"Lost Forever"

InuYasha and Kagome are sitting on InuYasha's favourite tree, Kagome's head against InuYasha's chest. Kagome was asleep and woke up to find someone starring at her, InuYasha.

"Are you okay, InuYasha?" Kagome asked.

InuYasha just turn his head the other direction and said, "Feh."

The two companions were silence for awhile until InuYasha broke it. He reached up to the cherry blossom tree and pulled the biggest, and prettiest, cherry blossom he can find and gave it to Kagome.

"Here, this is for you." A blushing hanyou said while giving it to a girl he loved. Kagome was surprised.

"Umm… thanks InuYasha" She manages to say without screwing up so much.

Kagome took the blossom from his hand and putted it behind her left ear to represent that she is single.

'Is InuYasha alright?' 'He is so ni-' Kagome was interrupted by InuYasha.

"That flower makes you look like a witch." InuYasha commented.

"WHAT? SI-" Kagome was again cut off by the rude hanyou whose finger was now on her lips telling her to shut up.

InuYasha stood up and started to sniff the air and then suddenly ran into the forest towards the Sacred Tree. Kagome's face saddens knowing that it is Kikyo.

She then signed. 'I should have known. He never loved me. It was only Kikyo. Only 3 more shards and I will not need to come to the feudal era again. But the only problem is that the 3 shards are with Naraku. We don't even know where he is, how on earth are we going to get it from him?' Kagome then sign once more.

Out of nowhere a huge purple cloud start coming towards her. "Naraku." Kagome whispered.

"Kikyo" InuYasha whispered. Kikyo turn around.

"What do you want?" Kikyo said coldly.

"I hadn't seen you for awhile. I – I, I miss you." That is all InuYasha managed to say.

"Ha, and I thought you forgot me and went after my reincarnation." Kikyo said giving a little laugh.

"No Kikyo, I never stop thinking about you. After I defeat Naraku and collect all the Shikon Jewel, I will follow you to hell." InuYasha promised.

The two were silenced for awhile.

"If this is what you will do, then promise me InuYasha. Promise me that the only person you will ever be with is me and no one else." Kikyo said starring into his eyes.

InuYasha could see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes.

"I promise." InuYasha said with a serious face.

"No one shall ever lay a finger or hurt you as long as I wander this earth."

Those were the last words Kikyo said after they parted.


"You perverted monk!" Sango shouted.

"But Sango dear, it's my cursed hand!" Miroku tried to reason.

SLAP "Don't ever use that lame excuse again and never ever call me 'dear.'" Sango said shooting Miroku an evil look.

All the fuss eventually woke Little Shippou and Kirara up.

"Can you guys get any noisier?" Shippou said while yawning.

"I wonder if Kagome and InuYasha are awake yet. It's almost noon. I think I will go check on them." Shippou and Kirara then left to see if InuYasha and Kagome are awake yet.

Everything was going find in the hut until Miroku started to grope Sango.

"You jerk!" Sango scream but this time she didn't slap him. Instead she kicked him into the ground hard and putted her foot on top of his head.

"Die, BAKA!" Sango said furiously.

"Oh come on Sango! You know you just LOVE it when I touch you!" Miroku said.

As a reply, Sango started banging Miroku on the head with her boomerang.

Just then Shippou and Kirara returned.

"We can't find either of them!" Shippou cried.

Kirara just gave a little mew.

"I guess InuYasha finally has the guts to express his true feelings to Kagome." Miroku said while his eyes close, and nodding his head.


"Get your head out of the gutter you perverted monk!" Sango screamed giving him one hard punch in the head.

Then all of a sudden InuYasha walked in. His face glued to the ground. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Did you have a good time, InuYasha?" Miroku said giving InuYasha a perverted and creepy grin.


Sango punched him on the head. Miroku then fell unconscious.

"Shut up! I didn't do anything to Kikyo." InuYasha said looking away.

"KIKYO?" Everybody said in a shock even the unconscious Miroku woke up with a shock.

"No wonder Kagome is not here, she probably saw you and Kikyo and returned to her own era." Shippou said practically screaming.


InuYasha gave Shippou a big lump on the head and left to go get Kagome back.

My first chapter, my first fanfic. How you like it? REVIEW! I am currently working on my second chapter. :D Sorry for the bad English, I stink at it. Hehe.