oh here is something i had in my head and i just had to get out... so please tell me waht you think and im sorry that i havent updated my other ficcy yet ive been really really busy... i promise to update soon! well i hope you like this and please tell me i should continue or not. Thanx!

The Love Letter

I watch you everyday… I see how you smile and I feel alive. Only when you smile do I feel this warmth in my heart…with anyone else it's an annoyance…all others beg for my attention though you are the only one able to gain it…your smile…your real smile, not the façade you put on for everyone else, the real smile I've only seen a few times…only I know that that smile will never be for me… oh how I want that smile. I feel so selfish and jealous but that's all I know so that is all I can be… I want your smile, your laughter, your frown, your tears, your pain, your body, your mind, your soul… I want it all… is this love?


Naruto couldn't believe his eyes when he read this letter that came out of the trashcan in Sasuke's kitchen. He hadn't meant to knock it over but he couldn't help but read letter Sasuke's handwriting was on. 'Who does he want? Who did he write this to?' Naruto thought to himself as he forgot about making ramen.

"What are you looking at?" Sasuke asked Naruto as he walked into the kitchen. Naruto stood up quickly in hearing Sasuke's voice and rammed his head into the door of the open cabinet.

"Nothing!" Naruto screamed after hitting his head. He squint his eyes as he nursed the bump forming on his head with his empty hands. 'Empty?... Oh shit!' Naruto thought opening his bright blue eyes as Sasuke picked up the letter.

"What is…?" Sasuke's eyes bulged and his mouth dropped open into a look of horror and trembling overtook his body. Sasuke crumbled the paper in his fist. "Did you read this?" Sasuke asked with controlled anger as his expression turned unreadable once again.

"Yes…" Naruto said meekly trying not to invoke his anger upon himself. Sasuke sighed and looked away trying to hide a deep blush. "So who is it?" Naruto asked gaining a little courage from seeing Sasuke's blush.

"Get out," Sasuke said controlling his expression to not show his shock that Naruto didn't know.

"So is it Sakura or Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked teasing Sasuke with a small smirk that was slowly growing into a smile.

"No…now please leave…" Sasuke said hiding his beet red face. Naruto smiled and walked up to Sasuke putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, but if you need any advice or help with anything just ask," Naruto said politely. Sasuke looked over at him, forgetting his blush to stare in shocked wonder at Naruto's smile. "See you later," Naruto said walking away from the blushing Sasuke and leaving. Sasuke's knees gave out and he fell into a lump on the floor.

"How can you never notice, Naruto? You're the only one I see… thank you for that smile… I might be able to tell you after all…" Sasuke whispered to himself while letting go of his emotions to smile sweetly closing his eyes to savor the smile that was meant for him.

"Damn… I'm still hungry…" Naruto said looking back at Sasuke's apartment.