Kagome awoke to find a smiling Sorano hovering near by, "Ah, Kagome I see you're awake now. My Lord wanted me to notify you that he wants to have breakfast with you." Yawing Kagome nodded, "Tell him I accept." Sorano nodded, "He figured you would, so he said for you to meet in him in his study when you're ready. And don't worry about Shippo, he and Rin have already had breakfast together." Kagome gave off a small smile at finally noticing the missing occupant from her bed.

Gathering herself she rose from the bed and headed towards the hot springs, figuring that Sorano would pick out another kimono for her. After being bathed and dressed, she headed straight towards Sesshoumaru's study. Arriving at her destination she promptly knocked.


Quietly opening the door, Kagome gave a slight bow before shuffling over towards the cushion in front of the desk. Taking a seat she glanced up at him, before looking down to the food that has been waiting for her.


Kagome glanced up at the single command, giving a bow of the head, she grabbed her chopsticks and began to eat the simple meal of rice and miso soup. All the while Sesshoumaru kept staring at her which put her on edge. Titling her chin slightly she spoke, "Why did you wish to have breakfast with me, my Lord?"

Sesshoumaru blinked his eyes in shock at the title she had bestowed upon him, instead of calling him by his name. Giving himself an internal shake, "Have you noticed anything peculiar since you made the wish upon the Shikon Jewel?" Giving a quick glance at him, she swallowed, "I feel stronger... But Kaede thought it might also be the missing part of my soul has returned with Kikyo's demise, giving me back the strength I had lost." Sesshoumaru titled his head slightly, "I see... Anything else?" Kagome placed her chopsticks down, before looking up into his eyes, "No, Lord Sesshoumaru, there is nothing else... Now why all of the questions, my Lord?"

Sesshoumaru didn't want to tell her about the episode that had happened the night before, not wanting to alarm her. Yet, if she didn't notice anything, maybe her kit has. They've been together he would've had to of noticed a slight change, "I was wondering if the Shikon Jewel might have slightly given you more strength, for you power does crawl at times now." Standing up, he motioned for her to stand, knowing she wouldn't finish her food, "But the demise of the clay wench is a sufficient answer."

Kagome carefully picked herself off the ground before turning her eyes towards the ground, "Anything else my Lord? For I need to gather what I need for our journey." Sesshoumaru gave an inward sigh at her show of submissiveness, "No, you're dismissed. Though I would like you to send the kitsune to me, this Sesshoumaru needs to speak with the kit." Kagome's head snapped up at hearing him want to speak to Shippo, "Why do you need to speak with him, surely you wouldn't need to speak with a child when were preparing to leave."

"He is far behind in his training as a youkai, this Sesshoumaru thought to bring him with us, so he will know the customs of his descendants."

Kagome gave off a growl, "You're saying the way I've raised him is negligent?" Sesshoumaru gave a slight growl of his own at the insult, "Miko, calm yourself. Your kit has been raised by humans and a hanyou, who can't teach him what is rightfully his. Since he is your's and you're under this Sesshoumaru's. It lays to this Sesshoumaru to teach him now." Kagome calmed down after his statement before bowing lowly towards the ground, "I'm sorry for my assumptions, please forgive me, my Lord." Sesshoumaru sighed out loud, "Nothing is to be forgiven Miko. Just send him to this Sesshoumaru, while you ready yourself." Kagome backed up towards the door still in a low bow before carefully letting herself out of the room.

After seeing her depart, Sesshoumaru went and sat down at his desk. His thoughts turning to the hope that the kit indeed sense something different about the miko, besides her deep lingering depression and submissiveness.

Shippo looked over at this human companion who seemed to be also in deep thought, "What are you thinking about Rin?" Rin's head snapped up as a ready smile automatically came upon her face, "Just thinking of Lady Kagome. After InuYasha broke her heart, she just doesn't seem to be our Kagome. And is it just me, but does her aura seem a bit off?" Shippo closed his eyes before laying back against the grass they sat upon in the gardens, "Kagome had been in love with the hanyou for so long, and had finally won his heart, as we all thought she had. But then I guess Kikyo always had it no matter what. As for her aura, don't worry about it, do remember that bright light that surrounded her when she made the wish. It probably gave her miko powers a boost."

On the inside though, he knew it is something different than it being the jewel. Even when she had been sleeping so much and on the verge of death had he noticed the change in her aura. He knew it to be an aura of a demoness, after all the time he had spent with his Mother he should know her aura better than anyone else besides her.


