Title: Once Upon a Time

Author: Treece

Rating: Umm...let's go with PG for now. It should be pretty safe for everyone.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, neither the The Lost World nor it's wonderful characters belong to me. I'm only borrowing them, and I'll return them just as soon as I wrestle Ned away from my best friend.

Timeline: Sometime during a theoretical season 4. Because Finn is still with us and Ned's finally wandered himself home.

Author's Note: Wow, let's change this a little bit since we're due for an update. I first uploaded this story, oh let's see...nine months ago! Then some stuff happened (real life, computer trouble, creative issues - the usual culprits). I've done some editing/tweaking of the exisiting text and I'd forgotten how to work some of the Fanfic functions, so I decided to just repost the whole thing. And I've finally managed to post a new chapter. So hurray for that.

As for the title...well, it sort of makes sense at a later point in the story. Hopefully. Besides, it's the best my beta and I could come up with at 2 in the morning.




Marguerite Krux signed noisily and shifted in her chair as she tried to ignore the incessant sound coming from across the room.




She resettled herself and once again tried to concentrate on her book. She only got through a page before the noise picked up in intensity.

Tap…tap… tap-tap-tap…tap.



Counting to ten in French, Latin and Chinese, she glared over the top of her book at the source of her irritation. Ned Malone was sitting at the table under the pretense of working on his journal. However, for the past half hour, he'd been vacantly staring at the jungle and occasionally tapping his pencil. The tapping had become a constant sound in the past five minutes, and was quickly becoming unbearable. Marguerite thoughtfully studied her book, carefully weighing the pros and cons of throwing it at him. As she reached the conclusion that stopping the irritating behavior was worth any consequence, he abruptly stopped.

"Do you hear that?" he asked, addressing her for the first time all afternoon. She raised her eyebrow in annoyance at his behavior, which he missed because his attention was once again focused outside.

"Hear what?"

To her irritation, he didn't answer. Instead, Ned motioned for quiet as he stood up and walked out onto the balcony. She watched as he leaned out over the edge in an attempt to isolate some sound.

"That," he exclaimed. "Do you hear that?"

Marguerite closed the book and glared at her housemate. Realizing that it would be far easier to humor Ned's strange behavior than to argue with him, she sighed and closed her eyes. She strained to hear whatever it was he was listening to. She could vaguely hear Challenger tinkering in his lab, the soft rustle of the roof as the light breeze brushed across it, and a familiar birdcall in the distance. "I don't hear anything," she declared as folded her arms across her chest.

Ned looked shocked at her statement. "You're serious? You really can't hear it?"

She scowled at him in response. "Yes, I'm serious. I don't hear anything."

"How can you not hear that?" Ned said leaning further over the railing.

Marguerite threw the book onto a nearby table as she stood up and stomped towards him. "What I hear is you attempting to make me insane," she snapped, tiring of his game.

"I'm serious, Marguerite!"

"So am I!"

Ned looked at her skeptically. "You really don't hear that music?"

"This place has finally really gotten to you," Marguerite said, disgustedly shaking her head. As she started to turn away, Ned grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her toward him. "Malone!"

He held up a hand to silence her as he led her out onto the balcony. "Listen," he commanded. "Do you hear it now?"

Marguerite's caustic retort died on her lips as she heard the faint strains of music coming from the jungle below. Her scowl softened as she looked at him in confusion. Without thinking, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the mesmerizing music. Like a siren's song, the melody seemed to beckon her out into the jungle, promising an unimaginable reward once the source was reached. There was something tantalizingly…familiar about it, but she couldn't remember where or when she had heard it before. As she let the sounds wash over her, all of her anger and irritation disappeared, replaced by an overwhelming sense of contentment and well-being. Slowly, she began to sway in time with the music.

Ned's hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality. He grinned at her knowingly before he turned back to the jungle. "I'm going to go and find out where it's coming from."

"Not without me you're not. Grab our gear while I let Challenger know we're leaving."

Marguerite skipped over to the landing overlooking the lab and watched Challenger work, making sure she didn't interrupt anything important. "Challenger," she called down when she was sure it was safe, "Ned and I are going to look for the music. We'll be back later."

Challenger grunted and waved in acknowledgement as he recorded information. Satisfied that he was aware they were leaving, Marguerite joined Ned in the elevator.

"You have the supplies?" she asked, looking at his empty hands. The music beckoned to her, seeming to grow in volume while sweeping away the feeling of misgiving she had at the lack of equipment. She knew they needed more, but the music promised safety and security.

"Yup," he answered confidently, patting the single canteen he wore over his shoulder. "I have everything we'll need." With a rakish grin, Ned threw the switch to lower the elevator.

Something about his answer seemed off to her, but Marguerite pushed the thought from her mind as the jungle's song pounded in her veins. "Oh, okay."

Well, interested? Should I post the next chapter?