
Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin is not mine. It belongs to its respective owners: Watsuki-sensei, Sony, Shueisha, and other much cooler peeps than me. I am just a poor university student. Those real life people that will appear in this story as characters aren't also mine. --; Characters created by me in this story are mine, of course.

A/N: So here's the "official" first chapter of Yoshiwara. Hehe, thanks so much for your very positive comments about this fic. I decided to remove the usual Jap phrases I use in my fanfics. Even though it might help enhance the story's flavor, it might slow down those who aren't so familiar with the language. So, away with that. I will edit the prologue to match the flow of the succeeding chapters.

However, I will STILL use Japanese words which I find very necessary. But don't worry because I'm going to put in the translations/explanations on the bottom of the page.

Warnings: Characters are OCC and some profanities here and there.

Chapter 1. The Alliance

Sick and feverish
Glimpse of cherry blossoms
Still shivering.

The distinct sound of the wind against bamboo blades every now and then caught his ear as they quietly walked on the engawa. His tabi-covered feet making constant contact with the wooden floor. He craned his head to one side but not more than a few inches to get a glimpse of the surroundings. The whole complex was dimly lighted as if to suggest that not a soul was to be found inside. There was a lot of bamboos lining the area as he'd expected, some visible, others hid behind other bamboos and the others seemed to disappear in the dark. It was indeed a very good rendezvous.

The cloak's hood dangled lazily on his back though he was still wearing the entire thing. His nose caught the faint scent of cherry blossoms--a reminder of early spring. Amber eyes quickly tried to find the source of the pleasant smell, but he couldn't. Maybe it was on the other side of the building. He ended his musings as their guide stopped a few feet away from two closed shouji doors. He swore he saw a very faint light emanating from the closest shouji panel he could see.

"Gentlemen, your acquaintance is waiting for you behind those doors. Please go in using the furthest one." He heard the woman who fetched them speak. He saw her give a half bow to Takasugi and then to Tetsuya. That's when he realized that she was going to his direction. The darkness made her raven black hair blacker and only a portion of her powdered face was illuminated by the moon, the rest of her was basked in shadows.

He queered his glowing amber eyes at her as if sending a series of sharp daggers. She didn't seem to flinch at his cold gaze and amusement started to well up inside of him as she continued to look at him directly. He could clearly see her sapphire tinted eyes in a mix of determination and fear that seemed to say "she was scared after all". He felt pleased at the thought.

"Himura." He heard Takasugi call his name in a rather irritated voice.

One flame colored eyebrow arched up to Takasugi's direction.

"I said, just give her the damned cloak." Takasugi returned with both his eyebrows raised.

Himura quickly returned his eyes on the woman before him and saw that her head was bowed down. Setting his lips in a thin line he removed the cloak in one fluid motion. Instantly, the woman raised up both of her hands to take the cloak which Himura hastily gave her. As he started to follow his comrades he saw her close her eyes and then she gave a single and slow nod without anybody acknowledging it.

Women... He whispered inwardly not knowing why he even thought of it.

They passed the first stretch of the shouji not minding the very obvious but discrete and fumbled noise that registered in their ever vigilant ears. Upon reaching the designated entrance, Takasugi gestured for Tetsuya to open the door. The light and noise from the inside became more distinct and shaped with every inch of the shouji being slid open. Halfway through, somebody from the other side peeked and studied the new additions and then let them in quickly, the door shutting behind them in a quick rasp.

Acquaintance...? Takasugi thought sarcastically as he studied the room--he estimated that perhaps, about twenty or so people were inside, some were on a seiza sitting position, others were leaning lazily on the walls. The fusuma doors that served as a partition were open to accommodate their lot. He recognized some of the people who actually acknowledged him with a nod while others who were unfamiliar never even laid their eyes on him.