Shippo popped up at the sound of his name, his eyes opening to see the person they had just been talking about, "Mama!" Gazing at her he still saw the lack of a spark in her eyes, it left a deep pain in his chest that he couldn't get rid of her pain.

"Ah, I should of known you would have been out in the gardens. Hello Rin." Kagome said. Rin smiled up at her, "Hello Lady Kagome. What has brought you out here? I thought you were having breakfast with Lord Sesshoumaru?" Kagome carefully arranged her kimono as she sat down beside the kids, "Actually our breakfast ended after Lord Sesshoumaru asked some very interesting questions. As to why I'm out here, that is to tell Shippo that our Lord wishes to see him." Shippo and Rin both looked at her in confusion, but it was Rin who asked the important one.

"Why would Lord Sesshoumaru want to see Shippo?"

Shippo nodded his head, wanting to know why he would want to see him, a mere kit. Kagome shrugged, "Honestly I really don't know. But he did mention catching you up in your training as a youkai, saying your behind or something." Shippo frowned, knowing that he is a little behind, but not needing the honor of Sesshoumaru teaching him personally. Looking at Kagome, it dawned on him that maybe the training is an excuse and Sesshoumaru summoning him is all about Kagome. "Well then I better go, Rin meet me at our fort after lunch. Mama, I love you." Shippo gave her a huge smile then gave her hug and ran off to see the Lord of the West.

Shippo knocked on the door, his tail shivering in anxiety at what would happen in Sesshoumaru's study.


Shippo quietly said a prayer to the kami's on the inside before slowly opening the door, "You summoned me, my Lord?" Sesshoumaru didn't even look away from his scrolls, raising a hand he gestured for him to enter. Still being cautious he closed the door behind him before making his way to the cushion before Sesshoumaru's desk. Sesshoumaru ignored the kit for few moments, making the young fox kit start to shiver even more at the wait. Sensing his nervousness, Sesshoumaru slowly sat up, his amber eyes locking upon the kit.

"Have you noticed the difference in the miko?"

Shippo slightly jumped at him finally speaking, "I have noticed her aura's difference for quite some time now." A brow peaked up at the response, "How long?" Gaining some courage from Sesshoumaru's interest, "Two days after she made her wish was when I noticed a change. For when she made the wish her aura was stronger, but I thought it was because of her wishing upon the Shikon Jewel."

Crossing his arms, he thought about it, realizing that the shikon had indeed changed her. For with the kit's statement did he realize it's just like a youkai pup being born. For there first two days alive there aura is very human to make predators believe that they aren't what they're seeking, also to give the mother time to recover, and then it shifts slightly until their mother is fully recovered, so she can protect them. In Kagome's case it almost has to be the mingling of her miko powers with that of what her youkai powers will come out and not harm herself.

"When did you notice she is truly youkai?"

Shippo stared down at the desk, "I thought the shikon had made her hanyou possibly about a week ago. I knew her to be youkai yesterday when her aura spread throughout the castle." Sesshoumaru nodded, "Has she shown anything upon her appearance, to mark her as such?" Shippo bowed his head in thought, "Even before her aura flowed out yesterday, I would sometimes see a faded image next to her." Sesshoumaru leaned slightly forward at that news, "What did you see?"

"I see black hair stripped with white, small scratch like blue markings on her face and wrists, and an image of the Shikon No Tama surrounded by thorns adorning her forehead."

Sesshoumaru titled his head slightly, "It is as we saw yesterday, the miko is an Inu youkai. Now confirmed as being caused by the Shikon No Tama." Shippo stared at him in shock, "What? But-Why?" Sesshoumaru bared his teeth slightly, "This Sesshoumaru doesn't know kit. But apparently the kami's are somehow granting her wish, of happiness." Shippo jumped up, his teeth bared in frustration, "Why would she be happy as a youkai? Especially sine the Inu are almost extinct?"

Sesshoumaru's eyes flashed red, "Watch yourself kit, or this Sesshoumaru will rip out that tongue. For this Sesshoumaru-Sama is the last Inu." Shippo quickly sat down, "What of the village in the North that was all Inu?" Sesshoumaru sighed, "Killed by miko's that thought to rid this world of youkai, and they were killed by this Sesshoumaru's acid whip." Shippo bowed his head in submission, "I'm sorry Sesshoumaru-Sama, I didn't know." Sesshoumaru leaned back, "It doesn't matterto this Sesshoumaru now, what matters is trying to tell the miko what she is now before her heat arrives in the spring."

