Disclaimer: I no own yami no matsuei or any of it's characters.

Well, this is my first Yami no Matsuei fic so hopefully I kept everyone in character. And this is a Yaoi fic meaning there will be guyxguy relationships that develop in the fic so if you don't like, don't read and don't spam my reviews by flaming me. That is pretty much it. So, Enjoy ze fic!

Signs of speech



- Kitty talk-


Kitty Tsuzuki

"What?" Exclaimed the blond scientist, as he attempted to gather his golden locks back into a messy ponytail while staring in disbelief at the man standing in front of him, "Bon's birthday is tomorrow?"

Tatsumi nodded as he looked through the document in his hand, "Yes. I just thought you might want to know in case you planned to do anything 'special' for the boy." By special, he of course meant somehow using the sex changing potion Watari had been working on, that is if he had perfected it yet.

Watari smirked slyly at Tatsumi after managing to get his hair into a ponytail, "You know me all too well. What will Tsuzuki give him?"

"He's not sure if he should even bother getting him something." Answered the brunette calmly as he adjusted his glasses that had slid ever so slightly out of place.

"WHAT! Why?" Watari shouted directly at his unofficial partner's face, which caused his glasses to crack.

Tatsumi exhaled deeply, knowing he was going to have to spend precious money in order to repair the broken glasses or get new ones, before he removed his glasses and replied, "He believes it won't make a difference since he thinks Kurosaki-kun doesn't like him."

"You're kidding me..." Muttered the younger man as he took his gaze off of the secretary, "He's so blind.."

"Yes, we all have known that since the day Tsuzuki-san arrived here." Tatsumi calmly added.

A wide smirk appeared on Watari's face as he picked up a bottle filled with a green liquid that was labeled 'Kitty Fun', "Hey, 'tsumi, does Bon like cats?"

"Yes, I believe so." Tatsumi replied before he raised an eyebrow at the scientist, knowing he was plotting something which would more likely then not be costly, "Why?"

"Oh.. I'm just going to get him a hungry 100 year old kitty."

Meanwhile, everyone's favorite violet-eyed shinigami was pigging out in the cafeteria since they just received fresh apple pie. He just loves his apple pie.

Watari tapped Tsuzuki lightly on the shoulder after having magically materialized behind him.

Tsuzuki looked over at his friend, unable to speak due to several pieces of apple pie shoved in his mouth.

"Tsuzuki, do you want some Sprite to wash down all that apple pie?" The blond asked innocently enough while smiling as he held out a glass of what he called Sprite in front of Tsuzuki.

The older man smiled back at him and nodded before taking the offered drink and chugging it down though a smarter person would not have taken it knowing Watari's reputation for putting chemicals and potions in people's drinks.

A smirk was hidden by Watari as he took back the glass from Tsuzuki who had finished the offered beverage.

"Thanks, Tari." Tsuzuki said before yawning, feeling oddly tired. He blinked several times before passing out.

Watari grinned as he got Tsuzuki on his back and bolted off towards his lab. 'Happy Birthday Hisoka!'


The following morning Hisoka grumpily walked in his office. Tsuzuki never came home last night which was the good part since he had a whole dinner to himself but having to do all his paper work sucked since Tsuzuki left it at his house after Hisoka forced him to do some of it. It was an all nighter. When he got to the Ministry of Hades, he had tripped over an invisible chair and landed face first in a Boston cream pie that just so happened to be there. He stood up and slipped on some cream and fell to the ground, releasing all the papers he was holding and sending them flying through the air.

A low growl escaped his soft lips as sheets of paper landed around him. 'Happy Birthday to me... yea right. Today sucks!'

Then something or someone jumped right on his stomach causing all of his breakfast to come back out and say hello.

"Morning birthday boy!" Shouted Watari while smiling brightly, holding a large, nicely wrapped package behind his back.

After having hacked out the rest of his breakfast, the birthday boy glared murderously at genki blond, "What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want?"

"Oh.. nothing.." Watari started while continuing to smile, knowing that he was slowly angering Hisoka. He then placed a big, blue box with a big, red bow on it beside the murderous teen, "I just came to give you your birthday present."

Hisoka blinked, surprised that someone had given him a gift. "Present?"

An energetic nod was his response as Watari jumped off Hisoka.

Two emerald-green orbs narrowed in to a slight glare that was directed at Watari "It won't change me into anything, will it?"

"It if was, you would've been a woman by now."

Hisoka shrugged, "True."

The emerald-eyed shinigami sat up, untied the bow, and lifted the top before he peeked inside. His eyes widened as he stared at was was inside.

Inside was an extremely cute, little, brown kitten that was curled up into a ball and sound asleep.

"Wow..." Was what Hisoka managed to stutter as he lifted the kitten out of the box.

The kitty opened its eyes that were a vibrant violet color. It yawned slightly before meowing as its tail waved gently back and forth behind him.

"A kitten..." Mumbled Hisoka before smiling slightly at Watari, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now.." The man took the kitten, who appeared to be in shocked and was not moving nor breathing. "The rest of the kitty's stuff is in my lab. Go get it."

Hisoka grumbled something before getting up and walking towards the scientist's lab.

Once Watari knew Hisoka was out of hearing distance he looked at the kitty, "Now, Tsuzuki. I turned you into a kitty to prove that Hisoka loves you too. And that's the only way you'll change back too. You'll have to kiss the one who you love and he has to love you too. I'll tell Hisoka in a week that you're the kitty and we'll see what happens."

Kitty Tsuzuki apparently wasn't pleased with this since he started hissing and scratching Watari. "Meow!" -Asshole!-

Amber eyes glared at Tsuzuki before their owner whispering coldly, "I'll turn Konoe into a dog if you're not nice to me and he'll kill you."

The kitty instantly stopped and shut up.

"Good. Now have fun with Bon!" Watari cheerfully exclaimed while Hisoka, who was holding a large box filled with kitty stuff, was standing behind him staring at him as he went crazy.

"Now you're talking to a cat and you're threatening it too?" Hisoka shook his head before muttering, "Idiot."

Tsuzuki the kitty snickered slightly.

The empath smirked at the kitty as he picked him up, "See, even the kitty thinks you're an idiot." He placed Tsuzuki on top of the box, "Well, I had better get back home to set the kitty's things up. Tell kachou I couldn't come in today."

Watari nodded as he smiled brightly, "Can do." He watched Hisoka leave with his present before smiling as he went off to tell Tatsumi that his plan went purrfectedly. 'Oh what an interesting week this will be.'


Kds smiles, "Well... how was that for the first chappie? Good? Bad?

Hisoka sighs, "Atleast nothing really bad happens to me..."

Kds, "Only to Tsuzuki, the kitty."

Tsuzuki is currently drinking some milk. "Meooooww..." -Nummmy...-

Hisoka sighs, " Please review. thanks.