Chapter 2

The rest of the day went on uneventful. When the last bell of the day rung, every one rushed out. Kai, Yurri, Brian and Ray meet up at the same spot as that morning.

"Well we'll see ya tomorrow." Yurri said his arm laced around Kai's.

"Yeah, and you two be nice. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Ray smiled.

Yurri and Kai just smirked.

"Okay for some reason, I don't trust that smirk." Ray said backing up a little, effectively bumping into Brian, who was standing behind him. "Oops, sorry." Ray blushed.

Yurri and Kai looked at each other in satisfaction. "Well bye guys." And they were off.

"Is it just me or are they planning something, that neither of us will enjoy?" Ray asked.

"I don't think it's just you." Brian said. "Come on lets go." Brian headed off school grounds, Ray followed behind him.

The walk to Brian's hose was a quiet one. Thought neither minded, enjoying each others company. About twenty minutes later they arrived. Brian unlocked the door and stepped in, Ray following close behind.

"Make yourself at home. I'll be right back." Brian announced as he threw his back next to the closet and headed up the stairs.

Ray placed his bag next to Brian's and walked into the living room, and sat down looking around.

The room was pretty big, there was a large flat screen TV, with surround sound, two game stations, with many game boxes littered around it. There were two love seats, and a three sitter couch, with a small coffee table in the middle, and on either side of the couches were small lamp tables with a lamp on it. There was a huge sound system, next to that was what would be a book shelf, but instead of having books it was filled with games, CD's and DVD's, the shelf was about five feet wide and went all the way up to the ceiling.

Ray got up and walked up to it, looking threw the collection.

"You look like you've never seen something like it before." Came Brian's voice.

Ray turned around quickly, and smiled sheepishly at Brian, who was leaning on the frame of the living room door. "Technically I haven't. At home I have a few DVD's, and CD's, but nor much. I spend most of my time outside with Shadow."

"Yeah, I guess that doesn't exactly make you a movie bug, like Yurri, Kai and me." Brian said taking a seat on the couch that Ray had previously been occupying.

Ray joined Brian on the couch. "I guess not. Thought I have seen quite a few movies. Every Saturday night, my dad and I go into town and rent out a whole whack of movies, seeing as Sunday is a day off, we stay up till about seven, watching the movies. Then we sleep in till about three in the afternoon, Gram's doesn't approve, but she doesn't stop us either." Ray chuckled.

"Wow. When we visited your ranch I thought you guys worked seven days a week. I'm relieved that you guys actually take a day off." Brian chuckled.

"Yeah, most people think that, sure we work hard but we're still human." Ray smiled getting comfortable on the couch.

Brian shook his head smirking slightly. "So what do you want to eat? We're going to have to order out, seeing as there's no food left anywhere around here. Unless you think three candy bars, a month old carrot, and a few other over due things sounds good." Brian looked at Ray hopping he wasn't gonna agree.

"Wow. That sounds delicious, didn't I tell you, that's what I eat every night?" Ray said sarcastically.

Brian chuckled. "No you forgot to mention it." Brian got up and got the phone. "So what will it be?"

"You pick, I really don't know." Ray said.

"Pizza it is." Brian said dialing the number and ordering. After he hung up he let the phone drop to the floor and lay back. "It'll be here in about twenty minutes."

Ray nodded and then they were blanketed in a comfortable silence. Brian was watching Ray and a small smirk appeared on his lips as he noticed Ray's eyes start to drop and then closed completely, as he fell asleep. Brian shook his head smiling, as he got up and went to get a small blanket and covered Ray with it. Just then there was a knock on the door.

Brian walked over quickly so they didn't wake Ray. When he opened the door he was greeted with his long time friends, Yurri and Kai. Brian motioned them in, indicating them to be quiet. Following him command, the two quietly came in taking their shoes off, and looking at him questionably. Brian pointed towards the living room, the two walked over and a smirk appeared on the lips as they saw there new friend sleeping. Brian motioned for them to join him in the kitchen.

"Wow, I guess a whole day in school tired him out." Yurri stated as he took a seat at the table followed by the other two.

"Yeah. It might be all the stress. Cause according to what he says, he's up at four in the morning everyday, and goes to bed around eleven every night, six days a week. Well more five days a week seeing as on Saturdays he's up will seven in the morning with his dad watching movies." Brian explained.

"Shit. I'd die if I hade a schedule like that." Yurri said.

"You'd die if you hade any kind of schedule. The only one not killing you is the schedule for your classes." Kai eased, which earned him a punch on the shoulder from his lover.

Brian shook his head. "Some how I knew you two were coming."

"Why do you say that?" Kai asked.

"Well we ordered pizza for supper and when I hung up I was like 'The two of us wont be able to eat all of that' now I know why." Brian smirked, which got him a glare from the two others.

The trio kept talking throwing punts and jokes at each other, when there was a knock at the door. Brian stood up and told Yurri to go and wake Ray up, nicely. Yurri smirked and nodded, bouncing out the door. Kai and Brian shook there heads. Brian went and answered the door as Kai set the table.

Yurri walked up to the sleeping Ray and smirked, but then shook his head. Taking a seat on the side of the couch, Yurri slowly ran his hands threw Ray's bangs softly talking, telling him to wake up. A few minutes later both Brian and Kai came to the living room seeing as the two hadn't come yet, and they hadn't heard anyone yelling. They watched as Yurri ran his hands threw Ray's hair. Yurri turned to them shrugging. Brian walked over and Yurri moved aside, and went over to Kai's side wrapping his arm around his waist. Brian crouched down, and softly ran his figures over Ray's cheek.

"Ray…Ray wake up. Food's here." Brian said moving Ray's bangs from his face.

Just when he was about to shake him a little, silver eyes met gold. Brian smiled slightly, getting a smile in return.

"Time to wake up sleeping beauty. Unless you aren't hungry." Brian smirked slightly.

Ray stuck his tug out at him, as he slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He turned his head to the duo by the door and smiled at them. "Hey guys." He greeted his voice a little groggy from sleep.

"Hey. Had a nice cat nap?" Yurri smirked.

Ray stuck his tug out at him.

"I'd have a better use for that tug of yours." Yurri smirked as Ray blushed crimson.

Kai elbowed him in the ribs making him look at him pouting. Kai was looking at Ray. "Don't worry, Brian and me will keep him off you." Kai smirked as Ray kept blushing but smiled none the less.

Brian during the exchange had stood up and was staring at Ray. 'He looks really cute when he blushes. Maybe some day I can get him to blush.' Brian thought, then cleared his thought. "Well if you three are finished, foods waiting in the kitchen." And he headed off to the kitchen, followed by Ray.

Yurri smirked. "Operation Get-Brian-To-Ask-Ray-Out-And-Get-Ray-To-Agree will commence!" Yurri smirked as he went to the kitchen followed by Kai who was shaking his head at his boyfriend's antics.