"That's only a month away."

Sesshoumaru nodded, "Now let us speak of your training kit, for the miko is under my protection, meaning what is hers now belongs to me. Your training had been lacking what you truly need, thus with you belonging to the miko this Sesshoumaru must step in as the alpha male to ensure you're caught up." Shippo sighed, "As you wish, when do we start?" Sesshoumaru stood up, "Right now, let us head to the dojo where this Sesshoumaru shall test your skills." Shippo stood up a look of resignation upon his face, "Yes, Sesshoumaru-Sama."

Kagome still sat beside Rin in the gardens, letting the young girl mess with her long tresses. A look of thought still upon her face though, knowing that Sesshoumaru had to of wanted to talk to Shippo about something else besides training.

"What do you think Lord Sesshoumaru really wanted to talk with Shippo about?"

Kagome shrugged, "Who knows what our Lord really wanted to talk about. Maybe it's to talk about his parents, after all they were subjects of his, and they're of noble house." Rin shook her head, "Naw, they already had that talk years ago, Lord Sesshoumaru told him when he deems him ready to take up his household will he then give it back to him. Otherwise Lord Sesshoumaru shall still own it." Kagome turned slightly at that bit of information, "I had no clue about that conversation." Rin gave off an impish smile, " Shippo told me and I asked Lord Sesshoumaru and he told me to mind my curiosity." Kagome gave out a startled laugh before becoming back to herself, "I see, well we'll have to ask Shippo when he returns to us what Lord Sesshoumaru really talked to him about."

Giving off a giggle Rin let go of Kagome's hair, before looking off towards her garden, "Yeah he'll have to tell us." Kagome saw the strange look upon her face and quickly grabbed one of her hands, giving it a slight squeeze, "What's the matter Rin?" Rin sighed wistfully, "Nothing Kagome, just a simple wish."

"What wish is that?"

Rin turned and gave her a small smile, "The wish that I could call you mother, like Shippo does." Kagome gave her a smile, her eyes slightly warming up for a little bit before dimming again, "I would very much like it if you did call me that Rin, for I do think of you as a daughter." Rin's face exploded into a huge smile, "Really?" Kagome, nodded as she gave Rin's hand another squeeze, her nails slightly digging in.


Kagome quickly released Rin's hand seeing slight scratches appear upon her hand from Kagome's nails. The marks look like from claw rather than nails.

"I'm so sorry Rin! I didn't mean to squeeze so hard."

Rin quickly shook her head, "It's alright Mother, don't worry about it accidents happen. But I best go get this attended to otherwise Lord Sesshoumaru will see heads roll." With that she quickly departed, but instead of going towards a healer she headed towards Lord Sesshoumaru's study. For she knew something was up, considering Kagome's aura is off and now her scratching her with what felt way to much like claws. Claws that adorn something like a youkai's hand. Kagome watched her depart before looking at her hand. To her it just seemed like an ordinary hand, and her nails seemed to be cropped close. So she had no clue how she had been able to scratch her, "Maybe I did squeeze to hard.. Hhhmmm, like she said though 'accidents happen' I suppose." Giving herself a mental shake she got up and headed towards her rooms knowing she had much to do in order to get ready for their departure.

Rin had arrived at Sesshoumaru's study to find him missing. She though the only other places he could be were the gardens or the dojo. Meaning the dojo, with that she raced through the corridors that led to the dojo. Using her kimono to put pressure against the marks on her hand. Knowing that blood attracts even the most controlled youkai on the brink. Getting closer and closer to the dojo could she feel Shippo's aura spiking at times, and even Sesshoumaru's to a lesser degree. When she got within a hundred yards did the dojo doors open and out stepped Sesshoumaru, his eyes slightly tinged red.

"Who harmed this Sesshoumaru's ward?"

Hearing his voice full of snarl, she quickly ran up to him, showing him the wounds, "It was an accident, my Lord." Fighting for control of himself, he gently grabbed her hand to see that it was claw marks that had caused her wound, "I say once again, who harmed you..." Knowing that death was in his voice she spoke very low, "Lady Kagome..." At the mention of Kagome Shippo stepped up behind Sesshoumaru a little worse for wear, "How?" Sesshoumaru moved slightly to show him Rin's hand.

"It appears, that whatever has hidden her true form is starting to disappear."

