Chapter X: The Aftermath

"Ikari," said Isan while moving closer to her son. "I'm so sorry. I was so wrong. I was blinded by power that I forgot what you needed the most from me. I'm really sorry, my son."

Ban stood from the bed and looked out on the window. He threw his cigarette as he looked at Isan.

"You should've accepted that the red jagan clan, just like the blue jagan clan, cannot continue existing forever. Like me, I'm the last heir of this evil power. You should know that power and revenge are not the answers to everything."

"I know now," said Isan while clutching her arm. "I was terribly mistaken. I wanted to take vengeance for what Ayo did to me and my family that all I ever thought of was to seek whatever power was out there even if it would cost me a lot. I didn't care, that's what made it so wrong. I should've known that this would ruin everything that was precious to me… even my son."

"I'm really sorry for what I did," said Isan while putting her hand over Makubex fingers. "I don't know what came over me. Lust for power I suppose, that I would even do something so terrible to you. Can you forgive me? I can understand if you can't now. I've used you. I've seduced you to join us and that makes me feel so embarrassed."

Makubex placed his hand over Isan's slender fingers and gave her a smile before he looked at the sky outside through the window where Ban stood.

"Time heals all wounds," said Makubex curtly. "Like what you said, it's not easy to forgive but what matters to me is that I know you're sincere and you meant what you said. It'll take time for me to forget what you did, or maybe I won't even forget but I know that I can forgive you. We're all humans who commit mistakes. You were only lucky to come across the Getbackers who were able to retrieve everything you lost."

"Thank you," Isan said while looking at Ban and Ginji. "I don't know what to say. I've started it all and almost cost everyone's life but still, you wanted to save me and Ikari."

"Don't thank us," said Ginji. "That's what Getbackers are for. We get back everything our client lost. Well, you may not be directly a client but we know you need some getting back."

Isan smiled and Ban wrapped his arm around Ginji's shoulder. Kadsuki moved out of the shadows and stood in front of Ikari before he kneeled down to take his hands.

"Ikari, it may be over but we still need your help," said Kadsuki while looking directly at the boy's mismatched eyes.

"Oh yeah," said Ban. "You were the one who made the Kurushi Seed right? So that means you're the only one who has the ability to unmake it right?"


"You have to come with us," said Kadsuki while glancing at Ban. "Kaisshin needs to be healed. The seed is growing in her. You have to stop it from doing so."

Isan looked away at Kadsuki and instead, eyed the floor. She knew it was her fault again that she could not bear to meet their eyes anymore. Himiko drew closer to her and tried to pat her back to lighten up her feelings.

"It's ok," said Himiko who was giving her a weak smile. "As long as Ikari can destroy the seed, there will be no more problem."

"I'm sorry. I'm, Oh God, really really sorry for everything," she said while resting her head on Himiko's stomach. She had her hand over her face which was shining with tears.

Akabane walked out of the room and waited for them to finish downstairs. The last thing he heard before he went down was Kadsuki making a phone call.

"Hello," said Kadsuki who just connected with Jubei on the other line. "Jubei, how's Kaisshin? Is she still alright?"

"Kadsuki," said a surprised Jubei. "Thank God you're alright. She's fine for now. We really need the seed removed from her body. It's killing her cells. If we can't take it out until tonight, she might not make it anymore."

"OK, at least we know she's still alive," said Kadsuki. "We'll call you later." He looked at the time and saw that it was already five in the afternoon. He gave the phone to Ban who tried to contact Hevn. He wanted to tell her they were alive and safe so that she wouldn't need to worry anymore.

"It's five o'clock already," said Hevn. "I've been waiting for almost, what? 5 hours?... They should at least call."

As soon as she said this, she heard her cell phone ringing on the table. She hurriedly went to get it. She looked at her screen for the caller and saw the big Mido on it. Finally, she thought, took you long enough.

"Ban," she said as she pressed the button. "About time you called. Where are you now?"

"We're still here at Eclextia's house but everything's fine now," said Ban. "You don't have to worry anymore."

"I didn't worry anyway," said Hevn. "I knew you'd be able to get out alive. So, where are you off to now? Can you come pick me up here at Honky Tonk?"