Someone approached Takasugi and he faintly gestured his companions to stay where they are for the moment. Himura watched Takasugi's back as he was ushered up front near the tokonoma. Himura and Tetsuya sat on the tatami mats but he kept his eyes trained on Takasugi's back. He saw four figures in a semi-circle but the room's dim light didn't really help much in the situation.

His eyes narrowed to get a better view of the people--he was sure Katsura was the one on the right end of the semi-circle near the wall. The person on the left end who was rather huge had his back on him and partly blocked two of the people sitting in the middle. Himura heard Tetsuya groan in exasperation.

"Damn pig, he's blocking my view." Tetsuya hissed.

Himura quickly glanced at Tetsuya from the corner of his eye and then quickly looked back. Takasugi was already up front and was being introduced by the usher. Just then, the group of four craned their necks towards Takasugi acknowledging him and then he proceeded to sit down to their level.

Himura's eyes widened. He now recognized who were the people Katsura was with. The huge man was Takamori Saigo and on his left was Tatewaki Komatsu.

Another man joined the group. His bearded face making him look quite passive.

"Okubo." Himura heard a low voice from the group welcoming the man.

Okubu...Toshimichi...What-! What are the fucking Satsuma leaders doing here! Himura exclaimed from within. He averted his gaze and scanned the room for the people who didn't acknowledge their presence a while ago. He observed them with a knitted forehead. They are all from the Satsuma han...

He returned his sight and a name easily came to his mind as he saw the person sitting next to Katsura.

As if on cue, Tetsuya whispered, "Sakamoto Ryoma formerly from the Tosa clan...that's him, right? And that guy who came up to get Takasugi...He's also from the Tosa clan but he's with Choshuu now."

"Nakaoko Shintaro." Himura supplied not taking his eyes off from the people who sat at the front part of the room.

Katsura's eyes briefly locked with Himura's. He gave him a faint smile as if saying "It's been a long time". But just as quickly, he looked away, as the man called Nakaoko pulled the fusuma doors to a close separating the room into two.


Kaoru sat meekly in an empty and almost lightless room. The single candle on the far end of the room flickered as it fought with death. One side of her body was parallel with the closed shouji that kept her locked away from the outside world. She took a heaved sigh and the mixed scent of jasmine--her own--and an unfamiliar scent of pine trees made their presence known to her senses.

His...she thought as the image of a red haired person registered in her mind. And then she remembered his amber eyes glowing with fury but were tempered as cold as steel. A small shiver went up her spine as she envisioned his piercing gaze. She remembered how hard she kept herself from gasping or even gulping. He was simply and cruelly intimidating.

She pursed her lips as she shrugged the thoughts off her head. She proceeded to fold the cloak in a neat square with quick and graceful movements coming from her wrist down to every digit of her hands. She lay the cloth in front of her and closed her eyes for a few seconds before retrieving a folded piece of paper inside the folds of her kimono's left hem. The contact of her skin with the material of her kimono made a crisp "swoosh" sound.

She undid the crease at the middle and read the letter for probably the hundredth time already. There were only a few words written but it made her psyche rack with a jargon of thoughts.

She mentally read the paper.


Whenever you are ready to leave the ukiyo, do not hesitate to call for my help.

There, on the bottom were neat Kanji characters.


Kaoru sighed, yet another heavy one. She folded the piece of paper to its original form and then returned it to its place. She put a single hand over the half of her white powder covered face.

Okita...Kaoru uttered his name within her. All of these, I feel as if I'm betraying you...The paths we took...

Kaoru breathed in shakily putting a momentary stop to her thoughts.


Himura and Tetsuya--nor did the other people present in the room--wanted to believe what they were hearing. What was this? The Satsuma and Choshuu are going to form an alliance?

"This is for our own good. If we let the two forces join, we will be able to bring down the Bakufu in a very short span of time", Sakamoto said in a light but firm voice. His back was straight as he sat in a seiza facing the men before him.

