It's Twilight Memories again, back with some goodies for all!

Now... for those who have read my other fic "Goodbye" and requested a sequal, HERE IT IS!

Yeah, I know, it's probably kind of early to make a sequal when I published "Goodbye" like... what? Two days ago? Oh well, I read a bunch of reviews and saw that people wanted a sequal. So, starting the day I published it (Yes, the day I published it) I started to make some plans for the sequal! Yipee!

This story WILL be more than one chapter long, unlike the other story. I'm planning to make this AT LEAST 12 chapters long or more. It has to reach above ten at least... so... yeah...

I'm gong to try and make this an angsty sorta story. But what can I say? For those who have read "Goodbye" will know that the black book was burned, and now the two lovers Sherry and Brago are now separated by two different worlds. Oh yes, I know. Boo hoo oh so sad. Well, here's the sequal! And congrats to those who actually put up and readthrough my babbling... ,

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Zatch Bell. If I did... well... let's just say I don't and end it there.

THIS IS A SEQUAL! If you have NOT read my other story, "Goodbye", then I suggest you better because you'll want to read that one first before this. But don't worry, for those who have not. It's only one chapter long and you can read it fairly quickly!

Oh, and it is rated PG-13 just in case for other chapters. If it never reaches that limit, then I'll lower the rating down to PG. Hope you don't mind!

Here's the full summary:

It's been 4 years since the black book was burned. Sherry, now a depressed girl, whishes for Brago to come back. She soon meets a guy and begins to have feelings for him. But when Brago finds a way to come back, what will he do when she doesn't love him anymore?

Now... ON WITH THE SHOW! err... um, i mean... ON WITH THE STORY!

Come Back to Me

Chapter 1

Thinking About You

It was a gloomy day in town. A blonde haired girl with a pink dress was sitting in the back of a limo. Her butler, Alfred, was driving the car.

The depressed girl turned her head slightly to look out the car window. She closed her eyes, and imagined a special person sitting next to her. When her imagination began to feel real, she opened her eyes quickly and looked to her left.

But nobody was there.

With a sigh, Sherry turned her head back and began to stare out the window again. It had been four, long years since the battle for mamodo king. Sherry didn't know who won, but she could care less about it.

Her friend, Koko, had been under the spell of an evil mamodo during the time ofthe battle. And when it was over, the girl was free of the mamodo's spell. But Koko wanted to forget the painful memories and incidents that happened in her town, so she moved away. Sherry and Koko would still keep in contact, but it was still as lonely as ever for the blonde. Especially since he was gone…

A tear trickled down the girl's cheek. Yes, she could remember the day as if it had just happened… her very first and only love had disappeared from her life forever.


Two figures stood in a field; one wearing all black, the other wearing a large, pink dress. The two were embracing each other; the girl was crying her eyes out. Next to them, was a black book covered in a blue flame.

The two leaned in for a kiss, and after a few seconds it ended. Sherry looked up at the dark mamodo. "Brago, no!" she cried. "Please, you can't leave! I love you!"

The two began to hug again, while the mamodo began to disappear right in front of the girl's eyes. The mamodo mumbled something to the girl, which only made her cry more. She leaned up and kissed him again.

"I'll come back for you, Sherry."

The girl then fell forward onto the ground. She began to sob even more. The mamodo had disappeared, and was now gone forever.


More tears trickled down the girl's face. Yes, her love had been a mamodo. Brago, a mamodo whom could control gravity and had control over other abilities, had disappeared that day forever.

A mournful sob was released from the girl's lips. Sherry had been depressed about every single day after the dark mamodo had disappeared. She could never get him out of her mind.

Alfred turned his eyes to look in the direction of the blonde. "What's wrong, Miss Sherry?" He knew what the answer would be, but Sherry had been depressed for so many reasons now, it was hard to tell what was on her mind.

"Oh, Alfred…" Sherry said sadly. "I miss him so much. It's beenfour years now, and I can't get him out of my mind."

"You're referring to the young lad who you used to travel with, Miss Sherry?"


There was a silence. A few more tears trickled down the girl's cheek, and she wiped them away with her hand.