"No," said Ban. "Honky's very off the route from here to Mugen. We need to hurry. We'll just drop by there after we've finished here."

"But Jubei told me to go home with you," she said.

"Don't worry about him," replied Ban. "We'll tell him we needed to hurry. He'll understand of course. Just wait there for us ok? Don't go wandering again."

"Ok Mido," said Hevn. "I've almost emptied the whole ice tea jug here. Hurry will you?"

"Alright, alright," said Ban before he turned the phone off. "I'm finish here," he added to Kadsuki.

"We should go," said Kadsuki urgently while nodding at Himiko and Ban. "Where's Dr. Jackal?" he added after seeing the robed man was not in the room.

"He said he just went out to get some fresh air," said Himiko. She helped Isan to get up before they both went out of the room.

"Come on, we need to get taxis for everyone," said Ban while lighting his last cigarette for the day. "If we want to get there before darkness creeps, we should hurry. It's a long ride from here to Mugen."

Everyone stood up except Makubex and Ikari. Ginji looked at Makubex and wondered why he was still sitting on the bed with Ikari.

"Maku-chan, come on," said Ginji while nodding at him. "We need to save Kaisshin. Ikari-kun, please hurry."

Makubex stood and smiled at him. "We can get there right now without taxis."

"Huh?" asked Ginji turning into his chibi form. "How's that? Are we flying from here?"

Ikari laughed at Ginji and approached him. He carried Ginji in his arms which reminded the chibi boy about Clayman. Makubex followed from behind as the three of them got out of the room. The retrieval agents, led by Ban were already near the bottom of the stairs.

"Mido-san," said Ikari, still clutching Ginji. "I have a better idea. We can get to Mugen faster through my way."

Ban looked at him and saw he was carrying the chibi Ginji. Ban raised an eyebrow that was telling Ginji to be embarrassed in his position. He removed his cigarette before he answered the boy.

"What's your way?" asked Ban. Isan looked at her son who gave her a wink. "As long as it's safe, we might go for it."

"Ok," said Ikari while nodding at Makubex. "Hold my hand. Don't let go until I tell you, ok?"

"Right," said Makubex while intertwining his fingers with Ikari. "I'm ready when you are."

Ikari nodded and as he did, the two disappeared in a flash of blue violet aura and reappeared at the foot of the stairs. Makubex let go of his hand when he told him and Ikari put down chibi Ginji whose eyes were still in spirals.

"Like it?" asked Ikari with a smile. Himiko whistled and Akabane smiled as Ikari looked at his way. Kadsuki was whispering something to Ban whose brows were a little bit contracted. After Kadsuki was finished though, his brows were already back to normal.

"Can you take us all to Mugen?" asked Ban while throwing his cigarette in the garbage bin beside the sofa where Akabane was sitting. Ikari closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He opened his eyes after a few seconds and gave his answer. He noticed everyone was staring at him. He felt his face flush at all their stares.

"Sure," replied the boy. He and Makubex walked closer to the others while Akabane glided towards them. Ban looked at Isan who remained standing near the sofa opposite the one Akabane sat moments ago.

"You're not coming with us?" asked Ban who fixed his sunglasses. "Don't you like to see Mugen?"

Isan smiled at his idea but it was accompanied by a gesture of decline. She walked towards Ikari who was looking at her. She ran her hand over his hair before planting a kiss on his head.

"I won't be coming anymore," she said while putting her hand over Ikari's shoulder. "I think I need to rest. Anyway, Hikari is coming with you. He'll take you safely to Mugen."

"Hikari?" asked Himiko. "Oh, I understand."

"It suits him better than Ikari," said Kadsuki who removed the hair from his face. "So, we better get going. What are we going to do?"

"Just hold on to each other," said Hikari, who got Ginji and Makubex' hands. "Don't let go until we get there."

Ban held on Ginji's hand while Himiko held on Ban and Akabane. Kadsuki held on Makubex and Dr. Jackal's hands. When Hikari saw that everyone was safely holding each other's hands, he began his work.