"A few months ago, we have discussed provisions that will make this alliance possible. And tonight, I am very well pleased to announce the Sat-Cho Alliance", Sakamato droned on but Himura's thoughts were clouded by other things.

A few months ago? When? How? Himura's eyes narrowed, his lips stiffly half open. The Satsuma han was always our greatest rival. How can this shit be happening!

"The Satsuma han and Choshuu han have had their differences and conflicts. If we continue to fight each other, we will never be able to liberate ourselves from the Bakufu. For our country's sake and future, we must now be united and uphold the Isshin." Himura heard Sakamoto's words again but he was having a hard time registering them.

The next few minutes were filled with sentences and words, sighs, and often confused nods. Everyone expected explanations from their leaders but they knew enough they couldn't voice it out right there and then.

It's the seventh day of March in the year 1866. Just two months after the initial plans of Sakamoto Ryoma and his comrades to unite the Satsuma han and Choshuu han, the alliance was now fully formed. It wasn't an easy task, Ryoma faced a lot of challenges from both party's distrust with each other. He was even laughed at when he first conceived of the plan. But he never gave up and kept on finding ways for these very powerful clans to unite and find common ground. And so he did. And that night would serve as the beginning of an end.


The shouji from behind Kaoru rasped open. The candle already died out but she received no complaints from the people who started to come in. Her head was bowed low from the moment a foot came in followed by other foot steps until the door was closed in again.

She heard the sound of people sitting down, placing their swords aside as they did so.

"Her..." Kaoru heard a low whisper but she wasn't dumb to know what it implied. She didn't know who uttered it, but then, she heard Katsura's frank reply.

"Oh, don't worry. She's more than to be trusted."

A few shuffling sounds of cloth.

"So you two must have quite a number of questions for me, I assume." Katsura began but Kaoru didn't know who he was referring to. From what she counted, she saw four pairs of feet come in.



"Katsura, have you been to the Strait of Shimonoseki?"

She heard a sarcastic sigh but she was sure it wasn't Katsura.

"I haven't forgotten the Shimonoseki incident and I think neither does Saigo or even anybody else who were involved in that. You all know how hard we tried to bring down the Bakufu, but we have failed and we were even forced to escape and go into hiding."

"If my memory serves me well, the same people you made an alliance with are the same people who helped those damned bastards from Aizu chase us out of Edo. Heck! That prick Saigo was even sent by the Shogun to--" A sardonic voice cut him off.

"Tetsuya." A different voice came in a cold and repressing tone.

Another sigh.

"I am completely aware of all these things. But look, the alliance will make us stronger than ever--and with Ryoma's help, we will be able to procure the foreign weapons barred by the Bakufu. On top of that, our compatriots Inoue and Ito has gained enough influence over the British forces. They will extend their assistance to the Isshin", Katsura's voice was calm as he explained.

A snort.

"Whoever thought that the Sonno-joi and Kobugattai would find something in common?" Kaoru recognized it was Tetsuya who made the remark.

A series of short and watery laughs.

"We were different then. Now, we are for the Isshin...nothing more." Katsura said in a very sober tone. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again.

"Takasugi will go back to Choshuu to regroup and expand the network fully. Tetsuya, since you seem to still have some questions, you will be Ryoma's bodyguard here in Edo. And Himura..."

A rustle of cloth.

"You will stay in Yoshiwara and stand by for my further orders. Alright, dismissed."

Kaoru heard them get up to their feet and then Katsura beckoned her. "Kamiya."

"Yes?" Kaoru returned as she slowly raised her head.

"You will accompany Mr. Himura to the designated location as planned."

Himura's eyes narrowed at Katsura's words but kept silent.

"Very well", was all that she said before sinking her head down again. She never heard any reply or even any sound from Himura. She didn't know if his silence made her feel good or bad about accompanying him to Yoshiwara.

