Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed

A/N: A HUGE thank you to everybody that reviewed! I wouldn´t be able to continue writing without you guys!

I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter, but I figured that I'd better post it anyway since I've already kept you waiting too long.


End Chapter 8:

Wyatt knew he had to act fast. Chris obviously hadn't heard him. It was time for plan B. He always had a plan B, it was a long shot, but it had to work. It just had to.

"Don't give up okay?" Leo said.

Chris nodded, trying to fight back tears of his own as he saw his father's helplessness.

Wyatt quickly started the spell,

"The painful truth has been revealed,

We've been told of what was concealed…."

Wyatt heard his brother's last words, "You, either."

"…Chris´ pain I can bare not to see,

Let it end, this memory."

Paige's tears were now flowing freely down her cheeks as her breath caught in her throat.

"No, no, no. Please, no…" Leo was pleading with his son.

Chris was loosing consciousness. He knew his time had come. It was time to let go.

"No, please." He heard his father's voice only as an echo, far, far away.

He closed his eyes.

The next thing he knew, he was blinded by a white light…

Chapter 9

Zayon sat in a dark cave in the underworld, pondering his options. He was in a tricky situation, but he hadn't failed. He wasn't going to give up that easily.

As Zayon sat thinking, his ever faithful, highly nervous, servant walked in.

"What do you want, Krayton?" Zayon asked, annoyed at being disturbed

"Master," the demon said, stuttering slightly, "I...I don't deem it wise to st...stay in this time, I th…think we should go back."

Zayon had taken Krayton with him on his little journey to the past and he was starting to regret it. The low-level demon was somewhat a nuisance.

"Why is it, Krayton, that I am in charge here? Mmmmh?" he asked rhetorically as he walked over to stand menacingly over the cowering demon, "I'll tell you why. Because I have the brains."

"Don't you understand?" he continued angrily as he paced the dank cave, "If we go back, Wyatt and Chris will come back with us. Since my magic brought them to this time, they are bound to me until we return to our time, and there they would vanquish us easily. Here we have the advantage. Here they have a weakness. Unlike in our time, the Charmed Ones here are still young, reckless and a lot less experienced. True, they are still a very large challenge, but we definitely have better odds in this time than in our own. Their love of family is their Achilles heel."

"Yes, master," Krayton said nodding, "Of course"

"Leave me now," Zayon commanded as he waved his hand towards the exit of the cave, "I need some time to think."


Chris´ eyes snapped open and he found himself lying on the kitchen floor with various family members spread across the room, all of them in tears. When he tried to sit up he was overwhelmed by the force of all the hugs he was getting. He could hardly breath.

"Give the kid some room to breath," he heard his big brother's voice from somewhere above him, and as his family members slowly released him from their grasps, he was shocked to see Wyatt on the verge of tears.

"It's good to have you back," he said as he smiled down at his little brother.

Piper stood up and gave her eldest son a big hug before releasing him and whacking him on the arm rather hard.

"What was that for?" He asked slightly hurt, as he rubbed his hand over the spot where his mother had hit him.

"That's for being such an idiot and almost getting yourself killed!"

Wyatt recognized Piper's anger as a way to cover up her worry for him so he just answered sarcastically, "You're welcome" with a mischievous smile.

Chris saw that his father was still sitting on the floor next to him staring at him blankly, "Dad?" Chris asked in worried tone.

Leo's voice was filled with emotion, "I am so sorry, Chris. It's all my fault," he said as he averted his gaze to a spot on the floor.

"What is?" Chris asked. He didn't understand what his dad was talking about.

"It's my fault you died, I let you die," Leo said as he continued to stare at his spot on the floor, "I let my own son die…." He ended in a whisper.

Chris couldn't believe what he was hearing. It wasn't his father's fault. Had Leo believed that ever since his death?

"Dad," Chris said in a soft voice, "Look at me"

Chris placed himself on the floor in front of his father and looked him straight in the eye, "I don't blame you for anything. None of it was ever your fault. Please don't blame yourself for this, you did everything for me that you ever could have. You were there for me," his voice was filled with honesty and truth, "That's the only thing I ever could of hoped for."

