I hope you guys like this one.

Zell's POV

"So, in regardless to…just look at the following…"

My Instructor, Mr. Warui, blabbed on. I was nearly falling asleep; the only thing that was keeping me up was my hand. Which was about to give away. Instructor Warui was walking up and down the isles, and noticed me. He continued with the lesson. "You can use this, even out on the field."

My hand slipped from underneath my chin and my head fell on the desk. I was sound asleep. Instructor Warui made it around my desk. "And why is that, Mr. Dincht?" He slammed his fist on my desk.

I stood strait up, startled. "The Statue of Liberty!" I yelled out in desperation.

Instructor Warui glared at me, and a few kids behind me giggled. In embarrassment, I slowly sat in my seat.

"Mr. Dincht, you've slept everyday in my class this week. Can you tell me why?"

I snickered to myself. Yeah, I can tell you why. Squall and Rinoa had been fucking all night long, and a little bit too loud. But I'm not sure you wanna hear that, do you. Mr. Warui?

"Well, Mr. Dincht?" He urged on.

I snickered. "Well, let's just say me and Tina," I wrapped my arm around the girl sitting next to me. "Have been bangin' each other more than what you've gotten in your lifetime."

Tina blushed and smacked me in the head. The kids behind me laughed some more.

"That's enough!" Mr. Warui snapped at the kids and it went dead quiet. He turned towards me. "Mr. Dincht! You have bathroom duty this afternoon for you little out burst! If I were you, I'd watch my mouth!"

"Well, if I were you I'd were a tic tac. No wonder you haven't gotten any action lately." I motioned my hand towards my nose, my class mates laughed again.

"Would you like another one!"

I crossed my arms and looked away from his stare. "No…"

"Good. Now sit." He told me, and I did as followed. He looked at his watch. "Hmmm…test Friday, students, don't forget to study. Dismissed."

"YES!" I jumped up and ran out. "Hot dog time!"

I ran to the elevator, other kids were waiting. I stopped and ran in place, waiting for the elevator to arrive. Once it arrived, I got on and went down. Once the doors opened back, I pushed everyone out of the way. I ran behind the elevator. My little shortcut. I jumped over the stream of water and landed in front of the cafeteria.

"HAH!" I landed swiftly on my feet, with my hand barely touching the ground. I ran inside and saw the long line coming out the door. I stopped all of a sudden to make sure I wouldn't run into the person in front of me.

"Damn. Even if I do take the short cut, the line is still long as fuck."

I wait impatiently, seemed like hours before I got to the counter.

"Sorry, all sold out for today." The Cafeteria Lady told me.

I clenched my fists into tight little balls. The Cafeteria Lady slowly slipped under the counter.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled. "THIS IS UNREAL!" I breathed really hard from my sudden out burst.

"You who! Zell!"

I looked over to see who was calling me it was Selphie. She was sitting ate a table all by herself. I ran over to her and sat down beside her.

"I hate this cafeteria." I told her. "It's Satan's asshole."

She giggled. "Here."

She handed me a hot dog.

"What? No way!" I took it from her. "Thanks, Sefie. I owe you one." I bit it as I laid my feet on the table.

She gave me a disgusted look. "Gross!" She pushed hem off.

I laughed showing the world the food in my mouth.

"Grossness! Didn't your mom teach you any manners?" She asked me.

"No." I told her with a mouth full of food. I swallowed and took another bite.

"So, was Instructor Warui?" She asked me taking a bite of her own hot dog.

"You mean, Mr. Evil? He gave me bathroom duty after lunch."

She swallowed. "Yeah, I heard from Tina what you did."

I smiled. "News travels fast, huh?"

She nodded taking another bite.

"So, you and Irvine doing anything tonight?" I asked her. She nodded again. I waited for her to swallow for her to tell me.

"We're gonna watch the sun set." She had that dreamy, starry look in her eyes.

I almost gagged, I hate chicks stuff, but I love chicks.

"I can't wait!" She finished and too the last bite of her of her dog. She had a little bit of mustard in the corner of her lips.

"Uh, Selphie, you, um…" I motioned to her lips.

"Whppt?" She mumbled with hot dog still in her mouth.

"Didn't your mom teach you any manners?" I smiled at her.

She frowned and swallowed. "What?"

"You got mustard on your lips." I told her.

She dabbed her finger on her lips and got it. She licked it off of her finger.

"Yeah…you got...it…" I watched her swirl her tongue around her finger. It turned me on in a weird way.