Rin shivered slightly at hearing Sesshoumaru's voice gravel a lil-bit with a growl mixed in. Shippo glanced up at Sesshoumaru, "Then she is just like a young pup born. For in the more powerful youkai born, there human aura lasts much longer while their body copes. Gradually the image fades until they reveal their true form." Sesshoumaru gained his composure, "But she is not like a fox though who need more time to stabilize their inner youkai with their magic. For youkai appear within two days as themselves, all ready to fight and their blood beasts under control." Shippo looked at Rin and then at Sesshoumaru, "Do remember she was a miko first, so maybe her body needed to connect her inner youkai more with her miko powers so as to not kill herself."

"If that is so, she will come out of her shell then within the next two weeks. This Sesshoumaru must ponder upon this. Kit practice your exercises for now, and keep an eye on the miko. Rin you must also keep an eye on her but be careful as you're much more fragile, for now go get yourself healed and ready to depart."

With those orders did the children leave him, while he stood there alone wondering how he is once again going to tell the miko what she is.

Part of week had passed quickly, and still Sesshoumaru hadn't told Kagome what she is. Making it even worse considering his generals and himself left his estate for their missions of cleaning out those who challenge his lands and people. While he still pondered on how to tell her though he had the children keep an eye on her, deciding to bring them along with him since they knew her better than anyone else with them.

While they traveled he taught Kagome some basic martial-arts of the Karate forms, wanting to give her some defensive moves. During the stops, they would catch Shippo up on his duties of a youkai of a noble line. During these times the children and Sesshoumaru started gradually noticing a change about her. Her hair started having white strands appear in with black, nails growing very quickly within hours time, her strength gradually increasing, senses heightened, and then her appetite ranging more towards rarer and at times close to be bloody meat. Even some of the demons that traveled in their band of a hundred soldiers were noticing it too. All giving questioning glances to their lord, who would glare at them until they submitted. After several times of this happening did Kagome finally notice, and decided to confront Sesshoumaru about it.

Kagome glanced at the wolf soldier who had quickly glanced from her to Sesshoumaru, knowing that this had to of been at least the eighth time that she knew of doing that. Carefully placing her plate of steak away from her she stood and regarded Sesshoumaru, "My Lord, since were camped for the night, would you mind going on a short walk with me?" Shippo and Rin who had only been sitting a few feet away glanced up at her tone, Shippo especially knowing her temper is on the rise.

Sesshoumaru turned his attention to Kagome after having finished glaring the wolf down, noticing her facial expression he saw it flickering from curiosity to anger. From that look he knew that the talk was probably going to come up this evening, "If you wish." Rising he went towards her offering her his arm, which she graciously took.

They strode away from the campsite, Sesshoumaru not wanting to have any witness to their exchange. Though from Kagaome's expressing he knew he would have to lengthen his strides, her face clearly showed she is about ready to explode. When they were a hundred yards away from camp, Kagome quickly dropped his arm, "What is going on Lord Sesshoumaru? Between you, Shippo, and Rin, you all seem to be walking on pins and needles around me. Then there's the fact that your men along with your General's all keep staring at me! I'm including everyone back at the castle too! And I know for sure that this has nothing to do with my miko powers, but it does involve me! So tell me what is going on, my Lord!"

Sesshoumaru closed his eyes for a moment, opening them he regarded her, "This will take a while miko." Kagome glared back at him, her silence being her response.

"Very well then... According to your kit, a special process came upon you, the process of becoming an Inu Youkai.."

Kagome gave off a look of confusion, not registering what he just said, "Inu Youkai?" Sesshoumaru glanced up at the moon, "Just take me for my word and listen to what this Sesshoumaru tells you."

"The process started right after you made a wish on the Shikon, for two days it took your aura to change, to what we all thought was just hanyou. Though that theory was dismissed, for at the council your powers went out of control and your aura singed with anger, an aura of an Inu Youkai tinged with your very own miko powers. Your image had wavered to were you had midnight black hair stripped with white, crystalline blue eyes that turned into a violet color of anger, your nails lengthened into claws, strips of blue on your face and wrists appeared, and an image of a Shikon No Tama with rose thorns pressed into it on your forehead. As soon as you calmed you went back to normal, though I could clearly feel your aura then. After that I had conferences with Shippo and my generals, all trying to figure out why you still appeared as a human, when you're now a youkai."

Kagome stared at him in confusion, "But why? I didn't wish for that... And if I'm a youkai, why do I still look human?" Sesshoumaru turned his gaze towards her, "Because your body needed two weeks to meld your miko and youkai powers together, that wouldn't kill you either. From the way the image keeps wavering over you, you'll show yourself as youkai by dawn." Kagome shook her head, "You're crazy my Lord. I am not youkai, like I said back in your study I am stronger because of the missing piece of my soul is back. I will never be youkai.." Sesshoumaru grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him, "This Sesshoumaru never lies... Though by dawn all shall be revealed, and when that occurs I will tell you about your new ancestry."

