Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket.

Shigure was enjoying a cancer stick when Ayame, Hatori, Kyo, Tohru, Hatsuharu, and Kagura walked in. They sat at the table, Mii already sitting next to the novelist.

"And so..." He took a long drag and blew the smoke into Mii's face. She coughed as she angrily looked at him. "You all were seen?"

All present save for Mii and Shigure nodded.

Shigure chuckled as he put out the cigarette. "Yuki witnessed all of you?"

"We said yes, didn't we?" Kyo said impatiently.

"Yes, of course."

"Tell me why you did this again, Gure love," Ayame said.

"Well, it was simple. Yuki keeps calling me a perv, day in and day out. Like 27-year-olds other than me don't sing about high school girls and write smutty romance novels. So I concocted this plan and now who's the perv?"

"Still you," Hatori said.

"Ha ha. Anyway, we all saw the look in his eyes. He swore all of us were sleeping with each other. And now, he's scarred for life." He laughed maniacally.

"Quit it, that's scary," Hatori said.

"Okay," he smiled.

"I can't believe you roped me into this," he said as he looked away.

"But you were handsomely paid, right? Ah, the beauty of money. You can enlist help with money."

"It was fun! Shigure didn't have to pay me to! Although scaring little bro bothered me a bit...," Ayame put in.

"The guy was SCARED!" Hatsuharu said angrily. "I swear, he looked so--"

"--Lost and upset? Well, Yuki must have feelings for you if he got so upset. You did this to find out where you stand in his heart, right?" Shigure pointed out.

"Yeah," Hatsuharu said sheepishly.

"You paid me as well," Mii said as she held up a fat wad of bills. "Ugh, I can't believe I stooped to your level. But I couldn't resist when you said you'd turn in your manuscripts when they're due. You'd better keep up your end of the bargain." Mii blushed. "But it was embarrassing screaming your name like that."

"You were conniving, Gure. You even knew exactly where Yuki would be. You told us to get ready when you saw him in a different room."

"Yes, well," he said proudly. "And I used the textbook he left in my study to my advantage. I knew he'd want it sooner or later."

"And Kyo and Tohru had reasons of their own for participating in this," Kagura said.

Tohru smiled. "You didn't have to pay me, Shigure. But I'll put the money to good use." Being a nice girl, Tohru didn't mean to scar his mind. She was caught up in the scheme.

"I didn't need money to do it. It was disgusting, but worth it. I scarred Yuki for life," Kyo said.

Hatsuharu looked at Kagura. "Nice acting, Kagura," he said.

Kagura giggled. "It was fun jumping on the bed. But dammit if this shirt is too small for me," she added, looking at her silk shirt, which popped open at that moment.

"The shirtless thing was a nice touch," Hatsuharu agreed. "It was actually hot in there."

"Next time, let's scar Momiji's mind. Psyche. We'll wait and see..," Shigure paused for dramatic effect,"...whose mind will suffer from The Game! Hahahahahaha--"

"Stop it," Hatori said pointedly.

Shigure complied.

And the eight people rose and headed off. Mii, Hatori, and Ayame went outside to their homes as the rest went off to get some shut eye.

And as for Yuki...

The psychiatrist looked at the boy reclining on the sofa.

"Are you sure you want to be a monk?"

He rainbowed an arm over his arms. "You don't understand, Ms. Pan."

"I do. But tell me the whole story."

"Well, it started with the game..."

The End...of an interestingly perverted fic

PS- The psychiatrist was me! See, 'cause Pan...and Pandora's Child...Oh, forget it.