By Daiyumi69

Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi but that doesn't mean I can't go kidnap every single hot bishie on the show and keep them for my pleasure...

Summary: Kouga's father is killed in battle by a trusted ally. Onigumo repays Kouga a visit... things happen. Inutaisho and son are reunited!

Warnings: Yaoi, Non-con, Language, Rape...

Dai Note: I should have put this in the last chapter. This Onigumo looks a lot like present day Naraku. Just know that I did this for a reason much later in the story. If you would like further explanation, just email me. I wouldn't like to ruin it for everyone.

Dai Thanks: Reviewers:

Fluffy'sBaby : As we all know, it kinda takes me forever with my updates... (laziness) Here's a new chappie for ya!

Death Angel 101 : (gloats) Yea, I aim to please! wink

seedawg : Glad that my fic gave you some kind of response! Must mean I'm doing something right. :)

Wasn't hoping for angry, but, its something! Gah, sorry. Onigumo can't die quite yet. And YES Naraku

is going to play a part in this... Naraku a separate person, you're giving me ideas. But I can't give

everything away now can I? wink OMG! You added -dono to my name SO CUTE! It brings back

memories... RR Kenshin. Makes me think of writing a lovely yaoi HikoxKenshin fic...

koishii-tenshi : How'd you know?! Guess you can read me too well, bcuz you're prediction came true!

Ryouga's next! I got confused on your review about using the wrong name... Guess I'll have to

go back and edit some things. Thanks for noticing!


Tenshi of Freedom


Ch. 3: Puppy Love II Duty

A hoarse battle cry reverberated across the vast field, of more than honorable soldiers, inundated with bloodshed. Heaps of slain warriors lay sprawled in piles atop one another, unrecognizable in appearance. Blood was everywhere, splattered on the grass and across the faces of warriors still engaged in battle. Once a peaceful refuge, the field could no longer be recognized as it once had been. It lay a few miles west of what in time would come to be known as Inuyasha's forest. Most of these men fought for the wrong reason, unknowingly, led under false pretenses. All of it. Everything... was done for one sole purpose, the desired Shikon No Tama.


Kane (Kouga's father) P.O.V.

"Where the hell is Inutaishou?"

He looked from his left to his right but indeed, the ruthless daiyoukai was nowhere to be found. A captain below Kane's ranking rushed forward, slicing through a demon attempting to sneak an attack from behind.

"Sir, the last time I saw him, he was headed in that direction over there towards that dense black cloud. I think he went ahead of us to finish off the enemy's leader himself." He said pointing his fingers eastward. He was a man who was always alert and very aware of his surroundings, therefore, a very dependable soldier on the battlefield.

Kane nodded his thanks and headed off in the direction he was given. 'Just like him to try and get all the credit...' He thought sorely.

The deeper he ventured into the miasma, the thicker the air became around him, and the harder it was for him to see clearly. At least his sense of hearing and smell was still there. Not too far off from his position voices could be heard. It sounded as if whomever it was, were in deep conversation.

"...You have my word. Just as long as you keep up your end of the deal." It sounded a lot like the voice belonged to his companion Inutaisho. There was no other voice quite like it.

"That won't be a problem, and don't worry, your little secret is safe with me..."

'It can't be!' It wasn't possible. Why would Inutaisho be conversing with that monster of all people? His mind must have been playing tricks on him, or either it was the reduced amount of oxygen in the miasma. But, even though, he could place that voice anywhere... Onigumo.


Inutaisho noticed a few scuffs marring the face of the deathly pale demon, and lifted a finger to point them out with a smirk.

"Hmph. Did my men get the better of you?"

Onigumo merely turned the corners of his mouth up in amusement, an evil glint in his eyes.

"None of them even got close... I got caught up earlier by some wolf demon. He put up a good fight, although it was useless, I still took what I wanted from him... You would have liked this one Inutaisho, young and feisty." He said suggestively.

"Wolf demon?" The taiyoukai asked with more urgency than he had intended to, ignoring the last statement.

"Yes. He went by the name Kouga. He was with two others. One who looked exactly like him except his eyes were of different colors, I guess you could say they were twins."

Tilting his head, he failed to mention the dog demon traveling with them. He knew exactly who the dog was, there was no mistaking the apparent similarities between Sesshoumaru and the demon lord that stood before him.