Releasing her, he turned and headed back towards camp. With her calling him a liar had she not knowingly challenged himself, making his beast rise up for a moment, until it had gazed into her eyes and saw their future as a race.

Kagome watched him leave as she rubbed her jaw, her insides were quivering. For it had been a long time since she had been on the wrong side of Sesshoumaru's anger. The last being before they had teamed up as allies to defeat Naraku, and that time had been to also save InuYasha's life. Taking a deep breath she followed after the path that Sesshoumaru had made, not wanting to believe what he said. Though knowingly she knew on the inside to be truth, for she had felt a beast inside her growing, a beast she knew she had never had before in her life.

"We'll have to see what tomorrow brings..." Were her last words spoken that night as a human.

Kagome stared at her hands, the hands once tipped with human nails, now with dagger like claws protruding from the ends. With these hands, she grabbed the ends of her hair, staring in disbelief at the mixture of white and black. By grabbing her hair had she revealed the intricate artwork on her wrists, that appears to span up her arm. Her world spiraled at the knowledge that what Sesshoumaru had said to her is all coming true, "This can't be... I never wished for this... I never wished for this..." Tears poured out of her eyes, as her whole body shook, "This can't be happening!"

Shippo snapped up from were he had been laying at hearing Kagome's whimpering cry, to only stare at her in shock. For the image that had been wavering around her had disappeared, showing what she has become, "Inu-Youkai..." Kagome screamed making Rin snap up from her position, "Mama..."

Sesshoumaru burst into the tent expecting to see an intruder, his right hand glowing green from his Dokatsu, "Kagome..." Knowing what her problem was he gazed down at the children, "This Sesshoumaru wants you, Shippo, to go train with the other soldiers, Rin go make up a pot of warm water." With those curt instructions the children scattered, leaving Sesshoumaru and the whimpering Kagome by their selves.


Kagome raised her head and stared at Sesshoumaru with her crystal blue eyes, tears streaming down her face, "Why? Why would the Shikon turn me into this?" Sesshoumaru walked towards her, his hands held out carefully to his sides. Kagome screamed, "Tell me! Tell me why I am like this, Sesshoumaru!" Sesshoumaru quickly grabbed her hands, afraid she'll use them on herself.

"Let me go! Argh!"

Sesshoumaru wrestled her into he held her securely in his arms, all the while she screamed out in pain and rage. "Someone tell me why, the Shikon would do this? Haven't I done enough, and then to be turned into this!" She screamed out in rage. Sesshoumaru sent out a soothing hum, his beast trying to calm her down. Kagome screamed for a while, until her own beast responded, calming them both down. "Now will you listen?" Sesshoumaru asked. Kagome numbly stared up at him, her face showing streaks of tears upon it.

"Remember what you wished for, 'A wish to give peace and happiness to those who have either helped us in one way or another at collecting the shards and defeating Naraku.' That includes you, and this Sesshoumaru is sure that they saw something in your future, and that by turning into a Youkai shall your very own wish be granted."

Kagome blinked her eyes up at him lazily, "But I never wished for this... For I wanted everyone else to be happy." Golden eyes stared into he blue, "Somewhere inside you, you wished for something and it was granted in a vex way. Know this, this Sesshoumaru will help you adjust to what you're and teach you about the clan you've unknowingly entered now."Kagome stared up at him for a few moments before bowing her head, "As my Lord wishes, so shall it be."

Sesshoumaru grasped her chin and raised her face up, "You're an Inu Youkai a proud breed, one who bows to no other. Remember that miko." Kagome stared at him, her eyes locked on his, "Hai, My Lord." Gently releasing her face, he leaned back, "You will ride by this Sesshoumaru's side, were you will learn about our proud heritage, and we will start you on controlling your claws lengths." Kagome nodded in acceptance, for now that she thought about it she remember the incident were she had thought she had scratched Rin, turns out she had actually clawed her. Sesshoumaru released and stood, "Be prepared, this Sesshoumaru leaves in an hours time." Kagome once again nodded as she walked out of her tent, and soon after Rin came back in with a pot of tea.

"Rin has thought this might make you a lot more calmer than Sesshoumaru-Sama's word. At times he can be a bit blunt."

