Disclaimer: you know the routine…don't own so don't sue

Kel gently shut Dom's door behind her. She put her fingers to her lips and couldn't believe what just happened. She leaned against the wall outside of Dom's room and slowly slide down until she was in sitting on the ground. She put her head on her knees. She closed her eyes and tried to register what was happening. She now had the oddest feeling in her stomach- it wasn't a bad feeling it was like…she was in love. Ohh no, no, no! I can not be in love with Dom! I am a night and have no time for romances…oh no, no, no! Thought Kel.

Kel got up and headed back to her rooms not wanting to go back to Lalasa's room for fittings. She lay down on her bed and scratched Jump's ears her trusty dog and always seemed to know when he was needed. Kel looked up at her ceiling and tried to think about anything but Dom's kiss. Kel didn't now how she was going to face Dom when she saw him again. Her eyes started fluttering shut and Kel pulled her blanket up over her falling into a sleep full of dreams.

Dom sat down on his chair in his rooms. He couldn't believe what he had done. Kel would probably never forgive him. He wanted to chase after her but wasn't sure how she would react. He wanted to tell his legs to move, go after her and hope that she would throw her arms around him. Dom sighed and picked up a book from the table. He turned to page one and started reading.

The next few days Dom and Kel tried to avoid each other at all costs. Dom usually stayed up on the watch tower looking over and onto the terrain making sure that people who were farming were safe and Kel usually stayed clear of the watch tower.

The sun hit the metal of the horses shoe as the farrier put it on the horse. Kel stood there holding the black mare. Kel dug into her pockets and fished out a piece of apple and fed it to the mare who was patiently waiting to go back to grazing.

Kel chatted to the farrier as he worked. The farrier being an older soldier new a lot about battle techniques and gave Kel a few tips of advice she never knew before. When the farrier finished shoeing the mare Kel lead her back out to the pasture to let her graze. Once free the mare neighed to her friends, bucked sending earth flying in the air and galloped off. Kel went over to the pasture next door and sat on the fence. She called Peachblosom who looked up and started trotting over hoping she would have a carrot. Kel bent down slightly to scratch the large gelding's withers while still sitting on the fence. Kel didn't notice that another figure had sat beside her. Peachblosom nudged Kel on the leg making her balance unsteady which made her look up into no other then Dom's blue eyes.

Dom put his arm behind Kel's back to steady her. Kel thanked him and both of them watched Peachblosom go back to grazing after reassuring himself that there was no extra food from the humans. Kel smiled at her gelding as he charged after another horse who was coming too close to his personal space. He never changes thought Kel.

Dom stared at Kel looking at her. Her braid was starting to come undone leaving chunks of hair free. Kel reached for a loose piece of hair then noticing how much hair had come undone she freed her hair from the braid it was now in and started putting it back into another one. Kel's fingers made their way easily through her hair. Once the braid was completed Kel looked at Dom making Dom's insides turn to butter.

"Ahh…Kel…sorry…about…the…kiss…." Dom tried saying.

As Kel looked at Dom she knew that Dom also liked her. It was just instinct. As Dom's mouth fumbled for words, Kel put a finger to his lips. He stopped talking surprised by Kel's sudden gesture. Her next gesture surprised Dom even more. Kel leaned forward and kissed Dom on the lips. Kel knew that she liked Dom and didn't want to hide her feelings for him anymore.

As Kel kissed Dom neither of them noticed a figure watching behind the stable. At last weekness. The figure disappeared and silently left New Hope through the animal exit. Goodbye Lady Knight…sweet dreams…the figure thought as he placed an explosive device inside the walls of New Hope…My master will be pleased.

Sorry it's so short I have a science/ Latin test which I'm studying for but as promised the next chapter. Thanks to all of my reviewers please keep reviewing. Till next Sunday.