Inutaisho recognized Kouga to be the son of Kane, his ally.

"How could you be so reckless! Do you have any idea-"

He was abruptly cut off by a shout from an unexpected visitor intruding.


The two conspiring demons hadn't sensed Kane's presence up until that moment, when he came out from hiding.

"Traitor! I heard everything!"

Inutaisho spun around completely, shocked to see Kane standing there. For the first time in his life, the proud dog demon couldn't utter forth a single word in retribution.

Kane spoke with such hatred in his voice towards the person who he thought, surely he could trust above all others.

"Our men are out there fighting for us, dying, and this is how you repay them!"

He then turned to Onigumo putting forth just as much envy in his voice, if not more. There were no words to express how much he loathed this demon at the moment. He had violated his son and would suffer for it.

"Onigumo! I will kill you myself and make sure that your carcass burns in hell for ever touching my son, you will not live to see another day!" His wrath emerged forth as a roar that made even the dog demon's hair stand on end.

Onigumo, although slightly perplexed at the amount of anger his enemy expressed, did not falter in all of his superiority.

"I thought the little bitch smelled familiar, not that it really matters. You should be really proud of him, Kane, I guess you taught him well. Like father, like son right? Ooh, I just love it when they put up a fight. I wonder if your other son is just as good as he is? I'll have both of them begging me to-" He was cut off by Kane.


Kane charged at Onigumo with all of his rage, demon speed at its peak, intent on decapitating the head of Onigumo clean off. Onigumo had anticipated his actions and just as easily dodged the attack. Kane charged at him again, but this time Onigumo stood his ground, no longer feeling the need to run.

Kane idly wondered why his target stopped, when he felt a sudden sharp pain pierce through his back and dig deep into his flesh, halting his attack. The pain intensified as it burrowed deeper into his chest. He looked down in bewilderment to see a bloody sword protruding from his body. Just as quickly as it'd went through, it disappeared. The disoriented wolf demon managed to turn around and gaze into the eyes of a cold-blooded beast, eyeing the blood coating his weapon. The words he could muster were unclear due to the blood that had began to drip from the corners of his mouth.


Kane was in a state of mind like that of a lost and confused child, scared because of what he knew lay ahead, yet still bathed in uncertainty. The question in waiting written clearly across his face... 'Why?'

"At least you will die with honor."

Inutaisho made one last final stroke of his mighty sword with those departing words, ending the suffering wolf's life.

Inutaisho looked on with a stern face, he couldn't let this one person ruin it all for him. Not after all of the sacrifices he'd made. To him, Kane was expendable.

The air shifted slightly and a shadow not cast by either of the two, swiftly made its way away from the scene. Both demons exchanged glances, running after the shadow, catching up just before it reached the outside of the thick mist. Inutaisho recognized him from Kane's pack, he was of a high rank, one of Kane's most trusted men. The taiyoukai dealt one blow, finishing off the loyal captain.

As Inutaisho walked away, he didn't see the tiny flicker of movement from the figure on the ground.


Inutaisho emerged from the miasma, returning to the battle field after what seemed like an eternity, unscathed in his appearance. He declared his men victorious, Onigumo ordering his army to pull back. They had counted on everything to go according to plan, but the death of Kane ruined things forcing plans to be rearranged and altered.


Kouga lay resting in a cave closely guarded by Ryouga and Sesshoumaru. He hadn't awoken since the incident, so they figured they would let him rest. Ryouga still had the look of vengeance plastered on his usually smug face, meant for whomever had done this to his brother. Sesshoumaru didn't know how to react, only feeling guilt for the wolf. A sudden yelp brought them out of their sulky moods, rushing inside the cave.

They were inside the cave by his side faster than it took the dirt to settle that had been kicked up by their careless feet. No one dared to speak as Kouga desperately tried to sit up with the help of the two demons at his side, so he chose to break the silence with humor.

"I'm not dead you losers, stop-"

Ryouga cut him off, his voice filled with both pain and anger, "Who did this? They had no right, no right... Just tell me and I promise you I'll make them pay! Who!"

Sesshoumaru tried calming him down, but Ryouga fiercely shook him off and punched a hole deep into the cave's wall, bruising his fist. He didn't feel the pain of it through all of the frustration.