The butler gave a nod. "Yes, I remember him, too. You two seemed to get along just fine with each other. And he saved you a few times, yes?"

Sherry only gave a small nod. "Yes, when Koko was… at that time… he…" the girl began to trail off. She never enjoyed thinking back to the day when Koko had burned down her neighborhood. She could still picture the image in her mind. It was so graphic, so lively; she could almost go back in time and relive the entire scene.

She could remember her friend dancing around in front of all the burning houses as she clutched a book tightly in her hand. Next to her, a mamodo watched her with an evil grin.

Rubbing her eyes, Sherry shook away the thought. The girl continued to look out the car window. She began to think about Brago some more.

The limo pulled up to a mansion. Sherry stepped out of the car and headed up to the large building. Another sigh escaped her lips as she walked up the stone pathway.


A figure was sitting alone in the shadows. His harms were crossed, and he was leaning up against a wall. His cloudy eyes scanned the area he was in. There was no one there.

He closed his eyes, and let out a sigh. It had been four, long, miserable years since he had arrived. And they weren't just long and miserable; they were VERY long, and they were VERY miserable. The only thing he could ever think of was a certain blonde…

Brago opened his eyes, and looked up at the sky. He remembered the day he had arrived back to the mamodo world. Everyone had seemed surprised that he had come back so soon, especially the mamodos he had defeated so quickly and early in the battle for king.

Then, about a week or two afterwards, the mamodo who had sent Brago back had arrived. Apparently, he was defeated by the mamodo of the red book, whose name was Zatch Bell.

A small smile then crept up on Brago's lips. Yes, he was angry at the mamodo for taking him away from Sherry, but he began to think about the day that mamodo arrived back to their world. Oh, the sweet, glorious cries that pathetic being let out as Brago's fury was placed upon him. Ah… vengeance was sweet…

But his smile soon faded as he began to think more about the young blonde. His faded smile soon turned into a cold frown. The dark mamodo irritably clenched his fists.

Why couldn't he beat that mamodo when that weakling Zatch could? It didn't make any sense at all… And it all was caused because that mamodo had separated him from somebody he truly cared about.

"Sherry…" Brago listened to the sound of the girl's name. He missed Sherry dearly, and he was separated from her when his black book had been burned. He knew that he would leave her someday, but he wanted to be king when it happened, and he wanted to have the power to always be with her forever.

But now, since Brago had lost in the battle for king, he didn't have any power whatsoever. The only power he had was his strength in fighting.

Sherry… the one Brago had been paired up with for the battle with the 100 mamodos, was not just some human, she was HIS human. She was his love, and wouldn't be anybody else's.

Brago blinked a few times before standing up strait, and began to walk. It was just going to be another, boring day in the mamodo world.


A young girl was walking through the dark. She turned her head quickly at the sound of clattering feet, but nothing was there.

Sherry's footsteps echoed throughout the tunnel. She continued to walk, and then noticed that the tunnel was getting even darker. She quickened her pace.

As the darkness began to creep closer and closer to her, the girl began to hurry even more, and then she entered a full run. She then stopped dead in her tracks as she approached a wall; on top of it was a bright light. The girl then could make out a figure standing on top of the barrier.

The figure had short brown hair that was matted down on her head. Her eyes were as black as night, and a warm, happy smile greeted the blonde.


The brunette waved her hand in a greeting gesture. "Hi, Sherry."

"Koko…" Sherry's relieved voice spoke. "I'm glad I found somebody around here…" She then turned her head up to the girl. "W-where am I, anyways?"

"You're in another tunnel."

"Another tunnel?"

The blonde looked around her. Yes, it was a tunnel, and it was growing darker. She turned her head up to where Koko was. The dark eyed girl's face then turned to a somewhat serious look.

"Yes, Sherry, it's another tunnel."

Sherry thought back to what her best friend had saidyears andyears ago. She spoke about how finding the light in a dark tunnel was like finding your way to happiness. The blonde looked up and saw that Koko was in the light – the happiness – while Sherry was still in the dark.

"What am I supposed to do? How do I get up to where you are?" Sherry asked.

