Well, this is it! The very last chapter of my first fic. I have been writing for five months now, and how fast the time goes by! I would like to thank all of the kind people who have reviewed this story! I wouldn't have made it that far without everyone's encouragement and the inspiration your words gave me! You guys rock! Note that this is the ending, never really super exciting or long because all the major conflicts are solved, but I hope you like it all the same. Now, the last chap…

Chapter 26: The One and Only

Cornelia's POV

Cornelia sighed and inhaled Caleb's sweet scent and leaned back against her window with a new lightness in her mind. Cradling her love, Cornelia turned to look out her window. It was sunny again, and kids were playing by the streets while eating ice cream. It seemed kind of familiar to Cornelia, but the happiness spreading through the neighborhood was starting to grow on her. She had to go back to school tomorrow, and was really happy about it. She was afraid of leaving Caleb alone without her protection, but it really was her chance to join the outside world again. Doing homework, going to the mall, and hanging out with her best buds was what she could bring back into her life. She really needed that break from being depressed. Cornelia stroked the petals gently and chuckled lightly. It's funny that a while back, this would be my break from everything. It just goes to say how everything had changed since she learned that she was a Guardian of the Veil.


Cornelia looked down to see Napoleon rubbing his head against her hand and purring. Cornelia scratched the cat behind his ears and smiled.

"Yeah, but you'll protect Caleb, won't you Napoleon?" Cornelia said as she picked up the cat and held him against her chest. Ever since Cornelia walked in her room to see Napoleon scaring off a crow that was trying to harm Caleb, she had loved that cat in a split second. She had never really liked him, especially since Will gave it to her as a present to cheer her up. She was in no mood to have people try and cheer her up, and gave the animal to her little sister, Lilian. But we're friends now, Cornelia thought as she scratched under his chin. I really should thank Will. I haven't had time for anything with all this confusion in the past days.

Cornelia's thoughts went back to the events of the past few days. It seemed to be a non ending nightmare that Cornelia was quite happy to escape. Even if she was in her room most of the time, Will and the others had said everything that had happened. It all must have started with Will having a strange dream where an evil reflection of her self came and stole the Heart of Candracar away from her. Then, everything went downhill from there with Susan seeing the other girls in Guardian form and then getting a severe head injury, Elyon going back to Heatherfield with bad news, and Cornelia getting kidnapped and put into the Dream Catcher with her friends following soon afterward. Not to mention Phobos coming back with a bunch of loonies who had most of the girls' powers, and seeking out their revenge. Cornelia brushed away some hair in her face and closed her eyes while feeling the warm sun on her cheeks as her head was swimming with thoughts.

It's all over though, Cornelia, so stop thinking about it, she told herself. We became friends again and got our powers back. It was weird to think that they had to have a tragedy happen, along with many, many more road bumps for the girls to put all their pride and arguing behind them and apologize for everything and be like the great group of friends they used to be. It sure wasn't easy, and she sure didn't like all of the bad stuff that had happened to them, but they did get a lot out of it. They got their powers back, their friendship pulled back together, and a deeper understanding of everything, like the magic of friendship and the courage to keep going, no matter what happens.

Getting up, Cornelia stared at her not-so-clean room. She closed her eyes and felt the magic well inside her. She could hear the swooshing and objects flying around her head. By the time she opened her eyes, the room was spotless and she smiled. Yep, just like it used to be, Cornelia thought with a grin.


Cornelia looked over to her doorway and saw a little blonde head popping out from behind it. Lilian started rubbing her eyes and yawned widely.

"What happened? I had a really scary dream." She started. Cornelia walked up to her.

"It's okay. It was only a dream." Cornelia looked behind her when she remembered how very real all that was. "Um, maybe if you go play, it'll take your mind off of it." Lilian looked at her weirdly and then nodded her head. She was about to shut the door when she said something else.

"Oh and one of your friends is here. She wants you for something." Cornelia's eyes popped open and she walked out the door to look over the stairs to the bottom floor. Sure enough, Will was standing there shyly with a smile.

