Quote of the chapter: Take me back in the arms I love. Need me, like you did before. Touch me once again, and remember when there was no one you wanted more.

To Be With You Again
Chapter 11

Absence & Dilemmas

Finally regaining consciousness from the previous night, Tidus came to a wake to find his eyes covered with a blindfold and both his arms and legs tied with rope. His head painfully stung from the knockout and could tell that blood that had escaped the wound. It was alright now but the pain still continued. He tried to squirm free but whoever tied the ropes had done a good job in doing so.

He couldn't see. He couldn't move. Wherever he was, it felt cold and damp, not cold enough to make him shiver but sitting on the cold floor did.

"So you're finally awake…Keller." Came a voice not too far away.

Tidus lifted his head up, unable to see. "Whose there?"

"Oh come now. Can't even recognize a dear old friend's voice?"He continued. "I'm hurt."


"Well it's good to hear that my Ronso's didn't cause any brain damage to your already ill-willed mind."

"What the hell is this!? Let me go!"

Seymour smiled, blind to Tidus, and stood up from his chair. Walking over to where Tidus sat on the floor, he bent down and removed the blindfold that covered his eyes.

Tidus instantly opened his eyes and shook his head, seeing Seymour smiling right up in his face. "You…only you would do something like this…"

"Really now?" Seymour asked, returning to his chair. "Well then it looks like I'll have to come up with some more clever schemes."

Tidus began to look around the small room. Seymour sat across from him with two Ronso's by his side. Kimahri and Garik. "What do you want with me, Seymour?"

"Like always Keller…you dead and Yuna in my possession." He smirked, looking over at Tidus deep within his eyes. "And this time, there is nothing you can do and with no one to help you."

"You do know that every time you say that you end up being wrong. What makes you think that this time is any different?"

"Ha, because." Seymour chuckled, withdrawing a gun. "If I wanted to, I can kill you right here, right now."

Tidus stood up straight, staring at him. "You would do that…just kill me here like this. Seems kind of…pathetic for a mastermind like you to take the easy way out."

"Two years…for two years I've had to go through constant pain because of you. Taking Yuna away from me…this bullet you've put in my head. At this point I really don't give a fuck how I do things! As long as I get them done." He then loaded the gun and aimed. "Well Keller…any final words."

"You won't get away with it. Even if you kill me, the police will still find you. And when they do, they'll kill you too. If that's how it's going to be, then so be it. At least my conscious will be cleared and Yuna will be safe."

Seymour smiled. "Farewell then…Keller." He finished, pulling the trigger. Tidus closed his eyes and braced himself for what was to come.

"You're what!?" Yuna shouted at Nooj as he stood in front of her inside her apartment. "You're keeping me locked up in my own apartment!?"

"For safety measures, of course." Nooj replied. "Please try and understand."

"I will not accept this! There has to be something that I can do—"

"And what do you think you can do?" Nooj asked, interrupting her. "You are Seymour's main target, it is you who he is after."

Yuna looked away without replying. Of course she knew that he was right, but she felt useless just sitting around and not doing anything, especially at a time like this.

Nooj crossed his arms over his chest, sighing. "Tidus has been missing for two weeks now, Yuna. I know that you want to help us in finding him and ensuring his safety. But I cannot allow you to get any further involved or you might be the next one missing. And if that were to happen then all our efforts in trying to capture Seymour would be in failure and vain. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"I do Nooj…I know…I just…I want to do something at least! Anything rather than nothing."

"I know you do but for now the best thing I would like you to do is to remain here, safe and guarded from harm." Nooj continued, looking over at the two officers that stood in her door way. "Here with me are the two officers I've assigned to look after you. Of course you know Nhadala here. And the other here is Clasko."

Clasko then took a step forward with a small bow. "It's an honour to meet you, Yuna."

"These two will be looking after you from now on. They will go out if you need anything and I'm having Rikku come by soon with some of your school work so you won't be behind in your studies." Nooj continued.

"This can't be happening…you really intend on containing me in my own apartment for who knows how long!?"

"Until further notice, yes."

Frustrated, Yuna then stormed out of the room, down the hall towards her bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her.

Nooj sighed as he looked over at Nhadala and Clasko.

"Just give her some space, she'll be fine." Clasko spoke with a friendly smile.

"Yeah. We'll protect her well." Nhadala continued.

"Of course. I'll leave her in your care then." Nooj finished, walking away and leaving the apartment.

To Yuna, things were always going wrong. Even after trying to escape from it all, no matter what she tried to stop it, trouble would always find her. All she wished was to be without Seymour—that he'd just leave and never return.

As the days continued being confined in her apartment, she became sick. Usually in the mornings but it'd come and go throughout the rest of the day as well. She needed to get out. Knowing that she couldn't do much either staying in or going out, something—anything—had to be done. But for now, Yuna just wanted out of her confinement and go into the city.