Koko's face seemed to transform from a serious look, to a sad look. She bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Sherry." she said. "But I can't help you." The girl then pointed to the wall blocking the two friends. "The happiness you wish to find is something that you must find on your own. I'm sorry, but I can't help you."

The blonde was confused. What did she mean by that? Unless, there was one last happiness that awaited her…


But when Sherry turned her head to look back up at Koko, she was gone. A tinge of fear struck the girl as the room began to become even darker every second.

She frantically turned her head from side to side, looking for a way out. She saw nothing. Panicking, Sherry began to run away in a different direction. As she ran around blind in the dark, she heard a voice call out to her.


The familiar voice echoed throughout the girl's ears. She quickly turned her head around to see Brago a few feet away from her. A wide smile crept up on the girl's face as she began to run towards him – her hand outstretched.


The mamodo outstretched his hand as well, reaching out to the girl as she ran towards him. Sherry continued to run, but no matter how fast she ran, she never seemed to reach the dark mamodo.

She then took all her strength and jumped towards Brago. Both hands were outstretched, and she was straining to reach the mamodo's hands. They then became a bit closer, and she could almost feel the warmth of his pale hands…

Suddenly, the girl felt a sinking sensation as she stopped in mid air. Everything seemed to freeze. Then, she began to fall, and everything was back in motion. She cried out the mamodo's name one last time as she fell deeper in the darkness. Deeper and deeper…screaming…

The girl woke up with a loud shriek as she shot up in her bed. Her breath was released out in short pants, her hand pressed against her heart. Sweat trickled down the girl's forehead as she let out another gasp for air.

It was just a dream.

Turning around out of her bed, she placed two slippers on her feet as she began to stand up.

Sherry wiped away the sweat off her face with her right hand. She let out a deep breath, and began to walk towards her bathroom.

She had that nightmare at least once or twice a week. It began as she walked through a dark tunnel, which would grow darker and darker. She'd eventually see Koko on top of the wall, where the light was. Then eventually, she'd see her love again, but fall away and the dream would end.

The blonde picked up a glass she kept on her bathroom counter, and began to pour water in it from the sink. She watched as it filled up, still thinking about her dream.

When the cup was full, she turned off the sink at began to gulp down the tasteless liquid. She paused to catch her breath, and then finished up the cup in a few more swallows.

She set down the glass, and returned to her room. When were these nightmares going to end? When would she find her happiness?

The girl began to contemplate about what her dream could mean. If Koko wasn't the happiness, then it was obviously Brago. But he was back in his own world, and the mamodos only arrived in the human world every one thousand years! She'd be dead by then! And there was a possibility that Brago would be, too!

Taking a sigh, the blonde closed her eyes, and imagined the last time she had physically seen Brago. The kisses they shared, the promised he made… what was taking him so long?

She continued to imagine the image of Brago. His cloudy eyes with the red orbs, his pale skin… his blue-black hair… everything about him.

Almost thinking he was really there, Sherry opened her eyes, but she was the only one in the room. She closed them again in disappointment. The only times she could be happy was in her imagination, but even there she was unhappy, for everything was a lie. And Sherry hated lies…

Taking another depressed sigh, the blonde rested her head down on her fluffy white pillow. Tomorrow. She'd worry about it all tomorrow. And then the next day, and the next day, and so on…

As Sherry continued to think about how long she'd mourn over her love's loss, she closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

Well, there's the first chapter for the sequal! Sorry if it was too soon for others, but I REALLY, REALLY wanted to put up the story!

What? I couldn't just leave all you reviewers hanging in suspence for a while. And besides it's better because some people would get very impatient, very mad, and possibly hurt me if i didn't get this out soon. XP (I had originally planned to keep everybody on their toes and waiting for the sequal and publish this story on like this or next Saturday or something...)

And to let a few people know stuff, and I did mention this in "Goodbye", I have no Earthly idea on how the Zatch Bell series will end. Will Zatch really become king? I don't know. Will Brago become king? That I also don't know. So as the story goes along, I'm just gonna make some stuff up. 'Kay?

OH, and tell me what you think. Did I keep the characters in character enough?

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Read and review people!I love reviews!