"OK, here goes nothing," said Hikari. "1…2…3…"

Ban felt his feet leave the ground and before him, he could see the places they were passing by in a blurry shade of blue. People below them were moving at least 50x faster and as he looked back, he saw the Manor dissolve from view and the road below him like flowing stream, only in the shade of silver. After about twenty seconds, the group felt the floor below their feet. Himiko was looking like she got drunk and was swaying violently until she bumped on Ban who was waiting for her to do so. She felt her back on Ban's chest and as she looked up, he saw Ban smiling and if she wasn't dreaming, she thought she saw him kiss her on the forehead.

"You ok?" came Ban's voice. "That was one tough ride, Ikari, um, Hikari" he added to the boy who was helping the others.

Hikari smiled at him while he was steadying Ginji who was in his chibi form again. Makubex was leaning at his side while clutching his stomach. He wasn't really dizzy but the impact was just so strong, he felt sick. While Hikari had his hand on Makubex to support him, his other hand was carrying again Ginji to help him avoid bumping further on the dizzy arrivals. Ban was still holding Himiko upright until she finally got out of her dizziness and already managed to stand alone without anyone supporting her.

"I think so," said Himiko while cupping her forehead. "You?" Ban gave her a nod. She still felt the lips of Ban on her forehead. She wanted to ask him if he did kiss her but she was embarrassed to do so. It was so real anyway.

"Kadsuki!" said Jubei who was running out from the room of Kaisshin. "I heard people talking here so I thought you were here already… Are you ok? What happened?"

"We took a s-shortcut to here," said Kadsuki, slightly shaking.

Jubei asked this because Kadsuki had his back on the wall and he was breathing hard. When he saw Jubei concerned, he tried to walk towards him but only ending up bumping Akabane who was the only one, besides Hikari and Ban who was in perfect condition after the travel. Akabane steadied Kadsuki while Jubei supported his partner before taking him from the robed man.

"Everyone's here now?" asked Jubei. "If so, come on, follow me." He then led them to the room where Kaisshin and Rinube were. Himiko was walking beside Akabane again; Ban was following Hikari who was still carrying the spiral-eyed chibi Ginji. Makubex was talking to him about something that made the boy laugh.

When they got to the room, they saw Kaisshin with dextrose and an oxygen max on her face. Himiko and Akabane stood at the corner near the bathroom while Kadsuki and Ban stayed beside the door. Makubex got Ginji from Hikari while he approached Kaisshin and sat beside Rinube.

When the man saw the boy sit beside him, his eyes widened and he tried to hurt him. Luckily, Kadsuki was fast enough to stop him from hitting Hikari. Hikari didn't do anything to defend himself. He just sat there with an apologizing look on his face. He started working on the removal of the seed when he said something that at least calmed Rinube. For the man, the boy was still his enemy but as soon as he heard the most unlikely thing he would expect from someone like Ikari, he had a new perspective on his ex-master.

"I'm sorry Lukan-kun," said Hikari. "I was wrong. I thought that killing… you… in this case, Kaisshin-san, would bring me somewhere. I didn't know that it would just hurt more the feelings of the people whom I have already caused harm. I'll do my best to save her, don't worry…"

Rinube didn't say anything. He just remained seated there, his hand clutching Kaisshin's hand which was losing heat easily.

"What's happening to her?" asked Rinube who was starting to panic again like he usually does. "She's starting to get cold."

Hikari didn't answer him but placed his hands over the body of Kaisshin. He then removed her oxygen mask which made some of the retrieval specialists, like Ginji and Himiko, gasp and cover their mouth. Hikari tried to inhale big amount of air but since the oxygen mask wasn't on her anymore, she had a hard time doing it. Ban so how hard Hikari was sweating. The process was taking a lot of his energy.

Suddenly, they saw the seed traveling through his stomach, going up her throat in an eerie red glow. Then, when Hikari saw that the seed was trying to fight his spell and did not like to leave the body of the girl where it was growing, Hikari tried to take it out himself. Akabane smiled and tilted his hat to the left and Himiko almost fainted as they saw Hikari lean over Kaisshin and through his lips, he was able to get the seed from her body. When the seed was brought out, Jubei saw that Kaisshin's breathing returned to normal and Rinube felt her hand return to its normal temperature.

