Enjoy the final chapter!

Dead Love

Ed walked into his dorm. He couldn't help the few tears coming out. Al was sitting in a corner and reading. He looked up from the book to see his brother collapse on the floor, whimpering slightly. Al ran over to his brother and picked him up. He was confused. Really confused. His brother hasn't cried since forever and now without knowing why he was broken. He tried to ask Ed if he was alright but in the end Ed couldn't hear him.

Ed knew Al was talking, though he didn't know or care about what he was saying, he still knew. He just wanted to be left alone. Everything that Roy said seemed to be haunting him. He couldn't understand what was wrong with him that made Roy say such harsh things. Yet again he didn't hate Roy for it. There was something wrong with him. That was the reason. He wasn't good enough for Roy. Maybe it was his automail or his height.

The thought brought a small sad smile to Ed's face. He remembered the time when Roy made fun of him. He needed some one to love him but to find love and have it taken away from was too much. He grabbed onto Al's metal body and sobbed. His cries filled with all the sadness of his whole life. The horrible whimpers and hiccups that seemed to never stop.

Ed had never felt more pathetic in his life then he did right now. Grabbing onto his brother and crying, it was such a childish thing to do. Ed eventually fell into deep sleep from all the crying. Even when he was asleep he still whimpered every so often.

Al was heart broken to see his brother have a mental break down. He didn't have any clue as to what made his brother go from the happiest he's ever been to the saddest. Al always thought his brother was untouchable. That his brother would never cry for anything. That Ed would take action instead of be saddened by it. Al was getting worried his brother lost emotion and could only feel hard.

When his brother came in all happy and bright like a cloudless day he was happy that Ed finally was able to be free from all worries and pains. But now…Ed was broken. 'Who could've done something like that? Brother is so strong and unaffected by most things' Al thought helplessly. Even the small room took on a sad and depressed feeling. Al walked into Ed's room and sat down next to his sleeping form. He held Ed's hand and saw Ed finally relax.

Al was going to be there for his brother. He was going to be the one to take the burdens this time. Ed would be protected by him. A surge of hate fell over Al as he thought of some one reducing Ed into this. He would beat who ever it was. And he meant it. He really meant it.

Ed woke up the next day to find Al's hand in his. He squeezed it in a loving gesture. He felt like shit but it couldn't be helped. He was done with crying. He knew he couldn't cry anymore if he wanted to. He needed to think of something that would help him get his mind off all the horrible things that happened. He was worn out and badly needed to get away from this place. A vacation would be nice. Ed came to a conclusion. He was getting his damn vacation. One way or another.

He and Al sat on the couch. When Al saw Ed was awake, and not crying to death, he wanted to know what happened to make his strong brother fall like that.

"Brother, I don't mean to be pushy but please tell me what happened." Al pleaded.

Ed knew he couldn't not tell Al. "Well you know how I was so stupid to think Roy cared for me? He called me into his office and basically told me I was a one night stand." His voice cracked at the end. He spontaneously hugged Al.

"I thought he loved me, Al. I really thought that, but now I know I was just used. He just sat there, ripped my heart out and gave it to me with a pretty little bow tied to it." His weak attempt at a joke just continued to make him sadder.

Al became angrier at the explanation. He never really liked the Colonel but now…now he hated him with so much raw fury it was just too much. His control over his anger was dangling on a thin piece of string. But what Ed did next broke it in two.

Ed was feeling so sorry for himself. He should've known Roy didn't love him. Roy had rep to withhold. Yet he couldn't ignore the empty felling in his chest. Everything was too much sorrow. From their mother to this. He laughed. It was so bitter and laced with self pity it burned as it came out of him. He flinched slightly as Al leapt from his seat and yelled in pure rage. The noise coming out of him was so inhuman….so not like him.

Al went to the door and ripped it off its hinges as he walked out. Ed was terrified. He never saw his brother like that. Why did he do that? Ed's eyes widened as he pieced it together. His sadness…Roy…the bitterness. Ed ran out the door after his brother.

Al ran down the halls knocking over anybody who got in his way. He busted into Roy's office. Once again another door was broken straight off. Hawkeye stood up to see what was wrong, but when al growled at her she actually stepped back.

"ROOOOYYY!" Al screamed in fury. The sound was deep threatening and promised pain to whoever it was after.

Roy calmly stepped out of his office. He honestly expected this to happen. Though he was cool and collected on the outside he was shitting his pants on the inside.

"Yes? What would you like, Alphonse?" He calmly asked.

'HOW DARE HIM! HOW DARE HE STAND THERE AND ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED! HE SCREWED WITH ED'S HEART AND HAS THE IGNORANCE TO IGNORE EVERYTHING?' Al was now outrageously mad. He leapt on Roy and proceeded to pound that pretty little smug face in. Anywhere he could hit he did. Hawkeye tried to stop Al but to no avail.

Al wasn't stupid though. Even in rage he still knew Roy could fry him, so he ripped Roy's gloves to shreds and went back to beating him.

Ed walked in and found Al beating the shit out of Roy. He looked over to Hawkeye to see her take out her gun. Ed clapped his hands together and ran up to Hawkeye. He put his hands on her gun. It folded into a metal ball.

"I can't let you do that, Lieutenant. I'm not sorry for it though." Ed stated calmly. Hawkeye stood there shocked. Ed walked up to Al and pulled him off of the half dead Roy.

"Al, please stop." At the sound of his brother's pleading voice he reluctantly stopped. "Why, brother? I thought you would be happy that the Colonel got what he deserved." Al asked innocently.

"I am. Honestly! I just don't want you to get into trouble right before we left." Ed replied.

"Before we left?" Al and Hawkeye said together.

"Yes. Before me and Al leave. I am resigning from this hell. I have had it with being a 'dog' of the military." Ed answered bitterly. "We are going back to the country. To live with Winry and the old hag."

Al smiled out let out a relaxed sigh. Ed walked up to Roy's unconscious body and laid his watch on his chest. Just for a bonus he kicked him. He was never so glad to be rid of Roy and the burden of the military. Ed grabbed Al's hand and walked out the door, pushing their way through the crowd that gathered. "Will you do me a favor and tell the Bastard that when he wakes up?" He yelled back to Hawkeye. "Thanks."

Ed and Al were now on a train heading home. Ed was so grateful to have al with him. He felt carefree now. He hoped that Al scarred that fucking pretty face of Roy's.

"You know Al? You did really great with Roy. When I got there I almost laughed at seeing Roy being beaten." Ed said as he smiled happily. Al giggled. "Really? Thanks brother." They happily rode on to the freedom the setting sun promised them. Both of them now extremely happy.

The End.

HA! Roy finally got his ass beaten for what he did to Ed. I hope I didn't rush this a little at the end. This is the end of the story. I know some of you wanted Roy an Ed back together again but I really hate Roy so, no can do! At least I made it a happy ending instead of having Ed kill himself from grief like I was planning to do. Hope you all loved it! )

Freanch Fri Freak says: ROY ROCKS! WOO! GO ROY WOO! AlPoptart is meannnnnn