Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, just want 'em badly!

A/N: This is pre-Tina. Oh and this is the final chapter!

One Year Later:

Grissom held the hand of his wife while the other hand stroked her bulging belly. The retreat they were sent on after the lock up brought them closer together. For about three months you could not see Grissom without seeing Sara, and vice versa. The two were inseparable. In the fourth month of their dating, Grissom "pulled his head of the microscope" and asked Sara to marry him.

The wedding was beautiful. Sara had always wanted a wedding on the beach. They flew out to Hawaii and held the wedding on Waikiki. Sara wore a simple white gown that hugged her curves perfectly and showed off her legs. Even Grissom, never being one for showing emotion, could not hold back his tears of joy. As the sun set, they were united in holy matrimony.

Sara was now six months pregnant. Grissom still could not keep her out of the lab, but did succeed in keeping her out of the field. She told him that starting next month she was going to take maternity leave. Grissom felt the greatest sense of pride in saying, "My wife is going to be taking maternity leave next month."

After the death of Ecklie, Grissom was offered the job of lab head. He declined, knowing that now, more than ever, he was going to need personal time. Catherine was now running the lab with grace and ease. She abolished the boss-worker dating rule, and she and Warrick were going steady.

Sara stirred slightly on the couch. "What were you going to say Gil?"

"Huh? When?" asked Grissom, feeling slightly baffled.

"When we were in the shed," Sara told him. "What were you going to say after you said we would sleep together?" Grissom laughed and stroked her belly as the baby gave a firm kick.

"I was going to say that we would live together, love together, and die old together," he responded thoughtfully.

Reaching up to stroke his beard, Sara answered back, "Live, love, and dieā€¦that sounds like a plan."

A/N: Well folks, this is it! I hope you have enjoyed my story. I want to give a big hug to each and every person who reviewed my story. Thanks for putting up with me! I also would like to encourage you to read my other stories and review those...I can always use ideas for improvements! Also, many of you may have noticed that I have changed my name to "geeklovegirl". I really wasn't digging "gilgrissom007"...it sounded too James Bond-y.

Thanks once again and God Bless -geeklovegirl-