Kagome looked at her and gave a slight chuckle, "Remember Rin, you're supposed to say 'I had thought...' Remember no more speaking in the third person." Rin blushed slightly as she sat down next to her, handing her a cup of tea, "Hai, Kaa-san."

"So what did Lord Sesshoumaru say?"

Kagome stared up at the tent's canvas ceiling, "He will teach me what is means to be an Inu-Youkai and how to use my powers..." Rin saw the agonized look appear on her mother's face a the fact that this isn't a dream as she wish it would be, "Don't worry Mother, Shippo and I will be there for you. For we love you." That made Kagome give off a real smile for a moment, "As I love you both too. Now let's get everything that we can packed up, for we still have to eat before we leave."

Within a few hours of time Kagome was already getting frustrated in her "training" of how to control her claws. It seemed more like torture in her opinion. The hardest part in her opinion is after extending them to there full length, and then having to sheath them like a cat does with her claws. Growling in anger Kagome snapped, "This is a waste! I am not a damn cat! Cat's do this not dogs!" Sesshoumaru raised a brow at her temper, "Calm yourself, otherwise you're asking for your beast to rise up. You're new and haven't learned to control that aspect of yourself."

Raising her hand up towards him, "Then tell me a better way to sheath these things!" Sesshoumaru growled, "Watch your mouth onna, otherwise this Sesshoumaru might have to take action." The children and the soldiers stayed way back away from them, not wanting to be near a new demoness with a raging temper, and their lord who is having to show his alpha status.

"I'll watch my mouth when you teach me properly... Sesshoumaru-Sama."

Baring his teeth slightly, he extended his hand towards her, "Watch carefully. When you're trying to draw them in, think of it as having to bringing to check your miko powers, for in essence it is a body part but it is also a power." Muttering under her breath, Kagome tried to do as he said, and came up with the same result, they stayed at five inches long instead of the one she wanted it at. Her eyes shifted to violet before returning to her blue, "Are you sure you know how to teach properly?" That was the last straw for Sesshoumaru, jumping off his horse, he quickly grasped her around the waist and headed off into the forest. Where he pushed her against a tree, his eyes were tinged with red, "You dare question this Sesshoumaru!"

Kagome bared her teeth, "No I question your teaching style!" Sesshoumaru pushed her harder against the tree until the bark is digging into her back, "Never question your alpha again!" Grimacing a little she lowered her head, "Hai Sesshoumaru-Sama." Smelling the remorse wavering around her he gently released her, "Now watch one more time onna." Raising his hand in front of her face, he showed her that when he brings his claws in a little bit of his aura surrounded them to suck them back into his hand. Titling her head she raised her own hand and tried, this time she succeeded after having to try this for over two hours.

"I did!"

Sesshoumaru's eye returned to their normal amber gleam as her eyes sparkled with warmth for a few moments in her triumph. Turning her gaze up to him for a moment, she bowed, "Domo arigatou Sesshoumaru-Sama." Sesshoumaru gently raised her face up towards him, "There is no need to thank this Sesshoumaru, just remember our lesson for today." A puzzled expression appeared on her face, "That's all were learning today?" Nodding his head he looked at the direction they had come from, "Indeed it is, I didn't want you to harm Rin with your claws. Tomorrow we start the history lesson, and from there we shall then go into yours powers."

"But, what about the beast inside me?"

Sesshoumaru glanced her way, "That you will be learning to control everyday until your first year.." Kagome stared at him, "Why until my first year?"

"That is because you must get used to all of your senses and how to control them. Along with your miko powers and the powers that your beast bestows upon you."

"Give me an example."

Sesshoumaru regarded her for a moment before turning and kicking a tree down, "You must learn to control your strength, speed, dexterity, and so much more." Kagome practically fell towards the ground, "I barely learned how to control my miko powers six months ago, and now this..." Sesshoumaru quickly pulled her up, his arm around her waist, "Do not worry for you have this Sesshoumaru to be there through everything with you."

"Thank you, my Lord."

Sesshoumaru glanced up at the sky, knowing he would have to tell of her heat. For now he just wanted to get through their history and the small things she needs to learn to control her beast. To try and help her accept who she is, and what she will be for the rest of her life. Wiith a whisper, "No it is this Sesshoumaru who thanks you..." Kagome glanced up at him not knowing if she heard him speak or it's her thinking to much, with a shrug she detached herself from him and headed back towards the others. Sesshoumaru watched her for a moment before following after her knowing that the time to tell her is ever creeping up on him.