"Want to get the other girls and go for a walk." She said nervously. Cornelia stopped for a moment. She knew what Will was thinking. Will must think that I would still want to stay here and mope all day, Cornelia thought with a pang. Suddenly, she remembered about losing Caleb, how hurt and lost she felt. What would happen if she left him? But she couldn't just protect him forever and ignore her life. Ignore her Guardian duties, normal responsibilities, and her friends…

"Sure, Will." She responded out of her own surprise. She shook off her bad feelings for once and gave a small smile.

"I'd love to."

"Wow! Look at us all together again!" Hay Lin chirped as she started skipping down the sidewalk. "It's like how we used to be!"

"Better." Taranee corrected. "I don't know about you guys, but I feel really free…and powerful!" her brown eyes sparkled as a flame of fire lit up in her hands.

"Hot potato anyone?" she asked playfully. The girls shook their heads and laughed.

"Oh! It feels so good out here!" Hay Lin yelled out while stretching her arms out into the warm and sunny afternoon. A cool breeze fluttered by and Hay Lin smiled with satisfaction.

"Yeah, it does." Cornelia agreed. "And I'm finally going back to school with you guys tomorrow."

"Really? You sue you don't need a longer break?" Will teased. Cornelia laughed and pulled her hair back only for it to fly back in her face moments later.

"Well, I couldn't really call it a break after being sad all these weeks, getting kidnapped and put into a Dream Catcher, and having to battle Phobos, the EG's, and help Elyon save Meridian along with Heatherfield. I think doing math is better than all that."

"Speak for yourself." Will grumbled but then smiled at Cornelia and the group broke into another round of giggles.

"Cornelia's actually laughing!" Irma shouted. "Get the reporters! The video cameras! Oh, speaking of. I still need you to run that whole 'I'm sorry' scene again." Irma said while backing up and pretending to be working the camera. "We need to add drama! Come on Corny! Smile for the camera!"

"Get out of my face Irma." Cornelia responded with a pretend punch in Irma's direction. Irma sniffed and threw her head up.

"Well, she's not completely back to normal. She didn't really punch me."

"Have I ever?" Cornelia asked with her eyebrows raised. Irma grinned with her hands on her hips.

"No, but I can tell you've always wanted to." Irma told her.

"There's definitely no denying that." Said Taranee. The girls started walking quietly down the sidewalk. The laughter had died down and Cornelia assumed that everybody was thinking silently. Well, Cornelia had had enough time to think. She was just glad she had her best friends back. Cornelia looked cautiously around at the girls. They all seemed to be wondering of how to say something, but it was Will who finally sighed and blurted it out.

"So, what about Caleb?" she asked nervously. The other girls stopped and looked toward Cornelia cautiously. They knew it was a very touchy subject for Cornelia, and Cornelia was grateful for them not really wanting to hurt her feelings. She turned around when she was aware of some tears forming in her eyes at the thought of Caleb, beautiful Caleb sitting in a vase in her room without her there to talk to him. Her vision changed. She saw herself sitting in the middle of her room, cradling various flower petals and crying her heart out while Irma stood wordlessly in her doorway.

No, she told herself as she wiped away the tears before they could fall down her cheeks. I won't think of him that way. He'll be okay.

"Cornelia?" Cornelia flipped her head and her eyes were set straight into an uneasy smile.

"Well, I decided that I couldn't stay with him all the time. I was becoming inhuman. I was ignoring all of my responsibilities, my family, and you guys." She turned her head upward and could see dark blue forming in the sky away from the colorful area surrounding the sinking sun.

"I dealt with him turning into a flower and then dying. I think I'm strong enough after going through that. Besides, Caleb has a protector besides me. Otherwise, Caleb might have been gone a while back." Hay Lin started patting Cornelia on the back with comfort, as in saying that she did the right thing. Will and Taranee were wondering who was helping Caleb though.