Ginji compared the scene to the part in Sleeping Beauty where the Prince had to kiss the Princess to save her and wake her up from her sleep. As Kadsuki saw Hikari do this, he remembered what Ren did to him when she found him unconscious and tried to give him medicine using her mouth.

Hikari released the seed on his hand. It was still shining its eerie red light. Hikari closed his eyes and chanted something which the people in the room could not understand. After awhile, as Hikari continued chanting, the seed floated on his hands. It slowly rotated until it was cut into two by the wind pressure caused by Hikari. The first half was suddenly ignited by a blue flame while the other half was ignited by a red flame. Hikari opened his eyes and explained what the two flames meant.

"Do you know anything about the Yin and Yang?" asked Hikari. He looked at the retrieval agents who nodded. He then looked at the burning seed and continued on.

"Yin and Yang," he said. "These are opposite and complementary forces meaning "shaded" and "sunny." Beginning in the early 4th century BC, Chinese philosophers wrote about yin and yang in terms of the environment, especially the shaded and sunny sides of a hill. By the end of that century yin became associated with everything dark, moist, receptive, and earthy, whereas yang was bright, dry, active, and heavenly. Yin and yang were believed to combine in various proportions to produce all the different objects in the universe. There is always an element of yang within yin and an element of yin within yang."

He raised his left hand which had the first half of the seed which was burning red. He made the red half move towards Ban. Ban opened his hand and waited for the seed to drop on it but it only remained floating over his palm. He did the same with the second half which floated towards Ginji who reluctantly accepted it. He only got the courage to open his palm when Makubex gave him a soft push in the back.

"The Getbackers is Yin and Yang," said Hikari. "Ban can be compared with Yin which is the shaded side while Ginji can be compared to Yang which is the sunny side. Getbackers won't be Getbackers without the other, just like Yin and Yang. Ban's personality is really the opposite of Ginji's personality but like Yin and Yang, Ban has something which is that of Ginji and Ginji has something that is like Ban."

"What are you trying to point out?" asked Ban who just removed his sunglasses because the room was getting dark. Kadsuki only turned on the lights when he saw Ban do that. Ginji who didn't understand also nodded.

"This seed is not as bad as you think it is," said Hikari. "You see the red half? That is the part of the seed that causes destruction. The blue half is the opposite. It symbolizes regeneration and life. Anyone who has this blue seed will have eternal life. Since, I know that if this seed goes into the wrong hands, it will cause mayhem and more problems. So I decided that this seed be planted in the heart of Mugenjyou."

"Mugenjyou is not human, Hikari," said Shido who was clearly listening to everything he was saying. "How can that seed work on something that is not human?"

Hikari smiled and took back the two halves of the seed. He placed it on the table where Jubei had his medicine kit. He sat down at the foot of Kaisshin's bed and placed his hand over her feet.

"Mugenjyou is a place alright," said Hikari. "But, it is alive isn't it?"

"I don't understand," said Himiko who had her elbow on Dr. Jackal's knee.

"It is alive because it is filled with people who love it and do everything to protect it from harm. As long as it is habited by people who care for it, it has life. I know that planting this seed does not mean that all the citizens of Mugen will be saved from death but as long as this seed is growing and being taken cared of, it will give Mugen enough energy force for it to continue living for years and years. This energy force I am talking about is the will to live… the will to love… This little seed is enough to keep Mugen from being torn apart."

"What about the red half?" asked Makubex. "What'll happen to it?"

"It must be destroyed," said Hikari. "It will only disrupt the balance of Mugen if it is kept here for long."

He took the red half of the seed and made it float again over his palm. He closed his eyes and he remained silent for several minutes. When he opened his eyes and stared at the red half, it suddenly turned into ash which fell on the floor.

"Take this seed," he said while handing the blue half to Ginji. "It is up to you to decide on what to do with it. If you plant it, then it will provide Mugen care and love. If you destroy it, well, it's up to you. The decision is yours to make."

Ginji got the seed and looked at it. It felt warm and alive. He closed his fist over it before he looked at Hikari who was talking to Jubei.

