How Could I Forget You?

Disclaimer: This is it, the final disclaimer for this story, I do not own YYH.

A/n: We're finally here. It's the last chapter. I was going to have two more, but I thought for Christmas I'd just make one long one. I figured I would get it done before Christmas because I'll be leaving for vacation so I may not be able to update my other stories. Anyway, here's my Christmas present/Holiday present to everyone! Enjoy the last chapter!

Chapter 15: Home and Family Equals Love

"M-m-moving!" Sazumi almost jumped out of her seat, if it wasn't for Yuki still sitting in her lap, an oblivious smile on his face. "We can't move! All my friends are here! My school! My whole life his here! Why, dad? Why?"

Sazumi's father placed his face in the palm of his hands. There was weariness still written there. He heaved a sigh and then finally looked up at his daughter.

"The company offered me a promotion. I'm going to be running one of the main buildings in San Francesco. There's a lot of money involved. We can live a better life. I think it's what's best for this family. We can be happier," he explained.

Sazumi picked up Yuki off of her lap and placed him gently on the floor. She stood up and faced her father. A look of utter shock and disbelief sat on her face.

"We won't be happier, dad. I'm happiest here, with my friends. With…" Sazumi trailed off and broke eye contact with him.

"With who?" he whispered gently.

"With,…with the,….with someone very special to me."

"Who, Kurama?"

"Well,…yes and…no. Dad, we just can't move! We can't!" Sazumi gestured frantically with her hands. "Tell them no, say you won't take the deal. Tell them you'll keep your current job here."

"I can't, Sazumi. I already excepted it. I'm sorry, dear." he reached for Sazumi's hand but she yanked it out of his grasp. She started at him in defeat, crystal-colored tears running down her cheeks.

"No," she whispered, "no, that's not fair." Sazumi quickly whipped around as full blown sobs wracked her body and tore out the front door, running down the street. Her false father stared after her until she was out of sight ad then placed his face back in his hand.

Sazumi waited until she had run from her father's eye sight and then she began jumping from tree to tree, using her spirit energy to pick up speed. She didn't bother to care of the strength slowly ebbing away from her. The tears and the running was draining away all she had. The white-haired girl blindly made her way past the blurry faces of the people around the city.

The destination of the teen wasn't really known to her, but before she knew it Sazumi was standing outside Genkai's temple. She looked up through the watery haze at the large wooden door. Then she walked around to the side and jumped through a window. She stepped quietly into a dark room. Sazumi brought up her arm and angrily wiped her tears away.

Tip-toeing to the empty bed, the girl gently sat down; her head was bowed down in sorrow. A small gust of wind blew through the open window. Sazumi shivered when the frosted air hit the back of her neck. Then she turned around and looked at Hiei, standing next to the window.

"Hey, there you are," she whispered, then added a small smile. "Wanna go sit on the roof?" The koorime gave no answer but they both exited and jumped onto the roof. Sazumi slowly sat down, Hiei followed. The young girl curled her knees up to her chest.

Hiei could tell that something was bothering Sazumi. He had seen her tears when she had arrived at the temple. Anger and worry built up inside him. Hiei wanted to know immediately what had occurred so that something could be done. He concentrated on her face and waited for Sazumi to end the silence.

"I'm not even going to bother asking you if you want the good news or the bad news first," she whispered. "It doesn't matter. You only need to know that the bad news is really terrible news…" Sazumi's tears returned and she let out a sob. Hiei moved closer to her, still waiting.

"I'm moving,…to America." The last part was a strangled sob. The tears were fast now. "My father got a promotion and we have to go. I don't want to though." Sazumi placed her face in her knees.

"You don't," Hiei said. "You do not have to leave. The ningen is not your real father."

At the koorime's words, Sazumi looked up at him through wet eyes.

"I know that but,…Hiei. I died at such a young age. I lost a chance with a family. Even before that I didn't really have an actual family, I was pretty much alone. More than anything in the world, I have always wanted a normal family. Now, I can have that. If I do not go then I cannot have that. I've always wanted a family."

Suddenly Hiei was on his feet, Sazumi stared up at him. Then he vanished from sight. Quickly, she stood up as well.

"Hiei!" Sazumi yelled into the morning sun. "Why did you leave?"

"He left because of what you said," a velvety voice said from behind the distressed teenage form.

Spinning around quite suddenly, Sazumi came face to face with the kitsune, Kurama.

"Which part?" she questioned. Her shirt sleeve made her tears vanish.

