
Author's Note:
Welcome to my first NGE fanfiction. To those that oppose Rei/Shinji pairings … I'd advise you not to read this particular piece. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, only the plot is mine. Don't sue and I'll keep writing.

The soft bristles carried away his fear, anxiety and any other emotion aside of complete tranquility. Even strokes, abstract yet executed with precision drew life in him that was before unknown to the brown-haired young man. He pushed the silver brims of his rectangular spectacles so they sat more comfortably on his nose and continued his masterpiece. Pride filled him as the artist took a step away from the erect canvas and admired his work.

"Magnificent, definitely a modern Van Gogh," A soft, feminine voice came from behind just as the speaker, a light-blue haired young woman sauntered into the brightly lit monochrome studio. With a smile, she wrapped her bare arms around the paint-covered artist's shoulder casually from behind and ruffled his hair affectionately as she settled to a seat on his lap.

"Good morning." His eyes were droopy with heavy bags underneath from the sleepless night.

"It's brilliant, although I'd prefer it if your health or my time with you wouldn't suffer from it." The crimson-eyed girl poked the boy's nose, drawing a chuckle from his lips.

"Gomen nasai," his pouting lip and oversized puppy dog eyes added convincement to his apology, "Nothing takes priority to my time with you." She nodded in agreement and ruffled his hair again.

"As long as it doesn't happen again, anyways … would the inspirational painter like some breakfast?"

"The inspirational painter definitely would … especially if omelettes and hash browns are on the menu," he replied with a yawn and a stretch of his arms. She nodded, and their lips met in a chaste peck for the first time that morning. The girl parted from his lap and reluctantly stood up.

"You know … it's rude to just kiss once," he reminded her sheepishly before his implications were silenced by another kiss.

"You whine too much." She stated matter-of-factly.

"I love you too. And hey, whining gets me what I want … my over-analytical Rei." The girl thought about the comment and just how true it was.

"You're impossible, Shinji."