"She's alright already," he said to the Needle Master. "Just keep her taking the medicines she needs to get her old strength back because the seed has taken a lot of this from her. I cannot do anything to bring it back."

"Ok, I understand," said Jubei while clasping softly the boy's shoulder. "Are you going back to your mother?"

"Yes, I have to, of course," he said with a smile. "I need to take care of her. I know she needs me too."

"Good boy," said Jubei while ruffling a bit his hair. "You should have a haircut. Short hair looks better on you."

"Oh, really?" he said, his cheeks flushing crimson. "I'll do have one then."

Hikari stood then approached Kaisshin. He planted a kiss on her forehead which made Himiko who remembered what Ban did, blush.

"Again, I'm sorry. Please get well soon," he whispered. "We might see each other again in the future." He gave a nod to Rinube and another apologetic smile. Rinube stood up and Hikari thought he was about to spank him or something like that again when he gave him a one-armed hug.

"Thanks, it's alright, as long as Kai-kun's fine," said Rinube. "You take care of yourself, too. Come visit us here if you get a chance, ok?"

Hikari nodded and looked at the others. Himiko gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and Akabane gave his hand for him to shake. Hikari thanked everyone and asked again for forgiveness for what he and his mother did. Ginji forgave him for the nth time while Ban accompanied him outside. In the corridor, he asked something from Hikari.

"Could you do me a favor?" he asked while placing a hand on the wall beside his head. Hikari gulped then smiled.

"Sure. What is it, Mido-san?" said Ikari while looking at Ban's blue eyes. Ban looked around and when he saw that everyone was still in the room, he kneeled before Hikari in his unusual chibi form.

"Please go fetch Hevn for me," said Ban. He again looked around to see if there wasn't anyone in the corridor. "I said I'd go take her from Honky Tonk but… but… I don't know how to say this… Ginji and I still have unpaid debts to Paul Wan, the owner of Honky so I can't show up there yet without paying. Please, please do this for me and Ginji, will you?"

Hikari was taken aback by Ban's actions but he still managed to pull his smile while helping him up.

"Please don't kneel, you don't have to beg me," said Hikari. "I'll go, just tell me where I can find the place."

Ban almost hugged Hikari in delight, luckily, Shido and the others were already filing out from the room. He took out a piece of paper and wrote the location of Honky Tonk. After he was finished he handed him the paper. Hikari winked and gave the others another goodbye before disappearing totally.

Himiko and Akabane said goodbye to Ginji, Kadsuki, Makubex, Jubei, and Shido who were busy helping Emishi carry the snacks he just bought for everyone.

"You going already?" Emishi asked. Himiko nodded and got her share from the plastic bag. She told Akabane to wait in her bike while she just takes care of one more thing.

Jubei and Kadsuki entered the room where Kaisshin was and brought their share of the snacks with them while Makubex and Ginji sat in the sofa near the window where Ban was busy having a phone call.

"---Yeah, his name is Hikari," said Ban to Hevn on the phone. "He should be there by now."

"Oh I see," said Hevn while opening the door. She saw a young guy standing before her, wearing black pants and a blue loose turtleneck shirt. He looked so different and so handsome for her that she didn't realize a blush was creeping up her face already.

"Hevn, Hevn," said Ban from the other line. "You still there?"

"Um… um yeah…" she said. "Got to go Ban, he's here. And you didn't tell me he's a cutie," she added. She disconnected from the line and closed the door of the Honky Tonk. Paul came out from the kitchen just in time to see her leave.

"Natsumi," said Paul, "will you get me a nice cup of tea?"

"Sure Master."

"Hevn-san, where are you heading off?" he asked. "Mido-san asked me to come and fetch you but he didn't tell me where to bring you."

"Oh, it's ok," said Hevn. "Did you eat already? We can go out for dinner."

"Oh no, I'm sorry," said Hikari. He wanted to have his supper with his mother. He was thinking when suddenly he thought of an idea. "You can come over to our house if you want. Mom's a good cook."

"Oh really?" said Hevn incredulously. "Ok, so, how are we getting there?"

"Just hold on to me."

"Then?" asked Hevn while holding his hands. Hikari smiled and winked.

"We disappear."