None of them saw the dark figure walk into the cave unnoticed, or the way it made the light escape to leave it slightly dimmed. Only one of the smaller demons immediately recognized the voice when it decided to come forth and speak.

"My, my... Kouga, how I have missed you."

Onigumo sneered when two sets of questioning eyes and only a single pair of fearful, yet defiant ones turned to face him. Ryouga stepped forth with authority.

"Do we know you?"

Onigumo observed the three demons noting their well placed features.

"Oh yes... me and Kouga know each other very well"

He emphasized the word 'very', by licking his lips and making his eyes glow even redder for the briefest of moments. Faster than anyone could see, Onigumo moved to position himself behind Kouga, possessively wrapping his arms around the frightened wolf.

"Did he tell you that I was his first? His screams were absolutely delicious. Mmm, it makes me hard just thinking about it."

Ryouga took in all that was being said and really let it sink in before it all came together and finally made sense. Kouga trembled at the close proximity, not being able to do much more than claw at the unphased demons arms.

"You sick son of a bitch! I'll rip you to shreds for ever laying a finger on him!"

Onigumo sat there calmly as Ryouga launched forward, claws outreached. Tentacles shot forward, capturing both Ryouga and Sesshoumaru on the spot, securing them in place. The pale demon rose from behind Kouga to stalk over towards his enraged brother. He didn't bother to secure Kouga, if he tried to put up a fight he could be very easily handled. He walked to stand in front of the growling wolf prince, a little too close for Ryouga's sake.

"Let. Me. Go. Now!"

He tried to shake off the offending demon, as he licked the side of his neck.

"Ryouga is it? You're even more of a treasure than your dear brother over there. You're eyes... they're not as innocent as those of his."

Ryouga broke eye contact with his captor looking for the entrance of the cave. Onigumo knew he'd struck a nerve and followed his gaze.

"Don't bother to call for help, there's a barrier around the cave so no one can get in or out... You know, I don't think Inutaisho would approve of you being improper with his son."

Sesshoumaru's eyes widened momentarily before returning to normal size. They were alone that day... weren't they? Ryouga kept a straight face as he looked into the pale demons eyes for some sign of dishonesty.

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't think you were alone in those woods that day do you? I saw everything."

He then leaned in real close to whisper in the wolf's ear so the other two couldn't hear.

"Would you like me to finish the job for you Ryouga?"

That one statement made the wolf prince gasp in surprise. A weakened voice that hadn't spoken in a while piped up.

"Ryouga, what is he talking about?"

He turned to look at his brother but couldn't answer. He knew that his brother had feelings for Sesshoumaru as well. Onigumo just smirked and started to answer the wolf in question when Ryouga growled to him in warning.

"Must you ruin all my fun? Its nothing that you need to worry about."

Ryouga silently thanked him for that, up until his hand went to places they weren't supposed to.

"That's nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you. Enough playing around, I can't wait to hear you scream wolf. You seem to have a little more bite than your brother. Mmm, all the more fun for me."

Ryouga visibly started struggling against the the tentacles holding him in place, but they wouldn't budge. He looked to Sesshoumaru for help but he too was bound. Somehow, Kouga managed to get on his feet but Onigumo had other plans. With little effort, tentacles secured him to the floor. He returned his sights to a still struggling Ryouga, who managed to get one of his arms free. Just as he was about to claw through the tangled mess of black, Onigumo caught his wrist in a strong grip.

"I think I'll make you enjoy it, this time..."

He used his free hand to hold the resistant wolf's head in place as he started his assault on his mouth. He pushed aside the urge to make this a painful experience for the prince. Instead, he opted for pleasuring him, this way it would affect him more if he enjoyed it. He used his long tongue to lightly graze the roof of the other males mouth before stroking the unmoving tongue with his own. The harsh bite on his tongue didn't affect him, as he only continued his assault, enjoying the taste of his own blood. He pulled out from the breathless youkai's mouth, the prince spitting out what he could. Moving to start on his neck, he grinned, succeeding in making the other shudder. He heard an angry growl coming from his left and looked up at a red eyed dog demon. Turning to address a pissed off and jealous looking Sesshoumaru, he spoke in a way that held mischief.

"Jealous, are we? Well as for you dog prince, I'll have to leave you untouched, for now..."

