
by: Alucard's Bane

Disclaimer: I do not own Hellsing, that is the sole property of Kouta Hirano...though one day I will move to Japan, and I will marry Hirano, therefore I WILL RULE ALL THAT IS HELLSING! MWAHAHAHAHA! cough Sorry, I lost meh cool...

Hi, this is my first fanfiction that I've ever posted, so don't be too harsh, and if you see any typos, please tell me. On with the fic!


Integral watched as Walter ripped through her troops like paper dolls, his vampire body coming closer to her at every step. How did this happen? she thought. Why? Why Walter?

He stopped when he reached her, his eyes deviod of any sort of recognition, and his face was just as blank. His eyes widened a bit as he flexed his Monowire, one of them flitting across Integral's cheek, a small streak of blood in its wake. "How does it feel, Sir Integra?" his voice was a low growl, his eyes centered on the blood that poured down her face. "How does it feel when one of your own betrays you?"

When she gave no reply, only looking at him in shock, he poised, lifting the wires as they willingly seemed to fall around their victim. Integral wasn't aware of the wires cutting into her flesh as she saw the look of hate in his eyes, as she saw blessed bayonettes come seemingly out of nowhere and piercing his body as Walter's scream tore through the bloody night sky. She didn't feel the blood running down her arms and legs, her brain wasn't working, everything seemed to be in slow motion. Flecks of darkness were starting to creep into her vision as a red blur stooped to pick up her broken glasses, she saw another figure move towards her, this one was in a priest's stole. They were speaking to one another, she couldn't hear them...she was so tired...

Darkness took Integral into its fold.