"Why?" Leo asked in a voice filled with self-loathing, "Why is it that that's the only thing you ever could have hoped for? Huh? Because I was such a terrible father, that I abandoned my children and completely ignored my youngest to the point where he didn't even think I cared about him enough to be there for him in his greatest time of need!" Leo ended. He was now practically yelling and he jumped up and started pacing the room angrily. He hated himself. He remembered how much Chris had hated him, Chris had even hated him so much that he had physically beaten up his own father.

Chris was shocked by the amount of self-anger his father was radiating. He shook his head, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, "How can you say that? That man I knew doesn't exist any more, dad! He disappeared along with the rest of that time-line! You were and still are the best dad I could have ever hoped for. You were always there for me. Every time I had a bad dream in the night, you would be there to comfort me and hold me until I fell asleep again, knowing I was safe. Every time I was scared you always knew what to say to make it better. Every time I called for you, you were always there in a heartbeat," Chris said while standing up and walking over to his father, hoping his words were getting through to him, "You were always there for me. Always."

Leo heard every single heart felt word his son was saying and all his anger and grief suddenly disappeared as a longing to hug the son he had missed for so long overwhelmed him. He pulled his son into a rib-cracking hug and whispered into his son's ear, "I'll always be there for you, son. I promise."

"I know you will," Chris said as he hugged his father back with all the love in the world.

They heard a quiet chorus of awing coming from the other side of the kitchen and as Chris released his father from the hug he saw Paige and Phoebe, each with an arm laced around the other's shoulder, watching the scene between father and son with tears in their eyes.

"I swear to god, Chris," Wyatt said with anger blazing in his eyes, "If I ever get my hands on theperson that hurt you, they're gonna wish they'd never been born!"

Wyatt straightened himself to his full height and curled his hands into fists. They'd pay for hurting his brother…

"Don't worry," Leo said in a voice of steel. He was deadly serious, "He's already been taken care of."

Wyatt knew his father was very much a pacifist, but he also knew that when his family was in danger, Leo's pacifistic tendencies were quickly forgotten. If someone threatened or hurt his family, Leo was sure to get his revenge. And it was never pretty.

Wyatt nodded, satisfied.

Wyatt's demeanor was no longer of the loving brother Chris knew. It reminded him of the tyrannical brother he'd rather forget.

Chris tried to lighten the mood a little, Wyatt was starting to make him feel uneasy.

"How come it's always me that has the memory problems?" he asked, faking a hurt tone.

Wyatt laughed when he thought of the earlier memory ´problems´ his brother was referring to.

Chris relaxed when he saw his brother's demeanor change back to the caring brother he loved.

Phoebe caught the hidden message behind Chris´ words and she was suddenly curious, "What happened?"

"It was nothing," Wyatt said brushing the subject off.

"Awwwww, come on!" Paige said pouting and adapting a child like tone, "We wanna hear the story!"

Wyatt smiled at his aunt's behaviour and he gave in.

"Well," he said, "A couple of years ago, Chris and I had a little run in with a demon who could read people's memories. He made Chris relive other people's bad memories."

"How did he manage to project other people's memories into Chris if he only had the power to read them?" His father asked.

"He boosted his power using…." Wyatt fell quiet and looked pensive.

"Using what?" Phoebe asked, curiously.

Wyatt didn't seem to have heard her.

"That's it!" he exclaimed as he walked over to the Book of Shadows and hastily started flipping through it.

"That's what, honey?" Piper asked, slightly concerned about her eldest son's abrupt topic change.

"That's how Zayon brought us back here. He must have it," Wyatt said without looking up.

"Have what?" Paige asked.

He suddenly stopped flipping and he pointed to a page.

"That" he said.

The whole Halliwell family gathered around to read the entry.


A/N: Just to make it clear: Chris now has both sets of memories but the ones of the happy world are the more dominant of the two.