He returned back to the task at hand disposing of the little clothing Ryouga wore leaving him bare for any and everyone to see. A large, slim ghostly hand temptingly made its way down Ryouga's slim torso, past the black trail of curls to a velvety smooth but solid as steel rod. Red eyes lit up with a smirk from their view, leveled with what roaming hands were currently holding. Ryouga turned his head away in shame.

A hot inviting mouth found its way onto Ryouga's swollen erection encasing almost all of him before pulling back. The elder youkai decided to focus on the tip alternating between licking and sucking, before encasing the whole length, his nose brushing against tiny black curls.

Ryouga couldn't help but pant excitedly at what Onigumo was doing, it all felt good. A little too good. The fact that this man was very attractive didn't help it either. Had they met under different circumstances, he wouldn't have been bothered by this at all.

Reluctantly, he tore away to taunt the flustered wolf youkai who growled in response. Moving to stand behind his new prey, quickly removing his clothing, brushed his engorged cock up against Ryouga's backside.

Ryouga growled threateningly when felt the other youkai's erection moving towards his entrance. He received a deep chuckle in exchange.

"Now now, I'd watch who I growled at if I were you."

Ryouga made sure to sound even more menacing than the first time lowering his pitch. Onigumo, instead, yanked him up by his ponytail, pulling his head back to rest on his shoulder.

"That's right, wolf. Fight back. It only excites me further."

"Rot in hell."

Onigumo grinned at the younger demon, he had guts, given the situation. Without warning, he slipped two slick fingers inside Ryouga's shaking form, moving them in and out in a circular motion, stretching him for something much larger. Withdrawing his fingers, he moved to position himself better, pushing forward once he found the tight ring of muscle. Once fully sheathed, the elder demon moved slowly inside the smaller wolf, pulling out before slamming right back in. Once a set pace was established, he began aiming for the demon's prostate hitting it dead on each time he thrust in. Ryouga began to moan lowly in his throat as his captor sped up his thrusts going deeper each time.

"Tell me that you want it wolf."


He turned away with regret laced in his voice, pitifully saying.

"I want..."

He looked back into the eyes of his bound companions, regaining himself.

"I want... to rip off your fucking balls!"

Onigumo bathed in anger. The tentacles took on a life of their own and Sesshoumaru and Kouga began yelling and struggling anew.


"Then you will beg for me!"

He shook his head slowly, eyes widening when one of the tentacles began to wrap itself tightly around Sesshoumaru's neck cutting off the air supply.

"Leave them out of this..."

"Tell me how much you want this. Tell me to fuck you harder."

He grit his teeth together, forcing the words out and he hated himself for it.

"I'm begging you please, fuck me harder."

With all the driving force he could muster, he pounded into Ryouga like there was no tomorrow, purposefully hitting the youkai's tight bundle of nerves. Every time he pushed forward, he would pull the firm body back to be impaled on his cock. Onigumo moved one of his hands to pump Ryouga's length in tune with his thrusts. The combined sensations brought Ryouga over the edge, and in a strangled moan he came over the hand firmly grasping him.

The wet slapping of skin and the occasional grunt or moan had by far overpowered the sound of Sesshoumaru's growling. He made sure to keep his focus on the now chaotic dog demon, with a smirk on his face as he impaled the wolf demon one last time before he came with a satisfied groan, shooting his seed deep within the youkai's body. He marveled at the look of wrath upon the dog's face.

Pulling out, he dropped the spent wolf on the ground, bending down to make an incision on his neck with sharp claws. Something small, slimy, and black emerged its way out of his alabaster skin, pulling away until fully detached. As soon as it made contact with the wolf's flesh it began to dig its way into the small opening, making him scream out in pain before altogether falling to the ground immobilized. Kouga and Sesshoumaru watched this in horror, their yells going unheard.

The red-eyed demon approached Sesshoumaru's straining form next noting with delight that he was in mid-transition of his transformation into his beast form. Sesshoumaru watched helplessly as the crude demon waved what looked to be like a leech of some type in front of his eyes before he felt a sharp pressure in his neck. Slowly his legs started to fail him and soon he was on the ground as well, unmoving but seeing.

"Looks like it's your turn Kouga. For you, I won't go easy. I want them to see you suffer, drowning in your own tears. I want them to hear you scream!"

Through their helpless eyes, they witnessed Kouga's violation. They heard his screams, saw the pain, inhaling the scent of his blood, before everything before their eyes, eventually went black.


