The Greatest Show Ever

A/N: ok so this is chapter 1 of a silly little fic I've been working on… It's my very first so please be nice! Also English isn't my mother language – you can report misspellings or grammatical errors but feel free to ignore them ;)

It's a Literati of course. I don't think I'd write any other pairing – I violently dislike Narco, don't like Rogan and I never considered Tristin Rory's love interest. I may add some L/L but not too much, I just don't know how to write them right.

Disclaimer: I own GG mwahaha! I own the whole Rory sleeping with Dean thing and Jess leaving! No wait! I don't want that crap! Amy – it's definitely yours!

Raiting: T? I know nothing about rating system… Let's keep it T, you never know with me!


(Opening to an older man sitting in a leather armchair with a book and a pipe in his hands)

Narrator: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the story of love and hate, betrayal and broken hearts, sex and war… no wait! Wrong couple! (Flipping through flashcards) Ok it's not Buffy and Spike… Romeo and Juliet… (muttering) that didn't end well… Brian and Justin… Blah blah blah… Ha! Rory and Jess! That's it! Rory Gilmore and Jess Mariano! The good girl and the bad boy! The innocence and the darkness! The…

Voice interrupting: Geez, why don't you just start it already!

Narrator: (shouting) Excuse me but it's my part! I'm paid to do this! (calming his voice down) So as I was saying before I got very rudely interrupted, tonight we will witness the first part of our epic love story, we will interview some of the silent participants, our heroes' families and friends…and of course the couple itself! Rory, Jess – still with me?

Rory nods shyly. Jess rolls his eyes.

Narrator: (continuing) Great! So on with the show! Fasten your seatbelts kids…this will be a hell of a ride! (shouts enthusiastically)

No response whatsoever except for Jess – he rolls his eyes.

Narrator: (defeated) Could've guessed… Can someone start please?

The same voice that interrupted earlier: Finally! First I should introduce myself – my name's Howl, I'm Rory's book and… (drums) I witnessed their meeting!

It was one of those warm autumn evenings. I was getting to know my new neighbor, a fellow called Owen Meany, Rory was as per usual doing her homework and the Gilmores' house was filled with incredible smells coming from the kitchen. Of course this could only be a sign of Sookie's presence and an upcoming party.

That's when he came in. The kid looked like he'd desperately need a drink (Jess nods)… or get laid (Rory blushes furiously)… or both… or…

Rory and Jess simultaneously: We get it!

Howl: Right… So there they were… Seeing each other for the first time. Getting to know each other. You want to know what happened? Nothing! Rory was quickly putting on her "I'm so sweet and innocent" act…

Rory (disgusted): It's not an act!

Howl: Oh pleeeeease! I've talked to some of Jess' books; I know how you were acting with him in Luke's apartment. (Jess suddenly grins widely) All touchy-touchy and kissy-kissy and I heard some darn good stories involving tongues and…

Rory (between her teeth): Keep on going and your name will be Auto da fe.

Howl (gulps): Sorry… Off topic… Anyway Rory was playing I'm-your-new-best-friend card, Jess was rather…well…Jess. He asked some really lame questions, made even worse comments about phonics and suddenly I got pulled out of my shelf – in the middle of a conversation! – and couple of seconds later I found myself in his back pocket. Seriously buddy you should reconsider where you put your books in. I mean you have a cute butt and everything, but I'm not some Jane Eyre!

Jess (grossed out): God, it's disturbing. You really should get friendlier with a certain Sigmund!

Howl (ignoring): And she isn't the only one. Oscar is always thrilled!

Jess (standing up): I'm leaving.

Howl (snaps out): Again off topic! (tries to smile apologetically) So as I was saying I suddenly found myself at Luke's, filled with new thoughts written on my margins – page 11 idea was brilliant by the way!

Jess: Erm… Thanks I guess…

Howl: I knew immediately that it was a beginning of something important for both of them. I wasn't sure about Rory at first. She still had her "knight in shining armor" fantasy going on with David…

Rory: Dean!

Howl: Sorry… Didn't know the guy too well… Books weren't his specialty, n'est-ce pas? (Jess smirks). So Rory was pretty much involved with this Donald guy…

Rory (angrily): Dean!

Jess and Howl simultaneously: Whatever!

Howl: But Jess – he was drawn to her almost immediately. The way he acted around her. Using his sarcasm as a defense mechanism, but still letting her see his nicer side…

Let me tell you this – I don't know if Rory had feelings for him right away. I don't know when exactly she felt for him (although heard some stories). But I know that he really felt different the minute he met her… (Rory looks warmly at Jess who smiles awkwardly.)

The minute his eyes met hers... The minute he felt warmth radiating from her body… Young, firm and untouched…

Rory looks shocked.

Jess (sarcastically): And they say romance's dead.

Howl: Her nicely rounded…

Narrator, Rory and Jess (shouting): Enough!

Howl (resentful): You don't need me here anymore, right? (leaves).

Narrator (tiredly): Thank you all for listening… Next time we will receive a winter coat and a pair of gloves… Goodbye!