Paul opened the door to run after Hevn who left her wallet on the table. When he looked at the alleyway however, she wasn't there anymore, so was the boy she was with. Paul scratched his head and asked Natsumi.

"Did you hear a taxi stop or any vehicle stop here?"

"No, Master."

Paul sighed then retreated to his restaurant. He closed the door and pulled down the blinds. The sun was down and the moon was shining brightly over the whole city.

"Never mind then, she'll just have to come back tomorrow."

"Thanks Ginji-kun," said Makubex while looking at Ban and Himiko talking near them. Himiko had her arm around Ban's neck.

"I thought you wouldn't come. I got scared, really," said Makubex.

Ginji laughed at what he said until he felt the boy's head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder and tilted his head, so that his cheek rested on Makubex' head.

"Me, I wouldn't come?" asked Ginji. "What kind of friend would that make me if I left you alone?" He shook a little Makubex shoulder while continuing to talk.

"I told you before, didn't I?" Ginji said. "You're important to me, Maku-chan. Even if the words came from Raitei's lips, I knew that it was me at the same time who said them. It may be strange but you and Ban-chan are very special to me. You two are the most important people in my life so I wouldn't know what to do if I ever lose you guys."

"Thanks Ginji," said Makubex while closing his eyes. "I appreciate that very much… um, Ginji-kun?"

"Yes, Maku-chan?" said Ginji. He still had his hand wrapped around his shoulder.

"Are you leaving with Mido-san?" asked Makubex sleepily.

"Yes," said Ginji tersely. He felt Makubex shiver a little bit after he said yes. "Don't worry Maku-chan, I'll always come back with Ban here to visit everyone."

"Promise?" asked Makubex while looking at the older boy. Ginji kissed Makubex' head before he answered him.

"Yes. I promise."

Ginji was about to finish his snack when Makubex fell asleep. Everyone had already gone home except for Jubei and Kadsuki who were still in the room with Kaisshin and Rinube. Ginji slowly carried Makubex and was about to ask Jubei if there was any vacant room in the floor when he remembered his room. He brought Makubex there and laid him on his bed. He pulled the blanket over Makubex when he saw he was slightly shivering. He then closed the door and saw Ban talking with someone in the stairs.

"Ban?" he asked, approaching his partner. "Who're you talking with?"

"Oh," said Ban while bringing the lady to where Ginji was. "It's Sakura. She said Jubei asked her to come and take care of Makubex while he stays here."

"He said he wouldn't be able to keep an eye on him so I decided to come," she said. "I need to see him now. Is he here?" she asked while pointing at the room of Ginji. He nodded as he stepped aside and gave way for her.

"Wait here Ban," said Ginji while going to Kaisshin's room. "I need to talk to Kadsuki and Jubei first."

Ban nodded and sat on the sofa where Ginji and Makubex sat while they talked. He then closed his eyes and remembered again his conversation with Himiko.

Ginji knocked on her room and waited for an answer. Kadsuki opened the door and asked him to join them inside when he declined.

"Kadsuki-chan," said Ginji. "I… I'm going again. I'm sorry, it's just that…" He hasn't finished what he was saying when Kadsuki gave him a hug which stunned Ginji.

"I know you're leaving VOLTS again," he said in his embrace. "We understand. Remember, you can always come back here, to us, Ginji. I know you want to go with Ban but if ever things go wrong and you feel like coming back, you're always welcome Ginji. Don't forget that."

"Thanks Kadsuki," said Ginji after Kadsuki released him. "I know VOLTS can go on with you as its new leader. You've always been a good leader, even when Fuuga still existed, unlike me."

"No Ginji, don't say that," said Kadsuki while cupping Ginji's cheeks in his warm hands. "You have and will always be the rightful Emperor of VOLTS and Mugenjyou. No one can take that away from you, not even me, or Jubei, or Makubex, or Shido. We're different from you alright but you always led us. You always showed us what the right road to take was. We never felt abandoned and lost when you served as our head, so don't speak that."

"I don't know Kadsuki," said Ginji. "Now, I even think Ban is too good for me."

