Here it is people! The long awaited sequel to: To Be With You - has finally arrived. I hope you're all excited and will like what I have come up with in regards of the plot.

Firstly, I don't own any of the characters from Final Fantasy X and X-2, or any of the scenes, items, etc. They ALL belong to Square Enix. And also to Fanfiction, I don't own anything from the site as well. But I do however own this story and all ideas associated with it.

Secondly the rating. This story has been rated 16+ for violence, language, sexuality and rape.

So without any more interruptions, enjoy the story.

Quote of the chapter: Everything always turns out okay in the end. If it's not okay, then is not the end yet.

To Be With You Again

Chapter 1
The New Life

My name…is Yuna Simmons. Two years have past since last you've heard from me. During that period I have to admit it hasn't been the easiest I have experienced. But I have managed to live; managed to continue on with life. I've now moved on, leaving Zanarkand and all my memories behind me. At least I wish it were that easy to say and do. It's hard to move on when you think about what you're leaving behind.

I am now in my last year of University with new friends, Paine, Buddy, Shelinda, and Leblanc and lots of others. I have my own apartment in downtown Luca near the docks so when Blitzball season arrives I have a front row view from my balcony.

All of my old friends from last I heard are doing well too. Wakka and Lulu have already gotten married and now live on Besaid. Wakka plays for the Besaid Aurochs so I get to see him during the tournaments here in Luca.

Lenne and Shuyin remained in Zanarkand, both sharing an apartment. Lenne is also in University while Shuyin is working as a Blitzball coach for the Zanarkand Abes. They couldn't be happier to tell the truth.

And as for Rikku and Gippal, they had sadly broken up. Rikku returned to Bekanel with her father and is always helping him with excavations. Gippal has traveled off to Djose with other Al Bheds and began they're own company for machina.

It's hard to stay in touch with them all but I manage to chat with them every now and then. It's nice to know that everyone is doing well. I myself am happy too, though I always find my mind wondering off to him. It has just been over two years since we were separated caused by a bullet that Seymour had fired, striking him in the chest. I promised myself that I wouldn't cry about what had been done in the past but sometimes, I just can't help but cry, feeling my guilty conscious inside of my mind to blame for his death. But I try not to think of that. I try to push all my guilty thoughts deep down inside of me where no one can reach them.

So now that you know what I've been up to, it's time to continue on with my story. A story where anything you hope and believe in can come true. A story where sometimes we must hurt in order to grow; we must fall in order to know; sometimes our vision is only clear after our eyes are washed away with tears.

A person needs only three things in this world to keep them truly happy. Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. I believe that…I will soon find those three things.

"Hey Yuna!" Tidus' voice called out to her.

Yuna turned around and saw him waving at her with a smile. She giggled. "Hey! What are you doing over there?" She yelled.

Tidus ran up to her laughing.

"What are you up to Tidus Keller?" She asked with a suspicious smile.

"I was waiting for you over there but had left so suddenly I couldn't keep up with you."

She smiled. "Well, I guess we'll just have to keep a closer eye on each other." Yuna linked her arm with Tidus as they walked down a path passing the water rides when two familiar faces walked up to them.

"Yunie!" Rikku shouted, running up to her.

"Rikku! Hey. What are you doing here?" Yuna asked cheerfully.

"Having fun just like you! I'm here with Gippal. He's just getting me a soda." Rikku replied.

"That's cool. So are you two going out now?" Yuna asked.

"Yup!" Rikku replied excitedly. "We're officially a couple."

"Aww that's so cute."

"So what about you and Keller? You two going out?" Rikku asked.

Yuna blushed. "No, no. We're just here as friends having fun." She replied.

"Cool. Well I better get going. We're going on the water rides to get wet. I'll call you later. Okay?" Rikku said.

"Okay, see you later then." Yuna waved as Rikku and Gippal left.

"What's wrong T?" Yuna asked.

Tidus turned his head and looked at her. "Just looking around." He replied with a smile. "So what should we do next?"

"Hmmm…well, let's just walk around to see if anything catches our attention."

As they continued to walk, they came across a shooting game. "Hey, let's try that one out." He told her as they walked over.

"A shooting game? Are you trying to mock me cuz I don't know how to use a gun like you?"

"No, no, just curious I guess." Tidus paid for a round and gave the gun to Yuna. "It's all around concentration and eye coordination. Aim for the moving targets."

Yuna aimed carefully and fired but ended up missing. "Ah?"

"Here, let me help you." Tidus stood behind her and placed his hands on hers to help her aim. But Yuna had no intention on the game right then and there. She blushed seeing his hands on hers, him being so close to her. "You have to fire at the right time…now!"

Yuna pulled herself back into reality and pulled the trigger and shot the target down. "Wow, what a rush."

Tidus pulled away from her. "See? Nothing to it."

Yuna placed the gun down on the table. "Remind me never to use a gun ever again." She giggled.

Tidus smiled. "Yeah, you can leave all the shooting to me."

