Tooth Fairy, but not the Mess Fairy…"

"Who's the Mess Fairy?" Shadow and Light asked in unison.

Sonic shrugged. "I don't know, ask Tails."

Shadow and Light looked at each other with a grin.

"Kids, I'd like to introduce you to our new student teacher, Miss Giddy," Mrs Fox stepped aside, revealing a young badger.

She was black with white bangs and muzzle, and arms. She wore a blue dress and a necklace. She had a long bushy tail, with a white stripe going down it. She had soft brown eyes, and wore her long white hair in a ponytail.

"Good morning boys and girls!" she said in a quite annoying high voice.

"Good morning Miss Giddy," the kids chorused.

"She'll be helping with our music class today." Mrs Fox said.

Miss Giddy put on a metronome, and the kids began to play their instruments.

"That's it! One, two, one… no, wait… children!"

The kids began to have their own private conversations, ignoring Miss Giddy.

"I wish music class was over…" Sonic whispered to Kira, who was playing the maracas. "Just wait until you see what I've brought for 'In the Spotlight'!"

"I love surprises!" Kira whispered back.

Meanwhile, Shadow and Light walked over to Tails.

"Tails, who's the Mess Fairy?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah, who is he?" Light added.

"I dunno…" Tails said. "But he sure makes a lot of mess," he began to hit the radiator with his drum stick. "Hey, guys! Listen to this!" he began to hit the radiator with the drumstick.

Shadow and Light laughed and began to hit their cymbals against it.

Tails walked off, accidentally knocking a load of papers to the floor.

"Mess Fairy…?" Shadow looked at his brother, who knocked even more papers on the floor, on purpose.

"Mess Fairy!"

They looked at each other with wicked smiles.

After music class, Mrs Fox filled out eleven cups with grape juice… well… ten and a bit.

"Fiddle-sticks, I need more juice," and she walked into the private kitchen to get some more.

Tails was still hitting different things with his drum stick.

Then he began to hit the edge off all the cups, and find that the last one – with less juice, sounded different.


When Mrs Fox returned, she was engulfed by music.

Tails was beating the edge of the glasses, with all levels of juice in them.

All of the juice had been poured on the table.

"Well done Tails, you've created a musical instrument."

Tails smiled.

"You've also created a big mess… what do you say we clean up after that silly Mess Fairy?"


Soon, it was time for painting, and everyone was… painting… funnily enough.

Well… all Tails was doing was creating a big mess… but he was trying to paint…

"What's he doing?" Cream asked in a harsh whisper.

Kira giggled. "Painting."

Sonic, however, wasn't painting; he was getting his shell collection ready for 'In the Spotlight'.

Mrs Fox smiled down at him.

"Oh, Sonic, how wonderful! Everyone will be surprised. Get washed up, and then we'll do 'In the Spotlight'."

"Thanks Mrs F!"

As they walked past, Shadow and Light knocked over a box of toys.

"Mess Fairy!"

The two boys ran over and knocked a puzzle off of a table. "Mess Fairy!"

Then they grabbed blue and green pots of paint, and flicked it at their paper with their brushes.

"Mess Fairy!" they called, laughing.

They splashed green paint on Cream's painting.


"Mess Fairy did it." Light shrugged.

"Shadow, Light, what's going on here?" Mrs Angel asked.

"The Mess Fairy did it, Mrs F." Shadow said, innocently.

Tails decided to use the two hedgehogs' method in painting; he began to flick the paint.

"Oh no!"

Tails, Shadow, and Light walked over to Sonic, who was the one who had called out.

"It's ruined…" his ears flattened.

"What's the matter, Sonic?" Mrs Fox asked.

Sonic frowned down at his shell collection – which was splattered with blue paint.

"The Mess Fairy strikes again!" Shadow and Light said in unison, nodding their heads.

"Stop blaming the Mess Fairy!" Tails growled.

"You started it!" the two boys said.

Tails' ears flattened.

He looked at his brush, and at the paint on Sonic's collection.

"Mrs Fox…. Sonic… the Mess Fairy didn't do it… I did it… there is no Mess Fairy…"

Sonic was still upset.

"I know what to do," Tails smiled.

After washing the shell collection, Tails handed the box back to Sonic.

"Wow! It's even better than before! Thanks Tails!"

"Your welcome."

"Mrs Fox! I'm ready!" Sonic ran off to do his presentation.

"Yep! This is the new Tails! No more mess!" Tails ran off to see Sonic's 'In the Spotlight'.

What he didn't realise, is that he left the tap running, and the plug in, and the sink overflowed.

Oh well, best intentions, eh Tails?

I hope you liked it.