"No Ginji," said Kadsuki, letting go of his cheeks. "Remember what Hikari said? About Getbackers being yin and yang? Like yin and yang, Ginji should always be with Ban and Ban should always be with Ginji. As long as you're together, everything is in its balanced state… Don't worry about VOLTS, we're still going to continue what you've started as Raitei, Ginji."

"Thanks a million Kadsuki," said Ginji, while giving him a final hug. "I don't know what would happen if VOLTS didn't have you."

"Go," said Kadsuki after he was released by Ginji. "Ban's waiting."

"Before I go," said Ginji, taking Kadsuki's hand and giving him something. "Take this. Plant this in the heart of Mugen just like what Hikari said. As long as you see this seed grow, you'll always remember me. Remember Kadsuki, that's me alright? Yang. I'll look over Mugenjyou through that seed."

Kadsuki seemed to be lost for words. He smiled at him and gave Ginji a small bow. Ginji just nodded and said his final goodbye. He waved at Jubei who acknowledged his farewell with a small smile and a nod. Ginji then left the room and looked at Ban who leaned at the wall opposite the window.

"So, how was your talk with Himiko?" This was the question he threw right away at his partner the moment he approached him.

"That?" asked Ban who was blushing. "Oh, it was ok. She said goodbye, I said goodbye and that's it, we parted ways."

"Didn't you have a smoochy-moochy time?" mocked Ginji in his chibi form. "Uuuuy… Ban-chan's in love…"

"Drop it monkey brain," said Ban while carrying the chibi Ginji on his shoulder. "I'm not in love. I will never be in-love with her."

"Oh yeah?" said Ginji while being carried off by Ban to their Bug. "I bet you are."

"I said drop it," muttered Ban as they went down the stairs, out to their vehicle which was parked near under the night sky.

He laid Ginji down and entered the driver's seat. Ginji opened the door to Ban's right and got in too. He rolled down the window to let the night air in the Bug.

"So, where are we off to?" asked Ginji, his hands wrapped around on the chair's head. "We need to find a job together again."

Ban didn't answer. Instead, he placed his hand on Ginji's head and ruffled his hair. He then cupped his cheek and gave it a little pat. When he was through, he placed his hands on the steering wheel while Ginji gaped at him, lost for words on what he just did.

"Ban?" he asked. "What was that for? Are you ok? You're not acting yourself…"

"I'm fine monkey. It's just a sign of thanks," he said while he started the engine and his driving.

"For what?" asked a still confused Ginji who was looking at him.

"For choosing me over Thread Spool and the others," said Ban.

"Oh, that?" said Ginji who felt his cheek turn crimson. "I just thought about Yin and Yang."

"Like Getbackers right?"

"Yup. Ban-chan is the Yin, the shady half," said Ginji while staring at the stars through his open window.

"While Amano Ginji is the Yang, the sunny half," said Ban who was starting to enjoy his trip with Ginji. He looked at his happy partner before looking back at the road they were taking. He didn't know where they were off to now, but what he knew, as long as Ginji's with him, he'll never get lost.

"Makes sense," Ban said as both of them looked at a shooting star fall from the sky.

"Saw that Ban?" asked Ginji.

"Yeah, nice star," he said while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Did you make a wish?" Ginji asked. He was starting to get sleepy because of the cool wind coming from the window.


"Why not?"

"I already got my wish."

"Really?" said Ginji, his eyes half-closed already. "What is that?"


There was silence.

"What did you wish for then?" asked Ban who was slightly turning red. Ginji closed his eyes and before he dozed off to sleep, Ban heard him mutter the words… Ban-chan…

Yin and Yang…

Dark and bright…

Shady and sunny…

Ban and Ginji…

The End…

Author's notes:

Finally, I've finished my first ever fanfic! To all those who read the first five chapters, thank you for waiting… So, did you like it? Did you like it guys? Oooh, I wish I could write more but I'm going to be very busy again since classes are about to start. To everyone who took time reading this very long fanfic of mine, please give me your reviews (don't worry it won't take all day to send me one, right?). You can send me, personally, what you think of my story. You can just check my e-mail address through my username. If not, if you feel a little lazy, I'm posting it here for you: I'll be waiting for your reviews. Arigato Gozaimas, minna! ()