"Who is it?" Will asked curiously. Cornelia grinned and remembered that it was Will who gave her that wonderful cat in the first place. She ran up and gave Will a rib racking hug.

"It is Napoleon, the cat you gave me." Cornelia whispered. She could see Will smile with astonishment.

"So, you don't hate me for giving him to you?"

"Of course not! Thank you so much! He was the best present I have ever gotten." Cornelia exclaimed. Will started rubbing her ribs with a slight smile.

"So, I guess everything is back to normal then." Hay Lin said while looking up in the sky also.

"Well, it's as normal as it could ever be, with us being the protectors of the universe and all." Taranee reminded her. She stopped and looked toward Will. "Have any bad nightmares lately?" Will shook her head and pulled her hair back with a breezy smile.

"Nope! Nothing with the Evil Guardians or Phobos, or anything bad happening at all! I did have a dream with Serinity and the Whispers, but I'll tell you guys later."

"What? But why can't you tell us now?" Irma demanded.

"I can tell you that they lived more happily than it seemed to us. They are all together with other Guardians and watching us from Candracar." Will answered.

"Along with Grandma." Hay Lin sighed.

"And the Oracle and his two slimy butt prisoners." Irma announced slyly.

"You wouldn't be referring to Phobos and Cedric, would you?" Taranee asked. Irma just smirked.

"Who else?" she responded. Another giggle went through the line and Cornelia actually found herself laughing at Irma's joke. Cornelia looked around the park through all of the swaying trees and stopped. She tugged on Will's shirt, who turned around with a confused expression.

"Oh Will. Look who's here." Will's eyes wondered in the direction that Cornelia was looking at and she gasped.

"Matt! What's he- um." Each girl was looking at her expectantly and Will sighed. She took a deep breath and stood up straight.

"I'll be right back you guys." She said and started walking off toward her crush. Taranee and Irma were flabbergasted.

"Wha-what are you doing, Will?" Taranee yelled out in concern.

"I don't know!" Will called back. "I figured that after doing everything we just went though, I can do anything. You know." Will shrugged. "Trust your powers and your heart because they will never fail you." She turned back around and started to get nearer to Matt. This wasn't really like her. Has something really changed inside of us, Cornelia wondered. Our courage has sparked up, along with trust and a knowing of deeper meaning. Hmm, she started to think again as she waved Will off. Maybe all of this bad stuff did have a purpose. It was terrible and all, but it made them stronger, just like every battle they had faced had. And, it brought them back together. Irma whistled and Hay Lin started cheering.

"You go girl!" Hay Lin yelled while punching an encouraging fist into the air. Cornelia gave a thumbs up and winked. Irma and Taranee were still looking confused.

"Where do you think she got that from?" Taranee asked, referring to the last sentence Will had called out before running off.

"No clue." Cornelia answered while looking over Taranee's head to see if she could catch a glimpse of the crushing couple. The sun was getting lower right behind Will and Matt, so she couldn't see more than two figures near each other in the blinding light.

"Oh! I can't take anymore of this! I can't see a thing." Irma whined throwing down her hand that was positioned on her forehead to block the sun so she could see clearer. It didn't seem to be working though because Irma smirked slyly and came up with another clever plan.

"I say we sneak behind those two trees over there and spy on the two of them. Maybe they'll kiss! Or maybe we can make them get on a date!"

"What if she can do everything perfectly without our help." Hay Lin said going up and down with the heels of her feet.

"Are you kidding! This is Will we're talking about! She has been crushing on this guy for months and she still hasn't gotten the nerve to-"

"Ask him out on a date."

Cornelia turned around and saw Will come up behind Irma while blushing furiously and giggling. Cornelia grinned and wrapped her arm around Will's shoulders.

"So, I'm guessing he said yes!" she said pointing her finger accusingly up at Will's dazed grin. "Fess up! What else happened?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe you'll have to find out yourselves. Perhaps when- the evil Guardians come back and force us into the Dream Catcher again." Will said thoughtfully with a sly grin.