"Well, gotta go get ready for tonight. Later, Zell. Have fu at bathroom duty." She jumped up and ran out.

"Yeah, whatever." I muttered, finishing my hotdog.

I swept the boys bathroom with my mop. It wasn't as dirty as I expected. "I will survive! Oh, as long as I know who to love, I know I will stay alive!" I sang out loud, swooshing the mop across the floor to the beat. I was nearly done.

"I've got all my life to live! I've got all my love to give! I'll survive! I will survive!" I used the tip of the mop as a microphone. Water splashed all over the walls. Instructor Warui walked in and I didn't notice. "And now you're back, from outer space! I just walked in to find you here with that sad look on you're face! I should've changed that stupid lock! I should've made you-"

"Mr. Dincht!" Instructor Warui yelled.

"Ahh!" He surprised me so much that swung the mop at him and I splashed him in the face.

I laughed nervously. "Uh, hey, Instructor Warui. What's up?"

"Mr. Dincht, who sings that song?" He asked me.

"Uh, Gloria Gaynor." I told him and I watched the water from his face drip to the floor.

"Let's keep it that way!" He snapped at me, and walked out.

"Let's keep it that way." I said in a mimicking voice as I finished mopping the floor. Once I was done. I headed to the girls bathroom.

I began mopping the floor, but then I heard some heels approaching with the sound of laughing chicks. Damn! I don't want anyone to see me in here! Especially not some chicks who could black mail me the rest of my life. I jumped into one of the stalls with my mop.

"Ha ha ha…" One of the girls laughed. I looked through the crack. There were three of them a blonde, a red head, and a short black haired girl.

"So, I heard you're banging Irvine Kinnaes." The red head said to the blonde.

Banging? That's my word! Wait...did she say Irvine? I listened more intensely.

"Yep." Replied the blonde applying mascara to her eyes.

Ugh, I hate chick stuff.

"But isn't her dating that Selphie girl?" The short haired girl asked brushing her hair.

"He is, but he can have two girls, can't he? Plus, he doesn't like Selphie Tilmitt that much anymore." The blonde put her mascara away.

The red head gasped while putting on lip stick. "Pure evil, Candy, but totally brilliant!"

Candy? Is that her name?

Candy laughed. "Yeah, I know, and that dimwit Selphie would've never guessed it. She doesn't even know that he's been screwing me for a week."

The three of them laughed and left. After the coast was clear, I walked out, and leaned on my mop.

"Ain't that a bitch? Selphie is going to be so upset when I tell her. How am I going to tell heeeeeeer!" I suddenly fell because my mop slipped out from under me. I fell onto the wet floor.

"Ow…" I muttered rubbing my back.

"Mmmhmmmhmmm." Selphie hummed while getting out of the shower. She walked into her room, looking for a towel.

"Selphie!" I busted in on her and caught a glimpse of her naked body. My mouth turned to sandpaper and my legs froze. Along with my mind. "Uh…" I could feel my face turn red.

"ZELL! GET OUT!" She ran to the door and pushed me out while closing it. She slammed it on my fingers that I managed to slip out.

"OW! SHIT!" I sucked on my fingers.

Selphie leaned up against her door. "I should really learn to lock this door." She mumbled.

I banged on her door. "Selphie!"

"What do you want, Zell!" She yelled.

"I have to tell you something very important! You havta open up!"

"Can't it wait until I'm done changing!"

"No! It's about Irvine!"

She opened the door; she had a towel wrapped around herself. I could tell she had just gotten out of the shower.

"What about Irvine?" She asked.

I walked in as she shut the door behind me. "I don't know how to tell you this. I was in the girl's bathroom, doing bathroom duty, and this girl named candy walked in and-"

"Candy Strailia?" Her voice got quiet. "You're gonna tell me that Irvine cheating on me, right?"

I was shocked. "How'd you know!"

She shrugged. "I caught them having sex at Irvine's dorm, but they don't know it yet."

"And you're okay with this!"

She smiled a forced one. "I guess, I mean, what else am I supposed to do?"

"HELLO! Dump him!" I told her. I couldn't believe she was okay with this.

"I can't. I love him." She stared at the floor.

I looked at her, she started to cry. "Selphie…"

I walked over to her and hugged her. Half sad, half turned on. After all, I was hugging a naked, wet chick.

"Zell, you said you owed me one for that hotdog at lunch right?" She said looking up at me.

"Yeah, so? What about it?" I asked her.

"Well, here's how you can repay me….."

That's it! Please review! Hope you like!
