A/N: My third Lily/James story! The idea sadly enough struck me while I was swimming in my pool. I am completely obsessed with chibi people! Scary I know. Well enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot.

Chapter 1

"This is absolutely brilliant padfoot!" James Potter exclaimed looking at their newly made masterpiece.

"I know" Sirius Black said with a smirk.

Their masterpiece was of course a potion. But it wasn't any potion; it was the potion that would bring complete chaos on the Slytherins, mainly Snape.

"Shouldn't we test it first" Remus Lupin said worriedly. "What if something goes wrong?"

"Even better Moony" Sirius said with a grin. "But if it makes you feel better, we can test it on Wormtail here".

At this suggestion Peter looked frightened and started backing away.

James laughed. "Don't worry Wormtail; I won't let the big bad Padfoot get you".

"Thanks?" Peter said uncertainly.

Remus looked at the clock. "Well if we're done here we'd better head down to dinner."

"Yeah I'm starving" Sirius said bouncing towards the general direction of the door but misjudged and ended up crashing into the doorframe.

"You're always hungry Padfoot" James remarked dryly stepping over him.

"Well you could at least help me up" Sirius said from the floor pouting.

"What if no one wanted to" Remus said with a devious smirk.

"Hey! If you must know, everyone loves me."

"Everyone except us" James said sidestepping a punch that was aimed at him.

"You guys wound me" Sirius said dramatically pretending to wipe away a tear.

"If you children are done being immature lets go. I'm getting hungry" Remus said amused.

"Well adults are overrated anyway" James said.

The Marauders went down to dinner in high spirits thinking of their prank that would be carried out the next day. Upon arriving at the Gryffindor table, they sat in their corner and talked quietly among themselves.

"They're planning something" Lily said to her best friend Arabella suspiciously. "For once they're making an effort to keep their voices at a normal level. That's something to be afraid of. The heartless bastards are probably planning to prank the poor Slytherins again."

"Oh come on Lily" jumped in her other friend Sapphire. "You know you love those pranks."

"No!" Lily said scowling. "They're stupid and childish and a big waste of time."

"Don't be such a spoil sport" Arabella said playfully. "I see you smile every time one of those pranks is played."

"Well they might just be a little amusing" Lily admitted.

"Admitting is the first step to accepting" Sapphire said joyfully swinging an arm over Lily's shoulders. "Now let's forget about the Marauders and enjoy our dinner now shall we?"

Meanwhile our favorite characters were putting the final touches on their prank.

"How are we going to get the potion in their goblets?" Peter asked confused.

Remus sighed annoyed. "We already answered this question Peter" he said patiently. "The house elves are going to help us.

"Oh" Peter said. "I get it."

"Finally" Sirius muttered under his breath.

"Now should we do a test run first?" James asked.

"I guess if we have to we could do one on Snivellus and give him a double dose. I can just imagine his face when he could o nothing but walk upside down" Sirius said gleefully.

Remus chuckled. "Alright then, we'll test it on him tomorrow after lunch. Now come on, the Great Hall is almost empty."

They all went to bed that night with sweet dreams of the chaos that tomorrow would bring.

James woke up that morning to the birds chirping outside. Casually he stretched and put his glasses on bringing the world into focus. Opening the bed hangings, he spotted Remus sitting on his bed reading a book. Catching his eye James nodded towards Sirius who was still fast asleep. Remus smirked and picked up his wand off the table.

"On three" James whispered. "one…two…three!"

James and Remus pointed their wands at Sirius sending frigid water at him from two directions. Sirius immediately shot up out of bed sputtering only to find James and Remus rolling on the floor in hysterics.

"Oh you think that's funny now do you?" Sirius growled. Then he grinned and pounced on them. The end was a tangled heap of arms and legs on the floor.

"Ow" Remus groaned. "Padfoot get your elbow out of my stomach!"

"Oops sorry Moony" Sirius said not sounding sorry at all. "It serves you right for drenching me so early in the morning!"

"Be happy that we didn't banish you into the lake" James grunted shoving both Sirius and Remus off him.

"Now I'm going to go take a shower" Remus said.

"You do that" Sirius said still grumpy.

Around eight, Sirius, Remus, and James finally managed to make it down to breakfast. They had been completely unsuccessful in waking Peter even though they had tried everything from water to yelling in his ear. After about ten minutes they gave up and decided to leave without him.

"Today is the big day" Sirius said cheerfully.

"Why?" A voice said from behind. " I wasn't aware that there was anything special today."

They whirled around to see Lily and her two friends.

"Hi Lily!" Potter said lighting up.

Lily ignored him and regarded them coolly. "You know, it is my job as a prefect to stop anything against the rules don't you?" she said looking pointedly at Remus making him uncomfortable.

"Oh I assure you Lily flower that it isn't anything out of the ordinary" Sirius said mischievously.

"That's what I'm afraid of" Lily muttered watching them walk away.

"How bad could it be?" Arabella said.

"Knowing the Marauders very bad" Sapphire remarked.

"Sapphire! You're not helping!"

"Oops?" she said shrugging her shoulders. "Well don't stew over it Lily. You know that they'll go through with the prank anyway."

"I know" Lily muttered. "Anyway forget about them lets go to breakfast."

Breakfast passed quickly as well as the morning classes and no sign of a prank. Finally lunch came around.

Lily glanced over at the corner and sure enough, the Marauders were there looking excited and James wasn't present. However lunch ended peacefully.

As soon as lunch ended the two boys minus Peter (he had toask Professor Sinistra a question)sprinted up to the dormitories excited on doing a test run on Snape. Sirius had just added a drop of the potion into a bottle of butterbeer to give to Snape when the door burst open and James came in.

"Hey Prongs where were you?"

"I wasn't really hungry so I went out to fly for a bit. Hey is that butterbeer?" James said spotting the bottle.

"Yeah its for…" Remus started but was cut off.

"Oh good I'm famished" James said picking up the bottle.

Sirius looked horrified. "Wait Prongs…"

But it was too late. James had already downed the bottle. For a few seconds nothing had happened and Sirius and Remus thought that the potion didn't work; but then they watched in horror as James started to shrink.

When he finally stopped, they saw a boy about three and a half feet tall.

"Hello" said the mini-James brightly. "My name is James Potter and I'm five years old."

Remus nearly fainted. "Sirius! What did you do! The potion wasn't supposed to do that!"

"I know!" Sirius said also panicking. "Hold on I'll check the book."

In his haste to grab the book off the table Sirius sent a lamp crashing to the floor.

"What was that noise up there?" came Lily's voice from below.

This sent Sirius and Remus into another fit of panic.

"We can't let her find out!" Sirius hissed. "Find a hiding place!"

Remus just managed to shove James behind him when the door opened and Lily walked in. "What's going on here?" she asked instantly suspicious when she saw the panic written all over their faces.

"Um nothing, nothing. Why would we do anything?" Remus said innocently.

"Exactly" Sirius conformed. "So you could leave now." He walked towards her intent on ushering her out the door.

"Wait, what are you hiding?" Lily asked trying to look around Sirius' large frame.

Then a little boy no older then five with large hazel eyes and messy black hair popped out from behind Remus.

"Hi! My name is James Potter. What's yours?" he asked innocently.

A/N: How do you like the ending? Doesn't James sound so cute! What do you think Lily's reaction will be? Don't forget to drop a review!