The nights have been long and tiring for both Nhadala and Clasko who took turns sleeping and guarding. Surprising, the days were quiet—no signs of Seymour or any potential threats.

As Nhadala stood up from the living room chair and made her way down the hall towards the bathroom, just before passing Yuna's room, the door swung open and Yuna ran out, making her way to the bathroom first.

Again? Nhadala thought, seeing as Yuna spent usually 10 to 30 minutes in the bathroom every morning. Seemed like today was no different. The sound of running water came on as well as the shower. When Nhadala walked up to the door, she could undoubtedly hear the sounds of coughing. With a little knock on the door, Nhadala waited a second to hear the coughing come to a stop. "Yuna? Are you alright in there?"

After a long period of waiting, the running water stopped, for Yuna must have turned the taps off. Within a minute or two, she came out looking up at Nhadala. "Huh?"

"I was just wondering if you were alright."

"Oh, I'm okay. I just caught a stomach flu. It doesn't seem it wants to go." She chuckled.

"Would you like me to get you anything?"

"Well actually…" Yuna began. "I wouldn't mind leaving the apartment. Perhaps you could…take—no…escort me to the pharmacy to get some medicine?"


"I could really use some fresh air, you know." Yuna continued.

"Very well then. I don't see any harm in that. Get your things and we'll be on our way then."

With a nod, Yuna returned to her room to gather her things then met back with Nhadala in the hall, where the two slipped on their shoes and coats and were off.

"Quickly, this way!"

"Where are you taking me?"

"As far away from here as possible. Seymour will come look for you. He knows we have escaped."

"Why are you helping me? Aren't you working for Seymour?"

"Yes and no."


"Not now. I explain later. First, we leave."

"If its not too much trouble…could you wait here?" Yuna asked Nhadala as they stood outside the pharmacy.

"Is something the matter?"

"Oh no…I just…well…"

Nhadala smiled. "Just be quick, okay?"

Yuna nodded her head in response then entered the store. Looking up and down the isles, she finally found her requested item. Picking up the box, she nodded her head. Okay…now better leave before anyone sees me…

Turning around, Yuna looked up in front to see Paine standing right there watching her.

"Uh, P-Paine!?"

"Yuna, why are you—"

"Shh." Yuna interrupted, placing her head over Paine's mouth. "Please don't say anything, okay?"

"Uhh…okay. But care to explain?"

"Why don't you come with me back to my apartment?" Yuna asked her with a smile. "I could use some company."

"Yeah, sure."

As they proceeded to the checkout, Yuna purchased her item and the two headed out where they met up with Nhadala, who was waiting.

"Did you find your flu medicine alright?" Nhadala began.

Paine looked over at Yuna who nodded her head. "Yes. Thank you." She then looked at Paine nervously then back at Nhadala. "Paine will be coming over to keep me some company if it's all right?"

"Of course."

As the three continued back home, Yuna clutched onto the bag. She felt embarrassed that Paine was with her and that she knew what could be possible. But she was a close friend after all, Yuna knew that she could trust her.

As they returned back to the apartment, the three were greeted by an overly cheerful Rikku who was cooking in the kitchen with Clasko.

"There you guys are. What took you so long? Dinner is going to get cold." Rikku began.

"Uhh…you cooked?" Paine asked with a sweat drop.

"Of course! Now come, let's eat."

"Yeah. Let me just wash up in the bathroom first." Yuna replied, walking off down the hall, bag in hand.

Rikku watched then looked over at Paine. "Yunie seems…a little pale today, is she all right?"

"Sort of…" Paine replied. "She's…"

"Got the stomach flu." Nhadala continued. "Been sick for a few days now."

"Awww…well some nice spicy Al Bhed food will cure that." Rikku finished, skipping away into the kitchen.

"Yeah…hopefully…" Paine spoke with a soft laugh, walking with Nhadala, joining the two in the kitchen.

Once finished in the bathroom minutes later, Yuna returned to her room. She sat on her bed looking rather depressed as she gazed over at her picture of Tidus on her nightstand. It's been so long since she last seen him. Then when he finally comes back into her life, he's gone again.

Thinking of all the wonderful times she had with him…although shortly lived, slowly began to make her smile. She knew that she'd see him again. She just hoped…that…it'd be soon.

Standing up and making her way to the front door, the phone began to ring. Turning back around, Yuna walked up to her nightstand and picked up the phone, pressing talk.

"Hello?" She began.

"…Hello Yuna." Came his voice. "Lovely night out, isn't it?"


Yeah…and that's it for now. Look finally an update. More coming soon. Some shocking new and new twists you don't want to miss. Thanks for reading everyone, see you all in the next chapter.