The same pairs of feet went out of the shouji and when all was quiet, she idly picked up the cloth in front of her, went out of the room and closed the shouji behind her. The wind and and the bamboo blades continued with their orchestra piece. A faint scent caught Kaoru's nose as she started to walk on the engawa behind the four men. She instantly knew it was from the cherry blossoms on the other side of the complex.

She looked at the backs of the men she was following and the katana and wakizashi that hung neatly on their sides. Very soon, those swords and hands, and clothes, and faces, and bodies will be covered in blood--be it their own or some other people.

Kaoru closed her eyes as she remembered a thought.

The Bakumatsu...has started...

Sick and feverish
Glimpse of cherry blossoms
Still shivering.

To be continued...

A/N: So how was it? I hope it's not so much of a crash lesson on Japanese history. Haha! Not too much character interaction at the moment, but it'll soon build up as we climb up chapters. Many, many thanks to everyone who read and reviewed the prologue. Quite sad because like what I said, FF-dot-net prohibits authors from discussing/replying the reviews within the story's content/text. I will try to think of an efficient way to respond to all of you without cluttering your mailboxes. Haha!

So yep, that's all for now. Until next time!


1. Engawa - the wooden floors along the sides of traditional Japanese houses.

2. Tabi - Japanese socks which has a separate room for the toe thumb and the rest of the foot's toes.

3. Shouji - Japanese sliding doors.

4. Seiza - Japanese style/way of sitting.

5. Fusuma - Partitions used in a room thicker than a Shouji .

6. Tokonoma - A wooden placeholder extending from either sides of a room.

7. Tatami - Japanese mats.

8. Takamori Saigo - Satsuma clan, took part in the first Choshu expedition on the side of the Shogunate.

9. Tatewaki Komatsu - Satsuma clan, loyal supporter of the Tokugawa regime but would later on help out with Sat-Cho Alliance.

10. Takasugi Shinsaku - Choshuu clan, converted the clan's view to an anti-Shogunate one after the first Choshuu expedition.

11. Tetsuya Iori - Choshuu clan, recruited by Katsura (fictional character whom I created).

12. Choshu han - Located along the Shimonoseki Strait (now part of the Yamaguchi prefecture), led by young and capable commanders,

which accepted peasants and volunteers. Had about 11,000 samurais.

13. Satsuma han - An area along the southern edge of Japan, Satsuma had great economic and samurai strength as a han at that time. Had about 27,000 samurais.

14. Okita Soushi - Captain of the first troop of the Shinsengumi (born with the name of Harumasa Soujiro)

15. Ukiyo - "the floating world" (Yoshiwara)

16. Sakamoto Ryoma - Formerly from the Tosa Clan and a proponent of Sonno-joi at first, was responsible for the Sat-Cho Alliance

17. Isshin - "Restoration"

18. Bakufu - The Tokugawa Shogunate.

19. Katsura Kogoro - a.k.a. Kido Takayoshi and/or Niibori Matsukake, Japanese politician coming from the Choshuu han who supported the restoration of the emperor.

20. Strait of Shimonoseki/The Shimonoseki Incident - Choshuu engaged in a battle with Satsuma ships which then led to;

21. Aizu/Satsuma's Coup 'd etat - The assistance of Satsuma to Aizu troops in raiding out the Choshuu troops in the Imperial capital. This is the first Choshuu expedition.

22. Inoue Kaoru and Ito Hirobumi - Choshuu samurais who traveled to Britain and persuaded the Choshuu han to adopt foreign tactics.

23. Britain - Had a few issues with Choshuu before but extended assistance and support to the restoration.

24. Sonno-joi - Choshuu's anti-foreign policy: "movement to revere the emperor and expel the barbarians" led to the killing of 1 British and injury of 2 others

25. Kobugattai - Satsuma's "reconciliation of court and Bakufu".

26. Katana and Wakizashi - The weapon of choice of the Bakumatsu warriors. The katana is longer than the wakizashi.

27. Bakumatsu - The fall of the Tokugawa regime (Bakufu).