Yuna quickly leaned in and pecked him on the cheek, which left him standing there in a shock. "Come on! I saw a ride over there we should check out."

Tidus turned her head at her after a moment of daydreaming and smiled. She linked her arm with his once again and walked off.

"Say Tidus…" Yuna began.


"If there was someone you loved more then anyone in the world, how far would you go to protect her?"

"Hmmm…well…that's easy. I would--"

But before he could finish his sentence, Yuna opened her eyes and found herself waking up in her bed. Another dream about him…? She thought to herself. Yuna wanted to close her eyes and continue her dream about that day the two of them had gone down to the amusement park, but when she looked over to see the time, her eyes widened.

"OH MY YEVON! I'm gonna be late!" She yelled out.

Yuna yawned. She was never the type that would be tired in the morning but she had been having a lot of dreams about Tidus lately which made her wonder why? Not that it bothered her about having dreams about the one she had loved and lost, but it just felt strange to her. Almost like if someone was trying to tell her something but through her dreams.

"Hey Yuna, wait up!" Buddy called as she walked how the hallway of Luca University.

She turned her head and saw him approach. "Huh? Buddy?"

"Hey Yuna. Thought we could walk to class together?" He asked smiling.

"You have Western Civilisation as well?" She tilted her head at him.

Buddy showed her his timetable. "Yup."

Yuna chuckled. "Great." She replied walking off to class.

"So how was your winter break?" He asked.

"Oh, it was pretty good. Yours?"

"Went back home to see my parents. Not the most exciting thing to do but at least it gave me some time to get out of the city for a while." Buddy replied as the two entered the classroom.

"Sounds nice."

"Class take your seats." The teacher called out as the group of young adults poured into the room.

Once settled in, everyone took out they're books and peered they're eyes on the teacher.

"This is Western Civilization: The Greeks and the Romans." They're teacher began as he walked around the room. "Lady Yunalesca, Lord Zeon, High Summoner Yu Yevon, High Maester Mika—giants of history, persons of philosophical character. Persons whose accomplishments exceeded their own lifetime and survived even into our own. These are who we will be studying, learning about their lives, their journeys, and what they have accomplished in their era."

After the teacher gave out his speech to the students, they began to write down notes he wrote on the blackboard. Yuna, who was deeply focused on writing down the notes, suddenly felt a cold chill down her back. Yuna looked up from her work and began to slowly turn her head at her surrounds but only noticing other students busy copying notes down.

"We will begin our lesson with a novel on High Summoner Yu Yevon which you are all expected to read by the end of the month…" The teacher continued.

Yuna turned her head back and stared down at the piece of paper that lay on the desk in front of her.

"Ms. Simmons?" The teacher began.

Yuna snapped out of her daydream and looked up at the teacher.

"Is there something that is keeping you from concluding you're note writing?"

Yuna smiled and shook her head. "No sir…"

"Good." The bell then rang. "Have a good night students and see you bright and early tomorrow morning."

The class packed up their bags and proceeded out of the classroom. Yuna, who was more then relived that class was over, quickly left and headed home.

Upon arriving in her apartment, Yuna dropped her bag down, taking her shoes off and walking off to the kitchen where she poured herself a cold glass of water. She sighed, taking a sip and walking off to the next room.

Looking over at her desk in the living room, she noticed that her answering machine showed three new messages. Yuna walked over and pressed the button then walked around the room, cleaning up some clothing that lay on her sofa.

You have three new messages, first message. The answering machine began. Hey Yunie, its moi, you're beloved cousin Rikku who you never call anymore! So what have you been up to lately? You know pops just gave me some money for fixing up his airship, maybe I should come and visit for a while, eh? Just us two partying in downtown Luca, sounds nice don't you think? Anyways, call me sometime soon; you still have my number I presume. Okay, well then, talk to yea later.

Yuna smiled. She really did have to spend more time with Rikku. During the past two years they had barely seen and talked to one another.

Second message. The answering machine continued. Beep…beep…beep…beep…beep…beep…

Person must have hung up. Oh well. Yuna finished her water. She then walked back into the kitchen to wash out her cup.

Third message. The machine continued. …#$#&#$..G$SH#…Yu…na…$WGS…

Yuna walked back into the living room. "What the? Tape must be screwed up or something." She told herself listening to the static message.

..#GYuna/&VGU$X…YouI..TZ$CUQWE&../ArE…VUG$-n-o-t-#&./.AlONe……YIB#R T&…

The message then ended and the machine shut itself off. Yuna stared at the answering machine awkwardly. What the? She thought. I-I'm…not alone…? What is that suppose to mean?

End of chapter one. Okay so there is the introduction to the sequel. May not be raising much eyebrows now but just you wait and find out just what will happen to next. What information has Nhadala found? Who was the voice on Yuna's answering machine? Why does Yuna feel uncomfortable presences beginning to adapt around her? Review to tell me what you think and look out for chapter 2 soon.