"Did she just say she wasn't going to tell us?" Taranee asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Oh, I'll get it out of her." Irma announced as she rolled up her sleeves. "Get her!" Will started running around the trees in circles while Irma started yelling with her arms outstretched. Cornelia was laughing so hard, she could barely hold herself up. Her? Laughing again like it was the only beautiful thing in life. She wouldn't have figured just a couple of days ago. Or, before the whole 'unbalanced universes time warp' thing.

"Come on." Taranee said, grabbing both Hay Lin and Cornelia and leading them up the hill in which Will and Irma were already climbing. Cornelia looked around and remembered the last time they walked up this hill. They were looking for Will because she had just left the Guardians after discovering her mother was 'dead'. Then, they had an encounter with Cedric in disguise as he kidnapped her and led Cornelia off the trail with Irma following by a statement suggesting that Caleb was hurt. Hay Lin and Taranee stayed and tried to save Will, which Hay Lin finally did after Will was being dangled out of a window in Simultech. Police surrounded the place and arrested Hay Lin and Taranee for murder! Goodness, Cornelia moaned as she rubbed her head. Way too much drama! And the problem is, that's only a small portion of it!

Cornelia breathed in the cool evening air and glanced at the sky. A dark sky was set behind them in stillness, but the sun lit up the sky in front of them with a colorful back round. It was kind of like leaving all their traumas behind them into the darkness of the night, but the stars starting to twinkle in the blackness were the good things that actually came out of it. And the sun? A beautiful and bright future. With her best buds, as a Guardian of the Veil, or whatever else was in store for her and each of the girls standing next to her.

"So, do you think it's all over?" Taranee asked. Cornelia looked up and shook her head.

"No. We have our powers, and our friendship."

"I kind of meant everything that just happened to us." Taranee corrected.

"Oh, well, I don't think anything will truly ever be over. We are the Guardians. Bad things will be coming for us left and right for the rest of our lives." Irma answered. Cornelia's stomach tightened regretfully. What had they gotten themselves into?

"But, we won't go to school tomorrow and see our evil selves sitting in our desks or anything, will we?" Hay Lin asked while twirling her hair around on her finger. Will just laughed.

"I don't think so Hay Lin. They won't be taking our place in any way. They won't be the Guardians of the Veil, and they won't ever have the Heart of Candracar." Will pulled out the Heart and it glowed gently above her outstretched hand.

"How do you know?" Irma asked. Cornelia rolled her eyes.

"How do you think? I'm with Will here. Those creeps aren't gonna mess with us again. There can't ever be anyone like us on this earth, even in this universe. We are the one and only, and if they don't like that, they can keep planning their revenge or whatever."

"But it wouldn't matter. We will never brake apart again." Taranee said defiantly.

"Group hug!" Hay Lin cheered.

"Aw, Hay Lin. Come on." Irma started to whine before Hay Lin grabbed all of them as tight as she could and grinned happily. The girls laughed again and started walking.

"Yeah." Said Will brightly with a smile as she walked along with her friends. "We are the one and only Guardians. And we are each our one and only-me!"

Cornelia realized that they were truly united once more, and now even stronger than ever. They were W.i.t.c.h. again, the Guardians of the Veil. And each of them was glad of it as they walked arm in arm into the sunset, into their next adventure.

And no matter what ever happened, Cornelia wouldn't have it any other way.

Wow! I feel so good! I finally finished my story! I am satisfied and I hope you guys were too. I loved writing, and I'll always remember this experience. I thought it would be short, but I finally convinced myself that writing short chapters is no longer possible for me. ;) Thanks again to all of my reviewers and anybody else who has read my story. Now, I'll just be working on 'Through Different Worlds' and its sequel, P.o.w.e.r., which will be a new generation of Guardians, sort of. Just read them to find out! See you guys later and I hoped you liked this chap and the story! (I still need to sit down and read the whole thing. Oh, that'll take hours…) Bye!