"The part,…about family," was the answer.

"Why would that make him leave?"

"Think about it, Sazumi. You said that they were the family you always wanted. Why that family?"

"That, family? It's the only one I can have. I don't understand, Kurama. I just want a family. Is that so hard to understand?"

A magenta covered head shook.

"No, it's not. But it's what I said earlier, why that family?" Then he too vanished from sight, leaving behind a completely distressed girl with snowy white hair.

The rest of the day passed quickly for Sazumi as she sat stone still on the roof of a powerful master's ancient temple, deep in thought.

"Sazumi, stop doing that!" her father yelled as soon as she walked through the door.

Sazumi looked up at him. Her pale cheeks were stained with hundreds of tears.

"When do we leave?" she asked in a croaked whisper.

"A week," he answered in a just as quite whisper.

The deepest feeling of sorrow was displayed on Sazumi's face. She slowly trudged by her father and up the stairs to start packing. The young girl's heart shattered the whole way up.

Sazumi went through the week in a daze. She packed up all of their belongings at a meager pace. She made the arrangements for her transfer out of the school and ended Yuki's term at the daycare. She was silent as her father made the sale of their small apartment. During the whole week Sazumi didn't visit the temple, none of her friends came to see her, and Sazumi never smiled.

That Friday evening everything was packed into the moving van that would take their stuff to the airport to be shipped to San Francesco. The two moving personal, a female named Taylor and a female named Kai loaded up the last box and slammed the metal door shut.

"Thanks guys," Sazumi's father said and shook their hands. Then they climbed into the trunk to drive away.

In the living room Sazumi was wrapping up the sleeping Yuki in his Pokemon blanket. He clutched a small Kero plushie in his hand and was snoring quietly. His older sister took outside to their father's waiting car. Then she gently placed him into his car seat.

Sazumi stood in front of the apartment. Her father came up beside her. He tried to put his arm around her shoulder but she shrugged him away and headed to the car. He followed her with a hurt look on his face.

The two front doors were open. He was in the driver's seat first and started the car. Then Sazumi got in and closed the door; she looked out the window as her false father drove away.

It started to rain before they were even out of the city. It came down in torrents. Sazumi stared as each drop fell. The teen still pondered over Kurama's words. She shifted through the memories recently returned to her. Then something occurred to her as she remembered wonderful things.

"Stop the car, dad," she said, looking at the driver.

"What?" he asked, totally bewildered.

"Stop the car!" He immediately pulled over. "What is it? What's wrong?" Sazumi gave him a sad smile; she stayed silent. Then he smiled back. "Go. Be safe. Be happy."

Sazumi opened the door, stepping out into the rain. She looked at her sleeping brother and smiled. Slowly she turned towards him.

"I love you, dad." Then she smiled a lovely smile at her father, her real father.

It didn't' take long for Sazumi to figure out where Hiei was. She raced through pounding rain. She arrived at the roof of Kurama's school in record time. In the corner near the railing stood the koori me, rain pounded his black cloaked figure.

"Hiei!" Sazumi yelled. He turned to her.

"Where's you're family?" he practically growled.

Sazumi walked up to him; she gave him a smile.

"I'm looking at him. I realized why you were angry and what Kurama meant. I've had a family all along, you guys. A real family…" Hiei was silent.

"I'm staying," she whispered.

The rain thundered around them. It continued to empty from the deep gray clouds. The two ignored it. Their hearts seemed louder then the storm anyway. They were silent.

Suddenly Sazumi ran into Hiei's arms. She knocked him flat on his back. Water splashed went he went down.

Sazumi's lips were pressing against his.

"You are mine, Hiei. You are my family, my all," she whispered when she broke contact and opened her sparkling blue eyes. Crimson eyes stared into hers. They stood up.

Then something icy cold hit Sazumi's nose. That's when she noticed the endless rain had ceased. She looked into the deep midnight sky. White crystal flakes fell from the remaining clouds. The flakes littered her white hair and blended in. They contrasted sharply with the koorime's. Sazumi smiled a brilliant smile.

"It's snowing," she whispered yet again, her arms around Hiei's and his around her waist.

"I love you."

Then the two kissed once again, a kiss filled with passion, love, and a sense of home.


A/n: Awww... It is now over. Well this story is. I hope everyone enjoyed it. It was good. I had fun. Everyone have A Merry Christmas or Happily Holidays! Till next time!

On the other side of the rain.
