Disclaimer We don't own anything relating to the WWE even though I would like to. We do own Shannon and Eva and all of my ideas. Also any other characters you don't recognize. So if you steal them we will not be happy.

AUTHOR NOTE WHICH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO READ OR YOU WONT UNDERSTAND THINGS IN THE STORY: There is no legitimate time scheme for this story. It is an alternate reality so John Cena and Dave Batista(yep still wrestling…for now) are both on the same show which is RAW and some superstars that are on different shows might be together now and you will see the other changes as you go along. Oh yeah and as far fetched as it sounds John and Dave are best friends. Oh and the ages were kinda changed too cuz well we wanted to and its my story. John Cena is 27 and Dave is 30 and he was never married and has no kids because this is an AU.

Also we have provided short little profiles of the two new characters like you would see if you were to look them up as wrestlers and some of my add ins. Also if you want a visual, you can go to my livejournal link, its in my profile and see who was my inspiration for what the characters look like. Shannon Scott would be played by Phoebe Tonkin and Eva Chavez would be played by Jessica Parker Kennedy.

Name: Shannon Scott

Age: 24

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Skin: White

Height: 5'8

Background: Italian

Hometown: Central part of Pennsylvania

Nickname: Shannita, sassy shan

Name: Eva Chavez(Eva is pronounced eevuh)

Age: 25

Hair: Burgundy

Eyes: Honey brown

Skin: Carmel

Height: 5'6

Background: Mexican

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Nickname: Viva, ClassEy

Chapter 1: It's interesting how a song can inspire a story.

After the draft everything had been flipped upside down as was expected. Around the same time all this was happening WWE had decided to hire some new staff members. One position was in the makeup and hair styling department. And the other was a medical athletic trainer(person who works with an athletes' muscles and joints and stuff like that. Shannon Scott had been studying in medical school when the opportunity to work for the WWE arose. When she got the job she told her roommate Eva about the hair and makeup opening. And that is basically how Shannon and Eva ended up on Raw.

*One month after they got the jobs*

Shannon was wrapping her now good friend Dave Batista's knee with a heating pad. It was about an hour before his match tonight and Shannon did this to relax his muscles.

" Is that too tight or should I loosen it?" She asked awkwardly as she looked up from the ground.

"Am I suppose to be able to bend my knee?" he asked grinning

"Hmmm... kinda but not so much." she giggled

"Alright then, it's perfect!" he said in a rather loud voice.

"Good, so who's your not so lucky opponent tonight?" she said as she got up

"Hunter again. So If I were you I'd be expecting some blood and cuts to clean afterwards."

"Awww poor baby."

"Yeah I always feel a little bad for him and that I have to beat him so bad. But hey I don't write the script. What can I do if they tell me to beat him with a steal chair" Dave snickered

"Ah the wonderful world of my job. Blood and gore. Awesome!"

"Well its not all disgusting. You get to give me a back massage afterwards also. You know get all those kinks out...or put some in if you prefer." they always joked around like this but it was all just innocent fun.

"Hmm as tempting as that seems I really think I know of someone who'd like it a whole lot more than me. " Shannon laughed as she applied the other heating pad.

"Oh yeah and who's that?" Dave asked knowing all too well who it was

Right at that moment the door burst open. In ran Eva excitedly waving something shiny in her hand.

"Guess what! Oh hey Dave..." Eva said noticing he was right there in front of her and she immediately started to blush.

"Hey babe, whats up?" Dave said knowing perfectly well this would make Eva wanna die even more. But she just looked so cute that way. Lol

"Uh have you seen Shannon?"

"Down here girlie!" Shannon said slapping her in the leg

"Sorry didn't see you"

"Thought so. Whats what?"

"Oh well John just gave me a copy of his cd to listen to yesterday and I thought you'd be interested in hearing something on it."

"How come I didn't get one?" Shannon said slightly disappointed and it showed. But it didn't matter because Eva and Dave knew exactly how much Shannon really liked John.

"No worries chica he said he was gonna give you your copy when he saw you next. But you just had to insist on shopping your whole day off with Joy."

"How could I not? Everything was 50 off. " Shannon asked innocently

"Well anyways you have to listen to this song on here."

"Here gimme I'll put it in right now, finish Dave for me." Shannon said taking the cd from her and walking towards her little boom box. Eva looked at Dave completely clueless.

"What should I do?"

"Can you just readjust my knee pads for me?" Dave asked

"Uh yeah..."

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your hair is?" he asked leaning over her

"Not really... I'm usually the one commenting on that." Eva laughed

"Hey what track is it Eva?" Shannon asked

"Track 7 I think"

"What am I supposed to be listening for?"

"You'll know when you hear it."

"Ok then..." Shannon said as she started to listen closely to the lyrics.

Just then she heard what she thought she was imagining

"Her name was Shannon, she was canon

Shes hanging with Melissa, this big booty chick you couldn't miss her

This chick was like a fitted cap, all over my dome

Said she wanna be down, but I ain't takin her home

That's when she said she live right down the street

She love white chocolate, well I got somethin sweet"

then a female sang into the chorus

"Saw you walkin down the street and I

heard you say you had somethin sweet for me


That's when Shannon paused it.

"Um ok so if that's what I thought it meant, he has some real imaginative fantasies." Shannon said not sure really what she was supposed to say.

"I cant believe that. How long have you been getting it on with John?" Dave asked

"Never. We never did anything but maybe flirt so I'm thinking hes talkin bout someone else. "

"Yeah Shannita theres so many Shannons that he knows." Eva says sarcastically

"Yeah and that big booty chick he was talking about had to be Eva. Cuz her roots show ever so nicely." Dave winked at her.

"See I told you, you had a big butt" Shannon said as she started laughing hysterically.

"Hey it's not my fault I have one and you don't" Eva said as she stuck her tongue out.

"John likes her ass." Dave laughed.

"I don't know about that but he sure as hell likes my name. And Dave you might wanna get out there in like a few cuz your match is almost up. " Shannon said glancing at her watch. Dave undid his heat pads and went to the door.

"By the way Dave if you could be ever so kind as to tell your boy John I'm gonna kill him it would be greatly appreciated. " Shannon suggested in the sweetest voice she could come up with.

"I'm sure he would enjoy it. See the two of you later."

"See ya"


"You know I absolutely hate actual white chocolate. I hope he knows that" Shannon said referring to John.

"He knows hermana, he just wants to sound all gangsta" that made both of the girls laugh.

"Well let's go watch the match. You're done with all the Divas needing you right?"

"Uh huh but how is it that I have to work with all the girls who half of them I can't stand and you get to get all touchy feelly with the hotties?"

"Because you get all the gossip that I need to hear and well I offer the lovely match making service. Dave wants to give you some of that animal luvin. HaHa"

"Well how about you just go play nurse to your doctor of thuganomics made of white chocolate."

"You kinda made him sound like an Easter bunny in one of those baskets."

"Oh shut up you know what I meant."

"Sure I do"

"Quit it or I wont do your hair anymore."

"Damn it fine."


A/N: Yeah we know this chapter is pretty short but we guarantee the story gets better. And the more reviews we get the better it will be cuz then we'll be happy little writers lol. This chapter was to basically explain and open up for the story as well as give a feel of how the characters interact with each other. John Cena makes his first appearance in the next chapter so yay lol. And don't forget to review. Constructive criticism is welcome and much love is very appreciated. Also make sure to subscribe for the latest updates! :D