NOTE: moondalian, no reading

Kai opened his eyes. What had just happened? Oh, yeah... He and Tyson were fighting, summoned their bit beasts and Dranzer and Dragoon decided to entwirl, creating a huge power, hitting Kai with it, making him fall unconscious. But... What was he doing in a bed then? Kai grunted and turned on his stomach lazy. Suddenly that pose was quite uncomfortable. A strand of hair flicked in front of Kai's face. Kai perked an eyebrow. He didn't remember having long hair. Kai shrugged it off and got up. He was in his own room in the Hiwatari-Mansion. How did he get there? Again Kai shrugged it off. He walked down stairs and ignored the uncomfortable feeling he's been having since he woke up and glared at every servant who gawked at him. Kai stepped in Voltaire's office and closed the door. Voltaire looked up and almost gained a heart attack.

"Kai?" he asked surprised/shocked.

"Yeah, anything wrong with that?" Kai snapped.

He noticed something was wrong with his voice, but decided to ignore it for now.

"No, nothing is wrong." Voltaire said quickly.

"What am I doing here?" Kai asked.

"After you ahem accident, you were transported back to your room." Voltaire replied.

Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Accident?" he repeated.

"Yeah, with the bey-battle and all." Voltaire replied.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want." Kai muttered.

Kai walked away, going to Tyson's home, knowing the others would be there, slacking off their training. And... He was right...

"Come on, Max! Pass the popcorn!" Tyson pleaded.

"Only if we watch my film." Max said.

"Come on, Maxie! You know I hate that one!" Tyson groaned.

Kai smirked. It was good Tyson and Max had finally found each other. Ofcourse, with a little push in the right direction made by him and Ray. Heh... Kai couldn't help but to smile at the memory.

... Flashback ...

The Blade Breakers were walking trough the woods. Ray was in front, then Kenny, then Max, then Tyson, then Kai. Ray turned around, pretending to check if everyone was still there and glanced at Kai. Kai nodded. Without anyone knowing it, he managed to make Tyson trip and fall on top of Max. Max and Tyson looked at Kai, but he pretended not to notice, not taking his eyes off the ground. If Max and Tyson didn't get up, they'd be sure Kai walked right trough them, thinking Kai was deep in thought. Ray was the only one who caught the blush Tyson and Max had, since he was facing him. He smiled at Kai who send him a trade mark smirk, though... The corners of his mouth were a little higher then normal and his eyes showed a naughty flame. And... He wasn't supposed to send Ray a wink. Ray turned back to his former position, hoping no one caught his blush.

... End Flashback ...

Kai let out a sigh and walked in. Tyson and Max were to busy kissing to notice, that is... Until Kai turned down the TV.

"Hey! We were watching that!" Tyson yelled.

"You were more watching each other." Kai replied.

"Kai, are you all right? Your voice sounds higher then it's supposed to..." Max said worried.

"I'm fine." Kai replied.

He turned to them and raised his eyebrow when they had the same reaction as his grandfather had earlier that day. Ray decided it was a good thing to walk in the room and soon found himself staring at Kai.

"What." Kai snapped, getting frustrated.

"Kai... You're a girl..." Ray stammered.