The sound of upset voices and hushed whispers resonating throughout the cave brought Ryouga out of unconscious state. Moving into a sitting position, he came into contact with the worried faces of wolves hovering above him. His first thought was of Sesshoumaru. He looked around through his hazy vision and relief washed over him when he saw the dog demon not too far away helping Kouga. Not too long after, the two were over by his side.

"What happened?"

Neither Sesshoumaru nor Kouga were able to answer his question, they were just as confused.

"I don't know. I can't remember anything. I woke up to find both you and Kouga unconscious..."

The weary dog demon tried again, drawing up another blank. He looked around for something familiar, spotting the large gash in the cave's wall where Ryouga had bruised his fist. Both brothers followed his gaze seeing the large dent created out of fury.

It all began to play back in his mind, them standing outside and hearing Kouga yell, and running to his aid. He'd punched the wall in anger, Sesshoumaru trying to calm him down, and then... someone or something had come. His head began to throb dully as more and more came flooding back. There was darkness everywhere and...

The elder prince felt an evil aura surround his memory, as he tried harder to remember, the dull throb intensified greatly, something...

"Someone was here. Something... bad happened here... Kouga..."

Just as the memory started to come back, Ryouga dropped to his knees, hands bracing his head, screaming out in agony. Everyone in the cave rushed to his side trying to help the convulsing wolf calm down. He heard a voice above all others call to him, calming him until the pain little by little stopped.





Sesshoumaru strained to hear Ryouga's soft whisper.



It was too late, the wolf lay unconscious. 'Red...' Then he remembered a pair of blood red eyes that burned and forced their way deep into your soul, as if trying to consume your whole being. That's when he began to feel a dull ache.


Hrs Later (P. M.)

Inutaisho motioned for the few people surrounding them to leave the room, needing to speak with Ryouga in private. Inutaisho hated having to be the person to tell him the news.

Ryouga's already fragile mind instantly began to panic. Why would a person as important as Inutaisho need to speak with him privately?

"Ryouga, I don't know of any better way to put this but, today in battle, your father was killed. He was both an honorable man in combat and as a friend. He will always be remembered."

The wolf demon's breath hitched before altogether coming to a halt. He had to be dreaming. This wasn't real.



"Ryouga, look at me."

This time he spoke more firmly.

Ryouga looked up through tear-filled eyes and fell forward onto Inutaisho, hugging him. Inutaisho allowed the friendly contact, slowly rubbing small circles on the younger demons' back, his hand steadily moving lower. Ryouga looked up into those golden eyes in uncertainty, little by little becoming lost in their spell...

Inutaisho broke away from the gaze, rising to stand, turning toward the entrance of the cave sensing someone's presence.


His voice held no emotion whatsoever as he regarded his son.

Sesshoumaru froze on the spot at the unexpected voice, his voice exposing everything.


He gave the nervous youkai an analytical gaze before once again speaking.

"Come, we need to leave and prepare for both Kane's burial and the new Lord of the Northern Lands, Ryouga's acceptance ceremony."

Without more than that, he turned to leave expecting his son to follow in suite. Reluctantly, Sesshoumaru left with his father, glancing back at the cave.


Chapter Three Summary: Puppy Love (Part III: Unexpected) Time passes by and with the death of Kane, everyone must learn to adjust. Things in the Inutaisho household aren't all that great. Relationships are far worse than they ever were before, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are not as close and Izayoi slowly begins to deteriorate. Inutaisho starts fantasizing about his beloved son more often than not. Sick of desiring after him, the great Lord will take what is rightfully his.

Preview of Ch.3 Part III

Inutaisho moved back suddenly as if burned by some unseen force and turned to leave the castle. Sesshoumaru turned towards his brother of whom he silently thanked for interrupting the little scenario before anything went further. He noticed the small traces of guilt left behind by his father's scent and idly wondered if it was even possible. He uncurled fists that he hadn't known were furled until that moment, opening hands that were tinged red with his blood.

"What was going on between you and father just now?"

Sesshoumaru who was visibly shaken responded without delay.


"You seemed really... nervous. And you still smell all funny."


Don't forget to check out my other fic:


Sesshoumaru x Kouga. Yaoi. Dark. Angst. Humor. M-preg.